Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Daughter, My World ❯ Confrontations ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jin was wide awake before Akina since his demonic hearing could pick up the sound of demons causing a ruckus outside of his cell and he feared somebody coming in to take his daughter once more from him. Seeing his cell door starting to slowly open, he couldn't help but growl slightly and threaten to up his Wind Barrier if that was what it took to make the people leave him alone but stopped once he saw food in the lower class demon's hands. He knew if anything Akina had to eat more than he due to being a growing child so he did nothing but keep his eyes on him and watch him closely.
Seeing the threatening glare that the higher demon was placing on him the closer he came, the demon with the food could only grin as he believed there was nothing Jin could do to hurt him. “Don't give me that look, wind master,” the demon hissed before placing the tray down before him. “What can you do to me besides glare at me? I could rip that daughter from your arms and torment her in front of you and you couldn't do a thing about it.”
“You come any closer to her and I will snap that arm right off,” Jin threatened with his eyes narrowing in distaste.
“How?” The demon laughed before grabbing onto the sleeping Akina causing the young child to scream from the rude awakening. Jin showed his fangs he had trying to snap at the demon but he was too slow in getting him prompting the low level demon to get cocky. “As expected, you can do nothing—.” Before he could finish gloating or even begin to, the demon's hand began to slowly freeze over thanks to grabbing the wrist that held Touya's bracelet upon it and his charm. “Dammit!” He swore releasing the frightened child.
This was the first time Jin had seen the bracelet in action and couldn't help but raise a brow at it. Watching as his daughter ran to cower behind his back Jin couldn't help but snicker a bit at the outcome. “Maybe I cannot punish you, but apparently my four year old daughter can,” he taunted.
The demon said nothing about that since he couldn't find a good attack on that but to attack the chained up demon. But if he did that, he would be punished by Kiyoshi since Jin and Akina were his `prizes' so he left without a single word to them.
Feeling his daughter still shivering behind him, Jin looked over his shoulder best he could to try and catch his daughter's blue eyes she inherited from him. “It's okay, Rosy, he's gone and he left food for us.” Seeing that she was still poking out just a bit from behind him, Jin whistled to her to try and settle his daughter. “It's okay, princess—come on out. You're going to have to get the food and eat it because da cannot move.”
Moving from behind her father, she eventually made it to the tray that had enough food on there for two. Looking at the salad and the steak thrown on the plates, Akina looked to her father wondering what he was going to eat. “What are you going to eat, daddy?” She asked reaching for the salad bowel since she mostly saw him eating vegetarian type dishes. “You want the salad?”
“Yes, but you're going to have to feed it to me, baby, because I cannot use my hands,” Jin replied showing her that his hands were shackled to the wall for good.
Akina placed her index finger on her lip in thought before bothering to reach for the fork and the salad bowel she previously had. Crawling into her father's lap, she helped the fork to his mouth that had a bit of the salad on it prompting Jin to lean further in so he could take it.
After his first chew, he couldn't help but eye the bracelet hanging from her wrist that Touya gave to her. “You really should thank Touya when we get back for that bracelet. I didn't think the boyo could do that.”
“I promise I will,” Akina whispered before helping her father eat once more trying to get him to finish off the salad.
Feeling his body had taken in enough to survive, Jin told Akina he was through and she could have the rest of it if she desired since he couldn't very well finish off a steak and salad. “That's enough, Akina. Thank you,” he replied with the lick of his lips to try and get some of the dressing off of it.
“You don't want the rest of it?” She asked looking at the little bit that was left. “Mommy always said it was best to finish your plate.”
Jin couldn't help but laugh softly, “Well, I am your da and I get to bend the rules a little bit. Just eat what you can, Akina. I want you to at least eat something. You don't have to eat it all, just what you can for right now.”
Akina could only assure herself that her father would be fine with the bit of salad he had before digging into the food herself since she was hungry. Picking away at the salad, she eventually moved to the steak that was there. Even if she didn't know how to cut her own food yet, she knew how to dig in without utensils being the age she was.
