Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama and a Mysterious Wizard ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama and the Mysterious Wizard

Chapter Four:

He stood there with half-lidded eyes in annoyance while water dripped from his soaked hair. Harry, Ron, and Hermione could only stare in shock.

Kurama glared at the giggling form above him and removed his wand. "Don't make me use it," he said threateningly, his voice as cold as he was at the time.

Peeves abruptly stopped laughing and said mockingly, "You can't hurt ME with that wand!"

Kurama narrowed his eyes further, and before Peeves knew what hit him, he was bound in spiritual chains. Peeves stared at Kurama in horror when Kurama suggested indifferently, "Why don't we flush him down a toilet?"

Everyone in the great hall burst out laughing, and Peeves tried unsuccessfully to get out of the spiritual chains the youko had summoned.

Kurama smirked and sent Peeves flying out the gigantic door and the laughing increased in volume dramatically, calling the attention of Snape.

"What are you doing?" he asked in a menacing voice. The laughter died out immediately, and the students snuck off into the Great Hall. Snape was glaring directly at Kurama, but Kurama acted as if nothing had happened.

"Hello Professor, I was merely making a joke," Kurama said innocently.

Snape only glared coldly at him before walking back into the Great Hall.

Kurama only looked thoughtful, and completely unaffected by the man's cold demeanor.

"Hey Kurama," Harry asked, catching Kurama's attention, "Didn't Snape even make you the slightest bit uneasy at all?"

Kurama looked surprised but soon smiled, "I have a friend that acts colder than Snape to everyone he does not know, and even colder to those he does," was all he said, a smile still firmly planted on his face.

Harry looked slightly taken aback, but soon gave Kurama a small smile back before continuing on into the Great Hall, Ron and Hermione following him.

Kurama took in all of his surroundings as a few lingering students made their way in to the Great Hall as well, before following them himself.

The sight of it all froze him in place. Candles floated in the air above four LONG wooden tables that stretched out in front of him. At the end of the VERY big hall sat a long table with a LARGE 'throne' in the center. Hundreds of students sat at the immensely long tables, and all of the chairs at the head of the room, except 2, were filled with Professors and Dumbledore. Kurama absently noted Snape glaring at him before he noticed Dumbledore motioning for him to go to him.

Kurama walked down in-between the two center tables and headed to the Professor's table. A few students noted his presence and whispered among themselves while the others that still hadn't noticed him kept talking to eachother in loud voices. Except for a select few, no one in the Great Hall was even paying attention to him, which Kurama was glad for.

Dumbledore motioned for him to come AROUND the table when he reached it, so there wasn't anything between them.

Kurama made his way silently and soon arrived at Dumbledore's side.

"I hope that this evening's occurrences have not tired you?" Dumbledore said softly, though still catching the attention of all the professors except for those who weren't paying attention.

"It has not, thankfully," Kurama said in the most polite voice possible.

Dumbledore smiled and so did Kurama, but Kurama in particular was smiling at the shocked faces of all the teachers, including Snape.

"Good, good. Will you please step off to the side," he pointed to his right, where there was a doorway, "and wait for the first years to arrive so that we can begin the sorting?" he said with an amused twinkle in his eyes.

Kurama smiled politely again and nodded his head, walking off behind the teachers to the doorway, only to stand in the shadows. Little did he know, someone else was doing the same.

The sound of a door opening caught Kurama's attention, diverting it away from Harry and his friends. He watched as the first years trotted, sodden with water, into the hall. They walked past his hidden form to stop in front of the professor's table. He opted to stay hidden in the shadows, for he didn't feel up to being scrutinized. He watched with slight amusement as the DRY professor that led them summoned a list out of thin air. She spoke in a calm voice, "When I call out your name, you will come forward and place the sorting hat on your head, and wait to be sorted into one of the following houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw," she paused, "or Slytherin.

"Amour, Tristan," she called out.

A young boy, smaller than the majority of the first years in the line walked forward and placed a dusty and old looking hat on his head after sitting on the stool.

There was a pause for a time, but the hat eventually called out, "RAVENCLAW!"

This continued on for quite a time, before all of the first years were sorted.

When McGonagall didn't put away the sorting hat, whispers sounded through the hall, but were immediately silent when Dumbledore stood.

"I have some news for you all," he began, "we have two new transfer students this year, I hope that you treat them with respect and kindness, for both are coming into the sixth year and have never been to Hogwarts before."

With that said, he turned his eyes to his right and stared directly at the shadows.

Kurama was surprised when Dumbledore said 'two' new students, and was even more perplexed when a girl about the same height as Harry stepped out of the shadows and walked forward. Kurama soon followed. Both of them came to a stop in front of the head table and waited.

"Minamino, Shuiichi."

