Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mukuro's Tale ❯ Explaination ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“My father at the time, would rape me anually on my birthday. I got fed up with it and poured acid down one side of my body, scarring it for ever. He became angry with me and had me thrown in prison. I gained freedom though, something that he could have never expected.
“I went in search of my mother, who had left when I was very young. I hadn't forgotten how when I was younger all the men seemed to be intranced by my beauty, the same way they had been with here. However, I found myself in the oddest place—Ningenkai.
“I came across a legend of an island with a group of women that could draw men into the rocks of their island and thus killing them. They were known as sirens. I went in search of this island and found it, and my mother with it.
“When I stepped foot on the island my body instantly healed, as if I had never used the acid. The women there taught me about my powers, and I learned to merge them with my demon blood, making the siren the domonite race. They also taught me to control my Pheromones and to make my body like it was when I destroyed it.
“Then I came back to Makai. I worked on refining my skills and strength. Eventually I became a Youkai lord and here we are now,” Mukuro finished.
“If what you say is true then why doesn't your body look destroyed?” Raizen.
“I have to renew the spells every now and then,” Mukuro told him. She walked over to the closet and dropped the sheet that she had been wearing. She began to get some clothing when she felt Raizen's strong arms wrap around her.

”I don't know whether or not these `Sirens' go into heat or if it's just your pheromones…” he trailed off kissing her neck, as Mukuro could feel his member begin to harden beneth his pants. She moaned as Raizen's kisses went lower and hishands wandered all over her body.
He carried her to the bed and pounced.
“Ughh, did you really have to do that baka hentai Toushin you—ugh!”
“It's no my fault that you didn't your pheromones off.” Raizen moaned as Mukuro climbed on top of him, her knees digging into his sides, shoving her tongue down his throat. He didn't know what she was doing to him, but he sure was enjoying it. She broke off and sauntered over to her closet.
Raizen knew something was wrong when he could no longer feel her pheromons. “What did you do onna?” he asked sitting up completely.
“Oh, I just dulled your receptors so that they can no longer sense siren pheromones,” Mukuro told him as she pulled on her pants and then her shirt. Raizen, grumbling, grabbed his pants and sash and put them on. After putting on his shoes he left the chambers just as Mukuro put on her coverings. “I wonder what got into him…?” Mukuro said michevously.