Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama and a Mysterious Wizard ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kurama and a Mysterious Wizard

Chapter Five:

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*early morning*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Kurama woke when the sun rose, though he could not see it through the curtains of his bed. He sat up swiftly and slipped his legs over the right side to rest on the cool floor. He pulled his curtains left towards the base of the bed, and was surprised to see everyone still asleep, all except Harry. Harry's bed lay to Kurama's right when he had sat upwards, and when he turned to face Harry's bed, he saw the boy sitting on the windowsill between the two posters. Kurama could see the sad look on Harry's face when the boy turned to look at him. Kurama's breath hitched when he saw the deep sadness inside of Harry's deep green eyes.

Harry stared at Kurama from his windowsill, facing him. His eyes bore unblinkingly into Kurama's eyes, unseeing.

Kurama frowned gently and stood. He walked the short distance to the windowsill, and arrived by Harry's side in four steps.

Harry's unfocused eyes followed Kurama's graceful form until the red head stood beside him, but soon his sorrowful gaze turned back to the window. He ignored Kurama's presence until he regained enough sense of mind to speak in a small voice, "It's 7 o'clock, school doesn't begin until 10:30, breakfast at 9:30." (I'm making the times up, too lazy to try to find out)

Kurama ignored the hidden meaning of the statement and took another step closer, and placed his warm hands on Harry's surprisingly cold body. He frowned when he received no reaction for his actions. His eyebrows furrowed more when he realized Harry had turned into a shell of his former self in one night...

Harry continued to stare soullessly out the window, watching the sunset rise and shine in a happiness he couldn't feel at the moment. His sorrow-filled mind barely registered the warmth on his shoulders, but soon, reluctantly, he leaned back into the warmth of the boy behind him.

Kurama was slightly surprised when Harry leaned back into his grasp, his hand's relaxed and slipped forward, beside Harry's face, with the motion. He stood rigid in shock before slowly and cautiously wrapping his arms around the boy's shoulders.

Harry sighed contently and leaned back into Kurama's hold, sadness clouded his mind and prevented the VERY promising position to be realized. Tears slowly fell down his cheeks. He hadn't cried since it happened, and it was a relief to be rid of the hurtful emotion.

Kurama's sensitive nose could smell Harry's tears, and his face saddened considerably. What saddened the one who he had come to 'like' so much? Kurama's face became serious with determination, and he lifted the boy to cradle his small form in his arms. Kurama cradled Harry's surprisingly small form in his arms and walked towards the boy's bed. He climbed up onto Harry's red comforter and pulled the curtains closed. Harry's body shook with silent sobs as he cradled him like a mother. Kurama looked down on Harry, and was surprised when the lithe form snuggled into the warmth of his body. Kurama's eyes went wide when Harry's snuggling leg brushed his sensitive spot. He could feel heat rush downward, but he forced it to stop with his will, knowing this wasn't the time for such things....

Harry's sadness slowly dripped dry, as did his tears, and he slowly fell into a deep and peaceful sleep, one like he hadn't had in ages. Voldemort did not plague his dreams while he sat in Kurama's arms, and he was content to stay like that....

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*two hours later*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Harry woke well rested, last night clear as crystal in his mind. He was slightly disappointed to find Kurama back in his own bed, but was content to stare at the red-head's child-like innocent expression. Blood rushed to his face when he realized he was staring, and he turned away from Kurama. Kurama's mouth was slightly open, and his face completely relaxed, making him look even more feminine than he already did.

Kurama woke to the sound of birds, and his owl pecking on the window, demanding to be let in. He groggily stood and didn't notice Harry watching his movements. He opened the latch on the window and pulled it open. A strong breeze blasted through the opening, and Lightfeather shot through the window, and landed on his pillow. Kurama smiled at Lightfeather before closing the window, it was a little chilly out although the sun had risen about what he guessed would be an hour or so ago. He sat down on the side of his bed, facing Harry though he didn't pay any attention to the boy. The green eyed red head was very aware of Harry's eyes on his person, but chose to ignore it, settling for petting the silver feathered owl that had hopped onto his knee. He smiled gently to himself while his fingers stroked the delicate feathers.

