Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Misunderstanding ❯ Understanding Yukina ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Wow, those reviews were big confidence-boosters, let me tell ya. Thanks! Anyways, I just wanted to know how you guys choose to upload your fics. Do you write a lot of chapters (perhaps finish the story, even?) and post them chapter by chapter? I suppose this would allow you to perfect the story a bit more and let you add some things and lose some things so that the story would tie together better than if you just do it like I do. I just post the chapter as I write them. I'm a sort of impatient person so I don't think I'd be able to handle it if I do it the other way. If you guys do it any other way and if it's easier than the way I'm doing it, could you tell me? I'd appreciate it a lot! *^_^*


*Sigh* Tomorrow's school for me. I'm dreading it. Anyways, I might not be able to write so much…… I don't know for sure though. I'm going to have to see how my schedule is going to be. You see, I'm starting high school tomorrow and so, I'm nervous. I'm scared. I'm about to PEE IN MY PANTS.

*talks really really fast as Q-cards fly from my hand to all over the room*

And that's it! Enjoy the chapter!

*Rushes off to bathroom*

he. ^o^;;

~Disclaimer: *monotone* I don't own the characters *perks up* but I own the plot!~


"Go Yukina! Run away!"

The addressed ice demon was crying into her hands, shaking her head in despair and impossible confusion.

"I musn't! I can't leave you here to die!!" she wailed. "I can't……….. I can't…………."

A moment passed when neither maiden talked and only listened to the sounds of death.

Crying children screamed their dead mothers' names. The few remaining warriors yelled hopeless victory and the fires that were destroying their beautiful floating home was roaring their own battle cries and consuming the crystal city.

Hearing these sounds that were destined to remain in her memories forever, Yukina knew she had to live. She needed to save the koorime race her own way and tell the world of their birth, discoveries and finally of their downfall. They counted on her to weave their lives into stories, to be told to the future. She had to make sure that no one forgot the race of the ice maidens and their legendary tear gems.

"I will…… I will for my people."

"I love you Yukina! Please, please don't forget me!"

"I love you too!! I love you too!! I love you too!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I LOVE………….!!!" Yukina woke up panting……… Her tear gems were scattered all over her pillow and sheets. For half a second Yukina forgot her nightmare and struggled to remember. The taste of the words she had cried out was still lingering on her tongue. ………

"I love?" And it all came rushing back.

She sighed. Enough tear gems were shed over this, she was over it, right? As she relived her nightmare, the story went past the moment from when she woke.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She ran through the outskirts of her home and into a place she had never stepped into before. Her tears blinded her vision and the grief was becoming harder and harder to bear. But her ears heard clearly the words of her mother's best friend. Words she knew would be her last.

"The eyes, Yukina! Look into his eyes and see with your heart. Your eyes! His eyes!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After drinking a glass of water, she thought of her journey in search of her twin brother, hoping that he would……………

Yukina stopped and closed her eyes. `That he would what………..?'

`Hoping that he would………. Complete me.'

She didn't know this at first, she's just always been curious and had wanted to search and find him. So when she had escaped, it seemed natural to finish that task first. In the back of her mind, she had always known that without him, she wouldn't be able to do anything else.

`What if I never DO find him? Will I search my whole life and never find him?' She was beginning to get depressed.

`I suppose if it came down to that, I would. But I hope it won't.' she concluded.

She knew the story well. The story of her mother's affair, the birth of twins and the sentences for her mother and brother.

Their blood ran also in her veins and she had felt pain one night and knew her mother had died. She grieved but was ashamedly relieved. It wasn't her brother's death that had woken her. He was strong………………. and was surviving.

Yukina hoped this trait lied within her too, she hoped she could be strong like her brave brother and survive. This is what she kept telling herself when Tarukane had trapped her and tortured her.

She smiled in triumph.

And she WAS strong.

And she DID survive.

Why she didn't let Hiei kill that bastard she'll never know. But the look in Hiei's eyes, the familiarity of them, wouldn't let her. It was like she herself was standing there, with that ugly face at her mercy and ready to give the final blow. It had scared her. So she stopped him and said she had seen enough spilt blood. At least it was partly true.

She wanted to see that monstrous pig suffer and die but Yukina couldn't let Hiei do it. Anybody but Hiei.

Hiei didn't understand. And Yukina understood that because it was something no one else would be able to understand. Later, when Yukina told him this, Hiei's response was silence. Then, something amazing happened. He smiled at her and she knew he had accepted that he wouldn't be able to understand. Anyone else would've dug deeper and would have never given up, always searching for enlightenment. But not her Hiei. The smile looked strange and fantastic on him at the same time and then, she was complete.

This is how she came to love him and why she loves him. This is what made her eyes hine this morning when he said he returned her feelings and prompted her to kiss him.

She touched her lips gently with her finger. "The kiss……………….."

The doorbell rang.

"Hey, Yukina."



In the other chapters, Yukina seemed too…… ignorant so I made her a bit more mature here… I hope……… And I also know Yukina's escape never really happened… Or did it? Anyways, bear with me if it didn't, I like the story better that way, don't you? *^_^*

That whole "understanding" thing, I hope it didn't confuse you TOO much but if you read it over slowly, you'll get it. Don't forget to review!