Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing (My Kitsune p2) ❯ Knowing ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Knowing chp 7 (enroute HK-NYC)
by : Baby Nyx

All along this path I tread
My heart betrays my weary head
With nothing but my love to save
From the cradle to the grave.

-Eric Clapton : From the cradle to the grave.

This is hell, sweet torment, he's several inches from
me, I can feel the heat emanating from his body, I can
smell his unique musk despite that stuff you slathered
on him, I can almost taste his skin, and I can't touch
him, not here on the plane... the guy at the other end
of our row might see. Gods I'm in hell, I want nothing
more than to touch him, to hold him to me, to have him
here, now...

Where is your vaunted patience you old hentai...?

I can't get enough of him! You've kissed his lips,
you've tasted his skin, you know what I mean! And I
can't help but feel guilty for what I've done to Hiei.
I'm glad he fainted before I was able to do worse.
Gods, the raging need I had then! But there see? The
evidence of my patience, I did not take advantage of

... stand down Youko. My body, my turn ...

I'm reminiscing and fighting a battle of wills in the
first class section of the plane, Hiei is right beside
me looking out on the wide blue oceans. I can feel the
Youko in me backing out, which is good, if he had his
way I will end up rushing Hiei again. He's such a
creature of the flesh, he even suggested the tiny
washroom. I can only shake my head and be glad we made
a pact with each other.

Hiei isn't angry at me, he's being patient, so when
he bought himself a bag of 24 pieces Reese's cups at
the airport duty free I couldn't say anything.

Well we all need a treat every now and then ne?

But that old demon is right, I long to hold him, I
crave his burning touch. What I did last night when
the Youko gave himself up is still fresh in my mind.

Hiei was out like a light, I think it's from the
blood lost and orgasmic aftermath, but he was alright.
He was draped on the ornate victorian seats of the
dining table legs splayed out, head fallen to one
side, arms dangling besides the chair legs. I was in
my human form and I needed relief. I stood before him
took a couple of steps back and began stroking myself.
It didn't take long for me to reach my height, just
looking at the smile on his bruised lips, his slack
sated form and the red spots on his nipples where I
sucked too hard, made me realize how much he owns me.
I'd do anything for him. Anything.

That feeling of being owned by the one I love pushed
me over the edge and I came in great white waves, my
knees buckled. I blinked to find myself on the floor
gasping, on my hands and knees. I bent to lick my
spendings off my hand, off the rug. "Hiei." all the
way to his feet "Hiei." and the spots of pearl that
reached him. "Hiei." I cleaned him with my tounge.

The old hentai didn't even leave me a taste of him.

Hiei didn't want to wash up the next morning, he
liked my smell on him.

He's besides me on the window side of the plane. I
chose the very back seats in the first class section
so we won't have to worry about the other passengers.
He'll get tired of watching the endless tracks of
ocean soon, 18 hours on a non stop flight... he will
be bored.

He was right about it being cold in Hong Kong, I did
as he told me back then and changed my shirt after
drying my hair a second time. It was pointless because
he surrounded me with his warmth anyway, he's just the
sweetest ne?

We got to the airport on time and on the plane
without much trouble.

I think I'll need a laptop, I find the internet so
cool. My travel agent told me we can contact her on
the internet and she can show us pictures of the
places we are going to, with the prices applicable and
the choices of accomodations. That'll set me back a
thousand or so dollars but it will be worth it.

The flight wore on, Hiei got tired of the sea and
clouds and began walking around the cabin, he nodded
politely to the few people here with us. We had lunch,
a snack, supper, another snack, and midnight dinner in
that order. We watched discovery channel on the little
screens attached to the head rests of the seats in
front of us, blankets to our chins, chairs reclined to
maximum, feet on foot rest provided on the seat before
us. We murmured softly lights dimmed because some of
the passengers are already asleep.

His face was a study in concentration, looking at the
animals of the African savannah. I told him the names
of the animals softly in English and he reapeated them
after me. He's really determined to learn this

"If you want love, we can go to Africa after New
York." I offered.

"Is that what you want?" he asked

"I had planned on going to Europe but we can arrange
bank matters on line or over the phone so, I actually
have no plans after New York. South Africa has this
great resort that'll be perfect after a white

"I can't imagine how big an african bull elephant is.
I want to see one."

"Okay, African Safari it is."

He smiled and his eyes misted his thoughts far away.

"Penny for your thoughts?"


