Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Daughter, My World ❯ Mother and Child ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jin's bare feet hurried across the ground just outside of the house before his wind powers kicked in and he hefted himself off of the ground to take flight. Getting only a few feet in the air, he was stopped with the sound of someone else following him and their cries reaching him, “Daddy!” Hovering still within the air, Jin's cobalt eyes locked with his daughter's who was now four years old. Her light cherry hair turned a bit darker and rested close to her chin in length. Akina's ears were elfin but were not incredibly long nor did they grow out whenever she was excited or happy like her father's did. They stayed pointed and Jin assured Aeka that it was normal since his father had the same type of ears. Though she was growing like a weed in Jin's eyes, the only thing that didn't seem to grow or want to were her wings and it was starting to worry him as well as the others.
“Akina, what are you doing? Get back inside with your mother please.” Jin didn't like it when Akina was outside alone or chasing after him when he took flight to try and get things from the market for the others. There were times in her third year of life that she wondered away from the house and demons nearly tore her apart in the forest surrounding the house causing Jin to get worried, and when she continued to do so, he got extremely furious with her and scolded her.
“But, where are you going?” Akina pried from where she stood, peering up at her father from where he continued to stay up in the air. “I don't want you to leave…”
It was emotional blackmail at its finest when she whimpered like that and gave him that look. Though she tried to use it when being punished, Jin never let it get to him there since he didn't want his only daughter to die or get severely hurt. Lowering himself back down to the ground with his arms crossed about his chest, he eyed his daughter worryingly. “I am just going to the market, love,” Jin answered before kneeling before her so he could be with her eye level. “I will be coming back. Why does it upset you? Is there something you want me to do before I go?”
Akina shook her head from side to side, not looking her father in the face for some reason. Jin reached over and stroked his daughter's cheek trying to make her relax and not be so displeased over his brief departure for the day. Akina was so used to the others going to the market for her father that this was the third time he was actually going to leave again this year. The wind master had spent most of his time within the house and around his daughter and wife that he didn't bother parting from one or the other to be in solitude or to help aid the family until he felt Akina was old enough to understand he would return whenever he left. But it was still hard to watch him leave and Akina at times would try to sneak out after him but would either be caught by Touya or her father who was aware of everything about him.
Picking up Akina when she refused to lighten up or even speak with him, he blew a kiss on her cheek to make her at least laugh. Not expecting that, Akina closed her eyes from the laughter that overtook her body from her father's surprise. “Daddy, don't!” She managed to get out through the laughter as she wiggled and squirmed about in his arms to try and escape.
Releasing her once he was through torturing her gently, Jin got back to his feet to look down at his only offspring. “I promise I will come back, Akina. Why don't you go keep your mother company till I return?” Trying to leave once more, Jin stopped himself from taking flight since he could feel Akina hugging his leg now. “Akina, da has to go now,” Jin replied softly to her but sternly trying to make her let go. Even though everyone in the house spoke with a different accent just about, Akina knew most of the heavy Irish words her father used but continued to call him `daddy' instead of `da'. There were times he spoke too quickly and it confused her as well as Aeka who was still trying to get used to him speaking so Jin tried to settle his tone down until they got used to it.
Sighing in defeat, Akina released her father so he could go about his way. “Okay, daddy…just come home…”
“Awe, you know I will, princess,” Jin assured before kissing her on the head.
Standing back so the wind wouldn't get in her face, Akina watched as her playful father took to the skies once more to go elsewhere. Watching him fly off into the distance the little girl couldn't help but smile this time around since it had always been her wish to fly off with her father someday. Looking over her shoulders at her different premature wings, Akina wiggled them slightly trying to get used to the appendage that her mother didn't have. Seeing that they were moving when she wanted them to, Akina tried to flap them though they were only so big. Clutching her fists and concentrating all she could on her wings the little Shinobi of wind to be tried to lift herself off of the ground only to hover for a second before falling back down. “Ooh, stupid wings!”
“Akina,” Chuu called from the doorway of the house with Rinku hanging on his shoulder like a parrot. “What are you doing out here? Come back inside.”
Akina looked back up at the sky where her father fled to making her wish she could go up there someday. But since her wings were not big enough to do so, all she could do was dream about doing so as she walked back inside as Chuu suggested she do so. “When will daddy come back?” Akina asked once she reentered the house.
