Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend, My Brother, My Lover ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Warning: This story is YAOI, and if you don't like it than I suggest reading another fic. Also, the main paring will be Yusuke and Kuwabara it's just taking a while. Prepare yourselves your major character OOCness. Lastly, I am terrible at grammar and spelling so try to over look the mistakes.
Chapter Five
Three days after the date and Kazuma was still smiling. Sensui called two days before, and they set another date. Now all Kuwabara had to do was tell Urameshi he couldn't help him at the pub tonight, piece of cake, well he hoped. Kuwabara knew his best friend, and Urameshi would never let him out of a deal unless he had a good reason. Unfortunately, he couldn't tell him he had a date with an incredible man, emphasis on the man part, so he had to come up with something without really lying, and soon. The date was tonight and he was to meet up with Sensui in an hour. He would have talked to Urameshi sooner, but he had to pick out the right clothes so Sensui could get the right impression about him, and not think he was the guy he saw last time. This time he wasn't going to let Yukina mess with him, he was going as he was, in a pair of low rider jeans, a navy blue button up, and his favorite pair of boots. This time around he was the one making the plans, and told Sensui they would be going on a hike and then a picnic. Kuwabara couldn't wait, but first the matter at hand, hopefully he could skip out on Urameshi before he could ask any questions.
Kuwabara was ready to face Urameshi, but alas, it seemed fate had other plans. As soon as Kazuma was through the pub door, Kurama came by and rushed him into the small office.
“Oi, Kurama what's the matter?”
“Kuwabara, I was hoping you wouldn't come in here.”
“I had to, I promised Urameshi I would help out tonight, but I …”
“…have a date with Sensui, right?” Kurama interrupted.
“Yeah, how'd you know? I haven't even told Yukina yet.”
“Well have you told Yusuke?”
“Yeah right, tell Urameshi? C'mon Kurama you know he doesn't know about me.”
“Not yet, but maybe soon.” Kurama said in the sly cryptic way he does when he has bad news.
“What do you mean?”
“It seems Sensui thought it would be romantic to surprise you early. He came to the pub for directions to your place. And guess the first person he asked?”
“Oh God, please not Urameshi. Oh God, oh God, oh God.”
“Kuwabara!! Focus, let me finish before he start to panic.”
“What'd mean, I'm not panicking!”
“Just quiet! As I was saying he did ask Yusuke if he knew you, which he said he did, then Sensui asked where you lived. Luckily for you I interrupted before Yusuke could ask him any questions.”
“We both know Urameshi wouldn't leave it at that.”
“I know, and that's why Yusuke thinks Sensui's hiring you for a job. Now you better hurry and excuse yourself from tonight, just tell Yusuke you forgot a prior engagement or something.”
“Right, engagement, I'll go tell him. But what about Sensui?”
“I'll keep him occupied while you talk to Yusuke. Now hurry, we do have customers.”
Even though the walk to the kitchen to from the office is less than twenty feet, it felt like an eternity to Kazuma. He was just glad Sensui didn't see him. He didn't think he would be able to handle both Urameshi and Sensui at the same time. He just had to tell Urameshi he forgot about helping out, which wasn't far from the truth. While making the date with Sensui he did forget about the pub. Pushing open the door to the kitchen Kuwabara was met with a very pissed Urameshi.
“It's about time you got here. We're swamped, Yukina was supposed to come it, but she's late and now you too. What kept you? You're never late.”
“Hey, Urameshi. Um, you see about tonight…well I forgot about a prior engagement.”
Prior engagement? What your getting married now? Fine than tell your new wife she could help too.”
“Shut up, you know what I meant!”
“No I don't, especially when you're trying to sound like Kurama. What, are you trying to ditch out on me for that guy out there? Well if so, you can tell him to sit his ass somewhere and wait until your shift is over.”
“He's name Sensui, and I can't blow him off. He came from away, and it'd be rude if I didn't see him tonight. Besides I can help you any time, and if you really need help I can get sis out here to help.”
