Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama's Love ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kurama's Love One: Unforgettable Past Chapter One

I was unhappy. All of my friends were so much like me, yet so much not like me. I looked like a girl. I acted like a girl. I was gay. I could not help it, and I was in love. But he did not love me back, and I knew it. He was not gay, and I knew it. He was the most gorgeous thing that ever walked all four worlds. This creature of astonishing power… And beauty. This creatures name was Hiei. I loved him more than anything. I was sitting at my desk, trying to finish some homework that I had, but I couldn't do it. I looked out of my bedroom window, at the outside yard. Rain splattered on the windows. It had been five years since the first Makai tournament, and one year since Hiei had completely abandoned Mukuro's lairs. He used to take vacations, but he had now quit all together. I should have been happy, I knew. But I was not. I was trying to forget Hiei. I did not know how, though. I thought maybe if he had fallen in love with Mukuro, and they had gotten together, and he had forgotten all about Ningenkai, I could have forgotten all about him. That was not the case. Apparently they had had an argument of some sort, but to this day I know not the details. I do know that he never planned to go to her again, and from what I hear from Koenma he never did go back. I stared longingly out the window. I longed to be outside, looking up into a tree, and to see Hiei's black cloak draped over a branch. But, I did not know which tree he was in at the moment, if he was even in a tree. He had visited me a few times since he returned from Makai, but from what I heard he spent most of the time hanging around Yusuke's house. I really didn't understand why he wasn't here… I knew we were not in a relationship, but I knew I was his best friend, and the thought that perhaps I wasn't made me very unhappy. My mother and stepfather were out somewhere, as was Shuichi, my younger half-brother. I stretched back, and yawned, and began to go out of my room. Just then, I heard a tapping on the window. I looked back at it. There was my beloved Hiei staring at me from the outside. I stood up, and let him inside. He shook the rain off of himself, and sat on my just made bed, making it wet. I did not care. I sat down next to him.

"How are things going, Hiei?" I asked.

"Hn." Hiei said. He didn't seem to be in the happiest of moods. I was thinking maybe I could give him something to cheer him up.

"Would you like some coffee?" I asked. He shook his head. "Tea?" He shook his head at that option as well. "Hot chocolate?" Hiei looked at me, with a twinkle in his eyes. I loved those eyes so much… "All right, follow me downstairs." When we arrived in the kitchen, I got out the mugs, chocolate syrup, milk, marshmallows, and whipped cream. I then poored some milk into a bowl shaped pan, and put it on the stove. I turned it on high. I waited until it started boiling slightly, I turned the temperature down a bit, and poored in a lot of chocolate syrup, just the way Hiei liked it. I wasn't much for a bunch of syrup as Hiei was, but as long as that little Koorime was happy, I didn't care. I then stirred it, and let it boil a bit more. When it was fully boiling, I turned off the stove, and poored the hot chocolate into the two empty mugs. I put them on the counter. Hiei first grabbed the whipped cream, and put so much on the chocolate was dripping down the sides. He licked it off the mug. He then put a bunch of marshmallows on top of the whipped cream, licking the chocolate as it came down the sides. I put a bit of whipped cream in, but nothing else. Hiei and I walked over to the table. Hiei began gulping his down, and I slowly sipped mine. "So, what have you been doing?" I asked.

"Nothing much. There isn't much in Ningenkai." Hiei replied, and then went back to his slurping. I had to laugh at that comment. Like there was so much more to do in Makai! There were stores, parks, television and much more in Ningenkai… Makai had fights to be won or lost, or tournaments to be held. Maybe some bars, but that isn't very exciting to me.

"I see." I said. "Well, it is raining right now, so I can't exactly do much with you, Hiei. I am sorry." Hiei finished up his hot chocolate. I looked down into my mug. I hadn't even drunk half of it yet. "Would you like some more?" I asked. I saw Hiei glance at my mug. I wondered what he was thinking.

"Hai…" He said. I took his mug, and I got up and refilled it. I brought it over to him, and then I got the whipped cream and marshmallows from the counter. Hiei put his own whipped cream and marshmallows on his hot chocolate. I sipped a little more of mine, and Hiei gulped his second cup of hot chocolate. I just stared at him. I don't know whether he noticed or not. He seemed to be very interested in his hot chocolate. "Why aren't you drinking yours?" He asked.

"I am not that hungry." I replied, honestly. I was not hungry. My stomach hurt terribly. But I didn't feel sick. I just felt bad. Lately I have been feeling bad whenever Hiei was around. I wasn't sure why, I thought my love couldn't get any more crazy about him, but apparently I was wrong. Why did I love him even more now? Why was this fate brought upon me?

When Hiei finished this mug, I got up and put his mug in the kitchen sink. I also got my cup, and dumped the chocolate down the drain, and set the mug down. I know I was wasting, but I just couldn't finish. Hiei went into the living room, and plopped himself down on the couch. I grabbed the remote, and then sat next to him. "Would you like to watch T.V.?" I asked.

"Mm." Hiei replied duly. I pressed the power button, and the blank screen went to life with lights and colors. I went to the channel guide, and began to scroll down.

"When you see something you want to look at or watch, just tell me." I said to him. He nodded. I went down the list. I saw news, football, and a lot more things listed. I got to the Cartoon Network, and Yu-Gi-Oh! was on.

"I like that." Hiei said, pointing at it. He then blushed with embarrassment when he realized what he had done.

"Did Yusuke introduce you to anime?" I teased.

"Hn." Hiei said. I clicked on Yu-Gi-Oh!. I watched as some boy with hair with three colors put cards on some sort of board, and then they came to life on some sort of field. It was rather interesting. We just sat there and watched three anime shows in a row. Yu-Gi-Oh!, Dragonball Z, Rurouni Kenshin, one after the other. When Rurouni Kenshin ended, Hiei stood up. "I think I will be leaving now". He looked out the window, and I followed his eyes. The sky was clearing up. There was a rainbow across the sky. Why does he want to leave now? I thought.

"If you must." I said any way, turning off the T.V. I walked Hiei upstairs to my bedroom. I opened the window, and he jumped out. Even though I could not see him, I looked out the window for about five minutes, just breathing in the nice outside air that smelled so wonderful. After those few minutes, I closed the window, and went downstairs to the kitchen. I looked at the two mugs in the kitchen sink. I stared at them. A tear came down my cheek. Why did I have to be cursed with this fate? Why did I love Hiei instead of one of the very kind girls at school? I walked over to the sink, and put the two mugs into the dishwasher. I then headed back up to my room. I got into my bed. I thought a nice, long nap should help. I planned to take a shower when I awoke. I lay my head on a pillow, and pulled the sheet over me. I closed my eyes, and I went to the dream world.