“He'll come back soon,” Rinku assured from his perch on Chuu's shoulder before zipping down near Akina. “You know your father wouldn't leave you stranded here.”
Akina was told every waking day how much she was loved by her father and it settled her till the times she was left alone without him. Crossing her arms a bit, she looked back to Rinku who was beside her at the moment. “Where is Touya?”
“I think he's out back training,” Chuu answered for his partner before excusing himself so he could get something to drink and relax with.
“Thank you,” Akina said quickly before hurrying out back to look for Touya the ice master who she saw more so than anyone else in the household.
Scurrying out back behind the house regardless of what the others had to say about her going out alone, she eventually made her way to the corner of the back of the building and peeked beyond it to see Touya indeed standing there with the temperature slightly raised for his liking and to help aid his ice powers. Touya watched over Akina when her parents were unable or the two wanted to be alone for a short time of intimacy. He often kept her entertained with anything he could and let her stay in his bedroom to sleep with him if she wanted especially if her parents were sharing a night of passion. Akina found him to be quite sweet and lighthearted and to her, he was like another father. She had never seen him use his powers to fight due to Jin not wanted Akina to see such things at the age she was though she knew what each person was capable of.
Her breath there on the wind thanks to the drop in temperature, Akina couldn't help but smile brightly though his back was facing towards her. Wonder what he is doing.
Touya kept his back to where Akina was hiding but that didn't stop him from waving behind his back at her as if he heard her thoughts, “Stop trying to hide, Akina.” The cold barrier about Touya's territory disappeared swiftly as the ice master turned around to see the little girl trying to hide back behind the house though she knew she was caught. “Don't make me come back there to haul you out here, little missy.”
Akina couldn't help but giggle before showing herself to him finally and hurrying over to his side. Looking up at the demon that towered over her slightly, she looked into his narrow alluring eyes the color of the ice he controlled. Ever since she was born, she found them so beautiful and could stare at them for hours. Whenever Akina spoke with him, she never left his demonic eyes. “Hi, Touya,” she replied with a smile. “Daddy left so I came looking for you.”
Touya felt it was his job to baby-sit Akina when he could due to this child being the one thing Jin really wanted and Aeka as well, but being that he was closest with his partner in crime, Jin, he felt he owned it mostly to him. It was an obligation to him at first until it became a bit of a joy watching a child grow up that came from his own best friend's bloodline. “Where did your daddy go?” Touya asked rotating his arm just a bit to relieve it of a bit of pain it was emitted through his body.
“To the market I think,” Akina answered coming closer to him. Embracing his left leg, she nuzzled into the fabric a bit since Touya was her substitute father. “What were you doing?”
“I was training so my ice powers won't get too rusted,” he answered before running his fingers through her short stringy hair. “And what exactly are you doing out here by yourself? Why didn't one of the others escort you to my side?”
Akina groaned to show her distaste at having to be monitored every time she was outside the house as well as inside. “Touya, I am fine walking outside on my own!” She growled, showing off her little fangs that the demonic gene obviously blessed her with. Touya caught her temper tantrum threatening to come out and eyed her scoldingly to make her stop. “Sorry,” Akina apologized softly since she knew the lecture was coming.
“You know why we have to keep a close eye on you, Akina,” Touya disciplined verbally this time before kneeling before her so she would know he meant business. Due to the fascination she held for his enchanting eyes, he knew he wouldn't have to worry about her avoiding his gaze but Touya wanted to make sure she wouldn't storm off. “You are still so young and your demonic powers are trying to develop. There are plenty of demons out there that would be eager to eat you whole even if you are the daughter of a Shinobi and you know that would destroy us if that happened.” Placing his icy hands upon her cheeks Touya smiled to her as his fingers massaged her cheeks. “Your father loves you more than anything on this earth as does your mother…if they were to lose you, their world would end.”
“But I can't fly like daddy,” Akina said with a hint of a whine. “What will I be able to do when I get older? When will my powers come to me? What are my powers going to be?”
Touya laughed at her with the smile he gave to her before scratching Akina in the center of her dark pink hair. “Calm down, Akina. I am afraid I don't know what your powers will be or when they will come to you, but I can assure you they will be wind related. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up,” Touya whispered. “You have hundreds of years to live through being half demon. Let's not rush those years you are just getting used to all of that around you. Trust me they go by faster than you think.”
