Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama’s Dilemma ❯ Silver Tears of a Fox ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Ok that was short ; let ' s see if I can type up some more stuff for you all!! -grins-
I must thank Robin for going over my stuffwithout her I would be lost.

(Editor's Note: -blushes- Yeah yeahI'm the little known editorNow on with the story so everyone can forget I'm here again.)

Also you all for the reviews!-sends out her love to you all- it makes me happy to have reviewers


Kurama sat on the bed, looking out the window his lover had leapt from. He could do nothing but wait for news, hoping and praying every waking moment for his children's safe return. He smothered a yawn- his new pregnancy was making those moments short. The fox was finding it hard to stay awake. Carrying Hikuro had drained his energy, but it was much worse this time.

Kurama sobbed- just the thought of his little boy sent the kitsune into a fit of tears. Was his ba by okay? Did he remember which plants to use to protect himself? Inari, he was just a child

Given, children were often on their own in the Makai at his age, but still It didn't matter. Hikuro was his son and should be safe at home with him.

His thoughts turned to his defenseless daughter. Was she even alive? Could a ningen with no powers at all survive in the Makai? Nono, a human wouldn't survive a long without something to protect them.

Visions of his son and daughter being chased by a mob of those uncouth D-class monsters filled his mind. The sounds of their screams filling his ears , he tried to think if there was anyway at all either of his babies would survive an attack from those youkai. Hikuromight be able to grow enough plants to hold them back long enough for both him and his half-sister to fleebut

Sorrow washed over him as he realized his daug hter was almost certainly dead. Hikuro hated the ningen, and probably wouldn't be interested in helping her. The boy might even like that he wouldn't have to work to get rid of the girl. Terrible images of little China being clawed, bitten and ripped apart by those creatures flooded his consciousness, sending another deluge of tears down his face. He could almost hear her cries

Daddy!! HELP!!!

Kurama curled up on the bed, sobs wracking his body. Oh how he wished there was somewayanyway that his precious children could survive GodsI would rather be parted from them forever than have them be deadInari-samaplease let them live

The fox, feeling more alone than he had ever felt before , cried himself to sleep.

-Meanwhile -

Running at his top speed, Hiei followed the faint trail his inexperienced son had left in his flight to the Makai. Dark thoughts clouded his mind as he rushed to try and save his fox's children. Everything had been going just fine until China had showed up.

No Hiei mentally shook himself, I can't blame the child. She had no part in this The fire demon realized he was just trying to pass the blame. He felt bad over how he had treated hi s mate after the ningen girl's arrival. He would have to do something to make it up to both him and the girl- if she survived that is.

He couldn't believe Hikuro's actions to harm that sweet child. If there was anything that Hiei had taught his son, it was that family- no matter how distant or removed- was family and was to be treated as such. It was the biggest rule, and Hikuro knew that well. He had been so good before she arrived, almost alway s following the rules- but recently he had broken the same rule twice!

That thought returned him to what he should have been thinking about the whole time. Hikuro had disobeyed him once again. And this time it was worse because he had endangered his half-sister. He gritted his teeth. I have to find them

Hiei opened a portal where Hikuro's trail ended. This must be where they went Stepping through to the other world, Hiei scanned the area for enemies. Seeing no imminent threats, he leapt into a high tree nearby. The fire demon opened his Jagan, searching for his son's unmistakable ki-signature.

Hiei tracked the trail into a forest clearing. In the center there was a pile of vines, looking like they were quickly discarded. He picked one up, recognizing the print crushing it as belonging to his son's sneaker. Looking around, he spied some more footprints. Since they were his only lead right now, the fire demon followed them to a small cave, disturbed by the periodic drips of blood on the ground.

Outside, the corpses of dozens of kurjuloms littered the ground. Around the mouth of the cave, Hiei spied the remains of hundreds of defensive vines- most of them seemed to have been slashed apart by the kurjuloms. Walking into the cave, Hiei felt a brush of China's dormant youki. He searched the cave for a few moments, almost positive he would find their tiny bodies dead. Finding nothing but a little more blood on the floor of the rocky cave , the fire demon breathed a sigh of relief.

He went back outside the cave, opening the Jagan again to look for another trail of Hikuro's ki. Grabbing a faint trace of it, Hiei investigated further, feeding his third eye more youki. Once he honed in on the precise location of his son, anger colored his vision red.

Yet another rule broken by his son, Hiei fought to gain control of his emotions. Being angry wouldn't help him at all, even if it would make him feel better. He shook his head- maybe this time would be the one exception.

Seething, he set off to retrieve his renegade son.

Hikuro... how could you?