Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Misunderstanding ❯ THE HORROR THE HORROR ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For the reviews! I tried to make this chapter longer but I can only write what comes to me at the time. I'm sorry. I AM trying to update as quickly as possible however. ^_^;;

Disclaimer: I don't own them.

"O God, Hiei! Wha. What happened?!!"

Kurama abruptly stood up from his desk, knocking his chair over. He opened his window and a black figure violently pounced on him, causing him to lose his balance and fall backwards onto the floor.

Huge green eyes met huge red eyes. If there was a person present with huge yellow eyes, one would've thought there were 2 questionable traffic lights strangely adorned in the middle of the teenage boy's room.

With Hiei panting heavily on top of him, the mischievous fox couldn't help but make a comment.

"Hiei, if you wanted to be on top, you could've just said so," Kurama said with all of the seriousness he could muster.

The impossible became possible as Hiei's eyes grew even wider. In his panic, the poor demon completely missed the humorous side of the situation and took Kurama seriously.

His mind practically exploded when another thought of a false impression gone awry entered his brain.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Hiei cried and shattered the new glass Kurama had painstakingly installed into his window just that morning.

The red-headed youko grumbled his displeasure as he sat up and shook his head, attempting to stop the ringing in his ears, caused by his friend's VERY loud outcry.

He gasped when he saw what happened and silently cursed the black-clad demon, hoping that his head had received more damage than what he caused with it.

Staring at the empty window, his eyes turned to stunned demon, then to the window, and then back again to the demon.

"Do. You. Realize. How. Long. That. Took. Me?!!!!"

But Hiei, fortunately for him and unfortunately for the fox, didn't hear Kurama. He was too busy replaying the image of his sister kissing him in his mind. Driven to panic yet again, he crashed his head into the glass of a window that was supposed to be there. How could poor Hiei be any more unlucky?

Hiei flew out the window and caught himself just in time to land ungracefully but safely on the ground.

He climbed up the tree and entered the room he had entered before, fewer than 5 minutes ago, but in a more dignified manner.

Perhaps. TOO dignified.

"Hiei," Kurama groaned, "what happened?"

Habit took over and the shorter demon sniffed.



"O. Kaaaaaaaayy."


Kurama smirked.

"It's Yukina, isn't it?"

Hiei turned his head slowly towards him and glared a hole into that smug face for all he was worth. `Hn. I will show that youko who the boss is around here. I will send shivers down his unworthy spine! Feel my wrath, kitsune!!!"

Hiei opened his mouth, still glaring, preparing the most cold and clever comeback all of the 3 worlds have ever heard.


Kurama burst out laughing, tears streaming down his face. Rolling around the floor, he gripped his stomach and begged the gods that he wouldn't die right then.

The gods were merciless.

Kurama nearly wet his pants when he saw the expression on the Forbidden Child's face. He had obviously thought he would tell Kurama off.

Everything about the demon had frozen. His eyes were still scornful and his smirk was still ready for the look of horror that was sure to appear on the baka kitsune's face. Everything about him screamed, "HA!!!! I GOT YOU!"

Hiei drew a deep breath, ready to try again.


This time Kurama didn't laugh, he couldn't. He was spent. He was BEYOND laughing. He was BEYOND peeing in his pants.

When the shock wore off, he turned to his desk, straightened his chair and started concentrating on his homework.

Kurama was sure Hiei would tell him when he was ready.

He was just hoping that Hiei was still breathing.

`Well,' he thought, `At least the window's still broken.'

*A Few Feet Away*

Hiei's paralyzed body occupied a pair of desperate eyes currently staring at the window and the glass fragments on the floor.

Hiei's head was aching for contact and his eyes slowly crept up towards the wall.

I hope you like it! Was it long enough? Please review and explain angst!!!! I'm an ignorant little thing. *^_^*;; As you have probably noticed I increased the rating. Hehehe

I supposed there's nothing too bad in here but just some suggestions. I'm getting really paranoid about this rating thing. ^^;; Think I did the right thing?