“Hundreds?” Akina questioned since she wasn't too sure how much that was. “How old is daddy and mommy?”
“Your father is over a thousand years old, Akina. He's been a Shinobi ever since he was five years old and has trained for 1,450 years,” Touya answered pressing his hand to her back to help her back inside. “Your mother is twenty-two years old.”
“Mommy is that young?” Akina wondered once she was back inside of the house, waving slightly to Suzuka who was within the kitchen conversing with Shishi about something she was not sure of. Suzuka stopped talking once he heard the two enter and waved to Akina in return with a warm smile before turning his focus back on Shishi.
“Young?” Touya asked with a laugh as he walked to his bedroom with Akina right there behind him. “Akina, twenty-two is an adult age for humans.”
“What about for demons?” Akina asked following after him into his bedroom to sit on the carpet in front of his TV.
“That all depends on the demon.” Touya saw she was content to sit there upon the floor but he picked her up to place her on the bed so she wouldn't get dirty. “Rinku is two hundred years of age and still has the exterior of a child but I am sure you will age in appearance as your mother did growing up but will outlive her like—.” Stopping himself from continuing that out loud for the young Akina to hear the ice master wanted to kick himself in the head for being such a blabber mouth. It was a sad fact but Aeka would get old die before Jin and Akina and the only thing left for Jin would be his daughter unless he had other children. It frightened him a bit since Jin really loved his wife and if she died of old age, he would follow after her in despair like a dove that loses his mate.
“Outlive her?” Akina wondered aloud as she kept her dark blue eyes upon Touya.
“It—forget I said that, Akina and don't tell your father anything of it,” he begged to her once he slipped upon the bed with her. Touya knew the slight mention of Aeka growing old and then dying alone hurt him more than anything though he would yell at whoever brought it up that he would be by her side till Botan came to take her.
Like all little children, Akina couldn't understand what was so bad about the term and asked, “Why?”
“Akina,” Touya began seriously before grabbing onto her hands gently, “saying something like that to your father will upset him greatly so please don't repeat it. Promise me you won't speak of it to him because he will get cross with me.”
“I promise,” Akina finally agreed before searching for the remote so she could turn the TV on.
Aeka knocked on the back of Touya's door before letting herself in. Seeing the ice master there with her daughter, she smiled at him before closing the door behind her. Hi, Touya, Aeka signed before walking over to grab the basket he used to throw his dirty clothes in. I see you are taking care of Akina for me.
The ice Shinobi chuckled so only those in the room could hear, “She followed Jin outside and so I dragged her back inside.”
I am doing the laundry right now, Touya, is there anything else you need me to wash? Aeka asked picking up the light basket. If she wasn't cooking for the guys, she was washing their things or cleaning up after them. At times it annoyed Aeka and they didn't know how much until she hit those monthly cycles and her temper really shot up at times.
“No, I think that is all,” Touya answered from where he sat upon his bed. “Do you want me to go out there with you since Jin is not around?” Thanks to Aeka being a human, she was just as vulnerable to demon attacks as Akina was and like her daughter, she had to be accompanied by the demons to and from places.
That would be nice, Aeka signed before looking to her daughter whom she felt the eyes of. Hi, Akina.
“Hi mommy,” Akina said as well as attempted to sign since she was learning from Touya. When she got caught on the `mommy' part, Touya corrected her once she looked his way for the answer. “Can I come too?”
Aeka cocked her brow at her daughter a bit confused. You want to come with us? She asked with her hands once she put the basket down for a second.
Touya was just as baffled as to why Akina would want to since she normally played around with Chuu or Rinku if her parents and Touya were busy. Suzuka didn't mind Akina but due to working on his weapons and such all day long, he would normally shoo her out of his room since a four year old would only enjoy misplacing his papers he had written all over and ask a million questions. As for Shishi, he didn't take to kids too well and avoided Akina at all costs or pretended he never really saw her there close to him. It hurt Akina when he avoided her but there was nothing anybody could say to him about the situation. “Well,” Akina finally said getting off of the bed, “can I?”
Aeka looked at Touya wondering if he wouldn't mind watching over the both of them. In order to wash the clothes, she would have to go to the stream that was thirty minutes away since they didn't have a washing machine of any kind though she did acquire the supplies she would need to wash them properly. Touya caught Aeka's sea green eyes upon him, making him sigh out his rejection on the matter, “Alright, it will be okay with me.”
