Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Impossible ❯ Solution ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of the characters associated with it. I am merely toying with them for my own twisted amusement.

Raven: I think that about says everything, don't you Nathaniel?

Nathaniel: Looking behind Raven. Ummm………actually, I think the disclaimer is just perfect.

Kagome: *knocks Raven out with baseball bat* Good boy, Nathaniel.

Nathaniel: Eh heh.

Kagome: All right, people. I'm posting chapter three now because it won't leave me alone and I'm trying to study for finals. College, ugh!

Nathaniel: Yeah, how're you doing with that studying, anyway?

Kagome: I haven't started yet, because this story won't leave me alone long enough to get anything accomplished. *walks out door* I'm going to study now. The draft is on the desk. You type it up.

Nathaniel: Ummm………okay. Good luck! *turns to readers* All right, here goes nothing. Enjoy!

Chapter Three: The Solution

Yusuke was right; neither Hiei nor Kurama were very happy at the moment. It was true that they had found the solution to their leader's little dilemma, but that didn't mean they had to like it.

Actually, if they hadn't been lovers, then only one of them would have had to suffer, instead of both. Hiei was beginning to seriously reassess his relationship with the sly kitsune. If being so close to the fox was going to get him into situations like this, maybe he ought to consider breaking it off.

However, Kurama didn't plan on letting the little Koorime escape his fate that easily. If he had to suffer, then so did Hiei. It was as simple as that. Besides, maybe their task wouldn't be so unpleasant with the both of them there. It might actually turn out to be fun.

`Of course' thought Kurama wryly, `fun and Hiei don't exactly go together, do they?' Smirking to himself, he brought his attention back to the task at hand; finding out where Yusuke had run off to, and figuring out how to explain things to him. Kami knew it wasn't going to be easy by any means.

Once they had decided upon a course of action-or rather, once Hiei and Kurama had been all but blackmailed into it-they had set out to find the missing leader of the Reikai Tantei. They figured he would probably hide his ki, but they were hoping for some kind of lead. The only thing they knew for sure was the direction Urameshi had been heading when he left them.

What they didn't realize that what traces could be found of him would be scattered everywhere. Apparently, the black-haired teen had figured out how to scatter hi youki in several different directions, thus confusing the enemy. However, they weren't his enemies-they never had been. Well, that was a small lie, they had after all been considered his enemies when they stole some precious items from Reikei, but that was it.

Kuwabara voiced this thought out loud in the most annoying manner he possibly could. Hiei winced at the grating sound and almost spun on his heel to kill the stupid ningen on the spot, just to have some quiet. Not surprisingly, it was Genkai who disagreed. "We could very well be his enemy, depending on what we decided," she replied. "Perhaps this is more of a test, to see if we'll continue the hunt ourselves until we find him, or if we'll back off for the moment and send others hunting for any trace of him."

"What's that got to do with anything?" Kuwabara asked, bewildered. Hiei snorted, earning himself a death-glare and mild insult from the carrot-topped ningen. "If we continue to hunt for him ourselves, then it's possible that he'll realize we mean no harm to him and reached some sort of solution."

Kuwabara just blinked, trying to assess this new information, then answered, "Oh." Hiei snorted again and turned back to the task at hand.

After another hour of searching, the four companions came upon the lesser demons Yusuke had hunted while on his rampage. Reinforced in their judgment of the direction he had taken, they continued on their trek, headed for the small forest nearby.

Once they reached the forest, Genkai and Kuwabara sent out their ki, hunting for a trace of the cinnamon-eyed youth. Finding none, they began heading further into the trees, hoping they stumbled across him or his ki at some point in the near future.

Somewhere around three or four miles later, Kurama began to sense that there was something foreign in the forest. Sending out his own ki, he found the spell that Yusuke had woven around an area of the forest. Genkai, Kuwabara, and Hiei were walking around it, not appearing to notice anything odd.

Kurama hissed to get their attention, then beckoned to the place where the ki was coming from. Genkai blinked, then grinned. "I never thought he'd use one of the spells I taught him to hide from me, so I wasn't looking for it," she murmured, apparently surprised at underestimating her student.

Grinning, the redhead took the lead into the clearing, stopping at the base of a large oak tree and gazing upwards. "Oi, Yusuke! You coming down or what?"

His friend grinned back down at him from his branch and replied, "That depends. What's going to happen if I come down there?" he asked. Kurama understood what he meant, and offered a small smile. "We're going to help you separate your youkai form from your human and hanyou forms. Since it is a foreign form, and does not appear to have originated directly from your ancestry, it should be relatively simple to do."

Yusuke snorted, but climbed down from the tree, standing in front of his friends. "Well, one thing I know for sure; whatever it is, it can't be fun." Kurama inquired as to what made him reach that conclusion, and he replied, "Simple, while I was hiding, I also hunted for you all to see where you were and how long it would take you to get here. You and the little runt were both ridden with anxiety, and neither of you seemed particularly thrilled, so I assumed that you had the biggest part in this-whatever this is-and that if you don't like it, I probably won't either."

