Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Koi ❯ Suicide... maybe ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author: Kymorie E-mail: DemonessKymorie@yyhmail.com


A Fox's True Love Chapter 2: Love Never Wavers


I stare at the katana for some time. My mind wandering to the people I consider my family Shiori, Yukina and most of all Hiei. But Hiei is gone. His wonderful black hair, so soft and so sweet. His beautiful crimson red eyes the showed emotions so clearly. All of that is gone. Gone forever.


I lay Hiei down and slowly stand. I walk closer to the long metallic sword. As I grab the katana, I feel Kuwabara, Yusuke, and Yukina's youki come closer to the dungeon in which I am. I must go through with this. No one can stop me. I walk back to Hiei, the blade coming ever closer to my wrist.

Moments later…

Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Yukina are just a meter away, but it will be too late. Blood is already pooling around me. Everything is swimming in front of my eyes.

"Oniisan!" a voice yelled. I could distinctly tell it is Yukina. My vision momentarily slides into focus to see Yusuke sitting in front of me, concern and sympathy in the ningen's brown eyes.

"Kurama, what happened?" Yusuke asked, applying pressure to my wrists to stop the bleeding. I did not answer him, for my voice had failed. I looked over to Yukina she is sobbing uncontrolably. Her brother is gone.

"Yukins, Kurama slit his wrists!" Kuwabara said, looking at me in astonishment. Yukina gasped and turned to me. Her hands began to glow blue, ready to heal my wounds. I pull away, not wanting them to stop me.

"Kurama-san? Please let me heal them," Yukina pleaded, concern in her sweet voice. Yusuke grabs my wrists once more and I struggle to get away. My three friends stare at me confusingly. Yusuke still manages to keep hold of my wrists as Yukina heals them quickly. I pull away, stand quickly and barely touch the hilt of the katana before I am tackled to the ground. I growl at the baka who tackled me. I look up to see Yusuke with a very pissed look on his face.

"Get off me!" I growl fiercely.

"No Kurama! What is wrong with you?" he asked, his eyes showing sadness for me, but I do not want his sympathy. I can't stand it any more and I break down, tears streaming from my eyes. Yusuke stands and I sit up, my head in my hands, tears streaking my face.

"Kurama-san," Yukina says, walking over to me and giving me a hug to console the tears.

I don't want their sympathy. I just want… No need, to be with Hiei…..

To Be Continued….

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Oh yea! Oh yea! Yet another chapter for you to enjoy… I have finally found a way to finish my writing quicker than usual…. Make the chapters shorter!! Well, I had better stop typing so I can go finish the third chapter of this and of Untitled… Please Read and Review! Sayonara!

Kymorie =^.^=