Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ kokoro no arashi ❯ Liar ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Haloooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's been such a looooooong time!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad to be back! ^_^

Ok, I am sorry that I did not answer some reviewers' questions in the previous chapter. I was in a rush, forgive me…

Erm, futago>akuma-tenshi01 asked what exactly Shimoki is. Ok, Shimoki is supposed to be a Makai tree which Kurama trusted and he thought his mother planted it to protect him. However, Shimoki was already with him in his past life. So the conclusion is, he planted it in his previous life and she became someone very important to both Karui and Hikage. She is also one of the key characters in this fic. Does this answer Ruri's question too? ^_^

So now lets' all go to the next chapter!!!!!!!

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Chibi Kurama: it's been so damn long, yuki. * disapproving glare *

Yuki: Gomen, I really need to concentrate on my studies! Because of all you bishounen out there, I didn't do well last year! * glare back *

Chibi Kurama: guess I was too enticing, ne?

Chibi Hiei: damn right. Come on, Yuki, update now or your head will meet my black dragon. You deprived me of my fox for too long already.

Yuki: "sweatdropped* I bet you two do things when I was away.

Chibi Kurama: just update already!!!

Yuki: * mutter * fine, fine.

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(The past)

Hikage burst into the cave, exclaiming, "Karui! Look what I found!"

He received no response. The silence that greeted him surrounded him like a veil and it started to worry him. There was no usual warm welcome from his beloved and he looked around the dark cave.

A motionless body lying on the ground alarmed him. "Karui! Are you all right? What happened to you?" he ran over to him frantically shaking the silver-haired being,

"Hi………Hikage…" his voice was almost inaudible and he made an attempt to speak. "I can't last any longer." He raised his hand weakly, trying to touch the other's face, but his attempt was futile as darkness beckoned him to go to it.

"Karui. I found the last piece of the stone! You will be safe. I won't allow you to leave me. Hang on, I will bring the stone." He tried to stand up but was stopped by a hand on his arm.

Karui shook his head sadly. "It's too late. I am so happy to have met you, Hikage. But, maybe….maybe we shouldn't have bonded."

"Don't talk nonsense, koi! You are going to be fine, so stop talking all these stuff about being too late and leaving me." Tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to fall any moment.

"Accept the truth, Hikage. Forget about me and move on. You will find someone…someone…" he couldn't continue. He was getting too weak, but his will to finish what he wanted so much to say force him to hold on longer. "Someone who will love you and much better…better than…than me." A teardrop escaped from his eye, and glistened in the darkness of the cave.

"I love you, really, I did. Hikage…" Eyes closed, and the soul slipped away.


"No…no, Karui! You are not leaving me! You are not leaving me! You are not………." Hikage found himself unable to continue as tears rolled down in torrents and his mind a total blank except for the fact that registered. Karui was gone. He left him, left him alone in this world.

//How am I going to move on without you? How could you leave me? //

"You liar, Karui. You said you would be with me forever. You lied."

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(Hiei's POV)

I stared down at the sleeping kitsune in my arms, with my back against Shimoki. He was truly a glorious being. That beautiful face, that deep golden pools, that slender body, that silky silver hair and his smile, his frown, his everything. They mattered to me and watching his every movement and expression brings me a warm feeling I can't describe.

But just now that dream, it was the same people as the last. Karui and Hikage…no mistake about it. They are Kurama and I. But why am I dreaming about them and why are our names different? And I had called Kurama koi….unless….I am the one who bonded with Kurama. But if that's the case, why didn't I recall it in the past? Or is it just one of Shimoki's illusion? Or is it just a simple-

My thoughts were abruptly cut off as golden eyes fluttered open and a alto which I had come to love murmured, "Hikage……."

My eyes widened. Kurama had the same dream as me.

We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. We happened to be doing that a lot recently, but often I found myself unable to resist those golden orbs of his.

All of a sudden, he broke the eye contact and looked at my arms which were around him, blushing an endearing crimson. "Uh….Hiei….,"

Realizing this, I quickly let go of him. "You fell asleep." Man, that was lame.


An awkward silence followed.

After a few moments of several inner battles with myself, I mustered up my courage and asked Kurama a question.

"You had a dream, fox." It sounded more like a statement. It was supposed to be a question but I knew the answer.

He was clearly startled. "How did you know?"

I ignored that. "Was it about Hikage and Karui?"

He looked even more shocked. I don't blame him.

"I had the same dream."

"You did?"



Another awkward silence.

"We were lovers?" Kurama broke the silence. He sounded uncertain and nervous. He would be less if he knew I was feeling the same as him.

"I guess so." Was all I said. I don't trust myself to say more.

"So you were the one who bonded with me." this time, there was wonder in his eyes they took on a distant look.

Then, he shook his head and smiled wistfully. "But there was in the past. It's all over. You don't feel the same about me anymore, right?"

My heart, soul and mind screamed for me to say no but it came out as a "Hn." I wanted to stab myself right then.

"I thought so." If I didn't hear wrongly, was that bitter in his voice?

