Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama’s Dilemma ❯ Makai Madness ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kurama's Dilemma

Hello everyone...We just want to thank you for reading, minna-sama. And if it isn't too much trouble, we request that you review so we know what to write to make you happy. =)


Hikuro grabbed his half-sister's arm, and pushed her to the north, towards a cave his Mommy and Daddy had shown him. They took off together, running as fast as they could from the terrifying creatures close behind.

As they ran, Hikuro was shocked as he began to feel a fear that something would happen to the ningen. What did he care if she got hurt or worse? His heart pounded when he thought of the possibility of his new sister's death. He shook his head as he thought about all the bad things he had done to her, and how she had never done anything back. She had even warned him about that demon when she could have easily let it kill him. He looked at her as she ran, looking back every now and then to check on the demon's chasing them. He would protect her, it was the least he could do.

Night started to fall as they approached the cave. China stumbled only to be dragged by her right arm into a near-by cave. Hikuro pushed her behind him, then started to grow plants in the mouth of the cave to protect them; just like Mommy had shown him. He closed his eyes and commanded a hundred vines and leafy plants to grow to block the entrance to the cave. Satisfied, he turned to check on his sister.

China had a swollen lip and a bruise, injuries Hikuro had given her earlier. But her other injuries, a few scrapes, cuts and bruises, were obtained in their flight from the demon-eating kurjuloms. Kurjuloms are huge grey or green creatures. They have huge mouths filled with razor-sharp fangs designed to break the skin of their prey. Their long, deadly claws leaked paralyzing venom. They were strong enough to take out Hikuro in a fight, and all the small demon could do was pray what little he had learned was enough to protect them.

The sounds outside Hikuro's barrier did not bode well for the two children ensconced inside. The demons were easily breaking through Hikuro's barrier of plants. Hikuro gasped, he spied a pair of glowing red eyes peeking through a gaping hole in his barrier. I have to do something!! He used up the rest of his dwindling youki, growing another, thin wall of plants before swaying and passing out.

"Hikuro!!" China cried out as her brother fell, unconscious, to the dirty floor of the cave. She turned toward the approaching demons and bit back a scream. Hikuro had done his best to protect her, now it was her turn. She was older than him, and it was her job to do all she could to protect him. Gathering her courage, she stepped in front of her brother, closed her eyes, and screamed, "We are not food!!! Stay away from me and my brother!!!"

China felt something well up from within her and watched, stunned as more plants rose up. Several of them started to devour the demons.

China, who had never used her powers before, soon fell, exhausted, to the ground. The demons approached her, and she closed her eyes again. But just as they were about to attack, a huge explosion was heard outside the cave. The demons that had been approaching ran outside to see what was happening. China heard the sounds of fighting outside. The battle only lasted a few minutes.

After the sounds died out, a woman whose face seemed to be…half-metal walked in to the cave. She looked at the ningen and said something in that strange language. But before China could say she didn't understand, her brother stirred, and looked around for a few seconds before his gaze landed on the strange lady. He jumped up and joyfully shouted something in the strange language.

"Okaasan!!" Hikuro said, running into the woman's outstretched arms, "You saved us Mukuro-okaasan!"