Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ kokoro no arashi ❯ Come back, Kurama ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's the seventh chapter!!! I am kind of getting a writer's block here, so if the chapters get very short and boring, I apologize. -_-;

Ok, Ruri asked when Shuichi will appear. Erm, it's kinda hard for me to answer this question coz I haven't really thought of how the fic will go or end in the near future. I just type whatever that comes to my mind, -_-0. But I am sorry to say that there won't be about of Shuichi here as this fic is mostly based on Youko Kurama. But who knows, maybe he will appear more in future chapters, ^_^.

Anyway, arrigatou to you and all ppl out there for reading and reviewing, it encourages me a lot. ^_^

Now, on to the next chapter!

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(Hiei's POV)

"I want him to be alive." My voice came out firm and clear. Turning my head to look at the silver youko, I assured myself that the choice I made was right. It did not matter if Kurama didn't have a reason to live. I will give him one. I will make him happy and I swear, the last thing I am going to do is to regret this choice.

Koenma was silent for a few moments.

"If that's what you want, Hiei. I am sure Kurama won't mind." He smiled slightly, before shouting, "Botan!!!"

Immediately, a flash of blue and pink whirled past me and I sweatdropped as she landed, resulting in all the documents on Koenma's table to settle in a big mess on the ground.

"Look what you have done, Botan!" the small god screeched.

The onna smiled sheepishly and glanced around to see the mess she created. "Sorry, I didn't do it on pur……………oh, you are here too, Hiei! What's up? Say, isn't that Kurama? Oh my god! What happened to him?"

"Shut up, onna!" her babbling was beginning to, no, had already got on my nerves.

"I agree with Hiei. This is very complicated. I need you to gather Yusuke and the others. Bring along Yukina and Keiko too. I need all the help I could get." He paused. "Find Jin, Touya and the others too, if you are able to."

"Right away, Koenma-sama!" With that, she zoomed off, leaving the room in a further state of mess.

It must be a complicating ritual, if it requires the power of Jin, Touya they all too. The last time I heard, they seemed to be living comfortably together in Makai.


Don't worry, we will get you back. Just a little longer, and you will be with us again.

"Now, Hiei, you can wait here if you want. I need to prepare for the ceremony, but before that, I need to………" he abruptly cut himself off, and seemed to ponder on whether he should continue.

"Well?" I urged him to continue. Could it be that there's a problem in bringing Kurama back? Please don't tell me that. Panic engulfed me and I could feel my heart thumping wildly against my ribcage. I braced myself for what he was going to say as he opened his mouth.

"I need to have my lunch." He answered simply.

I could only gaped at him as he danced out of the room, singing about sushi, fries and fish.

Weird combination, but since when does people living in Reikai need food?

Sighing, I held Kurama tightly in my arms.

Soon, Kurama, soon………

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(Mukuro's POV)

I stared as the droplets of water on the glass pane rolled down, slowly, quickly, slowly again, joining other droplets on their journey down the pane.

/So much like a person's life. / I thought wistfully. Going on each own journey, some days passing slowly and agonizingly, some days quickly and full of adventures, meeting and encountering different people as you move on, yet ending in the same place just like everybody else.

I was jerked from my thoughts as I found myself suddenly staring at a familiar face. She was smiling sheepishly and waving at me.

I opened the window and let her enter. What does she want?

"Sorry for wetting your carpet. But I need you to come with me to Reikai."

"You are that girl who's always with the baby god, aren't you?" I was curious now. Why should I go to Reikai?

"Oh, you mean Koenma-sama? Right! Botan's my name. I don't know why, but he told me to gather all of you in Reikai." She scratched her head puzzlingly. "I think he wants it for a ritual to revive Kurama."

Revive Kurama? He's dead? How………?

Millions of questions were now swimming inside my head. I wished there's a pill that would let me know everything once I swallowed it.

"What about Hiei?" I couldn't help asking. Surely, he couldn't be dead too!

"He's in the room with Koenma-sama. Come with me, Mukuro-sama! The rest are there already, even Yomi."

What could possibly happen that even Yomi is needed too? I guess I shouldn't be so shocked that Kurama's dead, considering the number of enemies he had. But still, why would they need to revive him? It won't be that difficult for Koenma to just send his soul back inside his body, will it? Unless, ………………never mind, all my questions will be answered eventually.

Nodding to Botan, I motioned for her to lead the way.

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(Yusuke's POV)

I glanced at Hiei. Although his eyes and face remained impassive, not betraying any emotion he was feeling, I knew his heart was wrenching inside. The way he clutched Kurama's body to him, it already showed everything.

Botan and Keiko were crying. Yukina's red orbs were luminous with unshed tears. Mukuro and Yomi had identical expression, and that's grim.

Jin and others were staring at Kurama's body, sadness evident in their eyes.

Beside me, Kuwabara was close to bawling. I placed my hand on his shoulder, hoping to give him some form of comfort.

Koenma and Genkai were discussing about the ritual.

Come on, Kurama. Don't tell me you can't see all of this. You aren't alone, all of us are here with you. That already is enough reason for you to come back. You must come back, Kurama. You can't just leave all this behind. Think about us, think about Hiei. He loves you…………

"Let's get started. It will be too late if he gets reincarnated. Stand in a circle, all of you. Hiei, please put Kurama's body in the center. Genkai will explain to you the procedures." Koenma instructed.

Hiei laid the kitsune gently on the ground, kissing his forehead softly before he stood up. I saw him whisper something and smiled. Don't worry, Hiei. Everything will be fine.

Genkai nodded. With a deep breath, she began. "It's very simple actually, for you that is. I will chant the `moriyurei.' It's a technique, which could only be used in this kind of situation. You will feel your energy slowly draining away, but do not worry. It is to create a force to pull Kurama's soul back into his body. That is why you people are chosen. Only the energy of people close to him will pull him back. That's about it. Let's began. Position yourselves in a circle and make sure there's about equal distance between each of you."

We are doing it here? I thought it would be in a holy place, somewhere he died or something. This is the last place I expected. Which sane person would conduct a ritual in Koenma's office?

"Are we doing it here?" Kuwabara asked, confused. So, the big oaf's thinking the same as I am. No offence, Kuwabara, but you do behave like one.

"Well, it's like this. This ritual can be performed anywhere. But I assumed we still need a grand and important place to do it. So the most appropriate place would be my office!" Koenma answered, looking very pleased with himself.

We sweatdropped and rolled our eyes, muttering a "baka" except for Yukina, who just giggled softly.

"Alright everyone, let's do it. Take a deep breath and close your eyes."

We followed, okay, at least I did, but how the hell am I supposed to know what the others are doing with my eyes close?

I felt a glow and I heard gasps, one of which seemed to be coming from myself.

It finally started………Kurama, my friend……..make sure you come back, or you will get it from me………

To be continued………

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End of 7th chapter! * sigh in relief * oh, well………once again, I like to ask, do you want it to be more youko or more Shuichi? Pls tell me! Thx ^_^