Akina hopped off the bed and hurried over to her mother before being asked by Touya to turn back around and turn his TV off. The ice master reached out his hand for Akina to take so she wouldn't wonder off on her own, the young child took it and stayed close to the ice master as did Aeka once they were outside and heading into the forest.
Touya stayed upon a bolder not too far from the stream and shaded by the nearby foliage. Akina watched her mother take care of the laundry she had picked up from the others and had just finished Shishiwakamaru's attire before bothering with what Jin had. Normally he wore his Shinobi apparel but there were times it was too much of a hassle for him to put on so he bought a few things that were just to throw on or sleep in though he normally slept all natural close to Aeka. Beyond his Shinobi clothing, he had an orange hoodie and jeans to go with it. If he wasn't caught wearing his Shinobi jeweled garment, he was wearing that or his workout attire so of course there was never much to wash when it came to him—Suzuka had to be the worse if anyone in the group.
Akina watched with interest at how her mother washed them within the clear river before folding them back up so she could hang them out to dry close to the house. Grabbing onto her mother's sleeve, she yanked it a few times to get her attention, “You sure do a lot around here, mommy. Why do you have to wash their stuff?”
Aeka smiled to her daughter for a moment before continuing to wash out Jin's orange top. I do it because they don't know how and more to the point will not. Your father may clean himself but he doesn't clean his clothes and that is something I need to do to keep him healthy. Feeling the summer heat getting to her a moment in the task she was doing, Aeka rubbed her forehead with the back of her arm once she finished signing her response.
“It keeps him healthy?” Akina asked confused as any little child about the concept of being clean.
Yes, princess, Aeka answered before moving to Jin's jeans once she folded up his top for the time being. And I am sure your father wants clean clothing so that is why I do it and for the others—because I care about them.
“But—I care about daddy and them too. What can I do to make them happy?” Akina asked before grabbing onto her father's dirty training clothing.
Aeka laughed softly at the hearing aid picking up her daughter's words, You make your father happy…more than anyone in the world. Touya loves you and you make him happy as well just by being here. Chuu and the others enjoy your company though you may want to watch out for Shishi sweetie. I think someone such as him doesn't do well around children.
Akina crossed her legs before dipping her hand into the clear lake water daringly until her mother pulled it out. “Did I make him mad?”
No, Aeka signed going after the clothing that Akina kept in her hands. Shishi doesn't care for me much either, Akina, so I have to watch myself whenever I approach him. I think he's just anal. Don't worry about trying to get his attention. Apparently he only cares to speak with Suzuka.
Sucking in her lower lip, Akina looked over at Touya who was still sitting there on the rock looking off to the left in awareness and not seeing the innocent eyes of Akina set upon him. “I won't,” she almost said to herself.
Aeka noticed her daughter looking off into the distance behind her. Looking in the same direction, she noted that Akina was eyeing Touya as if she wanted him to come closer and join them. She thought nothing of it—she knew inside that Akina really loved Touya as another father and she thanked the ice master constantly for helping with Akina when the others were too busy or too wound up in partying when she had her hands full.
Turning back to her mother, their eyes met with one another. “Will I get to take care of daddy and the others when I am older?” Akina asked.
Narrow eyes widening in surprise at that question, Aeka creased her brow in admiration for her daughter's want to take her place at such a young age. Knowing that her time with them would be limited unlike her daughter's, she smiled to her before working on the rest of the clothing. Of course you will, Akina…, Aeka hesitantly signed. You will get to take care of your father and his friends when I will become unable to.
Akina could sense something wrong with the response her mother gave her wondering what she said wrong. Figuring it would be best to ask another question now she sat close to her mother and hummed in thought of what else to ask. “Why are there no humans here besides you, mommy?”
Aeka sighed internally at all of these questions being thrown her way but answered it regardless, I came from Human World and this is Demon World. No human is allowed here and if one by chance makes it here, they would die in a matter of seconds without the aid of powerful demons. Aeka seemed to pause in her signing and stopped to think to herself a moment with a hurtful expression, Or my brother's help…
It still hurt Aeka that she was unable to at least wake in time to say goodbye to her brother, Yuske. When she managed to wake, she was already in Makai in Jin's arms in the Makai forest area. She was relieved to open her eyes and see his innocent demonic eyes gazing down at her but a part of her was broken hearted that she didn't get to see her brother one more time before departing. Aeka kept it to herself but she felt Jin knew regardless.