Harry watched Kurama's movements silently, but soon rested his eyes on the silvery bird of prey on the boy's knee. He didn't want Kurama to know that he had been watching him, so he slowly shut his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Kurama's smile grew when he saw Harry pretending to sleep across from him, it was quite amusing. 'I wonder what he would do if he was "caught,"' he thought to himself with a smirk.

Lightfeather ruffled his feathers in slight anxiety, his master had something planned... and he didn't want to be around to see what it was. He crooned quietly and flew to the window ledge, asking out.

Kurama blinked, snapping out of his reverie when Lightfeather flew from his knee. He turned his eyes to the blue eyed owl and smiled. Standing and walking to the windowsill, opened the latch and let Lightfeather out. He watched until the white spot disappeared from sight before he closed the window, and cut off the nice cool breeze that fanned his warm body. He turned around when he heard shuffling.

Ron stretched and asked Kurama sleepily, "What time is it?"

Kurama looked at his watch and his eyes widened, "Gah! It's NINE! There's only half an hour before breakfast!"

Ron blinked at Kurama sleepily as the red head ran around the room, pulling out his robes and other bathroom necessities. "Kurama, breakfast goes FROM 9:30 till 10:20," he said monotone with his eyes half closed.

Kurama froze in place. "Oh." He blinked for a second then blushed in slight embarrassment. "I suppose I am hurrying for no reason then," he said with a small nervous laugh.

Ron smirked at Kurama's unease, and his chest started to shake with withheld laughter.

Kurama noticed this and mock scowled at Ron with a serious expression.

Ron started to laugh out loud slightly and covered his mouth. He took a deep breath and tried to keep a straight face like Kurama was now, but he was failing miserably.

Kurama smiled to himself slightly and walked out of the room with all his bathroom supplies.

Ron turned his gaze from the closed door to Harry's bed, which was on the other side of the circular tower room. He was met with a strong green gaze and asked quietly, "So Harry, you have another dark one?" They had decided to use 'dark' as a code word for a nightmare with Voldemort.

Harry's face broke out into a blinding smile that left Ron speechless. "Nope!" he said cheerfully, his eyes closed as he happily hopped out of bed.

Ron blinked rapidly before asking in a small voice, "You didn't?"

Harry's smile broadened, if possible, and he shook his head vigorously. "Nope! For the first time since they started, I didn't have ONE," he said cheerfully.

"YES!" Ron shouted, and some of their fellow students started to wake.

Harry got a panicked look and grabbed his stuff, then ran out the door to the showers.

Ron's eyes widened when he realized that Harry was ditching him in a room with a bunch of cranky Gryffindors, and he lay back down quickly and pretended to sleep.

Harry reached the men's showers and launched himself through the door, breathing heavily from adrenaline. He lifted his ear to the door, listening for the shouts of cranky students. He sighed in relief when he realized he was safe. Harry turned his eyes to the room and froze, shocked. Standing in front of him not 4 meters away was Kurama, his shirt half-off, and eyes trained on Harry in surprise.

Kurama blinked at Harry, who was to his left, the showers in front of him, his back to the mirrors. He blinked in surprise when he saw Harry blush slightly, and only then did he realize that he hadn't fully taken his shirt off.

To the horror, and pleasure, of Harry, Kurama's shirt was taken fully off, revealing lean but well-defined abs and chest. Harry gulped and his eyes trailed over the edges of each muscle, greedily drinking up the sight in front of him. He reluctantly ripped his eyes and brought them to Kurama's calm and feminine-like face.. Heat was already racing to his lower regions, and he didn't want to seem obvious... besides, Kurama didn't like him... did he?

Kurama calmly watched as Harry examined his body, and he could tell by the shock on Harry's face that the raven-haired boy was impressed with his muscles. He inwardly smirked, and he could feel the Youko on the other end of the connection.

