Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ kokoro no arashi ❯ It's my toy! ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Finally, here's the 10th chapter! I might not update the next chapter soon, maybe in 2 or 3 weeks, since I will be having my sort of exams….but it's kinda hard to study for it, coz every time I sit down and open my book, a certain silver fox keep invading my thoughts along with a fire demon. I am finding it very difficult to study, and the yyh posters in my room aren't exactly helping at all.

Anyway, I had some inspirations on how to continue with this fic, but my problem was, as I typed, I forgot about them, -_-0, which is quite bad and I just can't seem to find the right words to describe and use on the characters' actions and feelings. In the end, the fic comes out quite different from what I originally plan, so I don't know if I should be proud of what I wrote so far. What do you readers out there think?

Oh yeah, before I forget, I apologize for the large spacing between the sentences for the previous chapters. I saved them as word document.(doc.), I guess the space came out a bit large. So this time, I am saving it as htm format, hopefully it will come out better.

Thanks to those who reviewed and read my fic, so now, enough of my babbling and go on to chapter 10! ^_^

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Kurama woke up with a start.

//What was that? I am………Karui? But why? And that person, that spiky hair and that voice………Hikage………is that………Hiei? What exactly is going on? And Shimoki, why is she there? Does she know anything about this dream? Wait, I will go to her now. I am sure she will give me my answers.//

The fox sat up and winced slightly as a dull ache appeared his head.

//Damn this headache.//

Reaching into his long silky hair, he dug out a purple seed and swallowed it.

//Much better.//

Golden eyes scanned his surroundings.

//Oh yeah, I am in Koenma's office. Where is he and Genkai? Oh well, they told me to rest. Now that I have rested, wait, who am I kidding, I feel terrible. I doubt I can even stand, let alone walk. How am I going to get to Shimoki?//

He got up slowly, almost collapsing on the bed. Kurama managed a few painful steps.

//This is worse than I thought. I thought as a spirit, you are not supposed to feel anything. I guess I am a special case. Just a few more steps, and I will make it to the door.//

Each step was worse than the first, and the youko soon found himself not able to hold on any longer. He closed his eyes, expecting to feel the unfavorable impact of falling on the cold stony floor but……….

He didn't. There was something, or rather someone supporting him. Surprised, Kurama looked up, only to find himself staring into ruby gems. They remained like that for a few moments, lost in each other's eyes, falling into those lovely depths.

Unfortunately, the mood was broken as Hiei felt Kurama's ki slipped away slightly.

"Baka. What do you thinking you are doing, fox? Trying to prove that you are a strong youko by moving around like an idiot when you can't even stand up properly?" The words were harsh, but Kurama knew better. There was a tinge of worry in Hiei's voice even though it was ninety nine percent annoyance.

//Oh well, I guess one percent was better than none.//

Kurama smiled slightly. He leaned on Hiei, grateful for the support, while enjoying the warmth and the closeness of his current infatuation.

"I had a dream, Hiei." /So did I./ but being Hiei, he did not say that out.

//What will your reaction be, Hiei, if I told you that you were in my dream and we kissed? You probably throw me out of your arms and insult me for my stupidity. So I think I won't tell you.//

"It was a strange one. Shimoki was in it, so I wanted to go and ask her about it."

"Pardon me for asking, fox. But how do you suppose you can get there without blacking out even if you get through that door?" Hiei answered back dryly. /Stupid fox. How do you think I will feel if you get hurt? But its funny, Shimoki was in my dream too./

Kurama smiled sheepishly. "One step at a time," he said simply.

Hiei sighed. "I got one of your crystal. Shimoki gave it to me." he took out the round object and held it out to Kurama.

The youko took it hesitantly. It felt weird to be feeling his own ki when he's not the one emitting it.

He gasped sharply as he touched it. An indescribable feeling came over him. He felt weak, yet strong at the same time. There was a warm glow, before it faded and the crystal disappeared.

"What happened?" Hiei asked, watching him intently.

"I don't know." Kurama replied honestly. "I guess it went into my body. I feel stronger than before," he shrugged, "No use worrying about it anyway."

Hiei smirked. "You are so relaxed, fox. Your life may just disappear any moment and here you are, not caring about the object that may just save you. Tell me, should I admire you for that?"

Kurama smirked back. "You be a fool of you do that. Besides, there's no use mopping about the fact that I am going."

There was a long pause. "It may be better for me anyway." He continued softly, his eyes taking on a distant look.

//Maybe, just maybe, I can get a better life if I reincarnated. Honestly, I think my life's not bad already.//

//Yeah right, if you consider a life in which all your loved ones left you, leaving you only pain and sufferings, an okay life.// the inner voice appeared again.

//it's tolerable. I should be used to it by now, but somehow I just can't help hoping. Hoping someday that I can live with someone I love forever. I guess it's impossible for me in this life.// Kurama replied back bitterly.

"Fox? Snap out of it, Kurama! What's up with you?" Hiei shook him slightly.

