Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama’s Dilemma ❯ Here comes China! ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
~~A few months later~~

Kurama was showing Hikuro some good plants to use for healing in the Ningenkai. He knew his son loved to talk to the plants just like he did. Kurama was so proud of his son, and loved to watch him excel. And excel he did- Hikuro made a giant Venus flytrap plant come to life. Kurama was impressed and told Hikuro so.
Hiei was watching his family from the top of a tree. His one-year-old son was learning his Youko ways nicely from his mother. Hiei had often caught his mind straying to the idea of having more than one child. But then Kurama would have to agree to carry another child. Even if he didn’t have his personality, his frame was too small to carry one.

Then again, he thought of how much Hikuro tried his ever-growing patience. He was so full of energy to burn with his mischief. But it also gave Hiei great happiness to know his son had two things he was denied in his life: love and family.
They made camp in a four-person tent. Kurama and himself shared two sleeping bags and Hikuro had his own. Hiei was teaching him self-defense with his sword-which, by the way, had been discovered by Kurama a few days after it was given- while Kurama trained him on his Youki. Hiei smiled as he thought of the progress Hikuro was making. Someday their son would be the strongest demon in all Makai.
Kurama had taken two weeks off from his ningen job. He had said that he wanted to spend time with just his guys. It made a warm feeling fill Hiei's chest when he said that. Later that night Hiei showed Kurama *exactly* what he thought of those words.
Unfortunately, tonight was their last night in the ningen forest. He knew his fox would want to go for a run. Hiei had promised to watch Hikuro while he went. Soon, Kurama looked up at him. He joined his mate and picked up his son. Kurama gave them each a kiss then shifted into full fox form. He had been able to shift whenever he wanted after the Makai tournament.
The five tailed fox yipped at them then took off running. Hikuro watched his mommy shift for the first time right in front of him. His eyes were wide as he pointed to where his Mommy had just been standing before he had turned into a fox.
"Why is mommy like that?"
"It is a Youko's true form," Hiei answered, smiling into his curious son’s face.
"My mommy is an ...animal?" Hikuro said, sounding incredulous.
"Hai a spirit fox."
"Then...Daddy, am I part animal?" he asked, looking at his hand.
Hiei took his son back to their camp; warmed up some fish they had caught earlier, and put his son to bed. As his son drifted off to dream, Hiei thought again how nice it was to finally have a family. Two beings loved him, needed him- the Forbidden Child. No longer did Hiei have to feel unwanted.

Not when he had a crazy Youko kissing him senseless or an ever-questioning son. His life was just perfect. Hmm… maybe he should ask Kurama tonight?


Namiyo buckled her four-year-old daughter China Minamino into her small car. China had been born in the United States and had never laid eyes on her home country of Japan. Namiyo often thought of the young red-haired man that she had made her with. But that was close to five years ago. By now Shuichi Minamino would of forgotten all about her.
The main reason she never spoke about her daughter to him is because she had yet to tell her family. Here in the US, it wasn’t uncommon or as bad to have a child out of wedlock. Over in Japan, it would dishonor her family. And that was the last thing she would want.
Brushing back her long black hair, she stared in her daughter’s eyes- eyes that looked like her own. Nothing but her smile came from her father. Maybe someday China would get to meet him. Someday when Namiyo was sure they would not be treated unfairly. By now, surely he had a wife and child of his own. But all she had was China.
Many men in the US wanted to sleep with the Asian beauty, but after being one with Minamino, she pledged to wait ‘till she was married to engage in sexual activities again.

Once was more than enough.

How she wished she could tell China that it was love that created her. But she was sure all she and him had been thinking of was lust.
Getting into the Neon, she started it up, hoping that the car would stay running this time. She had to drop China off at day care and get herself to work by nine. She couldn’t afford to be late again.
Driving on the interstate in Flint, Michigan, she checked her rear-view mirror. It was cold here. The heat wasn’t working in the small car, and China was in the back screaming about being cold. A semi truck passed her, and she got nervous as she always did when she saw one of the huge semis. But she comforted herself with the fact that not many cars where on US-75 right now. The exit for Miller road came up and she took it, driving until she passed by Best Buy.
Her thoughts went to her bills- what needed to be paid and such. Times were tough and the economy wasn’t exactly wonderful. But she loved being a US citizen with all her heart.
But she was jerked from her blissful thoughts as she saw a car that was coming way too fast from behind her. At this rate, it was going to hit her car. Thinking fast, she got into the other lane, but the other car followed and smacked into the back of the car, causing China to scream in fear. Their car was in the way of that semi she had seen earlier, and it hit them head on.

The last thought Namiyo had was for China to be all right.


Both state cops and local Flint cops came to the scene. The little girl-miraculously- had only minor injuries. Otherwise, she was only shaken up, and wanted only to see her Mommy. But she hadn’t been that lucky.

Her mother was pronounced dead on the scene, her body crushed from the weight of the truck that had slammed into the front of her car. The child cried out for her as they loaded the young woman into an ambulance to get checked out at Hurly. The driver of the other car was drunk, but not hurt at all. The semi driver was shaken up, but was also relatively intact, suffering only a bump on the head from the slight jerk of the impact with the Neon.
The small child went to the trauma center, and was given a clean bill of health. They looked for family members for her, using information gotten from her mother’s wallet.

Unfortunately, none of them were living in the US- all of them were in Japan. They stumbled on the child’s father’s name on her birth certificate, found folded up in the bottom of her mother’s bloodstained purse.
Poor, scared China was later taken to a foster home till they could locate her father. The child stayed with them for two days. It was that time when two Tokyo police officers came to take her to her mother’s country.
After the plane flight, they took her to the only family they could get a hold of- her father’s parents. Dropping off the now jet-lagged, scared, wide-eyed child to the care of a kind women they left, leaving a card for her son to get a hold of them by.
Shiori stared at her first grandchild. The poor thing was so scared. She talked soothing words to it. It was a terrible thing that had happened and that her son had no idea that he had fathered the girl.
As of now him, Hiei, and Hikuro were out camping for two weeks, but would be returning tomorrow. Her poor son had no idea what was going on, and wouldn’t exactly be pleased with the situation about to be dumped upon his shoulders.

At that, her thoughts drifted back to China, who stared at her surroundings hesitantly. She felt her heartstrings tug as she approached her and picked her up. She introduced herself and brought her into the kitchen to help her make cookies, immediately feeling herself bond to the little princess that had fallen into her life.
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Ok here is another one!! Things are getting interesting right!! Please review!!!Ja!