Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koenma's New Mission!! ❯ Koenma's New Mission! ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
THis Is for YoukoStarr. I hope this is what you where looking for..if not..gomen. Everyone else please enjoy!

Warnings: Yaoi and anything goes...lol

Pairings: Yusuke/Koenma and any that i feel will heklp the story flow!! :)

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Once again They guys came back hurt, bleding and close to death. I pride myself on being part of the team but...am i? Sure i give them al;l orders and look things up. That is all i do. All i ever do. I sit at my desk crying like a human two year old when it comes to Paper work while i send others out to handle the more important things.

After having dinner with my father. Which was a surprise i took a good look at him. It was then i realized that..I was going to fill his shoes. HIS!! King Enma's!! I am nothing like him. I ate my meal and for once did not utter a word. I listened and yet i did not. As the only son and up and comming ruler of hell. I had to learn to fight.

With a sad heart i went to my bed room. The biggest bed and softest sheets./ Everything was in my favorite shade of blue. What ever i wanted i got. It was just that simple. Now i thought of those i knew that could help me. I could ask Genkai..though she is getting older and would most likely kill me. Kurama would be the best choice but both he and Hiei had left for the Makai. That left Kuwabara and Yusuke. So really it was a no brianer. I would demaned that Yusuke teach me to fight. THen i can make my father proud of me. I will earn the right to his throne.

THe next morning things started out th esame. My servent George came in and made my bath and took out my clothing for the day/ All my outfits where the same thing. I just loved it!! I got up and stretched. Determined to become the strongest demi god. Then i can defend myself instead of getting Kidnapped when ever the need.

I went into my huge tub that was made of a porcilne blue. THe nobs of it was crystal. I looked around it and saw just how i took full advantge of my name. I washed myself slowly now thinking of how to go about getting trained. Knowing Yusuke he will wnat something. Maybe time off will be goo denough. My father did not want me to spend any more money since i bought my new T.V. set. It is a plasma!!

Getting dressed i left Reikai leaving george in charge. Soon as i walked through the portal to Ningenkai. I went over to Botan's house. I let her stay in th eNingenkai since the day she told me that she had found love. Her and Yukina now had their own place not far from Yukina's brother-in-laws. I sometimes felt sorry for botan. Who in any of the three worlds woul dwant to be related to Hiei?

I knocked at the door and waited outside. I coul djust walk in but after doing so before i thought it better to wait. Yukina got so mad she almost froze me for seeing Botan naked. Not something i wish to do again.

" Why isn't it pacifer boy!! And look he is in his teenage form." Came the remaek from behind me.

I turned around and saw him. He was dressed in jeans that hugged him in all the right area's. His shirt was a plain under shirt. His hair was slicked back as what was normal for him. A Sexy cocky grin was on his face. My heart took flight. It always did when i was around him.

" Do you mind showing me some respect? I am here on important matters. THey do concern you though. This mission.." I never got to finish what i was saying.

First thing to happen was a loook of a pissed of Yusuke. THen he started to rant on how i never let him live. its always do this and that for me. He kept going till the door opened up. THen we all were invited in for tea by a sweet Yukina. Botan was in the livingroom when we walked in. Her eyes wide.

"Koenma sir what are you doing here?" She asked me.
" I came to talk to yusuke." I answered her.
" You came to my house to talk to Yusuke?" Came the response of the now confussed grim reaper.
"Its another misson botan!! We just got back from one!" yusuke sai dand sat down feet on the coffee table.

I took a deep breath and looked around. THeir home was pure femine. It was a womens dream. THey had some plants in the livingroom, a few pictures and a small T.V. set. Yukina came back with tea and some rice balls. I sat down and let out a sigh. things where not going well.

" Yusuke this misson you will not leave ningenkai or be in any danger. You will train me to become tougher able to help myself if i have to. I must be as tough as you are." I said to him with a calm and steady voice. what happened next hurt me deeply. He and botan laughed at me.

" You want me to train you? Oh come on!!! Kuwabara is a better fighter than you are." He said to me.
This got me so mad. i stood up and faced him. Hands a my side fisted and angry moving inside me. He was always picking on me! He never stopped that bully. with out thinking i hit him. I hit Yusuke..oh no. Father Help me

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I am sorry if it sucked. I'll try to do another chapter later and please don't hate me. I tried to go a little on the humor side at first. I failed sorry. stick with what you know i guess. Leave me a review.