Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Daughter, My World ❯ A Torn Family ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Swarmed with nightmares during the time she was out, Aeka began to twitch and turn in her sleep as the pain to her head started to really get to her, forcing her eyes to shoot wide open before trying to sit upright only to be stopped by Suzuka's hand to her chest. Falling back down on the plush bed, Aeka moaned with misery at the head injury looking over at the blond demon that was rough with her when she woke. Suzuka…? She signed since it hurt too much to think at the moment.
“You hit your head very hard,” Suzuka replied padding her face with a damp cloth since she was sweating from the nightmares she was having. “But nothing was damaged and you seem to have your memory so all is more or less good.”
How long have I been out? Aeka asked flinching from the pain once more.
“About a week I think. But that is not important right now,” Suzuka began on a serious note. “What happened to you out there that day?”
Day? Aeka questioned trying to remember what happened to begin with when it came to her being rendered unconscious. Oh, my God—where is Jin?! Where is Akina, is she okay?!
Touya eventually came into the room with Chuu ducking in behind him as well as Rinku and Shishi since they all had been taking turns to watch her for the time she had been out wondering what happened though they had a good idea of what went on. Seeing her signing too fast for him to catch, Suzuka grabbed onto them to make her stop.
“She is finally awake?” Shishi asked looking at the worried Aeka.
“Aeka,” Touya began anxiously sitting down upon the bedside, “where are Jin and Akina? What happened? Did those demons come and get them?”
Aeka listened to Touya fearing the worse as she trembled from the inside out, You mean…neither of them were found when you found me…?
“No, Shelia,” Chuu answered, “all we found was you passed out thanks to the knock out ya got on the noggin.”
“We heard Akina crying and screaming but only found you…” Touya paused a minute, frowning with worry, “…those bastards got them, didn't they?”
Aeka didn't know what to say now that she knew it had to have been true. Looking out at the window from her room she couldn't help but tremble all over not able to think due to her family having been abducted. No—no…this cannot be true! Jin…Akina…!
Touya saw the panic rising in her face causing him to reach over and try to console her. Embracing her and cupping her face over towards his chest so she could at least cry somewhere. “It's okay, Aeka…we'll think of someway to get them back.”
Jin was still out cold thanks to getting a double dose of the powerful tranquilizers that he was shot with and was created to take down a powerful demon. Moaning softly, he shook his fire red hair several times to try and wake himself up. Hands twitching a few times from the binds that kept him to the wall, Jin's eyes eventually opened and focused to the cell he was contained within. Trying to pull his hands from the wall, he found they were locked up good and wouldn't budge even with all his demonic strength. Growling a bit at being chained down, he couldn't help but try his hardest to break free regardless in hopes that the shackles on his wrists and ankles would snap in due time. “Come on…!”
“Don't waste your strength,” A man's voice beckoned from beyond the reinforced glass. “Even an S class demon cannot break those and I bet you can imagine how much it cost me to set those up for you.”
Jin's furious glare shot towards the man responsible for this as he took in his features. He stood about 5'10 and had slick dusty blond hair which was ear length with sky blue eyes. The man was of course wearing a suit to show off his status and he kept a cigarette in his right hand. “Who the hell are you?”
“My name is Kiyoshi Kawazawa,” Kiyoshi answered before moving the cigarette he had lit to his mouth so he could admire his find. “You were quite difficult to get alone with that human girl you always hung around with. Never in all my years would I have thought a demon mix would be found in the depths of Makai.”
Jin began to growl crossly at the man that was so far from him. Realizing that his daughter was probably taken as well, the wind master tried furiously once more to try and break free but to no avail. “Where is my daughter?” He demanded to know with a threatening tone.
“You mean the mix breed with cherry hair?” Kiyoshi asked almost moronically. “She is on her way. I didn't think it was necessary to keep you two together when one was drugged and the other wasn't so I was waiting for you to wake. After all, the child still thinks her father is dead.” The man couldn't help but chuckle evilly here before blowing a puff of smoke at the glass before him from what he accumulated from his cigarette. “At first I thought it would be nice and orderly to keep father and daughter apart but who knows what separation from your infant would cause you to do. I have known demons that chew off their own arm just to get to their children and the last thing I want in my collection is a malformed beast—you understand.”