** Well? Why don't you show him you'd appreciate his body as much as he does yours? **

* Youko! * he sent back in horror, * What's gotten IN to you?! *

Youko gave Kurama the feeling that he smirked, ** Oh nothing, it's just that there's that DELICIOUS boy standing in front of you... he seems to appreciate what he sees... do you not smell his arousal? **

Indeed, Harry was slightly aroused, and this both disturbed and pleased Kurama.

Kurama was the one to cut the connection this time, and he could sense Youko's disappointment, like a child kept from a treat.

"`Morning Harry, how did you sleep?" he asked with a calm and gentle expression on his beautiful face.

Harry snapped out of his daze with a slight blush. "It was great, thanks," he said a little nervous.

Kurama smiled and went back to undressing, feeling the demon fox Youko smirk.

Harry gulped and tore his eyes away. He walked towards one of the sinks below the mirrors to brush his teeth and give his untamable hair a quick comb. His eyes momentarily switched to the breathtaking red head, and he watched Kurama silently, brushing his teeth. He watched as the well-defined body moved into one of the showering stalls, and pulled the 'curtain' back. (I have NO idea what the 'bathrooms' look like in this place, so this is all made up ^_^')

Harry went back to brushing his teeth, but couldn't get the image of Kurama out of his mind. He rinsed his mouth and eagerly left the slowly fogging room, though the mirrors didn't, due to the spell put on them.

Kurama listened calmly through the beating of water on marble stone as Harry left. He felt relaxed, just standing in the warmth of the water, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh. 'I wonder how Yusuke and the others are doing...' he though wistfully. 'They are probably having a blast, or doing some assignment that Koenma happened to give.' He chuckled softly to himself and couldn't help but feel a little better knowing that Yusuke and the others most likely had their hands full.

Kurama showered quickly and washed out his silky soft hair. Once he was done and dressed, he put on a mask of calm and walked out the door. He went down the staircase into the common room and was greeted with empty space. The youko checked his watch and realized that it was only 9:15, and he wasn't surprised that most were either sleeping in, or roaming about... That was when he noticed Trina sitting in the chair by the fireplace, her face expressionless as she gazed into the burning fire.

"Trina?" he asked calmly, and was surprised when her mask shattered and she turned to look at him with child-like innocence in her eyes as she smiled.

"Kurama! How did you sleep?" she asked cheerfully.

"I slept very well, thank you," he said softly.

"Harry came down a while ago and went to the library, do you want to meet up with him?" she asked with smiling eyes.

"Yes, I would like to," Kurama said with a small smile of amusement while thinking, 'What would Harry of all people be doing in the library on the first day of school?'

Trina stood up and walked toward the hole in the wall, motioning with her hand for him to come with her. "Hermione's there too you know, maybe Harry didn't finish his summer homework? Anyway, I want to see what books they have at this school."

Kurama was slightly surprised when she didn't ask him what school he used to go to, but was glad that he didn't have to make up some private school that might be situated in Japan, or use Genkai as a 'private teacher'.

They walked silently down the hall, occasionally greeting a ghost that happened to float by.

"Trina, how do you know where we are going?" Kurama asked suddenly, catching the blue eyed girl by surprise.

Trina turned to look at Kurama for a second, her silver-blue hair cut unevenly at the small of her back. As quickly as she had looked into Kurama's deep emerald eyes, she turned away and said without hesitation, "Hermione gave me directions to the Great Hall and to the library, and she said I would be welcome to hang out with her whenever I wanted." She smiled cheerfully with her eyes closed.

Kurama raised a delicate eyebrow, "Oh? What exactly did she mean by 'hang out', study?" He smiled softly, and Trina knew it wasn't meant as a pun.

"Oh sure! We spent most of the morning talking about charms and other school related things, I actually proved her wrong on a few things we talked about too, and I could tell that she didn't think I'd know as much as I do. What about you, how good are you in school? Personally, I LOVE charms, hexes, and other spells, and I'm eager to learn as many as I can here, so I plan on spending a lot of time in the library. I hope I'll even be able to check out some of the restricted stuff! At my old school, there was no restriction with the knowledge you learned, but the school itself was very small, and only for a select few people from all over the world. It was so cool to learn things from all these different people," she said with a smile.

