Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama the Babysitter ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho.



Chapter 2

Hikori slept for about two hours, but when he woke up, he was full of energy.

Kurama spent the next hour making sure the little boy didn't get into anything, which included the ash filled fire pit, Shiroi's closet, and of course, the forest.

"I cannot imagine Hiei doing the same things I've been doing," Kurama muttered to himself as he got Hikori occupied with another toy.

Of course, the boy's attention span for something was next to zero, and he was off again. This time Kurama had to stop him from climbing a small tree.

"You are definitely your father's son," Kurama said as he plucked the boy from the low branch. "Can never stay out of trees." Hikori giggled and wanted down. Kurama put him down and Hikori toddled away, laughing cutely. "What am I going to do with you?" Kurama asked aloud.

Hikori turned around, "Kuma, Kuma!" He giggled and ran off.

"Here we go again," Kurama sighed and started chasing after the boy. Suddenly he sensed a rogue demon, very close by. "Hikori!" Kurama called. He heard Hikori laugh, and ran around the side of the building. "Hikori!"

To his shock, he found Hikori wrapped in the grip of the demon he had sensed. It was like a giant spider monkey, and it had Hikori wrapped in its prehensile tail. The demon's crazed red eyes looked at Kurama. It cackled something, and launched itself into the trees, taking Hikori with it.

"That's not good," Kurama said as he started running after the beast. (Hiei will kill me if he and Shiroi come home and find out that there son was eaten my a monkey demon.) He shifted to his fox form to make running faster, caught the scent of the monkey, and followed it.

He didn't know how long he followed the thing, and they went extremely far into the forest, far enough for them to find the river that ran through the mountains.

Kurama shifted back into his human form when he reached the river and looked around. "Come on Kurama," he grumbled to himself. "This isn't like you." He suddenly heard the familiar laughter of Hikori not far away. He raced in its direction, and emerged from some brush to find a rather odd scene.

The monkey demon had apparently stopped for moment to consider something, and during that time Hikori had figured out how to get out of the monkey's grip and climb on top of thing's head. Kurama watched as the monkey grabbed Hikori by the back of his clothing and lifted him off its head.

(What should I do?) Kurama wondered. (If I attack the demon, I could potentially hurt Hikori. But if I don't attack, as soon as that demon has Hikori in its proper grip, it'll take off again.) He watched for any sort of opening he could find to make an attack, but it was no good. Where Kurama looked, every target he could see could potentially hit Hikori. To his dismay, the demon got a good hold on Hikori and was off again.

Kurama raced after it again. He did not like the direction they were going. Not far ahead was a waterfall, and he hated having to think that he would have to fight the thing so close to it. He could still hear Hikori's innocent baby laughs, which reassured him that the little boy was okay, at least for now.

They were getting close to the waterfall, Kurama could smell it and hear it. He heard something from above and looked up. The monkey demon had taken to the trees.

Kurama summoned his rose whip and used it to aid him as he climbed the tree after the demon. He caught glimpses of the monkey as it jumped to another branch. Finally Kurama reached the same branch the monkey demon was on, and at no better time. The demon had finally decided to carry its burden an easier way, inside it. It held Hikori over its large mouth, which opened to reveal dozens of pointed teeth.

Kurama lashed out his whip, hoping his wouldn't hit Hikori. The thorn cover whip beheaded the monkey and cut off the portion of tail that held onto Hikori. As the dead creature fell, Kurama raced along the branch and jumped to catch Hikori. He caught the back of the little boy's overalls and lashed out his rose whip again so it would catch onto the branch, stopping their fall.

Kurama hung there and watched the demon fall away, clutching tightly to Hikori's overalls so he wouldn't drop him. When he was sure the demon was gone for good, Kurama swung on his rose whip and onto the bank. As soon as his feet were on solid ground, he sat down and held Hikori for a moment.

When he finally took a good look at Hikori, he sighed with relief. Other than having some of the demon's blood on him, Hikori was perfectly fine. To prove it, the little boy was looking up at him with a confused look on hi face. Hikori hadn't been scared at all; he had thought that the whole thing had been a game.

Hikori stood up and tried to walk off, but Kurama snatched him back up. "I don't want to go hunting for you anymore," he told the boy solemnly. He stood up, settling the boy on his hip. "You need a bath." He kept a straight face as another odor hit his sensitive nose. "And a diaper change." Hikori giggled as Kurama headed back to the temple.


Author's Note: Okay, this chapter's really sort. Sorry. The last one did have more dialogue in it though, so that was probably why it was longer. I hope there's more humor in this than I can see, it was funnier when I was first thinking it out, but it doesn't seem to be coming out funny on the computer. Oh well, maybe there'll be some humor in the next chapter.