Having to be thought of as a prize that this man was setting upon his shelf didn't sit too well with the freedom bound demon. “I will refuse to be one of your trophies and neither will my daughter!” Jin barked clutching his fists angrily once more in attempts to break free still.
“Right now, you have no choice,” Kiyoshi snickered before putting out the cigarette he had, stomping it out. “And neither does your mutt of a daughter.” With nothing left to say, the man walked off to go check on the other demons in his collection before looking in on Akina.
Jin never felt his blood boil so much before and his rage was starting to get the better of him. “You better pray I never get out of here,” Jin muttered through his clinched teeth, “because I will make your life a living hell especially if you touch one hair on my daughter's head!”
Kiyoshi made his way further down the hall looking for the cell he had put Akina in until her father was to awaken and he had much consideration about the two being separated. Hearing a commotion going on within the cell, the business man hurried down to the area to find that the demons he assigned to take care of her were standing at bay for some reason as the little half demon continued to release her ear wrenching cries for her father and mother. “What are you fools doing?”
“We can't touch her,” one lower class demon grumbled as if hating to admit defeat.
“What do you mean you cannot touch her? She is a half demon and her wings haven't even developed yet let alone her powers!” Pushing his way past the demons he found to be incompetent, the millionaire reached for the wrist of the child that held the bracelet Touya made her. Grabbing onto her wrist tightly so he could haul her up and get Akina to her father from where she sat on the floor, he suddenly jerked back his hand once the ice attacked the bracelet and grew onto his hand to give him a nasty freeze. “Jesus!” He swore angrily shaking his hand seeing that the ice let go once he released Akina.
Being that she was half demon, the cold did nothing to her body. All it did was surprise her since she never knew Touya's gift could do that. Bringing her hand up to her chest, she whimpered softly wondering what he would do to her now.
Eyeing the demon child curiously yet angrily, he couldn't help but wonder how she did that. “You're not an ice demon—how did you pull off that trick?!” His voice hinted hidden anger and it frightened Akina and he could see it in her eyes. Rubbing his hand that got attacked quickly by the ice, the collector looked over at the demons wondering what they were waiting for. “I don't care what it takes you chain her neck and drag her to her father!”
The demons watched as Kiyoshi dashed out of the cell to go clean himself up before turning their attention back to little Akina. All three of them closing in on her, she felt threatened once more and ended up screaming for her father.
Aeka looked out at the stars that night from Touya's bedroom window since she couldn't afford to sleep by herself due to where she was and due to the fact that she had always slept in a bedroom with somebody—even Yuske, her baby brother, she shared a bedroom with so she never felt alone.
Touya reentered his bedroom to find Aeka staring out the window only able to wonder what was going through her mind. Placing the tray of food that he brought with him on the nightstand for the moment, he made his way over to Aeka to try and console her about her loss. Placing his hand upon her shoulder, he tried to pry her hands off of the windowsill and lie down for the time being even if it was hard for her. Seeing her resistance to want to and hearing her sadness swelling back up for her lost husband and daughter, Touya began to insist. “Come on, Aeka, you need to come eat dinner and go to bed.”
Aeka shook her head several times sniffling back her tears that were swelling up and threatening to pour over.
The ice master wouldn't hear of it and ended up pulling her from the spot where she currently stood. “Jin and Akina will be alright,” Touya tried to assure her while getting her to the bed so she could stay off of her feet with how she was feeling emotionally. “Jin is a Shinobi wind master and Akina has a charm on her wrist that should keep anybody with evil intentions from touching her. I gave her a bracelet not too long ago and put an enchantment on it with my ice magic so anybody that is evil that touches her will freeze over gradually if they keep their hands on her.”
