Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama’s Dilemma ❯ A messy house and a party!! ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kurama came home to a living disaster. It looked like the laundry hampers exploded. Clothing was all over the furniture. Kurama stepped on some plastic toy men he had bought for Hikuro. It hurt his feet even though he wore his slippers. In the kitchen was a pile of dirty dishes. A tub of empty ice cream was on the counter.

One of Kurama's hanging plants was out of its pot, dead. Kurama was sad to see it lying like that, it was one of his favorites. Two questions remained: where were Hiei and Hikuro, and why is the house in chaos?

He heard laughter and two deep voices coming from Hikuro's room. Kurama noted that Yusuke was over. Even after forgiving them, and learning to trust all over again, he found that his trust was still weak when it came to their friend. A small part of Kurama was worried that Hiei would want the younger half-demon, instead of his older Youko lover.

He entered the room only to be hit in the face with a pillow. Silence filled the air. When Kurama looked Hiei was staring at both Yusuke and Hikuro with a very unhappy face. Hikuro was pointing at Kurama laughing and Yusuke was looking sheepish. Hmm… interesting.

"I leave you two alone and our house gets destroyed!!" Hiei was saying.

"Daddy you should of seen it! My pillow hit mommy in the face!"

“Kurama mommy… Man, I will never get used to that."

"Nice to see you also, Yusuke. Hikuro, would you please pick up your mess. Hiei, can we talk?" Kurama said, retreating to the hall.

His lover left the room giving their son one last, meaningful look. Both went to their room. It seemed the only room that was clean. Funny, Kurama thought, I don't recall changing the sheets or putting out the candles.

H e turned his attention to Hiei. He was staring out the window. His face was calm.

"Yusuke was babysitting, I presume?"

“Hn," Ahh…the all-purpose answer.

“You were gone long?"


"I see. So you must of cleaned our room before you left then?"

"Hai, I had the whole house clean. Then Yusuke let Hikuro mess it up," Hiei said turning to Kurama, a frown marring his face.

“Thank you," Kurama said moving closer.

"Hn," Hiei said, then closed the distance, kissing him.

Kurama's hands went to Hiei's neck. Hiei's hands went to Kurama's waist. The same reason was behind both moves, to bring them closer.

Giggling was heard behind them. A grinning demon was staring at them. The small, two-foot to be exact, boy was staring at his parents. His mind went to earlier that day. He was wearing a dirty green t-shirt and grass stained blue jeans. Though the child had no third eye he wore a headband like the ward his father used.

Hiei broke the kiss and both men stared at their son, who had a bright happy smile on his face. It filled Kurama's heart with joy. While Hikuro smiled more than his father, it was still a special occurrence to see one. Kurama picked Hikuro for a hug.

"I love you, Hikuro."

"I love you too, Mommy," Hikuro snuggled into Kurama’s arms.

"Hey guys!! You don't mind if I leave now right?" asked Yusuke, looking sheepish while he tried to escape cleaning duties.

"I believe you should help clean this mess," Kurama said, pinning him with the *look,* which, fortunately, he was almost immune to by now.

"Hn," Hiei said, glaring at him. Okay, that he wasn’t immune to. Damn, I swear Hiei could freeze ice with that glare.

Yusuke gulped. While he loved to play with kids, he hated housework. Just ask his wife!! They got into more fights just on that alone. And judging on the looks on his two friends’ faces, he knew that he would have to clean it up. With a heavy sigh, he turned around and headed for the living room.

Kurama told Hikuro to clean his room. Then both Himself and Hiei went and cleaned he kitchen. The three men had the kitchen and living room looking nice after an hour went by. Then they went to check on Hikuro.

The child was in his toy box sleeping; one leg outside it and the rest of him in it. His small head was hanging out at an angle. By the look of it was very uncomfortable. But the sleeping sounds coming from the form showed no such signs. Considering the places his father slept sometimes, it wasn’t all that unusual, though.

Hiei lifted him up careful not to wake him. On his check was an indention of a Lego. Hiei kissed it and watched his son breathe, a small smile forming on his lips. After pulling the covers up, he left the room. Kurama was saying goodbye to Yusuke.

His fox came over to him after that. He kissed his fire demon again, which made said fire demon real happy. Gasping for breath, they looked in each other’s eyes.

Hiei told Kurama all the new stuff him and Hikuro had done. He then reluctantly told him about Hikuro seeing him...masturbate. This caused Kurama to go into a fit. His laughter made Hiei blush even more. Then Kurama asked what he told him. Once again Hiei blushed and explained to Kurama what he told him.

Now Kurama was blushing. Why did Hiei give him THAT much info!! Inari, Hikuro was just going to be one in three days!!

Then again, Kurama was not much older than that when he lost his Youko virginity…

-Three days later-
It was Hikuro's birthday, and everyone was there. The birthday-boy was staring at all the cool, wrapped gifts on the table. Kurama could tell his son was excited. Kuwabara was getting teased again.

Yukina had told everyone that her and Kuwabara were going to get married. Hiei had paled at the thought, but quickly gained control on his emotions. For today he would leave the ningen alone. But only cause it was his son birthday. If it weren’t...Kuwabara and him would be having a little talk. He made a mental note to have that talk very soon.

Hikuro opened his gifts and was shocked at some, and confessed his “little peeks” at others. The only two he was excited over, were those from both parents.

Hiei had gotten him an elaborately carved sheath to put his practice sword in. It was engraved with roses and climbing vines, as well as an inscription in demonic tongue, reading Hikuro’s name.

Kurama gave him some seeds from the Makai, including a few that were relatives of Kurama’s death tree. Hikuro could hardly wait to grow them!!

As for the other gifts, Kuwabara had gotten him a bike. Hmm… it might be useful. Yusuke and Keiko got him a few books and a video game. Yukina gave the child a sweater she knitted herself. It was in Hikuro's favorite colors- black with red and blue in it. Shizuru got him a helmet and a set of play do.

After the unwrapping of his presents and eating cake and ice cream, of which both Hiei and Hikuro ate the most, the others left. Hikuro was sticky and got a bath. Kurama let him play for a bit more. Then it was off to bed.

That night Kurama was silent. His thoughts drifted to what happened a year ago, when he had thought his child was dead. Hiei, perceptive jaganshi that he was, could tell and comforted his fox. The two lovers made slow and easy love with each other, making sure the other knew just how much the other loved them.

But come tomorrow things would change…
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Thank you everyone for stopping by!! Feel free toreveiw and let us know what you thinkl!!Till next time take care!