"No restricted section? Aren't you lucky."

"Yeah," she started, "the teachers had good reason for it, but I shouldn't go into detail..." she glanced at him with a slightly pleading look.

"There is no reason for you to elaborate Trina if you do not wish it, I personally am reluctant to speak of my old school as well. And to answer your previous question, I like Herbology the most. I have a knack for plants, and I like them a lot," Kurama said politely with a small smile, amusement shining in his eyes.

"A knack for plants? Cool… Oh yeah, I forgot, what are you learning to be for when you grow up? I'm studying to be an auror."

Kurama smiled, but inwardly he was warring with himself. 'It's the sixth year, and if I had actually gone to another Wizarding School, I would have already chosen a profession, what should I say?' He said out loud, "I am studying to be an auror as well, I hope we will be in the same classes."

"Oh, you needn't worry about that, we will definitely be in the same classes." Trina smiled with innocence hanging in the air around her and Kurama couldn't help but smile. 'She is so cute...'

** And quite arousing. ** Youko added.

* Yes... WHAT?! * Kurama was mortified that he had agreed for that millisecond, * You conniving little-! *

** Thief? ** he supplied.

* Y-yes! * Kurama thought-stuttered back.

Kurama could feel Youko smirk, and yet again felt the connection cut.

'Damn you Youko!' Kurama could feel his previous heat come back, and he sighed. It was going to be a pain to control his hormones, he hadn't had a problem like this before.

Trina remained oblivious to Kurama's inner war, and continued to walk along with a cheerful air about her.

"Kurama, would you be so kind as to come with me?" a voice asked suddenly, causing both Kurama and Trina to stop mid-step.

Kurama turned around and came face to face with an amused Dumbledore. "Yes of course Headmaster," he said politely.

Trina realized where Kurama was looking and she too turned around.

"Professor Dumbledore will be fine, Kurama."

"Yes Professor." Kurama followed Dumbledore as he walked off with an apologetic look back at Trina, who only smiled and waved a good bye, before disappearing at a run down the hall.

Kurama sighed and resigned himself to trailing after Dumbledore without a word. Soon they came to a gargoyle statue, and he blinked when Dumbledore said 'Gobstoppers' and the gargoyle began to spiral upward, a staircase appearing. Kurama stepped onto a stone step a few below Dumbledore and waited for the 'ride' to stop.

Dumbledore led him through a beautiful door and into his office. Strange devices were everywhere, and Kurama could see the portraits on the walls move.

Kurama was slightly surprised when one of the portraits said cheerfully, "Don't tell me you're in trouble lad? This school year has yet to start!" Kurama frowned slightly at the portrait, but soon put back on his mask of utter calm.

Dumbledore walked around his desk and sat down. He waved his wand and a chair appeared, he motioned for Kurama to take a seat, and Kurama did so.

Dumbledore said calmly, "As I discussed with you when we first met, you will be put into the same classes as Harry. I have no doubts that you are capable of becoming an auror. To become an auror, you will need to pass the following subjects: Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, and Care of Magical Creatures, and you have to take History like everyone else. Are you prepared for this?" (I'm not sure if those are all of the subjects needed, so tell me if I'm wrong, which is most likely…)

Kurama smiled. "More than prepared," he said confidently.

Dumbledore's smile widened, and he responded, "Very well then, what extra subjects would you like?," and handed Kurama a slip of parchment that had a list of subjects and their descriptions. Kurama scanned over the piece and chose to take Astronomy (that's stars and stuff, right?), and Divination.

"You will have free periods on specific days, Kurama, as do a few other students, so I suggest you do not pick too many extra subjects." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled when Kurama looked up.

"I've chosen Astronomy, Flying Lessons, and Divination."

"Very well, here is your time table…" Dumbledore handed Kurama a slip of paper.

