Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kuuwabaka Hakusho ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kuuwabaka spirit detective
By: Phoenix 3:16

I'm so proud I have a review, someone actually likes this story.

Hiei: its just 1 review, not that big of a deal.

As long as someone enjoyed it I don't care. This is dedicated to that reviewer, and because you are my first reviewer I will give you a special treat in this chapter.

Kurama: Good thing I already know what it is.

Yeah whatever

Disclaimer: Yu Yu Hakusho does not belong to me. If you sue me then all you'd get is my anime collection. (And it ain't much)

WARNING: This is a yaoi, if you didn't know it you're and idiot.

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Kurama gazed upon the beauty next to him, amused at the boy's innate ability to arouse him. He was so pure, innocent. It was a very effective and seductive lure. He couldn't wait to take him.

"So x=8 right? Kuuwabara asked trying to grasp some understanding of Algebra.
"Yes, that is correct, Yuuske said, smiling at him, very good Kuuwabara."

This process continued for a few more hours, when Yuuske noticed the time.

"Sorry but I have to go."
"That's alright, Kurama said, I'll walk you home."

So off they went.
________________________________________________________________________ _________________________
(Okay, heavy lime, people. So if you don't like it don't read it. I will say that it is important to the story)

Kurama sat outside of Yuuskes window, letting his Youko form appear (my story my rules). He snuck into the young boys bedroom, and stroked the dark locks of his hair. Since he had chosen to make Yuuske his mate it was time to make sure the young boy would desire him as well. He would seduce him not only in the real world but also in his dreams.

*In the dream*

Yuuske walked through a beautiful forest, confused about where he was. Just as he was about to panic, strong hands grabbed his slender waist. Firm lips devoured his neck, as the hands begin to worship his lithe body. Yuuske gasped and let out a small and helpless moan of desire. He turned slowly, looking up at his captor.

"Kurama, he gasped out, w...what are you do...doing?"
"Claiming you Yuuske, what else?

Yuuske cried out in pain as Kurama bit the joint that connected his neck and shoulder, and as let out a startled moan of desire as Kurama soothed his wound. The youko smiled at his delicate prey, and whispered to him.

"Look at me little one, Yuuskes eyes opened revealing stunned chocolate eyes.

Kurama smiled no longer a red haired youth but the true demon that he was. Delicate for ears, long following silver hair, and a tail that made itself known by wrapping itself around Yuuskes small waist, pinning him to Kurama's body.

"K...Kurama", what's going on?
"This is my true self little one. It is who I really am."
"I desire you Yuuske, you are so incredibly beautiful, you make me burn with need. Let me touch you, let me take you."

With that he claimed the sweet mouth for his own, his tongue caressing Yuuskes small lips, asking for the boy's permission. Yuuske was unable to refuse him, caught up in sensations that his body didn't know how to deal with. Kurama let out a groan of satisfaction as his tongue surged into the rosebud mouth, enjoying Yuuskes taste.

Yuuske surrendered to Kurama, he couldn't help it. Kurama mouth was hot hard and possessive. It dominated him until he could think of nothing else but him. Perfect heat. A perfect fire blazing through them.

Kurama devoured him, kissing Yuuske as if he would never get enough of the boy. He wanted Yuuske to lose himself in passion.

"Kurama." He whispered his name, into his mouth, tangling his small hands into the silken silver mane. Kurama's hands closed over the delicate waist, bringing Yuuskes hips firmly against his own, his mouth leaving the young beauty's, to trail little kisses upon the swan-like neck. While he helped Yuuske to feel the evidence of his own burning desire.

Yuuske gasped as Kurama mouth moved lower, his tongue dancing across the suddenly revealed chest, until the boys hands gripped fistfuls of silver hair in reaction. His mouth was hot and wild, suckling strong at his hardening nipples urging the boy to become lost in his desire. He heard Yuuskes moan, a soft whisper of need that spread throughout his body, thickening his blood. Hunger and need were so strong that he became afraid.

Kurama first thought was to just take the boy, but he looked down and gazed upon him, his hair clung damply to his skin, his cheeks flushed, eyes glazed with desire, ruby lips were parted swollen from his kiss.

"Yuuske, pretty one, sleep now rest, and know that I will see you when the suns rays crosses the skies."

Yuuskes eyes closed. Kurama opened his eyes once again in the real world, gazing upon the sleeping boy. Brushing his lips across his he was not surprised to see Yuuske welcome his kiss.

"Sleep well koi". And with that he was gone.


So what do you think?

Kurama: Very nicely done, but you should have let me take Yuuske.

You just met.

Kurama: You're point being what exactly.

Never mind, hmm I'm surprised Yuuske isn't here to complain.

Kurama: He blushed so hard that he fainted.

Marik: This could have been better spent doing your math homework; it's due the day you go back to school.

I'll get around to it eventually; I did already finish my essays.

Ohh… well please review it really gets the creative juices flowing.

Ja ne minna