“Then how did you and daddy meet?” The young child continued relentlessly.
A soft smile finally made its way across her once hurt filled face this round as she thought about when she first met Jin. Well, Aeka began, halting laundry for a moment, I was rescued by your father when I was only five years old. I wasn't aware of it at the time until late one night I was coming home and I bumped into him staring up at my apartment building looking for me twelve years later when I was 17. Aeka laughed to herself having to remember that night she bumped into Jin without watching where she was going and nearly tore his head off with her hands since she was not in the mood for the encounter. She remembered him standing there with his cap over his head to hide his demonic features from anyone other than a human that may recognize him and the sleeveless white shirt with jeans. Your father wanted to get to know me better and so he tried to even though I was a mean thing to him at times. When people found out that demons were in Human World, things got rocky and your father and Touya had to go back to Demon World…without me. I was so heartbroken without him there beside me that I nearly died without him, but your father did come back to me as he promised me he would and I got to be with him during the Dark Tournament.
Akina continued to listen contently as she watched and deciphered her mother's hand signals most of which she knew but some she could only cock a brow at.
My brother and your uncle was the main fighter in the tournament and it brought Jin's Shinobi sect to the fighting ring even if his leader didn't like the thought of Jin with me…Aeka paused again having to think about Risho and how he nearly killed her. And having to watch your father and uncle fight for one another's life and for something they wanted was the hardest thing to watch…
“Daddy and Uncle Yuske fought?” Akina asked rocking a bit where she sat Indian style. Yuske was mentioned to Akina many a times since Jin thought highly of him as a fighter and friend and it was Aeka's baby brother.
Yes, he did, Aeka signed before looking back at what she had left to wash noticing out of the corner of her eye that Touya was watching and listening in. Your father lost the fight and lost his respect among other demons but he's still a feared man. Though your father lost, he still took me here to Makai and I love him no matter what. Looking off into the distance a moment, she lidded her eyes in thoughts of adoration and devotion of her demonic mate. Here in Makai he has kept me with the others and he watches over me even when I am unwell or feel horribly homesick. Here is where I found out I was pregnant with you and your father proposed to me.
“Proposed?” Akina questioned once more.
Aeka nodded but mostly to herself as she stayed in her daydreaming phase remembering back when Jin finally did so before Akina was born though they did indeed find out she was pregnant. Jin had led Aeka out into another part of the Makai forest where they could be alone and have some fun together. There was a waterfall crashing down tranquilly and Jin was using his wind powers to hover and do flips and tricks above the slightly waving water just to show off. Aeka watched from the sidelines contently as Jin tried to dance around like a clown but the way he was doing so almost seemed elegant when his feet barely touched the water and he seemingly just gliding across it. When he did back flips her way, he shot upward into the sky when he was almost close to where she was watching from the sidelines to disappear into the night sky for a moment.
Sea green eyes staring up into the night sky a moment or so, she waited for Jin to come back down but it appeared he wasn't after awhile and it started to worry Aeka and make her a ping mad. Where did he go? Aeka recalled thinking to herself with her face mostly conveying worry.
Jin popped up behind her once he had managed to get back down to the ground but didn't tap her on the shoulder to give her a heads up. Instead, the Irish wind master offered her a rare Makai flower that had white in the crater of the pedals before spreading out to dark blue and then a much lighter hue at the very tip in a triangle form.
A bit startled from the surprise and him appearing behind her now, Aeka jumped slightly but managed an excited smile upon seeing the flower he had retrieved for her. Taking it quickly, she remembered the smell of the blossom that filled her nose before turning around to see Jin still there with a relaxed grin upon his face. The look in his eyes was so enchanting and yet they held certain anxiousness within them. Reaching her hand up, she caressed his soft cheek lovingly before kissing him on the lips for just a moment hoping to relax whatever was making him look nervous. Hey, relax, Aeka signed to him that night.
Jin held onto her wrist gently to remove her hand from his face and keep it within his own. “I am sorry—I guess I am just nervous because I have never done this before.”