Kurama scanned over it, and it read:

Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:

Potions Herbology D. Potions Herbology Free Period

Transfiguration CMC D. Potions CMC Transfiguration

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

DADA History DADA History DADA

Charms Flying Lessons Charms Divination Charms

Kurama looked up at Dumbledore and smiled. "That was fast," he said, amusement evident in his voice. (yeah, yeah, I know, my time table's weird, but I don't know anything about them ok? *major sweatdrop* ehheh… ^_^' )

"You may go," Dumbledore said with a small, knowing smile.

Kurama gave a polite bow to Dumbledore before leaving the room. Once the gargoyle statue reached the proper level again, Kurama stepped out and headed in what he had a vague idea was the direction of the Great Hall. He checked his watch and noticed what time it was with a gasp. It was almost 10, and he wanted enough time to make it to his first class without mishap. Kurama broke out in a run down the halls, heading toward the Great Hall, at human speeds of course.

Once Kurama reached the Great Hall, it was 10, and he needed to eat quickly. As soon as he sat down at the Gryffindor table, an owl landed in front of him with grace. Kurama pulled a letter off the owl's foot and gave it some of his bacon off his plate. The owl hooted, pleased, and flew off out of the great hall. Kurama looked at the letter's envelope, earning curious glances from the students who he sat beside. He was about to open it when he heard someone call his name.

"Kurama!" Trina called happily, rushing over to the stunned boy's side, "When you didn't come to the library, I guessed you had come here. I guess I was right!"

Kurama smiled and slipped the letter into his robes smoothly, and no one noticed. "I am afraid that it took longer for us to reach Dumbledore's office than I had thought," he said with an apologetic smile.

Trina smiled cheerfully. "No prob!"

Kurama smiled and moved over so she could sit next to him, "Did you find Harry at the library?"

This caused Trina to frown, "No I didn't, Hermione said he'd just taken out a book and left, she didn't know anything else, and he'd gone before she could even talk to him. Strange huh?" she asked.

Kurama frowned slightly and wondered about Harry's strange actions.

Trina helped herself to some food while Kurama thought to himself about what could have made Harry cry last night.

"Kurama!" Harry called, Ron and Hermione on either side of him. He smiled when he had the slightly surprised redhead's attention. He walked over to where Kurama and Trina sat and took a seat on Kurama's left. Hermione sat next to Trina and the two began to talk about charms and other school related things.

Ron sat down on Harry's right and they started talking about Quidditch. He was the only one who noticed how happy Hermione was talking to Trina. He watched her, dazzled, as she smiled more than she had in a day while talking to someone who shared her interests.

"Tell me Harry," Kurama started, "when are the Quidditch tryouts?"

Harry's smile broadened, "You're going to try out? Great! What position?" he asked eagerly.

Kurama smiled at Harry's enthusiasm, "I was thinking of trying out as a beater..."

Ron's eyes widened and Harry just looked shocked. "You? Of all people?" Ron asked, his mouth hanging open.

"I'm going to try out for a beater too!" Trina piped up, causing Ron's eyes to bulge.

"Great! We really need some good players, we suffered last year because our last keeper left and I was suspended because of that Umbridge woman. I can't wait to see you guys in action," Harry smiled broadly and both Trina and Kurama stared.

Trina smiled, "And to answer your question Kurama," Harry blushed from embarrassment when he realized he hadn't answered himself, "The tryouts are in a week after all our classes, late in the afternoon on Friday."

Kurama nodded, smiling. "I do believe that our first class starts soon. Harry, what profession are you studying for?"

"Me? I'm going to be an auror when I graduate. You?"

"Me as well. I would assume that we have the same schedules, do you wish to check?"

Ron, Harry, Kurama, and Trina gathered round Harry's schedule and they soon revealed that they would all be in the same classes, except for the changes that were because of the extra subjects they took.

"Hermione," Trina started innocently, catching the bushy-haired girl's attention immediately, "What are you going to be?"

Hermione smiled and said proudly, "I'm going to be a wizard archeologist, and do research in ancient magics and such."

Trina's eyes widened, "Wow! That's so cool! I bet it'd be fun learning stuff like that." Trina smiled with her eyes closed happily.