“What! You're seriously blowing me off! C'mon, you did you promise first? Me or that guy?”
“Stop being a pain Urameshi. I got a replacement, and I'll put in double time to make it up later. But for now I'm gonna be with Sensui.”
“Damnit Kuwabara, you're not replaceable, I want you not your sister! And you didn't answer my question.”
“What did you say?” Kuwabara gasped.
“I said you didn't answer me, now spill, who was first?”
“No, not that. The part about me.”
“Uh? Oh.. what I meant was..Shirzu gets in the way. The only people who know there way in this kitchen are you and me. So I want you helping me, that's what I said.”
“Um? Look I gotta go. If you need the help you call, but it's late and I want to be where I have to be before it gets to dark. I'll see you later.”
“Shit. Wait Kuwabara! Damnit!”
It was too late, as soon as Yusuke was out of the kitchen, Kuwabara was gone with Sensui. Unfortunately for Yusuke, Kurama heard the little argument between the two best friends, and followed Yusuke back into the kitchen.
“Mind telling me what that was about?”
“Shit! Don't sneak up on a guy like that, geez.”
“Don't cuss in front of me, and answer the damn question.”
“Hypocrite. What was what about?”
“You yelling at Kuwabara. We aren't that busy, and even if we were Shirzu can come in. As for your kitchen, I'm sure you would've managed, after all you do it everyday.”
“Why you making a big deal out of it? We always yell at each other, or did you forget? Anyway, it was mostly about him breaking a promise. And since you were being so nosey, did you notice the way he never answered my question? He's hiding something, I just know it.”
“And? He doesn't need to tell you everything Yusuke, everyone has secrets, and I think you should leave Kuwabara's alone unless he wants to tell you. As for the yelling, next time you see him I expect you to apologize.”
“Like hell, I have nothing to be sorry for, if anything he should apologize to me. What kind of guy walks out on his best friend?”
“And here I though it wasn't about you. You will apologize because you were overreacting, and if you don't I'll get Hiei involved. Even though he doesn't show it he does care for Kuwabara, and I doubt he'll be pleased what with happened here.”
“I'll just pretend I didn't hear that, both the apologizing and the Hiei caring. It's none of you business Kurama, so get out of my kitchen.”
“It is my business when it's being done in my pub. And you will apologize unless you want people to think this argument is different from the others.
“What'd mean?”
“I wasn't the only one who heard you two; poor Kuwabara went out of here red faced. If anything, it sounded like you were jealous.”
“Jealous of what?”
“Kuwabra, that he chose someone else over you. For the longest time it's been the two of you, even when you did have a girlfriend or something, Kuwabara was there for you. Now he's opening up and getting more friends, and I don't think you can handle that.
“It's not that; he has other friends before and it never bothered me.”
“Is that so? Then what's different this time?”
“That guy, I don't think he was here for business. The way he talked about Kuwabara, and the way he was looking for him didn't seem business like. And if it was business why couldn't they discuss it over the phone or at daylight hours? No. I defiantly don't like that guy.”
“He's name Sensui, and I suggest you get used to both the name and him. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of him.”
“Why's that?”
“Because you're right, it wasn't business. He's a new friend of Kuwabara's and he seems very fond of him, so I think he'll be occupying Kuwabara's time more.”
“Yeah, well we'll see.”
“What was that?”
“Nothing, now get out of my kitchen.”
“If you insist.”
With Kurama gone and Yusuke alone with his thoughts, he couldn't help but think of two things. One he already hated Sensui, and two he was not jealous, or so he told himself.
A/N: And it is finished. For all who are still reading I appreciate it, and cannot fathom all the excuses. I will update again, but I don't know how soon. I really don't think I'm up for this writing thing, but I love Kuwabra so much, and he deserves some Yaoi in his life, even if it's not all that good. In the next chapter it will be about date two, and I'm thinking about adding some lime. Sensui moves fast, and Kuwabara's not exactly stopping him. Till next time, good night, good fight.