I cannot help but worry about them both, Aeka sniffled with the movement of her hands. I just want my family back…
Grabbing onto the tray he put down earlier, Touya offered her at least a salad to eat hoping that would sate her knowing the condition she was in. Seeing she wasn't going to take it or anything else on the tray for that matter, the demon couldn't help but sigh. “Aeka, if you don't eat, you will end up dying. And if Jin and Akina ever get out of there which I assure you, they will, they will come home to nothing.”
I can't eat knowing they are in Human World being held captive like a bunch of monsters, Aeka responded downheartedly.
And what's worse, Touya thought to himself, we cannot get to Human World so Jin and Akina are more or less trapped forever. Only Koenma or Yuske can truly save those two. Looking to Aeka, he tried to get her to at least take something for her own sake. “Why don't you just have something to drink? I brought you some milk if anything. Maybe it will settle your nerves.”
Looking at the glass Touya was trying to offer her, she eventually nodded taking the glass so her stomach would at least have something in it. Throwing her hair over her back and out of her face, she worked on downing the milk for the night though slowly since sudden wants to break down and cry would attack her and she couldn't afford to be inhaling anything at that moment.
Making sure she was at least going to take in her drink, Touya got up to put the food back into the refrigerator for the night thinking he would have to contact Spirit World some how for help in this matter. Resting there against the fridge, Touya sighed heavily at what was now occurring being that his best friend was now captured and also his little charge he had come to take in as his own daughter. “Oh, Koenma…help us all…
Akina was forced to bare a neck shackle and the demons put it on her quickly so they would not completely freeze over thanks to Touya's charm that he put on the bracelet. Being hauled off by the businessman himself, he made it to Jin's cell and opened it up without thought knowing as long as he held the daughter, the father would not attack. Seeing her father there in the cell, Akina couldn't help but call out to him, “Daddy!”
Hearing his daughter's cry caused Jin's eyes to open quickly from the rest he was having, “Akina!” Seeing the shackle around his daughter's neck, Jin couldn't help but snap his demonic fangs at Kiyoshi angrily showing a side not many would have thought the upbeat wind master had. “Take that shackle off of her neck or I will break yours!”
“I don't think you should be making threats at me,” Kiyoshi threatened in return, pushing Akina forward briefly. “After all, I have your daughter in my hands.”
Akina stumbled forward but caught herself as she quickly made her way over to her father once she was let go. Reaching up to her father's neck, she embraced it tightly before kissing him on the cheek relieved to know he was okay. “Daddy…you're okay!”
“Thank God you are the same,” Jin whispered in her pointed ear trying to nuzzle into her since he couldn't use his hands that remained shackled to the wall. Shifting his attention to Kiyoshi who was still in the cell, he grinned mischievously before releasing his powerful wind energy hoping to knock out the businessman so Akina could get them free. “You may have stopped me from punching you, but my power is wind or didn't somebody tell you that?”
Kiyoshi had to bring his arm up to try and stop the wind from attacking his face but when the force got too powerful, he retreated to the door before shutting it. Not seeming mad at Jin's attempt, Kiyoshi smirked at the demon before fixing the hair that moved out of place thanks to the wind unleashed. “Oh, demons are such fascinating beasts—they act just like wild animals at times. Take away their child or bitch and they get defensive and try anything imaginable to get them back even self mutilation as I mentioned earlier. Give them back their child or mate and they will attempt to attack the person held responsible in fear of their loved ones being taken again. Give away their freedom and they will continue to eat like dumb animals in hopes of getting back out one day.”
Jin was silent as he took in the man's insults to his race and who he was before speaking himself. “You insult yourself, Kiyoshi—for I have human in my blood also.” Cocking his brow slightly with a civil type grin on his face, he continued, “Humans themselves act like animals just as you are right now. Get a bigger beast such as a demon and have it threaten the human's life and he will cower in safe territory. But be careful, Kiyoshi,” Jin warned, “If a stronger beast is teased and tormented and left alive…he will seek out his weak tormentor.” Silence rained between them but that allowed more time for Jin to speak. “I will get out of here and I will make you pay for this.”
“We shall see who hunts who in the end, demon,” Kiyoshi growled. “But unless you both want to starve, I would watch what I do with that wind powers of yours.”