Kurama stepped forward and picked up the hat. He sat on the stool and placed the musty old thing upon his head.

A voice sounded in his mind.

* So... * it sounded thoughtful, * you are the one which Dumbledore said I would be sorting. He asked me to put you in Gryffindor, but even he knows that I cannot if you do not have the correct traits. Hmm... I see much courage, yes. But also... a dark secret dwells in your mind and heart, your past demands you be put in Slytherin, while your courageous and loving persona of the now asks you be put in Gryffindor. Your loyalty is that of a Hufflepuff and your wits are that of a Ravenclaw... but I sense you will not do well in the said houses... Which do you prefer, the house chosen by your future? Or the house chosen by your past... * the voice stopped, hanging in the air.

'I am not a person of the past, and I would rather you go by the person you see as me in the present, rather than past or future...' Kurama left the sentence hanging in the air.

* Very well then, Youko- * Kurama let out a gasp, which was soon silenced by: "GRIFFENDOR!!!"

Kurama, still shocked, removed the hat and walked gracefully towards the Gryffindor table, his feet took him to Harry while his mind remained on the last thing the Sorting Hat had said.

"Great to have you aboard!" Ron said cheerfully.

"Indeed," was all Kurama said before he snapped out of his daze and looked up to the front of the room again, staring at the girl still standing up there.

"Taylor, Trina!"

The said girl stepped up to the stool; her extremely pale silver blue hair reached the small of her back. Her bangs were in chunks, like the rest of her hair, and covered her forehead, except for a little in the middle, as they grew longer outwards, reaching her jaw line on the sides of her face. Her large and innocent baby blue eyes glittered in the candle lighting as she slipped the hat over her head.

* Ah, I see why you are here... *

'Please sorting hat, I must go into Gryffindor,' she thought back with determination.

* But it depends on your qualities... *

'...' was all that the sorting hat got from the girl before a voice rang strongly through the silence.

** Just put her in the god damn house already, hat, if you don't want to be annihilated that is. ** The voice was cold, but held a slightly protective feeling to it.

* Who are you??!! * the hat asked, unable to decipher anything about this voice or even where its presence resided.

** That is not for you to know hat, now finish this sorting with Gryffindor. If you need courage, search deeper into Trina's mind, you may find some interesting things there. However, if you discuss what you see with anyone else, you will regret it. **

The sorting hat dug deeper into Trina's mind and found a strange mental barrier guarding a section of her memories… It slipped past it and was shocked at what it found…

"GRIFFENDOR!!" it shouted.

Cheering was heard throughout the hall, the majority of it from the Gryffindor table, abnormally loud, just like Kurama's.

Harry, Kurama, and the other Gryffindors stared at the girl as she carefully removed the hat from her head. Her bangs shifted back into place, framing her cute, but mature face nicely. She stepped away from the stool, the hat now sitting on it, and walked slowly towards the table, slightly uncertain of where to sit.

Kurama motioned for her to sit with them, and she smiled, walking past the other boys who had also offered for her to sit by them.

Once she had sat down, Kurama asked in a polite manner, "Where might you be from Trina?"

Trina looked innocently at Kurama and said cheerfully, "I come from Canada, it's a pleasure to meet you," she smiled with her eyes closed.

Kurama smiled back, but soon turned his attention back to Dumbledore as he rose to speak.

"I have a few announcements to make to all students." He paused for a moment. "The forbidden forest is off-bounds to ALL students," his voice remained soft, although the students could hear him clearly, "and Mr. Filtch would like me to inform you that there is to be no practice of magic between classes. If anyone needs to know all of the 'Don'ts' that Mr. Filtch has so kindly listed on parchment," amusement shone in his eyes, "then please check the bulletin outside his office." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he spoke next, "As you have all noticed, our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is not here, but will arrive in time for classes." With that said, he sat down, and the food appeared.

Kurama stared in slight shock at the arrival of food, and the variety. Trina looked equally surprised, but soon dug in as all of the other students did, though she did politely like Kurama himself. Ron on the other hand had a chicken leg in each hand, and was eating as if his life depended on it.

Kurama smiled in amusement when one of the legs fell from the orange haired boy's hand and on to his plate, making the smashed potatoes fly through the air. They hit Harry, and soon Ron had a splat of potato on him (courtesy of a miffed Harry Potter).

Trina giggled, staring at Ron who only asked stupidly, "Whut?"

Soon she broke out in laughter. It was music to Kurama's ears, and he became dazed just listening to it. That was when he shot back to reality with the thought shouted to himself, 'How can BOTH Harry AND Trina AROUSE ME!?! I'M NOT SOME HORMONAL TEENAGER!!'

While Kurama tried to get his reactivated hormones under control, he didn't realize Harry was having the same problem.

