Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Friend, My Brother, My Lover ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Warning: This story is YAOI, and if you don't like it than I suggest reading another fic. Also, the main paring will be Yusuke and Kuwabara it's just taking a while. Prepare yourselves your major character OOCness. Lastly, I am terrible at grammar and spelling so try to over look the mistakes.
Chapter Six
After leaving the pub, and along with it Urameshi, Kuwabara had to wonder about his so called best friend's attitude. Yusuke's behavior was something between an over protective parent and a jealous girlfriend, or for Kuwabara a boyfriend. It's not like that thought would have normally made Kuwabara mad, but when one was about to go on a date with a man that emitted sex, one had to clear themselves of all distractions. Besides with thoughts like Yusuke being jealous over him came that evil thing called hope, and Kazuma had promised himself after that magical night with Sensui that he would give up the hope that Yusuke could fall in love with him. If Kuwabara was known for anything it was that he never broke a promise, not including the one with Urameshi. Kazuma was so distracted by his thoughts he nearly missed his turn off.
When he left the pub with Sensui they both decided it would be convenient is they each took their own car, that way Sensui could go straight home without having to be dropped off at the pub first. Kazuma found himself lucky because he didn't think he could avoid looking guilty if Sensui was in the car with him while he was thinking of Yusuke. After parking Kuwabara had to pull himself together, with his resolve strengthened and a deep desire to concentrate only on Sensui he got out to greet his date.
“I hope you don't think it's too far Sensui, but I do promise a great view.”
“It's fine, as for the view I'm very much enjoying it right now. You look wonderful Kazuma.”
Unfortunately, Kuwabara was not able to keep a blush from his face.
“Are you sure you're not disappointed, I'm not anything like last time.”
“Of course you are it's only your clothes that have change. I prefer the look you have now, you seem more comfortable.”
“I am, though if you ask Yukina she'll tell you I have no sense for fashion. It's true I'd rather be comfortable that fashionable.”
“That's good it means you follow what you want doesn't it? One could only hope you might also want them.”
“Oh I definitely want.” Kazuma whispered to himself, a little more loudly he turned to Sensui, “We have to hike a bit to get to the area, it's one of my most favorite, so as long as you stay close to me you should be fine.”
“Luckily for me you told me to bring boots, I hope I didn't disappoint you with my attire.”
Looking at Sensui brought a flush to Kuwabara. Over the phone he was sure he told the man to dress rugged and if the way he was dressed was that he couldn't wait to see what was sexy. Sensui stood with his back to the cars wearing the tightest pair of Kakahi pants Kazuma has ever seen, along with a plain white tee and a pair of well worn hiking boots. The man really overwhelmed him not that he was about to tell him that.
“We'll have to see about that after we get to the spot. If you can manage I definitely won't be disappointed,” Kazuma replied at last.
“And if I can't?”
“I'll just have to find a way so you can.”
“Is that a guarantee?”
“You never know it could be a threat.”
“Sounds promising. So shall we?”
“Don't forget what I said about staying close, we don't want any accidents.”
“Yes sir.” Sensui said what a poor imitation of a salute.
As they began their trek up the hill Kuwabara couldn't avoid liking Sensui. He wasn't the funniest of people and was often very serious, but when he talked to him he knew Sensui was listening only to him, Kuwabara. Every time Kuwabara started a conversation with someone he always ended up the person listening rather than talking. He didn't mind when his friends and his sister needed someone to confide in, but it did get tiring to be the one ignored. Sensui didn't do that; instead he added here and there but never took over the conversation. And Kuwabara couldn't say Sensui didn't know how to follow directions. They were nearly by the site and the whole way Sensui was there right behind him, no balloon space or anything, so really no one could blame him if his body was reacting to the way Sensui blew just on that spot that drove him crazy.
“Here it is; what do you think?”
“Why do I get the feeling you're trying to out do me?”
“What do you mean?”
“This makes our walk through the park look like a walk through a dump. Seriously, how do you expect me to out do this view?”
