Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kuuwabaka Hakusho ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kuuwabaka spirit detective
By: Phoenix 3:16

Welcome back to the madness folks. Sorry about the prologue I didn't realize that there were so many spelling errors before I posted.

Hiei: Liar, you just were too lazy to correct your appalling grammar and spelling mistakes.

Hey did I ask for any commentary from you, cutie.

Hiei: Baka

Love you to Hiei, anyway I promise that this chapter will be better then the last.

Disclaimer: Okay Yu Yu Hakusho doesn't belong to me, but for this story I will pervert and twist it for my own desires. Also 'Sound Life' doesn't belong to me, but to the creators of Trigun. Oh and it is a yaoi, so if you don't like then kiss my ass.

Kurama: Such unladylike language.

Silence pretty boy or no hot bishouen love got it

Warning: Yuuske is going to be disgustingly pure, sweet and innocent. Think Yugi pure, or Kamui pure, or Subaru pure. (Yu-Gi-Oh, X1999 (after he becomes Dragon of the Heaven god he was sweet), Tokyo Babylon (that Subaru was so sweet that I thought I was going to be sick))

So lets rock and roll
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Chapter I

"Ohh that is.... Yuuske Urameshi."

Kurama arched a delicate eyebrow, licking his lips (oh he is hot) feeling his youko nature take hold as he observed the delicate beauty before him. He felt incredibly possessive of the boy and had to suppress the urge of destroying all those who dared to look upon what was his.
He really didn't understand what was making him so possessive of him.

"So Kuuwabara, introduce us to him."
"Alright lets go."

So they walked off to talk to the young boy that had captured Kuuwabara and now Kurama's heart. At their approach they heard a delicate melody escape the diminutive beauties lips.

So… on the first evening of pebble
From somewhere out of nowhere
Drops upon my dreaming world

So… on the second celestial evening
All the children of the pebble join hands
And create a waltz

So… on the third celestial evening
All the children of the waltz make
Waves upon my dreaming world…

Sound life…

The voice was so pure and delicate, feminine sounding, almost angelic in its innocence. Kurama could barely restrain his urge to grab him and run off hiding the boy from the eyes of the world. The boy looked up and smiled sweetly at them. (Think cavities everyone)

"Hello Kuuwabara, he said, can I help you?"
"Hi Yuuske, Kuuwabara said, I wanted to introduce you to some friends of mine."

Yuuske stood up gracefully, his delicate lips still curved into a smile, turned to Hiei.

"Hello, and welcome."

Hiei remained ever articulate with a nod of his head and a grunt. Yuuske shrugged his delicate shoulders (notice how everything about Yuuske is delicate people) and turned to Kurama. Kurama smiled at the young boy with a wolf like grin on his face letting him see the hunger in his eyes for a second.

"Hello Yuuske, taking one small, elegant hand into his own, it's a pleasure to meet such beauty, brushing a kiss upon his hand and feeling the pulse quicken, my name is Kurama."

Yuuske raised startled and confused eyes to his own, "hello Kurama". Yuuske could barely move as he looked at Kurama watching his lips. Kurama had a difficult time restraining himself from taking Yuuske right then and there, his desire for the lithe young body escalating as he looked at the small pink tongue coming out to lick the rose petal buds that Yuuske called his mouth. Sadly Kurama's enjoyment was cut short when the bell rang from the continuation of class.

Yuuske managed a shaky breath and made to leave but soon realized that a certain demon (half demon) still had his hand in his grasp. Kurama smiled at him.

"Yuuske why don't you meet us after school for study session, we could help each other with the Algebra homework."

Yuuske did not fail to notice that it wasn't a request but as demand, he nodded and walked back to the classroom, putting a hand to his chest to try and quail the fierce pounding of his heart. He didn't know if it was such a smart thing to give into Kurama but he did know that for some reason he couldn't say no.

Kurama watched the quickly retreating boy, licking his lips, as if to capture the elusive taste of Yuuskes sweet skin. He turned to his teammates raising a delicate eyebrow at Kuuwabara's face.

"What was that Kurama, he asked, what do you want from Yuuske?"
"Yes fox, I am intrigued as well, what with a ningen?"
"That does not concern you or Kuuwabara, Kurama said, just know that the boy interests me."

And on that note he walked away. The rest of the day passed without mishaps but Kuuwabara was angered at the looks that Kurama was sending towards Yuuske, his Yuuske no less (yeah right, did he not read his contract), and the fact that Yuuske was blushing.

After school had ended Yuuske face was a becoming tomato red. He had met up with Kurama and the others, but the conniving youko would not leave him be. There were covert caresses placed upon him, so many that he feared that his skin would never return to its normal tone. Kurama just watched and gauged Yuuskes reaction finding the boy to be terribly cute, in his naivety. It would be a great pleasure to show this beauty what his body was capable of.

'Besides, he thought to himself, it would be a great pleasure to take this jewel away from Kuuwabara before he even had a chance."

The aforementioned idiot was watching the proceedings with a snarl present on his face, jealous that Yuuske was responding to the demons (half-demon, but still) seductions. It didn't help the matter that Hiei seemed to be greatly amused by the entire goings on.

"What are you so happy about shorty?"
"You twit, it is amusing that you think yourself in 'love' with the boy but do not even attempt to fight Kurama for him."
"I don't stand a chance against Kurama."
"Yes, but you don't even try, ningens so weak, and pathetic."

Okay this chapter went better then I thought.

Hiei: What are you talking about onna? It's to short.

Well I ran out of inspiration, anyways what did you think about Yuuske?

Bakura: Nice try dodging the subject. We all know that you're too lazy to continue, and you still have homework.

What is this bishounen attacking the authoress day? And what are you doing here tomb robber, don't you have a tomb that you should be robbing?

Bakura: Why would I be doing that when it is so much more fun to annoy you?

Hmm. yes well, please review since they help me write, and I will try to make the chapters longer it all depends? Would you like, many short chapters, because that way I can update almost everyday, or few long chapters (I'm talking 10-20 pages), it'll to get those out since I'm during school.

Flames will posted where everyone can see their stupidity. But all reviews will be answered.

So Ja Ne Minna.
P.s Baka-idiot