Jin watched his daughter eat away at the food before her relieved she would at least be eating well if anything in captivity. Though looking at Akina, he couldn't help but think of Aeka and pray she was doing okay. I will get out of here soon…I promise, Aeka. Even if I have to cause hell in order to do so.
Kiyoshi was sitting alone in his office until there was the sound of someone at the door. Removing his glasses, he grumbled to himself before looking over to see who was there thanks to the surveillance cam he put up near his front door. Seeing the young teen with slicked black hair, Kiyoshi couldn't help but switch to his com. “What is it, boy?” He asked angrily.
The teen at the door removed his sunglasses to reveal his dark brown eye color. Trying to keep his cool about the matter before him, Yuske pressed his finger on the com so he could respond. “I came here because I heard you were looking for someone who could afford to help out around some weird creatures. Care to help out a kid during summer break who could use a few bucks?”
Kiyoshi wasn't planning for a kid to be the one to answer the flyer he put out awhile ago dealing with help around the demons he had acquired since he wanted to send off some of those low levels back to Makai. But knowing it couldn't hurt either way, he spoke back up after awhile of thought, “Come on in.”
Yuske made it to Kiyoshi's main office with his tightly clutched hands in his coat pockets and sat down without even being told. Keeping his legs spread apart, he eyed the businessman trying not to show hate in his expression though it was hard knowing what he had stolen from his older sister. Looking over at the side a moment he noticed a few animal heads on the wall prompting Yuske to cock a brow at it all. “Nice collection you have here.”
Kiyoshi looked to the wall that Yuske was staring at, only able to grin at his achievements. “You like those? I have come to prize myself as a collector of sorts but after collecting just about everything there is of wild life, I had to look to something more—different.” Slipping a glass of water to Yuske as he passed by the chair the Spirit Detective was in, he continued, “This is where you come in. I have to admit I never had the nerve to destroy these beasts I managed to capture so I kept them locked away in my lower level.”
Yuske sipped a bit from the water until he saw Kiyoshi waving for him to follow after him. Getting into the adjacent hallway, he followed the businessman to the staircase that lead to the basement, was his guess, taking in the area so he would know where to go due to his job he was sent to complete. Kiyoshi pulled out a key he kept in his pocket to unlock the door prompting Yuske to laugh a bit to himself before verbalizing it, “You only use a key to keep this collection from others? No alarm system or anything else?”
“These creatures cannot be simply plucked from their world so why should I worry about a loved one or someone stronger than them coming to save their hide? Besides, their restraints and cell doors are reinforced so not even they can get out. Are you ready for what is beyond that door?” Kiyoshi asked threatening to open it.
“As ready as I am going to be,” Yuske answered honestly, continuing to try and keep himself from pummeling the guy as he bit his lower lip for a moment to relieve the tension he felt.
Kiyoshi flew open the door so Yuske could see the demons he had captured already, the area lined with cells on the left and right with glass and steel doors. From what Yuske could sense they were mostly A plus class demons or anything below that. There was no S class. “This is—a unique collection,” Yuske replied trying not to give away the fact that he had seen demons before.
“Demonic beasts found from the depths of Makai. The glass and steel cells, and restraints you see were constructed to make it so neither beast could break out.” Continuing down the stretch, Kiyoshi saw they were approaching the wind master's cell and he couldn't help but smirk mostly to himself. “I will show you my latest capture—was hell to get but we managed.”
Yuske cocked his brow at the man he followed behind stopping at the cell that contained the wind master and his niece he never knew he had—not even Koenma told him when he asked him on the mission. Looking through the glass, he widened his eyes in surprise and a bit of anger to see Jin the Wind Master shackled to the wall and helpless to get free from the restraints that bound him. Jin…!
“Interesting demon, no?” Kiyoshi remarked taking Yuske's surprised look as something else. “He is a Wind Master and uses wind for attacks and to defend himself. I plan on getting his other friend that is an Ice Master when I am able. If you want, we can go and take a peek at him. He won't try anything unless he wants his prized possession hurt.”
