Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Boyfriend Is A Stripper ❯ Shake and Drop ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Boyfriend Is A Stripper
Chapter 2

Warnings for story: Sex, HOT GUYS, strippers, cross dressing, toys, HOT GUYS, bondage, spank, humiliation, some Karasu freaky shit (XD), HOT GUYS, anal, rimming, maybe hetro, did I mention sex and last but not least HOT GUYS *No I'm not obsessed actually.* If I forget anything I'll be sure to put it up.

A/N: I'm very sorry I haven't updated, I lost my touch for a little bit, but here I am. Thanks all that stayed with.
Hiei's eyes widened.
A strip club? He was at a strip club!
He rounded on the too boys that were behind him, red eyes glaring evilly at them. Both boys were in fact, looking at the red head.
“A strip club?” Yusuke asked, his hand coming to scratch his head in embarrassment.
The male red head waiter, turned to look at them, nodding.
“Of course, but I suspect by your faces that you didn't know that?” Kurama asked, his hand coming to cover his mouth as a small chuckle was released.
“Well-uh-no” Kuwabara stuttered out, finally seeing the stage.
The stage was a large semi circle, embracing almost half the club. Sleek, silver stairs raised in the middle, and both sides, as poles decorated every few feet. The area was dim, waiting for the next performers. Cages hung from the roof, low enough to be seen, but high enough so that the performers wouldn't be touched.
“So only girls preform here right?” Yusuke asked, silently looking at Hiei. Poor guy, stuck in a place where he wasn't wanted. Only Yusuke and Yukina knew about Hiei's sexual preference, that he preferred males over females everyday. A sly smile covered Yusuke's face, as he noticed Hiei, still angry, but slightly checking Kurama out. How couldn't? Those long legs, encased but low heels, and a black skirt, with a slit up the side, showing enough to make your mouth water. His blouse-shirt thingy would look great on a woman, but this Kurama seemed to pull it off fine himself.
Kurama shook his head, “No we have male performers too.”
Hiei spoke up, startling the rest by his question, “Will you be preforming?”
Kurama was about to open his mouth to answer when a hand snaked around, closing over his mouth.
“Oh course my Kurama will be preforming, he preforms every night, then he preforms for me” a soft, silky voice said. Kurama's eyes narrowed as he quickly removed the appendage from his face. The unknown man made his way forward, his long body encased in black leather. His hair was the black colour of a crow, violet eyes streaming with anger, hate and a sadistic lust. His mouth was adorned by a silver mask, yet he could still talk so easily through it.
“Karasu” Kurama hissed out, trying not to make a scene.
The man, Karasu, grabbed hold of one of Kurama's red forelocks, letting it slip between his fingers. “I'll be over at my table tonight pet, and please, do put on a good show tonight.”
With a flick of his wrist, the black crow was gone, lost in a crowd of people that had just entered the bar.
“I'm sorry about that, let me take you to your table.”
The three males followed their waiter to a table off the the side. The view was good for the show, without being to actually feel the heat. “Anything I can get you right now? A drink, something to eat?”
Both Yusuke and Kuwabara ordered a beer, while Hiei ordered nothing, opting to sit in the corner chair of the table. When Kurama returned, he winked at them. “The shows about to start in about 5 minutes boys, since I'm needed you can go ahead and call any other waiter or waitress to attend you.”
The boys nodded, or “hn” ed at the remark as Kurama was catered off by a couple of girls dressed in the club uniform. It consisted basically what Kurama was wearing only in different colour schemes.
The lights of the stage went out totally, as darkness engulfed the room. A foreign beat came through the room, making it seem like you wanted to shake your hips. The lights came back on, spotlights of different colours making their way around the club. Girls and guys in raunchy leather, lace and revealing clothing were shown on stage and in the cages. Most of them were already wrapped around a pole or sitting on a chair. In the middle of the stage was a large cage, covered by a black cloth. A male and female in sheer lace fabric covering their gentiles stood beside it.
“Welcome all to the Demonic Grin! Tonight's show is a lustful display of creatures of the deep, dark Makai. We'd like to welcome, Yoko Kurama!”
The lights went bright, and people placed their hands over their eyes, trying to shield. The two people standing beside the cage, grasped the material and pulled off the sheet. A deep growl emitted from the cage, as a spot light focused on it. Kurama was kneeling there, hands shackled together, his head pulled into a bowed position. Only was it Kurama? His red hair had these weird but velvet looking silver ears on them, and a long silver tail swished from side to side behind him. His green eyes were glassy, and unfocused. A gold collar was around his slim neck, and he wore a sheer white fabric, in the shape of a tunic.
The male beside the cage took hold of a thin gold chain, and opened the door. Kurama growled as the male moved forward snapping the chain onto the collar.
“Rise” the male said. Kurama rose, and as the beat got louder his hips started to shake with it. A predatory smile crossed thin pink lips, and his eyes seemed to flash.
Hiei felt an intense heat in his groin as Kurama's piercing gaze seemed to flash his way, staring deep into his own crimson eyes. The strippers around Kurama started to dance to the beat with him, their bodies twisting in a different positions and angles. Bodies moved together and fabric became non existent as their covers fell to the floor revealing their bodies. Kurama swung his head, letting his hair cover his face, before flipping it back over. His costume began to droop off his shoulder slightly, giving the crowd a tantalizing of lean muscle and shoulder.