`WHAT THE HELL!!??!! TWO PEOPLE IN ONE DAY??!!' Harry thought to himself incredulously.

Trina on the other hand, couldn't help but stare at Harry and Kurama. 'Why do I feel an attraction to these two? Could it be because of their power? That HAS happened before-'

** Don't be stupid. **

* Trinity! * she thought back with surprise.

** It's pretty obvious you're experiencing your first crushes. It's about damn time your hormones kicked in. Now I don't have to make up any excuses for... ** the presence, or 'she' made a coughing noise, ** ANYWAY, get to know these two, you're not the only one attracted... ** with that thought, the presence cut the connection.

Trina on the other hand was wide eyed, and thankfully Ron had just fell backwards onto the floor, or she would've had to make an excuse to cover up her 'conversation'.

Ron climbed back on his chair just as Hermione said to him in a scolding voice, "Really Ron, stop trying to be funny and be serious for once, this is our 6th year, and we have NEWT's (not sure if that's right, so if I'm wrong, sue me *annoyed look*). You should at least TRY to be more mature."

Ron and Harry were grinning like maniacs, "Now where's the fun in that?" Ron asked.

Hermione only rolled her eyes. Trina and Kurama were sitting across from Harry, Hermione and Ron, so Trina had a perfect view of Hermione's expression, and couldn't help but smile.

By the time everyone had had his or her fill and desert had been devoured, it was time to go to bed.

"The password's FlickerFlockin," Hermione told them as she and Ron led the first years to the Gryffindor Common Room.

Kurama raised an eyebrow but followed Harry, who was leading the way. Trina followed them.

After many twists and turns and a few moving stairways they were finally at a... portrait.

Both Kurama and Trina raised an eyebrow simultaneously.

"FlickerFlockin," Harry told the woman in pink. The portrait swung open to reveal a hole in the wall, which Harry promptly walked into.

Kurama and Trina looked around in awe, and Kurama didn't believe his eyes.

Trina let out a small gasp and walked towards the fire. One would think she'd been here before, with her purposeful strides, but she only kneeled before the quietly burning fire and examined it with flame reflecting eyes.

While Trina was in a trance, Kurama walked towards the tables, and more thoroughly examined the room. Tables were strewn about and a few chairs sat by the fireplace. The colours of gold and red were everywhere, and Kurama looked around at the decoration in slight awe.

Trina walked up to the smirking Harry and asked, "Where are my rooms?"

Harry's smirk turned to a smile and he showed her to the girl's dormitories, and gave her vague instructions of directions to her room. Trina nodded at him in recognition and ran up the steps, looking for a room that had 'sixth years' on it.

Harry beckoned Kurama forward with a hand and led him to his room. Kurama was only slightly surprised by the fact that his luggage was here, but his face never showed it of course, for it was a mask of calm once again.

"Thank you Harry, what are to be the evening's activities?" he asked in his perfected English.

Harry looked slightly surprised by the articulate pronunciation of all the polite words. He stared at Kurama for a time, before snapping out of his reverie by Kurama's raised eyebrow. He blushed faintly in embarrassment and said a little shyly, "Well, most likely Fred and George will keep up a ruckus, and no one will get to bed for a while. So, I suggest, if you don't want to party, to put a silencing charm around your bed and get some rest. You want to make a good impression with the teachers tomorrow."

Kurama smiled slightly and thought to himself, 'It would be nice to meet people, but I want to get some rest, I'm not a party animal.'

** Oh? Are you SURE about that? **

* Youko?! Why the sudden appearance?! *

** I was getting bored, besides, I get a feeling from that girl Trina that she isn't all that she seems. **

Before Kurama could so much as reply, Youko cut the connection. 'Annoying fox...' he thought to himself.

Harry stared curiously at Kurama while he seemed to be 'thinking.'

"I think I will sleep. Good night Harry." Kurama smiled at him, and received a smile in return.

"Yep, g'night."

Kurama walked up to his bed, his trunk at the base of it, and his owl in its cage. He opened the cage's door and the silvery owl flew out the open window to hunt, but not before giving his owner a little nip of affection on the ear. Kurama smiled slightly and changed swiftly out of his robes, and soon slipped into his emerald green pajamas. They were covered in small-embroidered red rose petals, which wrapped around his body on the cloth. He glided with grace into bed and with a flick of his wand, pulled his curtains closed and placed a silencing charm on the curtains. He knew that the security of the Gryffindor tower was very poor, and he settled for giving the vines that wrapped themselves around the entire castle a little spirit energy. He then asked them if they would wake him up if someone was prowling about, or warn him if something was out of place, for they would know. The vines had been in place for centuries, and knew the school better than any person could comprehend. Kurama soon slipped silently into a light slumber, completely relaxed with the knowledge of his 'guards' watching over him.