Taking a deep breath, Kurama looked at me, his expression unreadable. "What would you do, Hiei, if I tell you I still……I still feel the same?"

"Wha…what?" I stuttered. I must have heard wrongly. He can't possibly have said that. It's just not possible.

"I still love you Hiei. Believe it or not." His voice was firm.

"Kurama…" Was the only thing I could get out. My mind was still whirling in shock.

Expression downcast, he looked away. "I am sorry, I don't know what came over me to say that. Forget what I just said, okay?"

I finally got out of my shock, my mind barely containing the happiness I felt.

//Kurama love me…//

Somehow, looking at his depressed face, I couldn't control myself any longer. I pulled him to me and embraced him tightly, relishing in the warmth his body radiated.

He tensed but slowly relaxed and just laid his head on my shoulder. I put a finger under his chin and lifted it up, so that I could look into his eyes. His eyes were truly beautiful. Those luminous depths, which held confusion, sadness and something else…something, which I couldn't figure out. Seeing all these, I couldn't hold it any longer.

//Forgive me, Kurama.//

I captured his mouth into a passionate kiss.

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(Makai, where Mukuro and the others were.)

A golden youko came into view. His face was expressionless and the aura he had was very calm and composed.

"I supposed you all have come for the crystal." His voice was slightly deeper than Youko Kurama's and the way he looked at them was as if he knew everything about them.

"We are very honored to have your presence with us, Mukuro-sama and Yomi-sama, and of course, your friends." Pausing slightly, he continued, "We are well aware of Youko Kurama's condition and if you truly want to revive him, please come with me."

Mukuro raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And why should we trust you?" she asked calmly.

The youko smirked. "It's the only way to get the crystal. Or do you not want to save Youko Kurama?"

"We will go with you." Yomi said firmly and clearly. "We have no choice."

The others nodded.

"Follow me then,"


"This place is splendid!!!" Jin couldn't help but exclaimed. "Don't you think so, Touya?"

"Wow," was the only response he got.

Shishiwakamaru and Suzuki nodded vigorously while Mukuro made no comment.

"Really? A pity I couldn't see. I heard that the place where youkos live is like heaven." Yomi murmured.

"I am flattered." The golden youko smirked, "Don't ever forget this scenery. You might never see it again, once you get out of you. I would advice you not to come in here again unless you are a youko."

They reached a small garden, well sort of, and it was beautiful, no doubt about it.

"Our guests are here." The youko announced.

There was a glow and a silver youko appeared. She looked very different from Kurama despite the silver color.

She walked towards them. Her hand reaching out, she held out a crystal and something else which looked a ball of ice.

"It's Kurama's crystal." Suzuki whispered.

The silver youkai smiled. "It is, and I am giving it to you. Let me introduce. I am Tanami and that is Shiro."

Mukuro's eyes narrowed. "You are just going to give it to us this easily?"

She smiled again. "Relaxed. Even though by becoming half ningen, we still regard Kurama as one of us. We have no wish to harm him and we know he needs this."

She placed the crystal carefully in Jin's palm. "Take good care of it. One more thing, please help me pass this to Kurama too." She gave the ball of ice to them. "Kurama will know what to do with it."

She stepped back. "You will be consumed by darkness, and when you see light again, you will not be here." She smiled and that was the last thing Mukuro and the others saw.

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(Kurama's POV)

Everything was a blur and I found myself staring at the Makai sky as I awoke. The only distinct thing, which I remembered, was the feel of Hiei's lips against mine, and his tongue exploring the cavern of my mouth. I would be lying if I said I hadn't enjoyed it. A new hope lit up in my heart as I thought of Hiei.

//Maybe he loves me too.//

"You are awake." A deep voice startled me.

I saw Hiei towering over me and sat up. I still feel weak. I must have fainted during the kiss. I blushed at the thought. Raising my head slightly, I looked at Hiei and found him staring at me. But……

His ruby eyes were cold and emotionless.

Before I could say anything, he said bluntly, "It did not mean anything."

"What?" Was I could get out.

"The kiss did not mean anything. The past did not mean anything. You don't mean anything." His gaze was cold and his words pierced my heart deeply. But the worse has yet to come.

"I don't love you, Kurama. Not even a little." With that, he turned away. "I will leave you for a while to sort out your thoughts. Then, we will return to Reikai." And he left, just like that.

I felt my energy draining away as I digested this cruel new information. Leaning onto Shimoki for support, I was vaguely aware of warm tears escaping from my eyes. I thought, I thought….what did I think? That Hiei actually love me? I am so dumb. He would never feel that way. What happened was the past.

/The kiss did not mean anything./

It hurt.

/The past did not mean anything./

It hurt a lot.

/You don't mean anything./

You shattered my heart, Hiei.

You told me you would give me a reason to live. You are nothing but a liar. You lied. You hurt me. You toyed with my feelings. You give me hope but only to smash them into nothing. You don't….love me….

Smiling bitterly, I could only whispered, "You are so pathetic, youko Kurama."

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To be continued…………

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Poor Kurama! Why did Hiei say that? Find out in the next chapter, ne!