Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama’s Dilemma ❯ Stealing China ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kurama's Dilemma

China struggled against the vines wrapped around her body. Her evil half-brother was taking her away from her Daddy and Hiei. She knew that Hikuro hated her, and now that neither her father or Hiei was there to protect her, she was going to die.

She didn't understand why Hikuro hated her so. She hadn't done anything to him. If anything, she should be the one to hate the boy. He had hurt her and now he was taking her somewhere scary. She didn't recognize anything anymore. It smelled funny, kinda like a cemetery she had been to once with her Mommy.

She squeezed her eyes shut as tight as she could. Daddy…Hiei…help me…


Hiei stirred, and looked around. He raised an eyebrow; he was in the living room. Then he remembered the events of last night. He had fallen asleep next to the ningen child. He chuckled; so quickly, she had wrapped him around her little finger, as the human expression went. He got up and stretched, deciding to go check on his fox before tending to his children.

He peeked in on the fox to find him asleep. Smiling, he quietly closed the door and headed for his son's room. He opened the door to find Hikuro…gone?!

He extended his youki to feel for his son's ki. It was nowhere to be found. He raced out to the living room, knowing something terribly wrong was occurring. His heart plummeted when the scene in the living room confirmed his suspicions.

Hikuro and China were gone.


Hikuro headed for a clearing he had passed when he had been in the Makai with his father. He remembered the territory pretty well, and the plants told him the way to go too. He couldn't wait to show the ningen just what happens when someone tries to break up his family.

Once they arrived in the isolated clearing, Hikuro directed his plants to throw his sister onto the ground. He directed a few more to restrain her to the ground while he thought of a way to punish the human.

He remembered his mother and father talking about a plant Mommy liked to use against enemies. He was sure he had the seed in his jacket. He had stolen it from his Mommy's pocket one day. He reached into the pocket and was about to use the plant when he heard China scream.

"Hikuro, look out!"

He looked to see her, eyes wide with fear, pointing behind him towards a demon. It was racing towards them with long claws extended. He jumped out of the way, then whipped around to see a group of large demons approaching along with the first, eyes glowing red in the night. He remembered encountering a similar group of demon's with his Daddy. His father had killed them with no problem, but Hikuro knew he wasn't nearly strong enough to handle so many at once.

If he didn't think of something fast, both he and his sister would die at the hands of these renegade demons.