Hermione gave a small smile back and stood, "Well, I am going to go to my first class, good luck to you all, ciao."

They all waved goodbye and examined their schedules again.

"Dang, Potions with Snape right in the morning, what a bummer," Harry said with a little anger in his voice.

Trina's eyes turned serious and she eyed Harry warily, her face no longer held such innocence, though it wasn't darkened. "Is Snape really that bad?" she asked in a slightly deeper tone from her previous light and airy voice.

Harry didn't notice his friends strange behaviour and said with a glare at Snape, who was sitting at the head table, "Oh yeah, he's THAT bad. Takes points away for the most pathetic of reasons, and he insists on making my life a living hell."

A dark look crossed Trina's face, but all of them were too busy sympathizing with Harry. Trina caught her expression change in time for it to switch back to it's normal bubbly self and have no one notice. No one noticed except Dumbledore.

Dumbledore frowned when he saw the dark look come across the exchange student Trina's face. His brows furrowed further when he saw how quick it was to change back to her 'normal' expression. He suspected that there was something strange about this student, but he couldn't do anything but hope that she was on Harry's side, because she hadn't done anything outwardly yet, and all he had were suspicions. Maybe she just had a dark past…

Trina, Kurama, Harry, and Ron all headed to Potions and waved goodbye to Hermione when she took a different hall than them. She waved back with a cheerful air and headed off to her first subject, while the others headed to the Dungeons.

Trina and Kurama didn't seem to mind the cold, but Harry and Ron were shivering slightly. Once they reached Snape's door, they pushed it open and found themselves entering an almost entirely full classroom. They hurried to two tables at the back that weren't full and paired off. Ron and Harry went together while Trina and Kurama cheerfully sat at their cauldron.

Kurama turned his eyes away from Trina, he was having a conversation with her, when the door swung open with a bang. He watched as a greasy haired Professor, who he guessed was Snape, walked towards his desk and face the slightly nervous students.

"It seems that, unfortunately, most of you have passed your OWLs. What a pity," he said, staring straight at Harry, who tried to maintain a calm expression, though both Kurama and Trina could sense anger roll off him in waves. Snape snapped his gaze away from Harry and began the lesson, "Today we will be beginning, a 'dark' potion, for a crude term of the name. It is called a Darkethen Potion, and it will reveal your more dark personality or personalities..." he paused to look at all of the students in turn, lingering on Harry. "If the potion is done correctly, then it is obvious what will happen. If not, then god forbid, you may be staying in the hospital wing for a time," he spoke as if he couldn't care less about what happed to the students and he waved his wand at the board. Instructions appeared in white chalk and he spoke in a deadly voice, "Begin."

Kurama read over the instructions carefully and noticed with a small smile that Trina was writing down the complicated instructions with quick, and perfect, handwriting.

Once he was done reading it over, he was surprised to find Trina had finished writing at the same time he had finished reading, and they started on the instructions with precision.

Harry watched out of the corner of his eye as Trina and Kurama worked perfectly , never once did one of them talk, or make a mistake. Both seemed to know exactly what to do and neither ever messed the other up. He was shocked when they had gotten to the part where the potion would have to wait for a day in less than half the class time. He became wary when Snape hovered over their finished vile, and he frowned when Snape's lips became a tight line, but smirked when Snape stalked off, unable to take away points away because their potion was so perfect. Kurama and Trina glanced at eachother, and Kurama made no motion to stop Trina when she pulled the vial underneath the table for some unknown reason. Harry saw a quick flash of light, and the vial was placed back on the table, exactly the way it was before. But he did notice slightly unnerved when Trina slipped another vial of the half-finished potion into her bag. 'When did she get two?' he asked silently to himself.

Trina and Kurama didn't pay attention when Snape left the room for a moment, and pretended not to notice Malfoy stalking silently up to their desk. Malfoy snatched the vial off the desk, catching both Kurama and Trina's eyes.

Malfoy smirked and said in a cold voice, "If you're so perfect, why don't you finish another potion in time for class to end?" With that said, he smashed the vial on the floor, causing it to explode and burn the stone floor.