"What are you thinking about?" I asked

He looked at me with those serious rubies set in the
largest pearls I have ever seen. And what he said made
me teary eyed "You make me happy Kurama. What can I do
to make you happy?" I smiled and looked over at our
row mate

"You make me happy as you are my love." I took his
hand and pressed it to my lips. Our row mate is
asleep, I can actually touch Hiei now. I smiled at him
letting him know how I feel inside "Your my joy." I

"I still feel like I owe you." he grumbled and looked
out at the blackness beyond his window. "As I
understand, we are going to New York to sell the
diamonds right?"

"Aa, and to spend Christmas there if possible. Two
weeks or so to see New York and do our business."

"How have you been paying for our fare and lodgings?"
he asked looking back at me.

I cringed he sounded... cold. "I paid for our fare
out of Japan, and you paid for the hotel in Hong Kong,
you used your card remember?"

"And this flight?" he asked.

Uh-oh... "I paid for it."

"Kurama!" he said voice low but definitely miffed. He
looked away from me then and I saw him reign in one of
his classic temper flashes.

"Gomen Hiei-" he cut the air between us with his open
palm silencing me.

"Kurama the pouch with the diamonds, where is it?"

"It's around my neck, why?"

"It's yours, you wish to take care of me, fine."

"Hiei, I didn't-"

"I'm not angry fool, just embarrased. Don't worry
there's more where that came from. This way I won't
have to worry about paying faster than you can."

"I didn't mean to embarrass you Hiei, I'm so sorry."
I said, mortified that I have done something like
that. And now he's giving me all of it?! Gods!
"Please, please Hiei it's too much, I can't accept
your offer."

"So you insult me by rejecting it?" He said.

Oh no... no, no, no, no, our first quarrel? And it's
about money? Oh no, Pleasepleaseplease no.

"No! Gods, Hiei-" I pleaded.

He frowned and covered my lips with a finger he ran
his other hand through my hair grabbing a forelock he
said in a soft tone "Kurama, a husband gives his
earnings to his wife and the wife is expected to take
care of the husbands needs. I know it's a bit forward
of me but, Kurama, will you take those diamonds and
care for me?"

My jaw dropped.

I must have stared at him like a stupid fish because
he blushed and let me go "You seem happy taking care
of me..." he added after a while.

Was that a proposal?

I was too... shocked? Flabbergasted? Stunned? Inari!
I can't even think straight!

Why is he giving me that look? He looks hurt?
Dissapointed? I instinctively pulled him carefully
into my arms before I even tried to replay our
conversation. No... he thinks I'm rejecting his
proposal. It's a proposal?

"Oh Hiei." I whispered, without me asking he gave me
that which I craved most. I wanted nothing more than
to care for him, love him, and spoil him to pieces!
And Since he put the money issue that way... I
chuckled and kissed his ear "I love you so much, thank
you for letting me take care of you, I accept your

I felt him sigh with relief, and now I'm glad that
the next person on our row is fast asleep by the
opposite window, because he pushed me away and gave me
a heartfelt kiss, his satin lips caressed mine gently,
without pressure.

He's just like his paternal ancestors, he loves to
kiss and embrace. To share the warmth he is constantly
enveloped with recently.

When our lips parted it was slow and every
millimeter of it was sweet and sent an aching signal
all the way to my groin, his breath smelled of peanut
butter and chocolate as it washed over my still eager
lips. He nodded then, took my hand and leaned back
into his seat.

Hiei called me his wife!

Of course it's an insult but I really don't care! He
wasn't insulting me when he said that, he was merely
illustrating a point. We are partners and he wants me
to take care of his needs.

I sat back a big stupid grin on my face. I swear if I
grinned any wider my face will split.

He gave me 26 pieces of Koorime Tear gems. I
estimated their worth at around 2.5 million US
Dollars. Is that suppose to be my engagement ring?

Oh God I'm so happy! Something must be wrong, I can't
be this happy, I don't deserve to be this happy. Did I
die and had gone to heaven without my knowing? No I'm
sure I won't go to heaven, I'm a murderer, a thief, a
traitor, an adulterer, Yomi's he-bitch....

Damn Shuiichi, bring the storm clouds in please, cue
the thunder...

I sighed, can I actually dream of marrying the man I
love? Didn't I just forfeit that right almost a month

Whose stupid fault was it in the first place?

What are you doing here?

Silence... he's gone. Why is he so near my thoughts
recently? Why isn't he leaving me alone?And why did he
have to push my face into it again? I want to cry...



