Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama’s Dilemma ❯ CHina and Hikuro Meet!! ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Here is the new chapter!! I sure hope everyone likes it!! Please let me know what you think bye!
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It was morning and the sun was shining through the window. It lit up the living room with a pleasant glow. But that was not what had awoken four-year-old China Minamino. No, what had waked her up was the smell of a garden. It was a sweet smell; one that she loved. She then tried to stretch her arms and legs only to find she couldn’t move them. Her eyes snapped open in shock.

Around her were many different plants. Some of which, she had never seen before. The real scary part was that they seemed too big and too much like they had a mind of their own. Her brown eyes were wide with panic.

Her gaze then fell on a small figure. A child about her age was in the middle of the jungle of plants. His black hair stuck straight up in spikes. His eyes were the color of a burning flame, and gave the feeling of one as well.

He smirked at her and said something very harsh with an underlying tone of utter meanness. She knew then this boy hated her. But why?

She asked him so, but her words were either ignored or discarded. He then spoke again in Japanese. China knew hardly any of this language, and grew even more scared. She felt like she had to pee.

She then cried and screamed for the one person she had just met the night before, and the one that had always been there- her daddy and mommy.


Hikuro almost laughed when the ningen began to cry. She had been trying to fool him with her new words. But he knew she was a threat. After all, what else could a ningen want?

Her cries hurt his ears and made him grow even more frustrated at her. All he wanted to know was why she was here? If she would just shut up and tell him, maybe then he could let her go…


Kurama woke up to the sounds of crying and screams. He knew his daughter’s voice from memory. He ran into his living room to see giant Makai and Ningenkai plants holding his little girl down on the couch. He knew without looking who was doing this. Only one other member of his family could control plants, and no other ki was in the house.

Green eyes sought the smaller figure and saw Hiei's son staring coldly at his half-sister. Kurama quickly came up with a plan.

He used his youki to make the plants go back to their seed form then ran and grabbed his little girl. He made eye contact with his son, pinning him with a stern jade stare.

Hikuro just stood there, giving Kurama one of his mate’s glares in reply. In a way, it was funny to see it on the child. In another, Kurama waited to hear the familiar “Hn,” or even a cut down. But the small one year old just glared.

China shook in his arms, scared. Kurama, in English, told her he was there and would protect her- that her daddy loved her. Red eyes grew wide, and the fox turned to look at his son.
"Okaasan, What are you telling her? Is that a new type of ningen language? Will you teach me? Why did you save her? She was in our home on our couch!!" he said in a tone all too familiar to Kurama. It was one that the child’s father used when he wanted answers, and wanted them now.

Brown eyes grew puzzled and, in English, China asked, ”Daddy who is that? I think he is evil!! Like a bad creature or something!! He scares me!! And why can't he speak in my language?"

Two kids and lots of questions. Kurama knew if he didn't answer his demon son, far worse things would happen.

"Hikuro this is your half-sister, my daughter China. To her, I am her Daddy like Hiei is your Daddy. She lives with us now, because her Mommy died," he said, then turned to his little girl.

"China that is your half-brother Hikuro. Its hard to explain how that works right now. He does have powers, for he is a demon. China...you come from a long line of demons on my side," he said

China was scared. Her Daddy was talking about demons. Everyone knew demons ate humans!! She then began to cry.

Kurama shook his head. Now what do I do?