Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama’s Dilemma ❯ Kurama Finds out he is a Father!! ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
China woke up in a new place. The smells of rice and something sweet hit her small nose. Her big, wide brown eyes opened. She missed her mommy, and her friends at school might miss her.

At least now she was going to meet her daddy; he was coming home today. She stretched her cubby arms over her head. Her long black hair had been put in a braid before she went to bed. Her grandma was a very kind woman.

The small girl looked at her surroundings. Things were different here than back home. Everything was written in funny letters and they talked Japanese. China knew a little bit, but not much though.

Her grandma saw that she was awake and picked her up. Placing kisses on the girl’s face. She had found out that she was a big sister, yesterday. Her grandma had told her that she had a step-brother named Hikuro.

The other two men came in the room. They talked fast in that funny language of theirs. China wished they would talk slower or in English so she could understand.

The four year old was hungry, and her belly was growling. But soon, they placed breakfast in front of her. She ate it and watched everyone but her new grandma leave. Her sad brown eyes looked into caring brown eyes. It was then she knew this woman understood her.


Kurama came in the door with his son sleeping in his arms. The poor child had fallen asleep from the lure of the car, which he had come to like after about six months.

He took him to his room and laid him on his bed. It was good to be home, even though he was much freer in the forest. When he came back inside, his mate was seated in a chair eating out of a tub of ice cream. Kurama smiled at the site and repressed a laugh at the drop of ice cream on his koi’s nose.

He went over to the answering machine and checked for messages. One was from someone in the US, but Kurama didn’t know anyone there, so he just deleted it. Then there were ten from his mother. He was told to come to her house as soon as he heard this message.

Hiei heard Shiori's frantic voice over that answering machine his fox had. He wondered why she was so upset. Could she not handle her son being with his family for two weeks? Baka ningens.

Kurama bid Hiei a farewell and with a quick kiss then left. He was worried about how his mother sounded. He was thinking someone was terribly hurt, and said a prayer to Inari whoever it was would be all right.

The slender man pulled up to the house and parked. He got out and rang the doorbell. When his mother greeted him, a small little girl was wrapped around her hip.

His mother smiled at him and ushered him inside. The little girl was staring at him. She looked so sad and scared. Kurama wondered to whom she belonged to? Also, why was his mother babysitting? She was far too old to do such a thing.

"Shu-chan, please, sit down. Would you like some tea?”

"Hai," he answered and sat down. His mother and the child disappeared, then reappeared after a while with the tea. Kurama felt uneasy though he did not know why. He felt like there was a puzzle and he had yet to find a missing piece.

They sat down across from him. Kurama then took in the girl’s features. She looked oddly familiar, but Kurama could not place where or why he recognized her. He took a sip of his tea.

"Did you ad Hiei have fun on your trip?"

"Hai. Hikuro enjoyed the wilderness."

"He is such a charming child. Hiei must be so proud."

"We both are," Kurama said, then put down his cup on the table. After a moment of silence he just couldn’t take it anymore, "Kassan, please don't think me rude, but who is this child?"

"This is China. She just arrived from the United states"

"Oh...are you watching her for a friend?"


"THen is-" his question was cut off.

"Shuichi, do you remeber Namiyo Razenko?"

"Hai," he said confused how his mother even knew her. After all, she was just a old classmate of his that had been his lover for a small while. She was the only person besides Hiei to ever sleep with his human body.

"This is her daughter, China Minamino."

"Minamino? But that’s… my name?"

"Hai, It is because she is your child also, Shu-chan."

Kurama was speechless. He had a daughter!

Wait!! Ohhh nooo!! Hiei and Hikuro!! What will they think? Inari, what am I going to do?

“Where is Namiyo?"

"She died in a car accident and they brought China to live here with her father. Shuichi she is your only flesh and blood child," Shiori said.

Now he wished he told his mother the thruth. That Hikuro was not only Hiei's son but also his own flesh and blood. When he introduced his son he lead them all to believe that he was just Hiei's. They all knew about his and Hiei's relationship since Shuichi walked in on them. Lucky him, he was not disowned.

But he redirected his thoughts to the present situation. He had a son and a daughter. Kurama took the girl from his mother.

"Konnichiwa, China, I am your father. My name is Shuichi," he introduced her to himself, speaking in English so she would understand.

The girl latched onto his neck and would not let go, obviously in need of contact comfort. Kurama took a deep breath and took in her scent.

It was then that it hit him- he felt no youki or ki coming from her. She was fully ningen! A thought struck his shocked mind…

What about Hiei? Would he accept Kurama’s human child?
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Poor kurama he now has two kids. One Human and the other a demon!! I hope you stay here to find out how Hiei handles it. And Hikuro!! Reveiw please!!