Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kuuwabaka Hakusho ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kuuwabaka spirit detective

By: Phoenix 3:16

Well thanks for all the positive reviews folks.

Kurama: Yes, she never thought that anyone would waste their precious time on this story.

Silence sexy fox man. Anyway to the reviewer who mentioned the fact that the plot wasn't evident this chapter is for you. And also to the reviewer who mentioned sent me the link to the ukeyuuske site, please send instructions on navigation.

Hiei: She's to stupid to figure it out on her own.

Kurama: Instead of praising her you should tell her to do her homework.

I said silence, I could always change my mind you know, it could be Yuuske and Karasu.

Kurama/Yuuske: no please, we'll be good.

Yuuske when did you get here?

Yuuske: Just now.

Okay well do the disclaimer and the warning while you're at it.

Yuuske: Yu Yu Hakusho does not belong to Phoenix; she's just borrowing the characters. This is a yaoi fic, and if you didn't know it then you should be ashamed of yourself.

Thanks cutie. Now on with the fic
________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Yuuske awoke blushing with embarrassment. He just couldn't understand why he had such a dream about Kurama.

'And it was so vivid', he thought to himself. Closing his eyes he could still feel the caresses. The only thing that he didn't understand was that Kurama had turned into some silver-haired fox man. 'If possible he was even sexier after his transformation.' He blushed even harder, not understanding were those thoughts had come from.

He was so distracted that he never noticed the shadow that was watching him.

Koenma looked upon his chosen spirit detective sighing. Kuuwabara was not exactly what he wanted, but he didn't have any other choice.

"Your latest case is an energy draining demon. His targets are always the same, young boys with black hair and brown eyes. He drains them of their energy slowly killing them."

"Don't worry Koenma, I the great Kuuwabara will save the day."
"Just don't get yourself killed you idiot." (Anyone want to guess who that is.)
________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Yuuske sighed walking in the park trying to clear his head. He just couldn't understand what was happening to him. The young boy had never felt desire and lust, so these new feelings were overwhelming his fragile mind. Yuuske paused in his musings unaware of the demonic green eyes watching his every move.

The demon in the shadows watched the fragile young human. His breath caught in desire for the young boy. The jet-black hair falling into delicious chocolate eyes, the soft peach skin and full lips. The fact that the young boy was just an untapped well of spiritual power. Before him was the perfect prey and he would not risk losing him.
________________________________________________________________________ _________________________

Our two lovable spirit detectives along with one idiot ran towards the sound of a piercing scream of fear. And what met their eyes but the demon Dahak holding the slender body of Yuuske Urameshi.

Kurama was angry this little demon brat thought that he could touch the chosen mate of Youko Kurama. And want to know what really ticked kurama off? This upstart was bending down to kiss Yuuske, his Yuuske!

Kuuwabara didn't know what to do, his crush was in trouble, Yuuske needed help. As the leader of the spirit detectives he needed to save his love. So he rushed to save Yuuske and tripped over a rock while dreams of his love-rewarding kiss on his mind.

Kurama leaped into the air calling for his chosen weapon. In small graceful movements, the arm that the demon was using to hold Yuuske fell off. Fortunately for the human, he landed on Kuuwabara.

Hiei rushed at the enemy using his sword to slice at him while Kurama's rose whip to care of the rest. In no time the demon was gone, destroyed and would hunt no more. Yuuske got off of Kuuwabara, helping him up. And walked gracefully over to Kurama and Hiei. He smiled.

"Thank you, he said brushing a kiss across their cheeks, for saving my life."

Kurama smiled and graciously offered to walk Yuuske home. The young boy accepted not really knowing any better, walked off with the kitsune unknowing of the plans running through Kurama's mind.

Meanwhile in the park................

"Hey where's my kiss?!

"Hnn... baka"


Author's note

Sorry that it took me so long to update, I just became a senior and I haven't had time to write anything down.

Don't worry the next chapter will be out sooner hopefully by Monday.