Jin said nothing once Kiyoshi walked off once more leaving him alone with his daughter. Akina looked up at her father once the scary man left. “Where is mommy, daddy?”
Jin's childlike blue eyes shifted down to his daughter with concern, “I am not sure, princess. I don't remember what happened at all after I passed out. Did your ma escape?”
The little mix breed hummed in thought trying to remember what happened since it was awhile ago. “She got hit really bad from one of the demons and was out on the ground bleeding from the head,” Akina answered somberly. “They took me in some bag but I don't know about mommy…”
The wind master sighed relaxing his tense body at having to think of the worse possible scenario for his human wife, “I pray she got away and the others found her…if she was out cold in that forest, other demons could have preyed on her. Your ma will be okay, Akina, I promise. If anything, she has the others to watch over her and I am sure they found her in time.” Seeing his daughter was still worried about all that was going on and scared, he nuzzled her gently in attempts to make her cheer up. “It's late, Rosy, why don't we go to sleep?”
Nodding at her father's suggestion, Akina got situated on her father's chest placing her elfin ear right near his heart so she could listen to his demonic heartbeat that was much different from a human's and her own. While a human's beat was regular depending on the person, a demon's had longer pauses in between each beat almost making them seem dead to a human's ear. Regardless of the tempo, it still soothed her to know he was there at least especially concerning the situation. “Goodnight, daddy, I love you.”
“I love you too, Akina. I will watch over you and make sure nothing happens to you,” Jin assured quietly before attempting to go back to sleep for the night.
Aeka sat at the window in Touya's room praying that her family was okay wherever in Human World they had been taken to. She knew out of everyone in the household only she would be able to find her way there since A class demons were not allowed to pass the barrier, but getting back to Makai would be a problem and possibly something Koenma wouldn't allow a second time around due to order between the three worlds something he had to maintain.
Opening the door to his own bedroom, Touya wasn't surprised to see Aeka still there near the window. “Aeka,” Touya called placed his hands on her shoulders, “I have contacted Koenma and he will be here shortly to discuss the matter.”
Lifting her head up off of her overlapped arms that were on the windowsill, Aeka turned her attention to the ice master while wiping her eyes free of tears. You mean that guy who punished you and Jin for making it over to Human World when I was seventeen?
“That's the one,” Touya grunted joining her in the free seat near his desk. “Don't worry, Aeka, I am sure Jin and Akina are okay and will make it back with Koenma's help.”
Aeka was silent for a moment trying to hope for the best, but having to go a day without either one of them made her worry more. You know I didn't want Akina at first? Aeka signed almost randomly to Touya. When I first found out that I was pregnant and with Jin's child, I was so scared. I was scared for being so young for one thing and how Jin would react.
“Hmmm,” Touya hummed scratching the back of his head, “Yes, you tried to hide it from everyone from what I remember. You even claimed you were sick to excuse the vomiting you did but that was what got you caught to begin with.”
Yeah…got sent to the doctor's and was announced pregnant to Jin, Aeka signed almost to herself. I didn't know what he was going to say and I myself didn't know what to say. I was scared to be a mother because of who my mother was…irresponsible even if I knew she loved Yuske and me.
“But you are like your mother, Aeka,” Touya replied pulling some of her pale lavender hair out of her face. “You may get yourself so drunk you don't know what two plus two is and party hard with Jin, but you always come back to your daughter to let her know she is loved. So in a way you are like Atsuko but then again, you are yourself as is everyone else.” Rubbing her shoulder gently in attempts to make her settle, he continued, “Did you know that it was Jin's intention to get you pregnant anyways?”
It was? Aeka asked since Jin never told her that one.
Touya nodded, smiling for a moment at her, “He told me he got you at the Dark Tournament when you were ovulating. So if you had not come with us, you would have had a half demon child in Human World and that would have released hell.”
When was I ovulating…? Well, being human of course I cannot sense it like demons can. Aeka signed with a slight shrug.
“I don't know,” Touya answered honestly, “I wasn't around you much. I guess whenever he got a little rough sexually since he was eager to get the egg.”