Aeka tilted her head to the side wondering what Jin meant that night. He was all fun and games and then suddenly turned all serious on her. It was starting to worry her greatly since it was rare she ever saw him upset, angered, or nervous and whenever he was, it meant trouble most times. But this time ended up being a good bit different.
The wind master shook his head a bit to collect his courage and dig into his left pants pocket to pull out a ring he didn't bother wrapping. Seeing it in his hand made Aeka inhale sharply as her eyes widened in surprise at the beautiful ring he got her. Placing her hand over her rapidly beating heart, she shifted her sight up to Jin wondering what he was going to do. Oh, Jin, she signed to him breathlessly, it looks so beautiful!
“I am glad you like it,” Jin replied once he got her to look into his eyes so she could see his lips moving. “I wanted you to have this because—I love you and I wanted you to be mine…” Taking her hand, he slipped the white diamonded ring onto her ring finger so she could enjoy and treasure it for as long as they would be together.
Akina still didn't know what proposed meant but she let her mother sit and daydream about whatever it was she was daydreaming about that the young child was oblivious to.
Touya came closer to the two when he didn't see a response come from Aeka's hands. “Proposed, Akina,” the ice master began causing the two to look his way, “is when your father bonded for life with your mother. Your father in other words said how much he loved your mother with that ring she wears on that finger and it says she belongs to no other man but him.”
The way he said it made Aeka sound like property and it more or less made her mad but she said and did nothing but nod before standing to her feet with the basket of clean laundry in her hands.
The wind around them began to blow slightly before becoming quite aggressive forcing Akina to hide behind Touya's legs and for the ice master to raise his hand slightly to squint through the blowing airstreams. Aeka held the basket tightly to her and grabbing some of the laundry that threatened to fly out onto the dirty ground again though her knee length pale lavender hair was making it difficult. The wind getting further assertive picked up its ferocity until finally the wind master that was causing the commotion of the element made his landing not too far away from them.
Oh! Aeka thought angrily since she almost dropped the laundry she cleaned. Looking over at the quirky wind master, she growled scoldingly at him causing his attention to shift towards his wife. Jin! You almost made me drop the laundry I had just managed to finish! Next time be careful!
Grinning apologetically, Jin scratched the back of his head since he wasn't aware it was laundry day, “Sorry, Aeka.”
“Daddy!” Akina called happily, removing herself from Touya's legs.
“Hey there, Rosy,” Jin said back once he squatted down to open his arms for her to come into. If he wasn't calling his daughter Princess, he was calling her Rosy because of her hair color. When Akina was growing up, Aeka was amazed that their daughter knew her birth name due to all the nicknames people gave her. Angel, Rosy, Princess, Kina, short-stuff, little demon—but regardless she turned her attention to whoever called the names out.
“So what did you go to the market for, Jin?” Touya pried as they all made their way back towards the house.
“Ooh,” Jin said aloud, his tone carrying a mischievous tone, “it's only for Aeka and I to enjoy more or less.”
Touya seemed to halt in his walking before looking over at the wind master, “You got liquor, didn't you?” His tone seemed to be cross and stern but why he would be when Aeka was clearly old enough to drink unlike last time they went to bar was beyond them both.
Aeka and Jin exchanged glances at one another while their daughter looked between her three guardians confused at what liquor was. Is there a problem with that, Touya? Aeka asked with her hands, confusion written on them and her expression.
The ice master waved his index finger towards himself while staring at Aeka wanting her to come closer as Jin held an anxious expression and started fidgeting. Getting pulled off to the side, Touya and Aeka's back turned to the others so they could talk with their hands. Do you not know what Jin is after? Touya asked with the Sign Language his master taught him.
A perverted grin made its way across Aeka's face as she moved some of her hair from her face and behind her ear. Well, I have a pretty good idea if he brought back alcohol, why?
Touya's right hand made its way to her cheek to feel how flushed it was before swallowing heavily at the scent that was driving him a bit nutty. You are ovulating, Aeka and Jin is one hungry demon wanting to get a hold of you right now. If he gets you just right, you will both have another child and I don't think that is wise with Akina being so young and Jin being so—young minded.
