Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's and Hiei's backround ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey look I know my story sucks but I need reviews even if you want to talk bad about it so please review. Ok well this is not Hiei at all right well then mabe you need to look at his back round in my point of view. I know I sound despreat for reviews and I am so please review.

They went back to Kuramas place holding hands. When they got there, there was a note saying everyone had gone to the amusement park with everyone. It also said to meat them there. Hiei and Haru went their holding hands. They found Kurama and ran towards him. Hiei noticed the whole group was there.

"What are you two doing, if anyone would touch you ,you would kill them." yelled Yusuke

"You know Yusuke its kind of funny because I confuse you and orangey over there confused the most." that was Hiei's comeback

"Now that I think about it you come to confuse everyone Hiei." Kurama implied

"Good I'm going to play DDR you want to come Haru." asked Hiei

"Ok ill come you can teach me more to get on light mode. " Haru replied

Hiei and Haru went and played DDR Hiei finally passed heavy, and Haru had passed standard. Kurama had caught up with them and told them they were going to a shop for souvenirs. Haru had grabbed Hiei and ran to the store.

Hiei and Haru went in and Haru came out with a stuffed animal that of course Hiei had bought. Then out of the blue here came a lovely 15-year-old girl or so it looked like 15 walking up to Kurama. Kurama stood up and had his mouth open in surprise.

"Oh my I didn't think you would show up, " Haru said

"Well I wouldn't miss it, " said the girl in her English ascent her eyes on Kurama

"Kurama you remember Korume don't you, you two go back" Haru said smiling

"So Kurama who is she? " asked the orange haired freak

"She is my girl friend back home." Kurama replied

"Well I hope we are more than that Kurama."

"Kurama promised to marry her when he got back." Haru answered before he could

"But you never came back did you. " Korume said sadly

"And that's why I contacted her" Haru began

"So your Kurama's fiancé" everyone asked when they got home

"Yes if that's what you call it," she said

That night after everyone had gone home and Haru and Samo had gone to bed Korume silently got on Kurama's bed and lay down beside him. Kurama put his arm around her and she said "its nice to see my future husband again, you look as sharp as ever "

"As you too " Kurama said in reply

they began to kiss and soon …………………………̷ 0;……………………

Ok that's all I am going to do unless I get reviews no reviews means no more of this story, I will erase all of it if I get no reviews so REVIEW……………………….. NOW