Continuing to gawk at the predicament a moment, the detective eventually recollected himself so he could look into Kiyoshi's expression. “Sure if it's safe,” Yuske forced himself to say though it was hard being that he wanted to rush in and get Jin out before heading him back home to his sister.
Kiyoshi opened the cell door keeping Yuske back since as soon as Jin spotted the rich snob entering the cell, he got snappy and turned up his wind power creating a barrier around himself and his daughter that was hidden behind him. “He always does this whenever I enter. He's scared I am going to take his daughter from him.”
“D—Daughter?” Yuske stuttered over trying to look through the wind at the two. His hair getting tossed about, he could only squint through the strong wind current to try and make out another being beside Jin but it was difficult.
“Yes, he had a mix bred daughter—some how some human woman made it down to Makai and she's the first mix I have heard of in awhile,” Kiyoshi admitted.
Jin kept up his barrier until he made out the familiar face behind the wind and felt a pleasant breeze about the person as well. Azure eyes widening in surprise, he lowered his barrier to get a better look at the person that he could feel was kind hearted and not there to hurt him—seeming almost melancholy and a bit rattled judging by the wind about the male. Yuske! Jin thought with relief knowing their ride out of there was now here.
“Well this is a first,” Kiyoshi grinned coming closer to look for the girl regardless of Jin's growling. “Now fish out that daughter of your since I cannot touch her.”
“For the final time, leave her be!” Jin growled trying to pretend he didn't know Yuske since he assumed the Spirit Detective had to have been undercover. “If you want, keep me but send my daughter back to Makai!”
Yuske watched the two confront one another verbally before shifting his attention to the small child that was hiding behind her father. Squatting down behind the collector, Yuske reached his hand out to her trying to wave her over to let her know he wasn't going to hurt her at all. Come here, Yuske mouthed wanting to get a better look at her since all he could see was her cherry hair and innocent cobalt eyes.
Akina had only heard stories about her Uncle Yuske but never seen him, so she was confused as to whom this person was. Peeking her head out just a bit more from beyond her father, she showed off her pointed ears before ducking back in behind her father's shadow that comforted her, too frightened after all that had occurred to come out any further.
“This is your new home, so get used to that,” Kiyoshi assured Jin, threatening to snatch his daughter regardless of that charm.
“You know what,” Yuske began halting Kiyoshi from touching his niece, “why don't I just start right away since I have nothing better to do? Is there anything specific you want me to do today?”
Kiyoshi pulled his hand back before standing upright to look at the eager teenager. “I would work on going around and picking up the trays that are left over in each cell before cleaning them out from top to bottom. If you need me, I will be in my office.”
Yuske watched as the man took his leave of them. Waiting for the door to the basement to slam shut, the closing of the door eventually echoed through the basement allowing Yuske to turn back to Jin and Akina but Jin spoke up first.
“Yuske, you are here!”
“Don't worry, I will get you out of here as well as the others,” Yuske promised trying to break the chains that bound his best friend only to no avail. “Dammit, these things are strong!”
“He told me that he made them so tough that not even an S class demon can break them,” Jin said somberly. “If I could, I would have broken out of them awhile ago and killed that bastard for this. He took my daughter and chained her neck and some of the demons have threatened to hurt her if I didn't listen to them—they even hurt Aeka in their attempts to get to us. Akina said Aeka was knocked out cold before left in the Makai forest.”
“Akina?” Yuske questioned, “Is that the name of your daughter?”
“Aye,” Jin nodded looking over at his hiding daughter. “Akina, it's okay, you can come out now. It's just your Uncle Yuske—look.”
“Hey, kiddo,” Yuske called reaching his hand out to the scared child. “I'm not going to hurt ya. I am your mother's brother.” Still trying to coax out Akina who kept peeking out from behind her father, he looked to Jin wondering about his big sister. “What about Aeka before all of this? Is she okay? she better be—I promised you that I would trek through Makai just to use your head as Spirit Gun practice and being that you're chained up, it's easier to nail your ass.”