"Wha…what?" Kurama managed a startled response.

"You have been in your own world a lot recently. What were you thinking?"

"Nothing." He lied.

Hiei snorted at this. It was obvious that the fox was lying, but he chose to keep quiet. He sighed., "I will take you to Shimoki."

Kurama was surprised. "You will?"

"Hn." Was the only response he got as he found himself being carried by a pair of strong arms.

"What are you doing?" Golden eyes searched red depths for any hidden emotions.

"Carrying you, obviously. You are in no condition to walk, even though the crystal helped you regain some of your strength. But remember, your life is still draining away every second." Hiei answered matter-of-factly. With that, he took off, in an astounding speed, especially to all the creatures who happened to be in Reikai. He passed by Genkai and Koenma on the way, who smiled knowingly.

Kurama relaxed in the warm hold. He was tired and for once, he allowed darkness to consume him.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

The colossal blob of fire emitted its heat in the vast sky mercilessly. There was not a single cloudlet in the sky and the green grass, scorched by the sun, looked faded and lifeless. Not a single leaf stirred in the branches and the weather was suffocating humid.

"I swear, despite living in ningenkai for so many years, I can never get used to this stupid weather," Yusuke grumbled.

"For once I agree with you, Urameshi. It's too hot for comfort." Behind him, Kuwabara nodded in agreement, with perspiration beading his forehead.

"You guys are so useless. What's this little heat compared to the pain Kurama is now going through?" Botan admonished.

"Yeah. Seriously, are we getting any nearer to where the crystal is. It's already been one hour, and still no sign of it. If we don't get back in time, Kurama-san will…………" Keiko left the sentence hanging, not wishing to continue the painful truth.

"No," Yusuke replied stubbornly. "We will find the crystal and Kurama will be fine. We still hav………….wait a minute, I feel something." He ran towards the ki, praying fervently. // Please let it be the crystal. We have little time left.//

"Hey, Urameshi! Wait up!" the gang followed behind him, trying their best to keep up with him. They ended up in a clearing, panting.

"Finally, we caught up with you. What were you thin-?" Botan left her sentence hanging, as she followed Yusuke's gaze. She gasped. //It's Kurama's crystal! No doubt about it!//

She was about to say that out loud when she noticed it in the hands of someone. A little girl was holding it. Her skin was like porcelain, very pale. Her eyes were a shade of light blue and she had blonde hair, which looked almost white.

"Come play with me!" She laughed, sounding eerie and yet childish at the same time. "Play with my new toy!" She threw the crystal into the air, catching it as she watched it fall, repeating this action over and over while chanting, "Play with me!"

Finally she stopped and looked at them with clear blue eyes. "Look at my new toy. It's very pretty, isn't it?"

Yusuke whispered warningly. "Be careful. She may be a child but she seemed dangerous. If she can see that crystal, she must have some hidden power. She is definitely not just a normal ningen."

Keiko stepped forward, smiling sweetly at the girl. "What is your name?"

The girl titled her head to the right a little, confused. "Name? What is that?"

All of them were taken aback. //This girl does not know what's a name?//

"What do people call you then?" Botan asked.

"What people call me? They don't call me anything at all. Nobody calls me." She visibly brightened. "Come play with me!"

Yusuke demanded impatiently. "We have no time to play with you. Give us the crystal you have in your hand. It's important! We need it to save someone." Time was running out and his patience was getting short.

The little child clutched the object even tighter. "No! This is my toy. It is mine! You will not have it!"

"It's not yours either. Now, give us the crystal!" Kuwabara reached forward to take it but before he could even touched it, the girl screamed, "IT'S MINE!" There was a blinding light and Kuwabara was flung backwards. His mind did not even have time to register what happened as he blacked out.

Everyone was flabbergasted. They were speechless as they stared at the girl who was mumbling incoherently at that moment, something akin to, "You can't take it away from me, you can't take it away from me, you can't take it away from me,"

Yukina was the first to recover. "Kuwabara-kun!!!" she cried out fearfully, running to his side. "Are you alright?"

Yusuke was stunned. He was torn between hurting the girl, snatching the crystal forcefully and trying to talk some sense into her. //Talking to her won't work. She won't listen to me. She is too young to understand. But I can't hurt her, can I? She's just a child. Time is running out! What am I going to do?//

Out of the blue, a voice interrupted his thoughts. A voice which he thought he would never hear again in his life.

"It's been a long time, Urameshi Yusuke."

//This voice………..where have I heard it before? Come on, Yusuke, think! Wait! Don't tell me its…………..//

He slowly turned around, and found himself staring at two people, or rather, a ningen and a youkai. Long green hair cascaded over fine shoulder blades and black hair which was tied back.

His brain could barely register what he saw.

//Sensui……and……Itsuki… …//

To be continued………….

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I didn't manage to add in the Makai part where Jin and the others are. I was just too tired. They will appear in the next chapter! So see ya in the next chap! ^_^