Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Misunderstanding ❯ No, Kurama Is Not Joking, Hiei ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I will only continue this fanfic only if you guys decide I should. Please review and give constructive criticism instead of harsh insults, thank you! *^_^*

Disclaimer: I don't own them.

"Well?" Kurama asked the black haired demon. Of course the question was quite unnecessary. Only the thickest baka wouldn't be able to see that Hiei was suddenly and suspiciously uncomfortable.

One eyebrow shot up on the face of the half-koorime, desperately trying to act as innocent as possible.

"What are you talking about, fox. Stop wasting my time."

The red-headed fox did his best to control his temper and continued his homework, trying to act like he couldn't care less. But he did.

"In the name of Inari-Sama, you cold-blooded baka!" Kurama fumed. "If you don't tell her soon that you are her twin brother, I will inform her myself!"

Hiei dropped the act and yelled too. "Don't you DARE, you sorry excuse for a thief. You don't understand how hard it is! I AM trying, you know!"

Kurama calmed down easily, annoying Hiei abundantly.

"No, I don't understand how hard it is but now it just got harder."

"What do you mean?" Hiei asked slowly.

"I just heard that Yukina now officially thinks of you as a boyfriend. You seem to have led her on with your, (* Kurama raises his hands into the quote, quote gesture*) romantic walks in the park."

Confused Hiei asked what a boyfriend was.

Kurama smiled mischievously, enjoying immensely the comedic position he was putting Hiei of this already-difficult situation.

"Boyfriend, is something female ningens call a mate. Of course it's not always a permanent thing. But ningen girls take this thing very seriously."

Hiei stared at him, eyes wide, and face going pale.

"You're joking, fox."



"Well," Hiei cleared his throat, "I'm going to do what's best."

"And what's that?" the redhead inqured. And then yelled "No, Hiei!" As his window started to crack. All he could see was a black blur on top of his companion's body banging mercilessly against the glass.

Everything ended with glass fragments on the floor, the famous thief, Youko Kurama with his mouth open and eyes wide and the cruel, cold-hearted Forbidden Child with a migraine.

With nothing else to do, Hiei leaps out leaving his stunned friend trying to keep his worried mother from coming in through the door.

*^_^* I hope you enjoyed yourselves. I'm wondering if I should continue this fanfic so I'd really appreciate it if you guys will tell me if you like it. I do realize the chapters are short and I if I do decide to continue, I will make it up to you. *^_^*