Jin couldn't help but laugh a bit at Yuske's remark before shaking his head, “No, no, she is just fine. She got pregnant as expected and had Akina who is now four years old. All was fine until this happened.”
“It's odd, I've only been gone for four years and I became an uncle without even knowing it,” Yuske chuckled before noticing Akina was slowly making her way out from behind her father and towards her uncle. Opening his arms for her to show the little mix he meant no harm, he waved for her to come into them so he could scoop her up and hold onto his niece he never knew he had. When she finally relaxed around the `stranger', Yuske hefted her up into his arms so he could look at her even if he wasn't good with kids. “Hey there, Akina, I am your Uncle Yuske.”
“She's heard of you,” Jin promised moving his legs from the Indian style position since they were cramping. “She just hasn't seen you.”
Yuske looked to Akina with a soft smile so as not to startle the already troubled young one, “I see she got your eyes—and—wings? Where did those come from?”
“Probably from the fact that she's destined to be a wind demon,” Jin answered still trying to get free from his restraints. “But we can talk about all of that later. Can you at least find a way to get me out of these things?”
Putting Akina down for a minute, he nodded. “Right, right—I am sure there is a way to unlock these things since I don't see a way for any key to unlock them. I will be right back, just hang tight.”
Jin couldn't help but muffle a laugh at how that would be no problem given the circumstances. Looking to his daughter who watched Yuske head off, he touched her back with his foot so he could get her attention. “That's your uncle that your mother and I have told you about. He takes care of apparitions both good and bad. I knew Koenma would send him for us.”
Akina turned her attention back at the open cell door that Yuske ran out of, cocking her head to the side in interest. She had heard everything that Yuske had done but she never really got to see him in action so this was a first. Standing up to go after him, she was halted by her father's want to stay put. So that is Uncle Yuske…
Yuske hurried further down the hall to try and find a way he could unlock everybody at once. There was indeed a complex system in the back that the Spirit Detective looked over quickly only to get a headache from all the gadgets and blinking buttons. “Dammit, all—.” Rearing back his right fist, he came down upon the control panel to dig into the circuit board and pull it out forcing everything else to short-circuit and the alarm to go off.
Jin heard the alarm go off but it didn't matter for his wrists were soon free. Bringing them down from where they original were, he rubbed his numb wrists before getting up and grabbing his startled daughter and headed out of the cell door. Meeting Yuske halfway, he hurried down the hallway with all the other demons that were trying to escape once their chains released them and their doors opened. “Obviously you're not the subtle type.”
“It was a complex system!” Yuske called over the alarm racing out with the many demons he had set lose. “Buttons upon buttons, upon buttons—the hell was I supposed to do?!”
Stopping a moment once they made it to the second floor, Jin remembered his promise to the man who did this to him. Seeing Yuske was stopping with him, he handed over the frightened Akina for Yuske to take, “Take Akina for me. I owe that bastard for what he has done!”
“Jin, we don't have time for this!” Yuske tried to assure the angry wind master but it was too late for Jin had already started looking for Kiyoshi.
“Where's daddy going?” Akina asked keeping a firm grip on Yuske's neck.
“I don't know, kiddo,” Yuske growled before heading after him while the other demons made haste to the nearest exit. “But I can tell you this much, if your father ends up killing that man, he will be in BIG trouble with Koenma.”
Kiyoshi smirked at these turn of events before going to his own control panel. “This should handle those beasts.” Pressing a single button on the panel on his desk, he locked down his entire house to keep the demons from escaping with the same metal he created for their restraints. “Try all you want, but I won't let you leave.”
“You should have made special doors for yourself,” Jin hissed with an enraged expression and his fists clutched tightly at his sides.
“So that human was undercover for you?” Kiyoshi asked almost seeming unimpressed. Crossing his legs from where he sat within his chair, he intertwined his fingers and placed them upon his knee to eye the riled demon, “Surprise, surprise.”
