Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Misunderstanding ❯ Hiei breaks Yukina's favorite teaset. Why Oh Why Oh Why? ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Thank you all for your reviews! *^_^* They were really encouraging!

Disclaimer: Nope. I don't own YYH.

Hiei growled at a nearby squirrel, scaring it further up the tree. He broke off a random branch off the tree he was sitting on and started stripping it of its bark.

`What can I do? What can I do?!'

He has to tell her the truth.

If he holds out any longer, he might actually kill someone, hopefully that buffoon named Kuwabara.

He was pleased with himself for reaching this conclusion. Hiei rarely thought first and acted second, depending on his instincts for his survival.

It was quite primitive.

Of course anyone could've told him that Yukina deserved to know. In fact, they did.

(…) Hiei thinks. He wasn't quite sure. Maybe he would know if conjuring up new ways to torture people wasn't so interesting. He smirked recalling his latest idea which involved belly button lint and holes in the ground. (Please don't try to figure it out, I just

picked some random things for your amusement.)

"Hn." Hiei decided.

"Hn." Hiei threw his stick away.

"Hn." Hiei stood up.

"Hn." Hiei scared the squirrel one last time and *singsong* off he went to Yukina's house.

"Hiei! What a great surprise! Come in!"

Yukina was suddenly feeling very anxious and after seeing the look on her boyfriend's face, she actually wondered if her marriage proposal dream would come true.

"Do you want some tea?" she asked and soon after, covered her mouth with a dainty hand. Surely The Forbidden Child didn't drink TEA. What was she thinking?

Aghast, she antagonized over what he could possibly think of her.

Then, extraordinarily he said "yes" and she hurried out of the room trying to remember how to boil water. She vaguely remembered that it had something to do with a bowl and milk.

`No wait, that's cereal'

Yukina's face seemed to slow Hiei's brain. Grateful for a distraction, he said "yes" to whatever it was that she asked. When she closed the door behind her, Hiei desperately thought of her laughter, her gentle voice, her kind eyes and healing hands, anything to convince himself that Yukina wouldn't mind too much being his sister.

When the door started to open again, he immediately thought of all of the brotherly feelings he had for her. Ending up feeling quite giddy and very bold, he pronounced the ultimate 3 words.

"I Love You."


Yukina's favorite tea-set shattered on impact but she didn't seem to notice.

"What?" Yukina quietly asked.

Hiei instantly realized his mistake.

`Oh no! Not in THAT way!"

He opened his mouth to explain himself, and he was cut off by the other set of lips so obviously locked on his.

Stunned, Hiei stood paralyzed and at a loss for what to do.

Sure he didn't propose but a declaration of love was just as good, Yukina decided.

She didn't think Hiei would mind the kiss. After all, HE started it. Sort of.

Yukina pulled away, staring into the ruby eyes of her beloved.

And right before her, Hiei turned redder than her new kimono and fled out the open window.


"I guess he DID mind," she muttered.

Embarassed, she turned beet-red herself.

Hehehehe… I hope you liked it~ *^_^* I am NOT going to make this incest… Believe me. I'm going to keep it a cute, hopefully funny fanfic… Err… Bye! ^_^