Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama and a Mysterious Wizard ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama and the Mysterious Wizard

Chapter Three:

Harry smiled brightly when Kurama only smiled at him rather than stare, and he sat down across from him.

Soon they were both engrossed in conversation, and Harry didn't realize when the compartment door opened again, but Kurama did, since he became more cautious after Harry's presence had eluded him while he concentrated on English. Kurama abruptly stopped talking and turned his face to the door, catching Harry's attention immediately, who soon turned his eyes to the door as well. Harry scowled at the three boys standing in the doorway, two were Malfoy's henchman, the 3rd obviously Malfoy himself. Kurama glared dangerously at Malfoy when they made eye contact, but Malfoy didn't flinch like he'd wished.

"Well, Potter," he spat out 'Potter' with hatred, "it seems you've decide to come back to Hogwarts this year, even after that Umbridge woman had you stop play Quidditch."

Kurama glared coldly at him, their first meeting still fresh in his mind, and said in a smooth voice that held no emotion, "And why would Harry do a thing like that?" Kurama's eyes were half-lidded, giving him a deadly expression.

Harry stared at Kurama in surprise, and Malfoy took an involuntary step back, for the look on Kurama's face promised pain.

Malfoy said in a strong and sharp voice, recovering from the look, "Because, he's nothing but a snoody and spoiled brat who's the most popular wizard in the world."

Harry looked furious, but before he could throw a retort, Kurama spoke in an even more deadly, if possible, voice, "I believe that particular description better suits a 'boy' such as yourself, except for the most popular wizard in the world, I believe that title still belongs to Harry."

Malfoy glared coldly at the pun that had been said in the robe shop, and was about to retort back, but the slamming of the door silenced him. Harry turned to look back at Kurama and saw his wand out, still glaring at the door.

Kurama put his wand away and turned his eyes to Harry, who was goggling at him.

"Yes?" he asked in a calm and quiet voice.

"Uh..." Harry seemed to be searching for the right words, "You, just insulted Draco Malfoy, his father is one of the most convincing and conniving people in the world," Harry said, slowly as if talking to a child.

"Your point is...?" Kurama responded with a bored and slightly annoyed look on his face, proving he really couldn't care less.

"Er... nevermind."

For a while they talked about current events, which caused the conversation to turn towards Quidditch. A knock sounded, and both boys turned to look at the door. Kurama pointed his wand at the door again and it opened.

Hermione stood there with her hand poised, as if knocking. She lowered her hand when Kurama raised an eyebrow.

"Harry! We've been lookin' for you mate!" Ron said from behind Hermione.

"Ron! It's about time you showed up!" Harry said with a grin, jumping up and hugging both Hermione and Ron, who hugged back with vigor.

"Who's this?" Ron asked.

Harry opened his mouth to speak but Kurama stood up and said with a smile, "My name is Shuiichi, Shuiichi Minamino."

"Hi," Hermione said.

"Hey," Ron only said.

Harry, the only one who noticed that they hadn't introduced themselves, spoke for them, "Kurama, this is Ron and Hermione." He pointed to each in turn.

Kurama smiled at their confused faces.

"Kurama? I thought you said your name was Shuiichi!?" Ron said perplexed.

"Kurama is a nickname, I prefer it," was all Kurama replied.

"Oh," was all Ron said.

Hermione asked, "Where are you from?"

Kurama turned to look at her before saying, "Japan."

Hermione looked excited, "Do you mean 'Japan'? THE country that is known for DEMONS?!" she asked excitedly.

"Well, there is only one Japan..." But he was cut off.

"INCREDIBLE! You've GOT to tell me about them sometime!"

Kurama looked surprised, "Ok."

They all sat down. Kurama was facing in the direction the train was going, right beside the window to his right. Hermione was on Kurama's left and Harry across from him also in the window seat while Ron beside Harry.

"Ron, Hermione!" Harry said excitedly once they were seated, "You should have SEEN Kurama when Malfoy showed up!!"

Ron and Hermione gasped, and looked at eachother in surprise.

"Well, what happened?!" Ron asked eagerly.

"It was the BEST. When Malfoy came into this compartment, he'd insulted me about Umbridge and not coming to school again. You should have SEEN the look on Kurama's face, it promised PAIN. It was icy cold and I bet Malfoy peed his pants." Harry broke out laughing when he said the last part, as did Ron. Hermione tried unsuccessfully to keep a straight face, but it soon showed amusement.