I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself. I brought
his hand to my lips and gave him a lingering kiss on
the back of his hand, I pushed at my clouds, trying to
put them back into their jar... useless...

"Hiei, about this scent." His fingers were laced with
mine, palm to palm the tips of his fingers reached my
third knuckle, just an inch shorter. He tightened his
grip and covered the back of my hand with his other
one enclosing me in warmth, he nodded then looked
outside at the darkness beyond his window, the dim
lights of the cabin interior reflected his passive
face on that mirror.

I took a deep breath and looked at his pale delicate
hands enclosing mine "What your smelling on me is
Yomi's psychic residue, I am one of his most trusted
leiutenents and I worked tirelessly to rid his land of
brigands and bands of demons that won't swear
allegiance to him. I also helped train a group of
class A demons and trained with the other class S
demons under his command. One of them is Yoshira who
is almost a class S herself.

I suspected Yoshira was someone I knew from the past,
but I did not have concrete evidence other than the
similarity of skills and weapon of choice. In truth I
have killed her three times already.

"What can you tell me about her? Does she have any
weakness?" he asked me softly his face reflected on
the dark window was listening intently.

"Now that she, or he is free I'm not sure. I know
Yoshira's physical weakness but since that body is
gone that knowledge is pointless." I told Hiei about
what I learned from the Youko about that spirit demons
previous incarnations and involvement with me. How I
wish I'd listen to my instincts.

"Ch, I wasn't able to observe it well either, I stand
a better chance of discerning it's make and prescence
better than you. But that... thing is connected to you
somehow." I can see in his eyes that he wished we had
stayed in Hong Kong and waited for that spirit to
attack again "If that creature does decide to come
after us again, I will take a better look and find a
way to destroy it. I won't forget that youki." He
said glumly clearly annoyed by the fact that he wasn't
able to observe our attacker. I also noted the fact
that he's holding a deep grudge against her. He
squeezed my hand "Go on."

"I thought back then that she's merely jealous of my
affair with Yomi. It would have been honorable at
least if I felt anything for Yomi, but I didn't, I did
not love him, I cared nothing for him. I just cared
that he took me to bed with him."

His lips went into a hard line.

"I let him have me because I'm lonely and he honestly
wanted me. It's a pathetic excuse I know and Yomi
is... a sadist, he's very possesive. He wants to own
me, heart mind body and soul and does his best to
invade every aspect of my being. He would chain me to
a pillar to put things into me or hang me spread
eagled over his bed like a canopy so I'll be the first
thing he senses when he wakes.

I decided to stop describing the things Yomi did to
me because Hiei had squeezed my hands tight and his
eyes darkened.

Then it dawned on me how Hiei could be so hurt by
this he'd actually leave me. I noticed how he's the
jealous type... my wildest fear might come true. My
voice shook as I continued

"I stumbled upon one of Yomi's plans, it involves the
take over of a cruicial part of Yusuke's territory, it
would upset the balance and cause war among the three
kingdoms so I decided to stop it. Yoshira got wind of
my plans and she decided to tell Yomi to win his
favor. We had a confrontation, I bluffed her and to
quell Yomi's suspicions I let him have me one last
time before I destroyed his plans and left him for

"Yomi was suspicious, he... was hard on me... he took
me with such force I was barely able to move the next
day, he also did something I never thought he had the
power to do. He ravaged my mind.

I looked at the window and saw Hiei looking intently
at me his brows a thunderhead of anger but his hands
on mine was close and reassuring, I plowed on with my

"He searched my memories, wheedling out my past, my
memories we're passing before my eyes like I was
dying, I was horrified, because he... I felt more
naked than I have ever been in my entire life, he
stripped my soul bare I fought with all my might and
right before he saw my plans for him and his ambitions
the Youko's strength and will took over and shook his
hold on me.

"I was free of the psychic rape but it had it's
desired effect. Yomi could track me and trace me
anywhere in his kingdom in my human form, so I had to
revise my plans. That morning when I woke up I had to
eat one of my herbs to lessen the pain I was in, I
unshackled myself from the bed and poisoned Yomi with
a slow acting mold that will gradually rot his lungs
and extremities, and asphyxiate him in time. It's slow
enough so that he won't realize I gave it to him, he
has a decade before signs will appear and as his lung
capacity diminishes his power will fade.

"Only I have the cure.

"I left his kingdom to do his bidding but I never
came back, Yoshira who was ever vigilant of my
whereabouts followed me and hunted me down. She is an
excellent tracker and hunter, she almost killed me
with her poisoned seeker arrows. I managed to trap her
in the deception plant but I guess that earthquake in
the Makai destroyed the caves I trapped her in and she
died realeasing that spirit.