“Well just so you know I'm a very competitive person, but don't worry you seem like a smart guy I'm sure you'll think or something.”
“If I only seem like a smart guy I mustn't be doing my job right.”
“Yeah well you absolutely have the smart ass thing down.”
“It's good go to know you're looking at my ass Kazuma.”
“I …well…you …Damn it, you know what I meant,” Kazuma than proceeded to cross his arms over his chest and pout like his inner child demanded of him.
“Now, now no need to sulk. Why don't we spread out the blanket you no doubt have brought, and than I'll continue to make up for my bad behavior,” Sensui purred.
“It's...uh...right here.”
“Thank you Kazuma.”
To say Kuwabara was speechless would have been an understatement. He knew that two things could happen as soon as Sensui finished with the blanket, Kuwabara could either divert Sensui's attention with the picnic they were suppose to have; or Kuwabara could let Sensui do things they probably shouldn't do on a second date. A battle was waging inside Kuwabara; on the one hand Kuwabara didn't want to seem easy because he wasn't; on the other hand it had been forever since Kuwabara had gotten any attention from another man. Kuwabara didn't think it was fair that being horny usually always won over what was right, that was why when Sensui reached for him he cursed his libido.
“Now about making up I think it's only adequate that I apologize profusely for my misconduct. After all if I continue to make you blush like so, you may not have enough blood flow for other parts of your body. What do you think Kazuma?”
“I think, hell I don't know what I think, but I know I don't want you to stop.”
“Then I won't.”
Before where Sensui was nipping innocently on Kazuma's neck soon became more passionate with soft bites and wet suckling, a claim on a prize. Sensui's hands were stroking down Kazuma's back settling at the hem of his shirt giving a faint idea of what was to come.
A faint hum was heard in the darkness a pressure of lips forming words on his neck.
“Kazuma if you want me to stop you can tell me at anytime, don't forget that.”
“Don't stop, oh please, Sensui don't stop.”
Where once they were standing soon became lying on the floor panting. Kazuma could feel the pressure of Sensui's excitement on his thigh as Sensui towered over him looking into his eyes. The darkness of Sensui's lust over powered him that he was helpless but to pull the man towards him to take the lips that had previously made love to his neck. Kazuma took his mouth greedily not even asking but demanding entrance into the moist cavern. Teeth, lips, and tongues came into play each man taking the others mouth with abandon. Soon Sensui's mouth left Kazuma's in pursuit of something more filling. His lips traveled down a smooth column of flesh down toward Kazuma's collarbone where Sensui was sure to leave his mark.
“Kazuma, dear dear Kazuma, I want I want.”
“Sensui...mmm…please, don't stop.”
Sensui's mouth left Kazuma only to return, with the removal of a shirt, back to the reddened collarbone trailing a path downwards to a rose pink bud. Sensui wasted no time in taking the small peak into his mouth while leaving his fingers to play with its partner. Kazuma arched into the contact desperate for more, willing for more.
“Sensui, gods, Sensui. More.” Kazuma choked, burying his hands into Sensui dark mane urging him down.
Sensui allowed the movement, leaving a bite on the treat he had nursed. In the night pants and wails were heard as a wet tongue found it way into a belly button. Overcome with need Kazuma lifted his hips for more contact brushing his hardness against Sensui's chest. Sensui continued to torture his soon to be lover as he pushed Kazuma's hips back to the ground and reached for the hidden entrance that would remove the clothing barrier.
Sensui stopped his advances as he look up at Kazuma's flushed face. Kazuma was stuck between arousal and embarrassment, until finally the red head found his voice.
“Nothing like an empty stomach to ruin the mood, huh?”
A/N: I finally updated, yay for me! I will update again soon, but I just don't know how soon. Hope no one is to mad at me for how I ended this chapter, but I did say it will be lime flavored. Let me know what you think it's the first time I've done anything citrus. Next chapter may be short, but it's about Yusuke and what he was doing during the date. I have to strike while the inspiration is hot. Till next time, good night, good fight.