Aeka looked over her shoulder with the ice master to see the two still there next to a willow tree waiting for the others to come on so they could go back home. There were times Aeka ovulated each month a little before her period and Touya tried to contain Jin and keep the wind master from being near his wife knowing his mind would be jumbled at the smell of his life partner ready to make another child. Being that humans cannot smell or really tell when they ovulate, it was different being around a demon with enhanced senses that could. Touya tried to keep him within his bedroom during the day and let him sleep there during the night till the eggs would expire and he couldn't impregnate her again. It made Jin very irritable and fidgety but Touya put up with it knowing why his friend was acting the way he was. Looking back at Touya, she sighed heavily before nodding to him. Alright—fine—you can lock him up again if that is what you want…It upset her to be apart from Jin but there was nothing she could do about it unless she wanted another life to care for. Akina at the moment was all she needed at the moment and the only little girl with hers and Jin's blood she could handle at the moment.
Touya did just that later that night as he sat upon his bed with Akina in his arms so they could watch his TV. Jin however stayed close to the door and continued to pace back and forth, grunting and shifting oddly as he did so. Akina would often reallocate her attention over to her distraught father and wonder what was wrong with him. “Daddy, are you okay?” She asked nervously seeing that he wasn't happy at all and wanted out of the room to go see her mother.
“No!” Jin snapped at his daughter. Hearing the tone of his voice towards his young daughter, he sucked in his lower lip before excusing himself quickly. “I will be right back—I need to take care of myself.”
Creasing her brow in sadness, Akina looked up at Touya threatening to cry at whatever she did wrong to make her father cross, “Did I do something bad…?”
“No, Akina, you did nothing wrong,” Touya assured before helping her head to his chest. “Your father just really wants to be with your mother right now but I cannot allow that. He is really snappy and eager so it makes him pace a lot among other things. Don't take it personally, Angel he is like that around this time of month.”
Jin hurried outside of the house to hide from sight to get rid of the painful erection he had gained due to the smell he could catch whenever Aeka walked by to slip notes under the door for him to read. Grabbing onto the trunk of a tree, he began to breathe heavily in attempts to make himself cum since he's never had one that badly before being that it was always taken care of by his wife.
Before he could bother with it any longer, somebody gripped gently onto his shoulder making him jolt slightly and growl since he was irritated and in need. The person held responsible moved in front of him to let him see that it was only Aeka. “Aeka…!” Jin replied breathlessly.
Pressing her finger to his lips to silence him, the young woman looked around to make sure they were alone before grabbing onto the center jewel to turn it clockwise and make the sash slide off of his ninja outfit. Though he knew they shouldn't in fear of impregnating her again, Jin said nothing about it since the pain from his erection and desire to get a hold of her was overwhelming his mind. He stayed put with his back against the tree while making sure nobody was watching or going to come interrupt them. Feeling Aeka's warm mouth however engulf his member made Jin's mind go blank and forget what he was doing. “Oooh,” Jin panted with his fingers digging into the bark of the tree. Moving one of his hands from the tree, he placed one upon the back of Aeka's head to encourage her to continue since he was in dire need to get out his seed.
Aeka attempted to take him all into her mouth though it was difficult with how big he was. Gripping onto his sides as tight as she could knowing that it was impossible to hurt him physically, Aeka managed to get her nose to rest against his dark curly mound so she could suckle harshly in attempts to make him at least be rid of his erection. Come on, Jin…! She begged in her mind since it was hard to keep his size within her mouth.
The grip the demon had on the back of her head got a bit tighter until he started to convulse prompting his release to coat her throat after a strangled moan passed by his lips. Swallowing hard afterwards, Jin looked down at Aeka and saw she was quite out of breath herself. Her heavy panting catching his attention as well as the bit of cum she allowed to escape from the corners of her mouth. Kneeling before her, he helped her into his arms guessing she had to be quite tired. “Your ovulation is almost over,” Jin whispered to her. “Your scent is starting to get faint so I am sure Touya wouldn't mind if I slink back into my bedroom tonight with you and Akina.”
Aeka managed to smile before nuzzling in close to his chest grateful that she would be close to him tonight once more. She hated sleeping alone or just with her daughter. Being that there were demons everywhere, she feared a demon could come in and snatch her or her daughter and Lord only knows what would happen then. But with at least Jin by their side, she wouldn't be so restless and get some sleep though there were times she would beg Suzuka to let her crash with him or Rinku. Thank you, Jin, Aeka managed to sign to him before crashing out in his arms.