Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's and Hiei's backround ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey this is Kuramasfan1 so did u like it I didn't this is just a little in site on what happened I went fast and changed a lot of things then what I had written down so I hope u like it and this is what happened I have more time now so it's the same thing as the last chapter but I'm adding the 3 chapter to this k

Kurama and Hiei got home and Hadu was missing. Kurama had no idea where she was. Hiei knew before Kurama could say any thing at all Hiei was gone. Hiei found her in the park where they spent most of their time at when they were little.

"Hadu are u ok, " Hiei said scaring her

"I didn't think u would remember this place," she said wiping her tears

"Of course I remember this place we had our first kiss here, this is the place I said I would love you forever, this is the place we met, I would never forget this place." Hiei said calmly holding her face in his hand

Hiei sat down and turned to Hadu. She had more tears in her eyes when he said that to her. Hadu put her arms around him and kissed the fire demon. Hiei kissed her and soon his face was wet with her tears.

"Hadu I love you, you are my first love and it's going to stay that way.," he said smirking

"Hiei your sensitive side is scaring me" came Kurama's voice from behind

"Kurama what are u doing here" he yelled

"Listening to your sensitive side Hiei," answered Kurama

"Kurama I will kill you if u tell anyone, don't walk away from me fox"

Kurama walked away without a word. She looked at Hiei, with those blue eyes and asked if he would not tell what her transformation is.

"Hadu why your transformation is beautiful and so is this form. Not only that I love the way to talk to me And u don't care for my sarcastic remarks."

"Hahaha, Hiei I love you for being who you are and the way I am when I'm with you." She took his hands and sat on the swing.

"Do you remember when you used to push me on the swing and I used to jump off you would catch me. Also we would talk about anything and everything."

"Yea I remember." Hiei responded

"I love u Hiei" Hadu said sincerely as she kissed his forbidden lips

"I love you to" as he did the same.

Hey for reviews please e-mail me ok this one sucks