“Actually,” Jin corrected, “That is Yuske Urameshi, Akina's uncle and Spirit Detective. Maybe Yuske won't take care of you, but I will for what you did to my only daughter!”
“With what? Wind?” Kiyoshi couldn't help but chuckle at the thought before pushing back from his desk so he could get to his feet. “Face it, wind master, you can only hide behind your barrier let alone attack me with your wind powers.”
Jin looked over at the wall to spy a display of Japanese swords causing a smirk to spread across his face. Grabbing one of them and forcing the sheath off, he came a bit closer to the still gullible businessman with it at ready. “I can use wind but using it wouldn't be fair to beat someone such as you…but being part of the Shinobi, I can also use a sword. Dare to try me?”
Kiyoshi didn't buckle down to Jin's threats and walked over to grab a sword of his own so they would at least be equal. “If you want to try and kill me to make yourself feel better, come on then.”
Jin hurried towards Kiyoshi with the sword he held to the down right position before kicking in his demonic speed to disappear before Kiyoshi. Appearing behind him, he threatened to run through the millionaire only to be halted.
“Jin, stop it!” Yuske ordered as soon as he came barging through the door with his niece still in his arms. “If you kill this man, Koenma will punish you and you won't be able to see Aeka in the demon world for God knows how long!”
Jin only stopped from puncturing Kiyoshi from the back but that didn't prohibit him from threatening to kill the man by pressing the flat of the blade against Kiyoshi's neck. “So you want me to leave this man alive for all he has done to me? He sent his demons to stalk me at my own house and he threatened my daughter and hurt my wife—as a Shinobi I cannot allow him to get off the hook that easily.”
“Maybe it's part of the Shinobi code you've grown to live by for the years you've been trained,” Yuske replied calmly, “but as part of the Spirit World Rules, you cannot kill this man for what he has done or else you will be punished under their law like Hiei and Kurama way before you!”
Kiyoshi remained calm and quiet knowing that the kind hearted demon wouldn't have it in him to harm him. He had been watching Jin through his demon lackeys and he knew that someone such as him was mostly all talk and wouldn't dare harm a fly being that a family made him soft. “Kill me, and you won't see that human woman of yours or your daughter for that matter. But if you leave me alive, I will have a chance to come and get your daughter again,” Kiyoshi further threatened.
Leaning towards Kiyoshi's ear, Jin whispered in it so only they could hear, “Come back to hurt my family and I promise—nobody will be there to stop me when I torture you and make you plead for your death.” Looking to Yuske and his daughter, he nodded at the desk area keeping the sword where it was. “There's a panel on his desk that can let everybody out. Touch the blue button and please don't destroy it this time.”
Yuske headed over to the control panel that Jin spoke of and bashed the blue button with his fist to allow the house to be unlocked and the demons to be free to get back to Makai. “Alright, Jin, now you and Akina have to go back to Makai—let the bastard go.”
Jin pushed Kiyoshi forward once he removed the blade from his throat, tossing the weapon onto the floor at the millionaire's feet. Keeping his angered expression locked on the heartless human, he eventually shifted his attention over to Yuske and Akina forcing the leadership and seriousness that Jin wasn't known for, to vanish. Punching Yuske gently in the arm, he relaxed and smiled once more. “Come on, let's get her home.”
Kiyoshi said and did nothing—he didn't even flinch. Sitting back down at his desk, he couldn't help but chuckle at these turn of events as if he had expected it all along. “Run back home, wind master…it's not the last you've seen of me,” he said mostly to himself once the three left.
Walking out into the busy streets with Jin and Akina, the two didn't worry about any of the human's saying anything since most humans couldn't see demons. “So are you walking me home?” Jin asked. “That's very touching of you Yuske.”
“Don't flatter yourself for I never was fawned of redheads,” Yuske joked lightly holding onto Akina still for the time being. “I can only go so far anyways. I would love to see Aeka again but I can't. It was just my job to make sure the demons were all safe and they are.”
“I know Aeka still feels upset about not saying goodbye to you when the Dark Tournament ended,” Jin admitted. “Slightest mention of you and she gets a little upset.”