The three boys at the table all shifted in their seats, trying to be more comfortable. Though Kuwabara and Yusuke knew they were straight and were looking at the female strippers, their eyes couldn't move away from Kurama's sensual dance. Hiei's eyes never moved from Kurama's body, as it turned and twisted, his hands still shackled together. The man beside Kurama came closer, and unlocked his cuffs, before softly whispering something in his ear. Kurama smiled, a large grin that looked like he waqs ready to eat something...or someone.
He made his way down the stage, absently dancing with the bodies he came across before moving to tables. People hooted and hollered as he glided by, touching their faces or chests. He steered clear of the back part where he knew Karasu's table would be, and moved near Hiei's table.
Hiei's hand clenched the table in front of him as Kurama made his way over, he bypassed Kuwabara and Yusuke completely only to lightly run his hand along his shoulders. Hiei shivered at the touche as Kurama leaned down, his hair tracing his body as he whispered in the darker one's ear.
“Meet me in room 4, right after the show is done.”
He gave Hiei no time to response as the seductive male left, but not before reaching down and caressing Hiei's cock through his tight pants. Hiei's breath hitched as he left, but he didn't want Kurama to go, not now. He smiled as he thought about what the red head had said, he was sure he could wait couldn't he?
Kurama made his way back up to the stage where the other performers where, most had already discarded most of their clothing and where entertaining the audience with lap dances and strip teases. Kurama released the shirt part of his sheer outfit letting it be thrown to the floor. His lean but muscular chest was revealed as he made his way to the centre pole.
With grace yet seductiveness that only he could achieve he danced around the pole, his hips still moving to the beat, his body taking on a sheen on sweat as he moved up, down and around the thin metal body. His eyes closed as he lost himself to the music and he let his body take lead.
The dancing went on for a few more minutes when the music gave it's ending note and the lights went out. Most of the people groaned and hotted for more, and others where still be entertained, either on their chair or in now private rooms.
Hiei jumped up full prepared to leave for room 4 when Kuwabara's voice cut in.
“Where do you think your gong shrimp?”
Hiei didn't respond as he turned and started to walk away. Kuwabara gave a huff as Yusuke's eyes took on an amused gleam. Sure he hadn't heard what Kurama has said when the god like being danced over, but when Hiei's eyes flashed like that, well he could only guess.
With restrained steps, Hiei quickly made his way through the back of the lounges where the private rooms where set up. He made his way to room 4, hesitating in front of it, before knocking lightly.
He heard some rustling on the other side of the room, before the door opened. Hiei's eyes widened at what the figure was wearing. He might as well had gone cross eyes, his cock where so hot and hard.
“Aren't you going to let me in...Kurama?”
Look! Look! Look! I updated! And it wasn't little prompts but a chapter, a chapter! Yes yes I'm happy :D It's been forever since I've updated anything that exceeds a page in length hehe. I hope you guys enjoy and I'm sure you can guess what this means right? Lemon next chapter! And maybe some Karasu I-m-a-kick-your-ass-for-taking-whats-mine, and some Hiei Back-the-fuck-off-hes-mine-now...ness. XD Anyways hope to see you next time!
Review Responses!
Shiorifoxiesmom: Gasp Dies x.x Do you even know how much I love you, and when you sent me a review I almost fainted! You are a great, great author and I have read every one of your stories at least 3-4 times. I have to review them though, I read mostly on my PSP and that doesn't allow me too, but THANK YOU for the compliment! I hope you enjoy the rest of this and stick with it :D I'll update the best that I can (I'm to lazy -.-) and you...just keep doing what your the best at!
Lady sesshomaru-sama: Ahh thanks for the review! I hope it gets better and you decide to stick to it! :D
Kurama-UKE-fan: I Love your name -.- It's...it's...beautiful! Who doesn't like uke Kurama? In female cloths? nudge nudge wink wink I'm very glad it caught your attention and you love it. I hope you stick with it!
Yuki: Why thank you ;D And I shall!
Alexisminamino: Shanks yas!!! For subscribing and the review I hope you enjoy!
Sarah: lol your review made me laugh. There is a clear warning that this story has YAOI between two men that are in Yu Yu Hakusho. Honestly I'm not going to start this (You guys should see me on Hiei x Kurama forums, as a bi-sexual myself I am one to support any kind of relationship and I can get pretty nasty.). If you have a problem go see a psychiatrist and tell him you spend your time reading MADE UP FANFICTION and you bash other people ^_^ Have a nice day :D
Youkai Ninja Of The Night: Wait till you see the lemon ^_^ waggles eyebrows The heat's about to intensify xD thanks for the review!
ruthie balboa: I think I got in touch with you...right? I honestly can't remember that far back. Thank you for the constructive criticism it helps a lot. If you have anything else, don't hesitate to email or review it (Just no flames -.- xD)
Naako: The reason I love mm.org? You can rate the stories and I love a 10/10 ;D So thank you for that, and I hope you enjoy this!
Remember people review!!!! :D Thanks have a good day :)