Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing (My Kitsune p2) ❯ Knowing ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Knowing 8 (Reikai)

George the Oni led James, another Oni from the Hong
Kong /Kowloon Confirmation and Pre-processing Division
to their boss Koenma because he had found an anomaly
that involved two very important class S demons in the
Human world.

James carried the file, it was after all his report.
George noted how this James was almost always looking
at his watch, or fiddling with his palm pilot and now
right before entering Koenma's office he's talking to
someone on his mobile phone.

He sighed "Finish your phone call before we go in
Koenma hates it when we do that in front of him."

"Yes sir." James said "Just a second, I need to send
a number." He said as he fiddled with his hand held,
the all important file tucked under his arm. George
waited, the Oni is dressed in yellow and black leopard
spotted tie and a matching loin cloth, it clashed with
his greenish skin tone. He's got thick horned rimmed
glasses that made his eyes look 4 times bigger than

"Okay sir, I'm done." he said to George "Hey thanks
Sam, I owe you man. See you at the meeting." he said
as he put the phone off and attached it to his
loincloth belt.

George looked at the ceiling and sighed, these Oni
from other divisions are so strange. He opened the
door and saw the diminuitive deity on his desk
stamping papers as he popped wasabe mixed nuts and
drank a can of pop. How he manages despite the
pacifier is always a wonder to him.

Well at least he's working, there's an immense pile
of papers to one side of him and several Oni with more
in their arms.

Wait a minuite, Koenma is cramming...

"Koenma sama? Is Enma Sama coming home?"

"George! Where have you been I need you to take these
papers down to Processing and Pre-reincarnation,
here's a list of files I need you to fetch while your
at it and you better hurry because my dad will be home
in 3 days!!" He shouted and resumed stamping.

"Uh-oh so it's true then." James muttered behind him.

"Uh-oh indeed, I need to get rid of this back log.
Oooooh I hate paper work!" Koenma pouted and popped an
anchovy munching as he began stamping again.

"Koenma sama, James here is from the HK/K Division
he's got something here that concerns Kurama and Hiei.
Kurama killed a human."

"WHAT!!!!!" Koenma screamed paper flew Onis stepped
back blinking, partially stunned and files toppled to
the floor. George used to such screaming outburst had
covered his ears and escaped relatively unharmed.

"James? Your report." he looked at the Oni behind him
who was swaying unsteadily "James!" he shook him.

"W-what? Lunch time?" he asked.

"No report time, your in Koenma's office."

" Huh? Oh!" he cried and went forward to present his
folder to Koenma. "Sir! I recieved the soul of Lee Ong
Po a fisherman from HK said soul was not accompanied
by a death report, he was very confused he had no idea
how he died. So I thought he was in an accident and is
comatose with his body still alive somewhere. So I
sent him to the waiting rooms of pre-processing he led
a good life but the method of his death is unknown.
Later that day I recieved his death report."

Koenma dropped the folder on his desk and put his
head in his hands "But that can't be. Kurama would
never do such a thing. He promised me and... what is
that sound?"

"Proof sir that it was self-defense that prompted the
act." James said, I had Sam from near/aborted death
files fax a file to your office.

"Fax? I have a fax machine? Where is it? Find it and
get that report!" he shouted, Oni bustled around
listening for the fax machine buried under tons of

"What did Kurama do sir?"

"The human died of asphyxiation and cardio avulsion."
James supplied helpfully. Koenma spread the file out
on his already messy desk. The Onis still running
around looking for the now silent fax machine.

"Cardio... his heart got torn out?" Geroge asked

"He grasped the human on his face and tore through
his chest cavity with one hand," The greenish Oni
said miming the actions "He wrapped his hand around
the still beating heart then he tore the human's
throat out with his teeth while he crushed the heart
like a bunch of grapes pulling it out at the same
time." James snickerd "Grapes of wrath." (snicker)

George turned bluer at the image it conjured in his
head. Koenma shuddered giving the snickering Oni a
worried glance "What could have happened? Kurama
solemly promised me he won't kill anyone, unless
unduly provoked."

"Found it sir!" A brick red Oni ran up to Koenma with
a piece of paper.

"What does it say sir?" George asked and about a
dozen Oni tried to look over Koenma's shoulder all at

"Get off my shoulder and I'll read it aloud!" Koenma
huffed and the troop of Oni backed away. He looked at
the Report of Death paper and almost dropped it. It
was Hiei's

The file printed backwards from the person's moment
of death to include his entire life, this file
contained only a few minuites of history from the
underlined and red written method of death. A big
green stamp over it said cancelled.

"Hiei was impaled by a fishing harpoon nicking a
major vein. He almost died of blood loss and
suffocation," he dropped the paper on his lap "His
last sight is that of Youko Kurama tearing at a human
body, he scorched the mess the Youko made from the
ground to leave no evidence of the act for humans to

"I believe sir that Kurama is defending his uhm...
partner." James said.

"How'd something get that close to Hiei in the first
place? He's sensitive to these things." George asked

"Look at Hiei's file sir it says there the Youko
screamed out a name 'Yoshira' before he went out to
destroy that human, I called a friend over at The
USWest coast division to confirm the identity of this
Yoshira demon."

"Why did you call all the way to the USWest
division?" Don't we have a bestiary here ?" Koenma

"Weelll sir, the bestiary here is outdated and
incomplete, Tom the department head assistant is a
master in the game Enma's Dungeon, and he's got a
comprehensive up to date bestiary of the 3 worlds.
We'll I only figured out the Hiei angle last night and
I called Tom early this morning, he said he'll call me
with the details as soon as he can. Within the hour I

"Enma's Dungeon?" Koenma asked.

