Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ kokoro no arashi ❯ Can't let you go ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here is the sixth chapter!!!

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Kurama: You let me die……….

Yuki: That's just the way it is………

Hiei: You made me cry………

Yuki: That's just the way it is………

K & H: Why do you keep saying that?

Yuki: That's just the way it is………

K & H: -______-0

(That was lame………but I couldn't help it……….sorry………)

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Hiei stared solemnly at the motionless figure in his arms. His tears had stopped long ago and dried up. However, the dull ache in his chest constantly reminded him that he had just lost someone who was very dear to him.

The flowers around him, which were once vibrant and full of life, were now mere withering petals, which had lost their colors and life, just like their owner.

A few feet away, a dull grayish light surrounded Shimoki. It was mourning, anyone dense creature could see that. The light was cold and unwelcoming.

"Kurama………" A mere whisper came from Hiei's dry lips.

//I didn't even get to tell him my feelings. I didn't even give him any happy days after his mother's death. I didn't………I didn't even………//

There were so many things he did not do yet, but it was too late for regrets now.

//Maybe not. There must be a way to get him back. Koenma should have a way.//

With a determined look in his eyes, he stood up, clutching Kurama protectively and began making his way to Reikai.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

(Koenma's POV)

I groaned inwardly as I perspired profusely, stamping these important yet useless documents one by one.

Somebody save me from all this work! I prayed fervently.

`Fat chance,' a voice at the back of my head told me.

I grumbled, muttering incoherent curses before telling myself to resign to my fate. I was ready to put a big red stamp on the annoying sheet of paper when………………

A loud explosion pierced into my ears and I watched in dismay as my oh so precious door shattered into tiny pieces. Trust me, when I say the last person I wanted to see right now was a furious fire demon standing at the door, glaring with the word "DEATH" in his eyes while holding a very beautiful silver youko in his………………

That woke me up and I got Hiei's full attention.

"What happened?" somehow, I knew I wasn't going to like his answer.

"Kurama got killed by a damn youkai. Find some way to revive him. I want him alive and safe and I will do anything to ensure that." He growled. I almost cowered in fear, almost. This is Hiei we are talking about. He may hurt me, yes but I believed he wouldn't when I haven't done anything to provoke him. But then………

"Calm down, Hiei. Let me analyze the situation." I tried to appear composed while staring wearily at his arm which was smoking. He's really a terrifying youkai, if you ask me.

"There's nothing to analyze! Just make his spirit go back to his body. You controlled all these spirits, don't you? Surely it wouldn't be that difficult."

I sweatdropped. He spoke as if my job was really that easy.

"Look, Hiei. If Kurama is here and he agrees, I will agree to what you want. He really helped out Reikai a lot by fighting all those youkais. But the problem is, his soul isn't here. If it is, he would be in this room now talking to both of us or someone would have informed me of his arrival. But he isn't, and there's nothing I could do if you don't let me know the details of how he died."

He seemed to have calm down. //Thank god! What am I talking about? I am a god myself, sort of. Thank myself then. //

The fire demon set down Kurama's body carefully. I knew the two of them shared a very special bond between each other. They cared for each other deeply, but would never admit it. Pride is a big problem to overcome in relationships.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

(Hiei's POV)

After a while, I finally told Koenma everything. I wished he stopped sucking his pacifier though. It gets on my nerves, but that's not the main issue here.

He pondered over what I had said, pacing around the room, producing a "hmmm………" every few seconds.

Here I am almost freaking out and there he is, looking so calm as if nothing had happened. I felt my blood boil.

"Are you done thinking?" I snarled. I couldn't take it anymore.

His expression was grim. "This is a very tricky problem, Hiei. His soul is not here in Reikai. Which means he is not ready to die."

"What's your point, Koenma?" I snapped irritably. If he is not ready to die, then why is he dead?

"There are two possibilities. The first one is that the power which killed him was so strong that it had destroyed his soul. But that is not quite possible since his body was not destroyed, which left us with only one other possibility. There are two factors. Firstly, there is a force which prevents his soul from coming to Reikai. Secondly, it is something like what happened to Yusuke at first. He was not supposed to die."

Oh, that makes more sense now. "So how do we get him back?"

"His case is slightly different from Yusuke. Kurama's soul is trapped in a space that is between Reikai and Makai or Ningenkai. To get his soul out of that space, we have to perform a spiritual ritual which requires a lot of energy from the ki s of people he is familiar with."

He paused slightly.

"But are you sure you want him to come back? After a while, his soul would automatically come to Reikai and reincarnate. If he is lucky, he may even get to see his ningen mother or reincarnate to somewhere or someone near her. It depends on the strength of his mind to determine how long he will stay in his space. Would you rather him to start a new life or continue with this life aimlessly?"

That got me stuck. Do I want Kurama to start a new life, which could possibly be happier and free of worries?

I love him and I want him to happy, but I want him to stay with me. I want him to always be there for me. I want him to smile at that beautiful smile of his. I want him to tend my wounds the gentle way he used to when I am injured. Hell, I even want him to tease me.

All these thoughts and what Koenma had said swam around in my head, not once allowing me to have a moment of peace and silence.

After what seemed like an eternity, I made up my mind.

You can call me a selfish bastard but I can't let you leave me, Kurama. Whether you would be angry with me or not, I want you to be with me, by my side.

I am sorry but I can't let you go. It would hurt too much. I won't let you leave me, just because………….

I love you.


To be continued………

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end of 6th chapter! Feel free to give me your comments and suggestions!