The kitsune grinned suddenly at his friend's insightfulness, while Hiei just snorted. "Hn. Baka ningen." Yusuke gazed at him, taking in little details as he tried anew to solve the puzzle that was Hiei. As far as he could tell, the koorime was a very powerful fighter and ally, and had no emotions what-so-ever, unless it was for his twin sister, Yukina.

Of course, Yukina didn't know that her brother was one of the Reikai Tantei, and Hiei planned to keep it that way. He had threatened the others, including both Botan and Koenma, assuring them that they'd die a slow and painful death if they told Yukina who her brother was, and he kept the knowledge a complete secret from the loud-mouthed Kuwabara.

Yusuke shook his head and brought himself out of his contemplation to see Kurama smirking at him. "Huh?" was all he managed to stutter out. "What did I just miss?" He was sure he hadn't been in any danger, because his body took over on instinct when he was, and he would have just reacted without thinking. Listening to someone talking to him was another matter, however.

Kurama just sighed and told him patiently, "Yes, you did. You missed seeing Genkai and Kuwabara-kun leaving, and you missed my explanation of the solution to this problem. Is Hiei really that interesting to you?" At this, the koorime looked up, and Yusuke blushed.

He had been aware of the two people leaving, but as it wasn't a threat, the boy saw no need to become fully conscious of the fact. However, he hadn't realized that his contemplation of Hiei had been so obvious.

He tried to answer his friend as truthfully as possible. "Hiei's always been such a mystery, what with his closed-off attitude and forbidding personality and everything. I keep finding out new things about him, but I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever know everything I want to about him."

"Hn," interrupted Hiei, reminding the other two that he was present. "You won't ever find out everything about me. Even Kurama doesn't know everything he wants to know, and he's my-," abruptly, he cut himself off, realizing that he had said too much, as a result of being preoccupied with their current mission.

He knew that the hanyou lord was pretty keen, even if he didn't act it, but he still had a few dumb moments, when he tried to put two and two together and got seven. The fire demon hoped that this was one of those times.

No such luck. It only took Yusuke a few seconds to process his words, then finish the sentence for him, smirking. "Lover? Were you going to say that he's your lover?" Hiei just glared at him, promising him a very painful existence if he told anyone else about this.

Kurama, on the other hand, saw the advantage in his knowledge of their relationship. "It doesn't disgust you that two guys might be-intimately involved?" he questioned gently. Yusuke frowned at him, puzzled. "No, it doesn't bother me? Why should it?"

Neither youkai answered him, but slowly realization dawned. "Oh, nonononono, you can't be serious," he began, skipping the shocked stage and jumping right into denial. "There is no way. There must be another cure."

Kurama just shook his head. "There isn't, Yusuke-kun. We tried other suggestions, but according to Genkai, this is the only one that's guaranteed to separate you without killing you in the process." When Yusuke didn't reply, he brought up a question of his own. "You said the idea of two guys in a sexual relationship didn't bother you? Why not?"

Yusuke blinked at him, then shrugged. "Well, I've always been open-minded about that type of thing, but I've never really thought about it before. No, I can't honestly say I have a problem with it."

Now he had both the youko's and the koorime's full attention. "What makes you think that?" questioned Kurama. Then he continued quickly, "I mean, it's good if you are. That will make this a lot easier, but still, what brought on this sudden realization?"

Yusuke looked at him contemplatively, then at Hiei, and he sighed. "Promise me you won't kill me for this," he demanded. When the two other boys had given him their word, he continued, looking at Kurama. "Well, when I first saw you, I thought you were a girl, and I had a crush on you," he admitted, flinching when he saw Hiei's icy gaze.

Kurama placed a restraining hand against his lover's arm and nodded for Yusuke to continue. "Well," said the black-haired fighter, "when I realized you weren't a girl, the feeling remained. It just never went away. Eventually I started ignoring it, but it's never left."

Kurama smiled softly. "Then that makes this so much easier, since you already had feelings for one of us. Now here's the next question: who's house, mine or yours?" The other two looked sharply up at him, but he just cocked an eyebrow and waited for a reply.

After several tense moments, Yusuke let out his breath and answered, "Mine. Ofukuro's going to be gone for a few days on vacation with one of our neighbors, so we'll have the place to ourselves." The other two nodded and headed off in separate directions; Kurama headed home to pick up a few things and inform his mother that he'd be over a friend's house for a day or two, Yusuke headed home to clean up a bit and prepare some food for his expected guests, and Hiei took to the trees, just hanging around until it was time to meet up with Yusuke.

Nathaniel: Okay, well, since Kagome's still studying, and Raven hasn't woken up yet, this is going to be a really short conclusion. Next chapter begins the cure. However, I altered the story so that it does not contain a lemon, and it will only hint at K x H, all right? So the cure has been changed. Yusuke still knows what it is, and doesn't like it at all, seeing as that it involves two youkai, but hey, tough cookies, ne? Kagome told me to inform you that she needs five reviews before continuing, all right? Thanks!