Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kurama the Babysitter ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho.



Chapter 3

Back at the temple, Kurama was giving Hikori a bath when he swore he heard Botan's voice from the front of the temple.

"Hello? Anyone home?" Botan came around the corner and found Kurama bathing Hikori in a basin he had found. "Oh here you are."

"What are you doing here?" Kurama asked, and made a face when Hikori splashed him again.

"Shiroi asked me to come down and see how you were doing," Botan answered cheerfully. "She also asked me to stick around, she thought you'd might like the company, and the help."

"How nice of her to consider that," Kurama muttered as he tried to rinse the last of the soap out of Hikori's hair, but all Hikori wanted to do was play in the water.

Botan giggled, "Looks like you need some help." She stooped down next to the basin and gently held Hikori's arms down so he wouldn't splash, and Kurama rinsed the little boy's hair until there was no soap left.

"There," Kurama said, "all done." He lifted Hikori out of the basin and Botan wrapped a towel around him.

"Okay," Botan said to Hikori, "Let's go get you dressed and let Kurama clean up the mess you two made." She giggled and headed off to Hikori's room.

Hikori's head peeked over Botan's shoulder, "Ba-ba," he said as he waved to Kurama.

Kurama waved to the little boy, turned to the mess he had to clean up, and groaned.


Dressed and ready for more mischief, Hikori toddled away from Botan as soon as she let go of him.

"Don't you go too far young man," Botan said as she followed him.

Hikori didn't listen to her, of course. He toddled around the corner and out of sight. He didn't get too far. The next corner he went around he collided with Kurama's legs, falling backwards on his behind.

"Where do you think you're going?" Kurama asked as Hikori looked up at him.

Hikori grinned and got to his feet.

Kurama stooped down to his level. "Want to have some fun?"


Botan came around the corner and found Hikori standing innocently next to Kurama. "Here you are." She looked at Kurama, who winked at her. "Hmm." She looked back down at Hikori, "So what do you have to say for yourself about running off young man?"

Hikori just looked at her, but then suddenly threw up his arms and yelled, "Boo!"

Botan remembered Kurama's wink and played along, trying not to laugh. "Oh no, such a scary demon, don't hurt me!" She turned around and trotted off, giggling. She could hear Hikori coming after, growling like a monster, or at least attempting to.

She rounded a corner and stopped to wait for him. When he came around the corner, his arms raised high and growling, she pretended to be terrified and ran off again. She purposefully turned around another corner that led to a dead end. She sat down in the corner and pretended to cower in fear when Hikori came around the corner.

"Oh no," she said, "Please don't hurt me Mr. Scary Demon, don't hurt me!" She was glad she had her arms raised and covering her head, she couldn't keep a straight face anymore.

Hikori approached her, growling menacingly. He attached himself to her leg, his way of attacking her.

Botan giggled when Hikori "attacked" her. She looked through her arms and saw Hikori, but then saw something behind him that would be more fun. "Oh no Hikori, look, it's another demon come to get me."

Hikori let go of her leg and turned around. At the end of the walkway stood a silver spirit fox, Kurama. Hikori knew this game; he played it with his mom and dad all the time. He watched Kurama take an attack stance and bare his long teeth, growling.

"Oh no Hikori he's going to us!" Botan said smiling, glad that the little boy's back was to her.

Hikori raised his arms high, "Roar!" he yelled. He ran at Kurama, whom broke his stance and ran off.

The fox waited for him periodically to catch up. When he reached the stairs he trotted down them and waited for Hikori again. When the little boy reached the stairs, he took a mock attack stance.

Hikori raised his hands over his head, and brought them back down in front of him, and yelled "Boom!"

The spirit fox staggered backwards and fell to his side, tongue lolling out, dead.

"Did you get him Hikori?" Botan asked as she came up behind him.

Hikori turned to her and nodded. "Go ba-ba" He waved bye-bye.

Botan stooped down to his level, "You should check and see if he's dead." She lifted him up and carried him down the steps, "Go on and see," she said after she had set him down and stooped down and pretended to hide behind him. "He could still be alive."

Hikori walked over to the body, and poked it with his foot like he did when he played with his parents. "No up." He said.

"That's not how you see if a spirit fox is dead," Botan said as she walked up next to him.

"How?" Hikori asked, confused. That was how his mommy had shown him to check and see if daddy was dead after he "blasted" him.

"Like this," Botan went down on her knees and took Kurama's fox ear in her fingers. She brought her face down, and blew into his ear, hard.

The spirit fox shot to his feet and shook his head. -That was not what I was expecting, - he grumbled as he shook his head again.

"Uh-oh Hikori," Botan said, "He's not dead yet."

Hikori toddled up to the spirit fox and hug his leg, "Kuma."

-Looks like the tables have turned, - Kurama said.

"Uh-oh," Botan said, and trotted back up the stairs as Hikori and Kurama began to pursue her.


Author's Note: Much funnier, and very cute. Of course when you add Botan to a scene, anything's funny. Okay, now just replace Botan and Kurama with Shiroi and Hiei, and imagine them playing that game, cute and funny right? Review me and tell me what you think.