Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ kuwabara's blackmail tapes ❯ next set ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
me: yipppie!! i gotta review!!

yusuke: big deal.

me: hey! that means a lot to me ok. thanx Atinka & Suuichii. the review was mush apreciated.

hiei: Hn. im going to kill u kuwabara.

me: uh... well, thats nice. anyway, kuwabara, got any more tapes.

kuwabara: ya. lots.

yusuke: great, pop one in.

me: um, hold on u guys. the disclamer??

yusuke: ok. Disclamer: this is the disclamer ppl!! ok all done.

yusuke: damn it!! who stole my pants this time?!?!

puu: puu, puu!!

yusuke: awww shut up already!!

puu: *sad face* puu. :-(

[haha! got that from the yuyu commercials i posted.]

boton: *reading rieko's diary* ... i was in the middle of this huge fight and zoned out. that wasnt the worst part. i was thinking about... *shudder* hiei.

hours later...

rieko: humm. i don't remember leaving this here??

[what the...!! oh, damn it!! i hope hiei didn't see that]

hiei: *singing in shower* ... no i don't want no scrub. scrub is a guy who can get no love from me...

kurama: hiei?? are u ok in there?? hiei??

[hahahaha!! a song from 3LW. great!]

[hmm. we need something new]

kuwabara: *curld up in a corner* im not afraid of the dark. im not afraid of the dark.

[thats good!! lol!]

yusuke: *talking 2 himself* that sucks. kurama has rabid fan grlz, hiei has rabid fan grlz, i think kuwabara has a fan and what do i have?? a stink'n little animal that says puu!!! my life sucks.

boton: *pops in from nowhere* i could help u die again.

yusuke: O.O


idiot demon guy: what whould u do if i poked ur eye??

hiei: Hn. i'd kill u, what else.

idg: how 'bout ur nose??

hiei: u'd die.

idg: ur tummy??

hiei: u'd die slowly and... wait, did u just say tummy??

[wow!! didn't see that comming. O.O]
boton: *wakes up and looks in mirror* ahhhhhhhhhh!!!

[all i can say is... hahahahaha!]
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kurama: *drunk running around the house* ahhhhh!! purple cowz!!! ahhhhh!!!

[sorry, had to say it.]
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me: ok that's enough. i'm tired and wanna go 2 bed. well R&R every one and Atinka & Suuichii thanx again.

kuwabara: plz ppl. we need some new ideas here. just post one in a review ok.l8rz.

me: l8rz??

kuwabara: what??

me: nothing. -.-zzzz