"Yomi won't know he's infected for another 10 years,
but by then it will be too late. Depending on his
health he has about 10 years of slow death to look
forward too. But he will seek me out. I didn't want
you to join me because I planned on dissapearing. I'm
sorry for all those words I said to you Hiei, I'm
sorry for the way I treated you." He waved his hand
and shook his head in the negative.

"Never mind I saw through it."

"You still have a choice Hiei, it's me they want, if
you leave-"

"Never, besides it's too late, they've seen me with
you." he closed his eyes and bowed.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you..."

"I understand why you were reluctant to tell me
that." he smirked "If you didn't tell me you poisoned
Yomi and he's going to die a slow, painful, helpless
death, I would have gone there and risked my life to
destroy him myself. I like the way you think." he said
shifting into the steel clad Hiei I knew a long time

This means there are issues which touched him so
deeply he's pushing them away.

"Your... not leaving me?" I asked because that was
foremost in my concerns. Like I said, I'll be in
living hell without Hiei after that tantalizing taste
he gave of what it's like to be his.

"No, why should I? You need me." he looked at me from
the window's reflection.

I lowered my head. "I can survive Hiei, you don't
have too."

"And now your driving me away?" he asked voice soft
but he is frowning at my reflection.

I bent towards him across our seats and nuzzled the
back of his neck "I love you so much I'd rather die
than see you harmed, when I saw that spear pierce you
I went mad. I can't live without you, it's tearing me
apart Hiei." my voice hitched on the last part.

"Kurama, when you made love to me... you made me
yours, I knew it in my heart and soul. I can't leave
you simply because I can't. My body will crave you, my
mind will always bend towards your direction to see if
your warm or if your feeling bad, and if your not
there... I'll feel incomplete.

"And I know deep inside that you don't want me to go,
you've been lonely too long. A while back you were
grinning from ear to ear, I was watching your face
from this window and I realized that when I first met
you you were like a beautiful plant full of green
leaves, strong and alive, all the fights we went
through, all the tournaments only served to make you
flourish and grow. I lost you for 2 years then and
when I saw you again your still that plant except you
looked hard and lined with bitterness and age,
yellowed like you've been placed inside a dark hole
and forgotten for months with nothing but water and
dim lights. I felt compelled to know what happened,
you didn't look right that way, I wanted you green and
alive again.

"When you accepted my company in your journey, I
sensed a hope flourish in your heart, and that smile
you had at the airport in Hong Kong when we just
arrived? That was the smile I wanted on your face the
same smile I got when I gave you those diamonds and
asked you to take care of me. Kurama you lit up
like... you blossomed. You became even more beautiful
than when I first saw you, more perfect. If I leave
you, you'll wilt, wither and die like an uprooted
plant. I know this because I sense it in you, I don't
want that to happen."

He brought my hand to his chest and laid it flat over
his core, I can see our hands reflected on the dark
window, my bigger hand looked like it was floating in
the darkness and his smaller hand rested over mine.
"Don't ask me to leave you Kurama, because I will
follow you anyway whether you like it or not." he said
his eyes darkened by a scowl.

I wrapped my arms around him and put my wet eyes on
his shoulder, the dark grey turtle neck fleece sweater
he wore was soft on my cheek. "Hiei, free me from


"I booked us at the Plaza Hotel In New York, when we
get there I want you to take me and make me yours.
Take the ward off your Jagan and invade my psyche
while you make love with me, I want you to take me.
Find me Hiei like I found you, find every piece of me
and make them yours. I'll give you myself; heart,
mind, soul, and body because I want to be yours Hiei,
I want you to make me yours." His dark reflection
gazed steadily at me.

"I love you Hiei, I don't love Yomi. It won't be rape
because I want you."

"I will make you mine." He nodded his face grave "I
will keep my eye on your hunters." he added "I will
watch over you and protect you."

"Like a husband protects his wife?" I asked smiling
languidly against his neck.

He blushed and lowered his eyes my arm under his chin
preventing him from lowering his head entirely. "I was
too forward, I insulted your masculinity."

"I will marry you Hiei, and I don't mind being your
onna." I kissed the delicate shell of his ear.

His eyes went wide, he turned around in my arms to
stare at me. "I didn't even know such a thing was
possible." he breathed "You would? Have me as your

"Yes, my answer is yes."