Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors Of An Lost Soul ❯ Childhood Whispers幼年期はささやく ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Strwberrii: This story is not for the weak stomached. So don't read if you are. This story will get in depth about a lot of touchy subjects. Well enjoy. Ja ne.
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To forgive means to forget,
And if you forget you must let go,
Then you must learn,
How to smile again.
I remember when I was younger, everything was so big. And I, well I was just another child trapped inside this big world. My Kaa-san always told me I was destined for greatness, and my time would come. I never understood what she meant, but at that time those words meant so much. My Kaa-san was always a strong woman, even when my Otou-san wasn't there. To be honest I really never saw my Otou-san as a child. He had ran away to be with some other woman a couple months after my 3rd birthday. My Kaa-san never really complained about it, but I sometimes I caught her staring at a picture of him and her. Though a smile was laced on her face, her hazel eyes foretold the misery he gave her. Even so, my Kaa-san never showed her pain around me. She was always smiling. She always told me, “Things will happen, but even so, smile.”
My abuela always told me that my mother was bottling up her frustrations, yet the smile my Kaa-san always presented never allowed me to see how much she was hurting. My abuela blamed it on my father; I still remember the angry in her words. She would rant and say, “¡¡Infierno con su padre! Su madre debe de casado alguien de su clase. [Hell with your father! Your mother should of married someone of her kind.]”
My abuela hated the fact I wasn't full Puerto Rican and she constantly ridiculed my Kaa-san about having a Japanese and Puerto Rican child. My abuela cursed at me constantly and called me a “Niño amarillo asqueroso. [Filthy yellow child]”
My Kaa-san constantly argued with my abuela, even if my abuela hated me I knew my Kaa-san loved me. I was content with that. As long as my kaasan was there I was happy, but who knew my happiness would soon end?
It was late October when my Kaa-san fell ill. I remember just the other day; my Kaa-san had taken me to the park. She had seemed fine then, but she hid her sickness behind her smile. How naïve I was. I never pierced through her façade. I never once paid attention to the signs. I guess I thought just because she was smiling that meant she was okay, but the truth was she was stepping closer to death with each second.
I will always remember that day. The day seemed perfect, my Kaa-san had promised to take me out to my favorite ice cream shack after school. My Kaa-san always rewarded me, because I was very good in school. I waited for her to come pick me up like she promised, but she never showed up. I watched as all my classmates Okaa-san's came to pick up their children. It was the first time I had ever walked home. I was so mad. I felt so betrayed. I made it to our small house, the red shutters contrasting smoothly with the white wood. It wasn't big, but it was home. I turned the knob on the front door yet it was locked, so I walked over to my best friend Takimura-kun's house.
It seemed I was there for hours. And still my Kaa-san had made no appearance. Takimura-kun's Okaa-san began to worry also. It wasn't like my Kaa-san to not show up and pick me up from school.
The reality of my situation soon dawned on me when the police came to Takimura-kun's house. There they told me my Kaa-san had died. She was running a high fever and got sent home from work, she was supposed to be resting. My Kaa-san's friend Shiori-san was there. She said she had gone to the store to get some medicine and my Kaa-san wasn't there when she got back. I soon found out my Kaa-san had argued with Shiori-san the whole day, because my Kaa-san wanted to go pick me up. So my Kaa-san even in her state of health didn't want to break her promise. I would have understood if she just had stayed home, but she didn't. She was lightheaded from the fever so she never saw the car coming as she crossed the street. The driver not paying attention hit my Kaa-san dead on. She died on impact.
My Kaa-san was my everything and I was left alone. My Abuela refused to take me in and I was sent to Okinawa, where my Oji-san resided at. There I spent my darkest times. At first he seemed nice; he bought me a lot of toys and clothes. Then the longer I stayed the more affectionate he became. It felt so wrong, but he always told me it was okay. But how is it okay if it felt so wrong and disgusting. As time passed, and Ojisan stopped letting me outside. My Oji-san confided me in a small room. He forced me to wear Victorian style dresses. His favorite was this old red and white dress with a matching white lace bonnet.
He told me constantly that I reminded him of a “China Doll”, even those words sounded so sick out of his foul mouth. And when I turned 7 he raped me. I was trapped in a pathetic shell. For 2 years this continued. Then one day I remember someone slamming the door open. I hid in fear expecting it to be my Oji-san uncle back to take his revenge on me for fighting back earlier that day.
But I saw someone else. A tall man with short black hair and hard brown eyes entered the room. He wore a policeman's uniform, but I noticed he had blood stains on it. He beckoned me over to him and I noticed a new softness in his eyes. In a small whisper he said, “It's okay now, he'll never hurt you again.”
I cautiously walked over to the man and he drew me into a hug. Without a warming I felt my tears streaming down my cheeks.
The man whispered again softly, “You're safe now, okay. He'll never hurt you again.”
And for the first time since my Kaa-san died I felt truly at peace.
The man who saved me name was Takishita Satoshi. Takishita-san was a friend of my Otou-san's. He knew my Kaa-san very well. When my Kaa-san died, my Otou-san didn't find out until 4 months later. My Otou-san sent Takishita-san out to look for me, but my whereabouts were hidden.
About three weeks later I met my Otou-san again for the first time in 6 years. When he saw me he drew me into a hug and cried. Yet, I felt no sympathy for this man. He left my Kaa-san, and never looked back. So I did not need his pity. I remember staring at him observing this man that claimed to be my Otou-san. He was tall and lean. His hair a salt and pepper color, but his eyes were a striking grey. I tilted my head and stared at Takishita-san. I wiggled from my Otou-san's grasp and ran to Takishita-san. I clutched onto his hips and buried my face in his waist.
Takishita-san picked me up and smiled. He smiled and told me, “I will visit you I promise, okay?”
I nodded as he put me down. I watched as he walked away. He waved to me as he got in his car and without a glance back he drove off.
In the end Takishita-san lied to me. He never came back.
Oji-san= Uncle
Kaa-san= Referring to your own mom. More like Mom.
Okaa-san= Referring to someone else's mother. More like Mother.
Abuela= Grandmother
-Kun= Used for familiar boys
-San= respectful and common. Also equivalent to Mr., Miss, Ms.