“Well maybe some day I will be able to see her again,” Yuske said with his sincere smile. “I do miss her and so does mother though she is already back to her old self again. Maybe another tournament will come about—who knows?”
“We'll see,” Jin nodded before opening his arms to take his daughter. “Well, beyond those woods is where the entrance to Demon World is. I guess I better get home and pray Aeka is okay.”
“She is, Jin. Koenma and Botan saw her before they came to speak to me.” Handing over the exhausted Akina to her father, Yuske waved slightly to the demons. “Well, I hope all goes well in Makai. Take care of Aeka for me.” Looking to his sleeping niece, he ran his fingers through her wild hair. “Goodbye, Akina. I hope I will see you again sometime.”
“I am sure you will,” Jin smiled rocking his daughter to keep her asleep from the long day. “See you, Yuske. Thanks for saving us from what could have been a long haul.”
“Hey, it's my job and besides, I wouldn't want someone fucking with my family.” Placing his hands in his pockets, he watched as Jin took off into the forest that would guide him back to Makai and to Aeka once again before bothering to head back home himself.
Aeka fell asleep at the windowsill early that evening when waiting for Jin and Akina to come home as promised by Botan and Koenma. She heard some of the guys hurrying down the hall but didn't think much of it since it was nearing dinner time and she assumed Touya made dinner though they were making their way to the entrance of the house to welcome home Jin and Akina.
Touya was the first to make it outside when he heard Jin and Akina were within view thanks to Chuu being the lookout. Seeing that Jin and Akina were just fine, he was more than relieved as he watched Jin finally touch the ground and let his daughter free. Seeing the little half demon running towards him once she was put down, the ice master knelt down so he could catch her when she made it to him. Picking her up into his arms, he looked at Akina and smiled. “Thank God you're both back safe.”
Hugging Touya's neck gently, she smiled, “Thank you for the bracelet, Touya.”
“You're welcome, princess.” Holding her in his arms a moment, he rubbed her back a bit before looking back into the eyes her father gave her. “Come on, your mother really misses you. Let's go see her.”
Aeka stayed put at the windowsill sorrowfully and half asleep thanks to barely eating and becoming a bit lethargic. Her once knee length pale lavender hair was now on her mid-back thanks to Botan cutting it for her and taking the pieces of hair that were a different layer up front near her face and braiding them so they could come together in the back. Hearing a knock on the door, Aeka moaned softly as she tried to rouse from her sleep though it was difficult with hunger overtaking her.
Touya entered into his bedroom to see Aeka was still there at the windowsill, knowing this would help her back on her feet. “Aeka,” Touya called walking towards her, “I have something that may perk you up.”
Hearing the ice master stop right behind her, she lifted her head off of the windowsill once more to look over at him wondering what it was this time until she saw her daughter in his arms. Reaching for her only child, she held onto her tightly not wanting to let her go ever again. Akina, oh thank God you are okay! She thought burying her face into her daughter's neck so she could cry there.
“Mommy, Uncle Yuske came to save daddy and me,” Akina announced trying to make her mom feel better.
Pulling back from her daughter's neck, she looked into her eyes with her weary, tear stained sea green. Your uncle saved you? Aeka signed before bothering to wipe her face clean.
Jin appeared eventually behind his Shinobi partner before kneeling down to kiss his wife on the cheek and to hold onto them both. “Yes, Yuske came to rescue us. He says he misses you and maybe someday you'll get to see one another again without it breaking the Human World and Makai rules.”
Looking to her husband, she leaned over to kiss him lovingly, glad to know he was back home. Maybe one day I will get to see my brother again…I am just glad he got my family back home safely.
Keeping her daughter in her arm while holding onto her husband's neck with the other, she just stayed put with them relieved to know they were okay. Touya remained in the bedroom but said not a word as did the others who were watching now from the doorway or around the area. No matter what world they were in, Human or Makai, one or the other wouldn't be safe, but as long as they watched out for the other, that was all they needed even in Hell.