There was a time he got me real good before the fights with the final team. I guess that was it. I thought for sure he was going to tear me a new one he was so eager that day, Aeka admitted.
“Then that was when Akina was conceived,” Touya answered reaching over to grab a bit of chocolate he had stashed away on his desk in a bowel in case Akina wanted some.
Candy—no wonder I have a hard time getting Akina to sleep at times, Aeka signed trying to pick herself up from all that was going on.
Touya chuckled, shaking his head as he continued to finish off his piece before working on another since he was a bit hungry, “No, no. I never gave Akina chocolate before bed. I learned that one the hard way when it came to her sleeping here one night and she snuck a few pieces from the bowel. I have to put it out of reach at times so when I am sleeping she won't get some without my knowing. I guess a reason I am grateful those little wings don't work yet.”
Hearing the front door open and close, the two looked at one another before Shishiwakamaru walked into Touya's bedroom to announce Koenma and Botan's arrival. “They are here, Touya.”
Sighing through his nostrils, Touya finished off the last bit of chocolate he had in his hands before getting to his feet. “I will go talk to Koenma. You wait here,” he pretty much ordered quietly before leaving his room.
Botan met Touya as Touya was leaving and Botan was entering the room Aeka and the Shinobi were in. The ice master said nothing to the messenger of Spirit World. He merely nodded once letting her know it was okay to enter and that Aeka needed somebody there at the moment before passing by her to go speak with Koenma.
Aeka looked to Botan remembering her once before. She was around Yuske more times than Keiko was and she was even there when Aeka was in the hospital for not eating well when Jin was forced back to Makai without her. Hi, Botan, Aeka signed since she just remembered the name Yuske told her.
Botan hurried over to Aeka in her pink kimono taking the seat that the ice demon had left earlier. “How are you doing, Aeka, are you okay? I heard about Jin and your daughter and I am so sorry.”
Aeka nodded as she tried to keep her hair out of her face, I miss them so much and I am worried…
“Don't worry,” Botan assured, grabbing onto her hand gently to hold to her chest. “I promise we will get Yuske on the case and he will get them back here.”
Yuske…? My brother…? Aeka asked, eyes widening.
“Of course, silly, Yuske has been working with us for quite some time even if he is fired as Spirit Detective for—reasons.”
I sure hope Yuske can do it, Aeka signed before looking back out the open window.
“Aeka, Yuske is a powerful being and nothing can stop him, not even rich humans,” Botan replied before helping Aeka to her feet. “Come on, why don't we get you cleaned up so you can be ready for when Jin and Akina come home?”
Aeka was never up for putting on makeup and trying to doll herself up for Jin or anyone else for that matter but she was now twenty-two if anything so maybe it was time to try and be a bit more ladylike if that was possible for her. Taking Botan's hand, she followed her into the bathroom in Touya's bedroom to attempt to make Aeka over.
At the dinner table, however, everyone else was gathered to speak about what was going on. “I guess people like Sakyo have yet to retire,” Koenma remarked in his teen form looking at the coffee he had before him. “Saddening that demons still have to be dragged to Human World and treated like animals.” Taking his spoon that he left in his coffee, he began to spin it slowly even a good while after he put the cream in. “I will get Yuske on it. I am sure, knowing that his brother-in-law and niece are in trouble will make him not gripe and get on it.”
“At least Yuske will be able to get Jin and Akina free without any problems,” Touya remarked with relief. “I was worried we would have to send Aeka up there since neither one of us could make it to Human World thanks to that barrier.”
“Aeka cannot make it to Human World regardless,” Koenma remarked seriously with his legs crossed under the table. “Being that she is not only the mother of a half demon, she was also pronounced dead in Human World and we cannot allow her to get back there without much explaining.”
“But, you did it with Urameshi,” Suzuka corrected.
“That's a whole other story.” Picking up his coffee and taking a sip, the Spirit World Prince eyed the demons before standing back to his feet. “As promised, I will get Botan to go fetch Yuske Urameshi and have him scope out the area solo.”