Once they had all caught their breath, Harry continued, "Anyway, Malfoy said that I was a snoody, spoiled, and most popular wizard in the world. You should have heard Kurama's response." Harry sighed in a contented way, as if he just had his fill of food. "He said to Malfoy: 'I believe that particular description better suits a 'boy' such as yourself, except for the most popular wizard in the world, I believe that title still belongs to Harry'," Harry said in an exact replica of Kurama's tone.

Hermione and Ron stared in shock at Kurama before Ron died of laughter and Hermione tried, unsuccessfully again, to stifle her giggles. Ron actually fell onto the floor clutching his chest, like he was having a seizure.

That was how the trolley woman found them. Three kids that seemed to be dieing of laughter, and one who had a slightly amused expression on his face. "Anything off the trolley dears?" she interrupted.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Kurama looked at the woman with broad smiles on their faces.

"We'll take the lot," Harry said, a repeat of what happened the first year.

"Okay," she said briskly, and handed them the candies and took Harry's offered money.

Kurama stared with a curious expression on his face at the candies and treats as the woman closed the door and left.

"Those are chocolate frogs," Harry said, pointing the blue container that Ron was opening.

"Gah!" Ron shouted as his frog jumped away.

It was in mid-air and Kurama caught it with ease, oblivious to the shocked expressions on the other's faces. He offered it to Ron.

"Ah, no mate, you caught it fair and square, keep it."

Kurama looked slightly surprised, but decided to bite off a leg anyway. He smiled as the warm wriggling chocolate melted sweetly in his mouth.

"Wow, this is the best chocolate I've ever had," Kurama said in a dazed voice, his eyes half lidded in ecstasy.

Harry gulped, the look on Kurama's face made his own face turn slightly red, he could feel a sharp jolt of pleasure run down his spine as he continued to stare. 'Doesn't Kurama know how... sexy... he looks like that? Those half lidded emerald eyes, that luscious and long red hair, and his slightly tanned skin... he looks so delectable...WHAT IN THE HELL AM I THINKING?!!' Harry screamed at himself, completely snapping out of his daze, his cheeks a little redder in embarrassment. He forced down the heat that was in his face and below his waist, and tried to calm his beating heart.

Kurama took another bite, bathing in the hot taste of melting chocolate, the wriggle of the frog's leg causing the flavour to spread to the corners of his mouth. He sighed in content, completely oblivious to the reaction he was pulling from Harry.

Ron broke the hot silence, "Ay 'arry," he said through chocolate, "'Ow was yer summe'?"

Harry turned away from the pleasured look on Kurama's face, grateful for a distraction.

"Oh, it was horrible," Harry said bitterly, his face cooling down suddenly. "Petunia and Vernon continued to pester me all summer, the only way I survived was by stealing food from Dudley's private stash, since he's still on that accursed diet."

The venom in Harry's voice snapped Kurama out of his daze, "Oh? Don't tell me they starved you to death." Kurama's voice remained quite quiet, although it held a little resentment.

Harry turned back to Kurama, and blushed a tiny bit, "Oh, they did, if I didn't get that sugar boost cake on my birthday... I bet I wouldn't have had the energy to get on the train, let alone get to Hogwarts."

Kurama looked surprised, but he was surprised for a different reason than the others thought. He had seen that blush, and had smelt the faint aroma of his arousal. 'Does... Does Harry... like me??' Kurama thought to himself in surprise, as he felt a wave of pleasure resonate through his body. He could feel blood rush to a place below his waist. Kurama thought in surprise, 'Is he... AROUSING me??!' But Kurama soon pushed that thought away and commented on what Harry said. "That is unfair," he voice rang through the room, cold and calculating, his expression identical, "they have no right to treat you that way, they are your blood family, they should treat you as a son rather than a burden. But it would seem that I do not know these people, so I will surmise that they are cruel."

Ron and Hermione looked at Kurama in shock, they hadn't know he could go from calm and polite to cold and emotionless in the blink of an eye.

Harry only smiled slightly, though sadly, and was happy that Kurama cared. "Well, that's the way Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia have always been, even BEFORE they knew I was a wizard. It only got worse once I got my letter.