"Yes sir it's a game some of us play after hours." he
pulled his phone out "May I check my calls sir? I'm
expecting him to report in, I told him I was going to
report to you this morning because we heard Enma Daiou
is coming home."

"Sure go ahead."

"Oh! He was calling me, good."

"Put him up on the view screen."

"Yes sir!" George replied.

"Hey Jimmy guess whose here! Guess who's in the
eastboard!!" The Oni who answered shouted at them, his
huge orange face filling the screen purple hair
covered everything else.

"Uh, later Tom, Koenma wants to know about Yoshira."

"Huh?" he peered around in the screen "Eeeyah! Koenma
Sama! Good Morning sir!"

"What do you have on this Yoshira?"

"Well sir." They saw him slide away from his screen
on a modern office chair, he pulled out a keyboard
from his desk and began typing. The screen they were
viewing divided itself and the other half showed the
picture of a woman in a long flowing blue robe. She
was tall and graceful with black hair in a long braid
wrapped around her waist. She held a bow and an arrow
and had a quiver slung across her back along with a
pair of javelins their black iron heads jutting out
over her shoulders.

From behind, Koenma heard an Oni say "Wow, their
office is so modern, notice the absence of papers..."

He glared at the screen, whoever said that was right.
He had wanted to introduce reforms but he didn't want
to act without his father's approval and he never got
around to proposing the improvements he wanted because
his father was always too busy, like he was.

"This is Yoshira a class A huntress, she's basically
a ranged fighter with 1300 hitpoints and an attack
power of 1000 or so per javelin landed and 300 - 500
per arrow, she employs poisons that either stuns of
paralyzes her target and her psychic abilities is
basically a trackers intuition.

"Her special attack is the seeker arrow which can
find it's target no matter what the target tries to do
to evade it. For shorter range she uses her javelins
which are deadlier, she can throw them with such force
it impales opponents and sometimes pierces them right

Stealth is one of her skills enabling her to sneak up
on her unsuspecting target. Her tracking intuition is
phenomenal, she always finds her target and never
misses. But her hitpoints are low so if you land a
solid blow on her with a melee fighter or an area of
effect attack or a shrouded trap you'll get her easy.

"Her history is unknown no one knows where she came
from and rumor has it she's ancient but just dosen't
look like it. Presently she's under the employ of Yomi
as one of his lieutenants."

"Wow I'm impressed. Frankly I've never heard of
Yoshira, could she be the one who... but how? Kurama
killed a human fisherman." Koenma said as he turned
around to face James.

"Tom anything else? See Kurama-sama and Hiei-sama is
in danger-"

"What!!" Tom shouted at them all "What happened?"

"Hiei sama was harpooned and almost died, Kurama sama
went Youko and killed the perpetrator but it dosen't
make sense, because the one who hurt them is human and
he should not have been able to sneak up on them like
that and impale both of them to a tree."

"Impaled to a tree?" the orange face turned pasty.

"Yes but thanks to Kurama-sama, his wisdom when it
comes to healing is phenomenal, we have Hiei-sama's
death papers sent to aborted death files."

"He went Youko?" Tom's huge brown eyes began to water
as his monster lips began to quiver "What a sweet
couple." he said and began sniffling. "The feral Youko
defending his mate." then he belted out a "Wahhhh!!!"
that echoed in Koenma's office as he ducked away from
the screen. James sweat dropped. Koenma's small eyes
got beadier, honestly his Onis are such gossips.

"Uh, Tom?" James asked

"Wait a minuit!" he said his big orange face back on
the screen his eyes though teary eyed was deep in
thought "I remember something from the... but that
can't be... sir let me investigate something first,
I've read something about a certain hunter a male
hunter with the same abilities ..." He dissapeared
from the screen. Yoshira's half of the screen still
showing her in 3 dimensional relief turning her around
as arrows pointed out little facts about her.

"Man? Wait, Yoshira is a woman." Koenma protested

A massive book came into view almost as big as the
Orange Oni of USWest. He crawled down on it's page and
began thumbing the pages.

"That book, isn't that my father's ancient bestiary
of the three worlds?" Koenma said as he peered into
the screen.

"Oh no sir this is an excact copy of Enma Daiou's
Bestial Arcanna, the original is still in his library.
This one has been revised and written all over by...
uhm... researchers over the past millenia. I've
revised some entries myself and added some... hmmm,
here," he paused kneeling on the page. "O shit."

"What!" Koenma shouted trying to read the tiny tiny
letters on the giant book.

"Aishiro, spirit demon, Former last of the unicorn
beasts (see above for details). Expert tracker, known
for his seeker arrows. He and Youko Kurama we're
former partners and some say lovers. When he died in
the hands of slave traders his spirit was in such a
rage it wouldn't rest and possessed demon after demon.

"Famous former incarnations are Harusame the Youko
hunter (see Harusame Master Youko Hunter) who helped
Shobuken (see Two-sword Shobuken) destroy the great
northern territories of the youko (see illust p 11432
a) and Hakui (see Hakui the Whitemist hunter) who
guarded the helm of the demon lord Aku (see Aku the
Ugly). Hakui is accredited for the near death of the
master thief Youko Kurama."

Thanks to everyone who's reviewed me so far ^^ , your words encourage me to strive for excellence while pursuing this hobby. I think I will always be a sucky speller though (lol), so please excuse my stupid fingers when you do see the mispellings. Once again thank you for encouraging my efforts, and for taking the time to write me.
Nyx Jr.