Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's and Hiei's backround ❯ Hiei's First Love ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey its Kuramasfan1 here how did u like it I'm not sure that was only chapter 1 wait till u see what I have in store now. Its mainly a story…………………… cant tell u just review please

"Yuske u look nice today and u to Kuabara"she said getting up from bowing

"Sis they both have girlfriends" Kurama told her with his little smirk

"Oh! Well there are tons of guys out here right. I mean cute guys like Hiei.''

Hiei turned as he heard his name called


"SO Kurama show me around wont you."She interrupted Hiei

"Yea ok, guys rein check please" Kurama said to the guys

When Kurama and Hadu came home Kurama walked in with all these bags and boxes.

"What's all that" asked Yuske

"Well what can I say Hadu loves to shop" Kurama said putting all the stuff in the spare room.

"Kurama help me please." Came Hadus voice

Kurama rushed outside and grabe the rest of the bags from her and set those in the room. Hadu hugged her brother and then locked herself in her room.

About an hour later she came out and everyone saw what she did with her room. The room had wall paper and was in all blue. That night she was still putting up some stuff and Kurama walked in. He scared Hadu at that moment and she put the pics down what she was going to put up.

"Whats that." He took the pic from her and looked at it then he looked at his sister's face

"I miss him Kurama he has changed we used to be together always, me and Hiei."

Kurama gave her back the pic of Hiei and her together at the park and told her he was going to bed. The next morning Hiei warmed up to Hadu and taught her how to play DDR. Them at school all the guys where all over her. There is something wrong about her powers she cant controll when she is going to transform. In a crowd of people Kurama goes and grabs her.

"Whats going on "Hiei asked

"hold her Hiei shes transforming."

Before that when they were at the arcade Hiei kissed Hadu and told her not to tell.

Hiei finally got to see her transform. Hadus true form her demon form. Hadu had ears, a tail they were both silver.her hair turned the coler light brown.she was wearing a beautiful dress it looked like something a god would wear. She was glowing like all white surrounded her.she turned back and was weak for a moment. Hiei was wide eyed and Kurama just stood there. Hadu stood there and looked at the expression on their face and started crying. She ran somewhere that they couldn't find her but Hiei found her at the same park the memories were.

Hey I don't like it but this is my first one so please review I hope u guys enjoy it I don't