Kurama looked at Harry sadly, 'He has no parents, and no relatives that even remotely care for him... alive that is... The only place he can even come close to calling home would be Hogwarts. And his friends, they remained loyal to him. If they had not been, he would have been crushed, emotionally.' Kurama continued on this trail of thought for a while, that is, until Harry had offered him a box of Bertibotts Every Flavour Beans. Kurama pulled out a sickly green one and plopped it in his mouth. The taste was horrible, and the bean was sticky and stuck to the roof of his mouth, and the taste of spinach made him almost retch. He jumped up and slammed the window down and spit it out.

Ron was laughing his head off. "Y-yo-you go-o-ot a sp-sp-spin-ach fl-av-av-oured o-one!" Ron said through the laughing.

Kurama glared at him slightly before sitting down again with catlike grace.

Harry gulped and blushed, "Here, this is a good one, try it," he said 'seemingly' blushing from 'embarrassment'.

Kurama took the offered jellybean, it was as rich a red as his hair, and it smelled like roses. Kurama placed it slowly on his tongue and chewed cautiously, but soon he was in a world of bliss, the aroma of roses, and strangely enough the taste, put him on cloud nine.

Harry felt another jolt down his spine, and smiled at Kurama, though weakly. "How is it?" he asked, turning red by the look of bliss on the redhead's face.

"It's roses," Kurama said, still dazed.

"ROSES?" Hermione said in shock, "When did they sell ROSE ones??!"

"Well, it does say 'every flavour beans' so I guess they don't lie."

Kurama, oblivious to the situation, kept savouring every bit of his jellybean.

A watch's alarm went off.

"Whose is that?" Ron asked confused.

Kurama swallowed his jellybean when he realized his watch had gone off. "We'll be arriving shortly," was all he said.

"We'd better change then, I will go change with the Gryffindor girls across the aisle," Hermione said as she stepped out of the compartment.

Ron, Harry, and Kurama all reached up into their trunks and pulled out black robes.

"Hey Kurama, What do you have for dress robes?" Harry asked.

Kurama turned from his stubborn trunk and responded, "I got red and black ones."

"Cool, I bet black looks really good on you."

Kurama only blinked 'innocently' at Harry before responding, "And I'm sure green would look very good on you," a little emphasis was put on the 'very'.

Harry turned and faced away from Kurama, blushing slightly, "I already have green dress robes, bottle green to be exact."

"Oh?" Kurama replied, also turned away, a predatorial look in his deep emerald eyes.


They all changed in silence, and once they were done, Harry noted how the black caused Kurama's red hair glow in contrast.

"Hey you guys! Are you done yet??!" Hermione spoke through the door.

"Yes!" Harry called back.

Hermione stepped in the door and sat back down.

That was when a BOOM sounded, and the train started to slow down. They all filed off the train and walked towards carriages that were latched onto strange 'horses'.

They all walked toward an empty carriage and Hermione, Ron, and Harry got in.

Kurama stopped before getting on, and stared at the strange horse-like beasts that didn't even look like horses. The ones that were attacked to their carriage stared back.

Harry got back out and asked, "Do you see them?"

"You can't?" Kurama asked back.

"Oh no, I can, but only someone's who's seen death can see Thestrals. Who did you see die, if you don't mind me asking?"

"A friend," was all Kurama said. 'It's the truth, just not ALL the truth,' he told himself.

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

But Kurama cut him off, "Nah, it's okay, you saw someone die too."

Harry gave Kurama a weak smile, grateful Kurama didn't ask as he had.

Kurama only smiled at Harry, causing Harry's stomach to do a flip-flop, and got into the carriage.

Harry followed soon after, and didn't look at Kurama. 'Since when did I get this feeling for Kurama instead of Cho?' he asked himself.

Once all of the students had boarded, the carriages made their way up to the castle. Kurama was feeling slightly out of place on the way to Hogwarts, and he hoped the feeling would be gone by the time he was sorted. Little did he know how strange that day was to be.

All the students arrived at the castle just as it began to rain. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Kurama hurried inside to get out of the buckets of water that were being dumped on them, and by the time they made it to the steps, they were completely soaked. It didn't help that Peeves was there either.

A small and almost unheard giggle sounded, that was the only warning Kurama had before…