Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Love to Remember ❯ High School Confidential ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own YuYu Hakusho or its characters. I DO own Nariko Tamayuki.

YuYu Hakusho
My Love to Remember
Chapter 1- “High School Confidential”

Four Years Later

I was still half a block away when I heard the bell ring from my school up ahead. “Goddamn it!” I cursed as I kept walking at my normal pace. It was barely my second week of school and I was already late again. Oh, well. My first period teacher already hated me. Go figure. I suppose it might have something to do about the way I dress. Today I was wearing my usual tight jeans and knee-high black boots with buckled straps along the sides, my usual thick black eyeliner framing my bright green eyes, a white wife-beater, and a form fitting black coat with the collar turned up, the buttons ending at the waist, but the rest of the coat flowing down to several inches above the knees, kind of like a simplified version of an 18th-century frock coat. I have long, black, choppy layered hair. The layers are cut very short along the top of my head, so I got short hairs sticking up in random directions, while my bangs are messy and choppy. But then again, it just might be me he didn’t like.

Up until three weeks ago, I was living at an orphanage, but I accidentally set the roof on fire again. No one was hurt or nothing, but I was in deep shit. So I ditched the place. Never liked it there anyway. I been living there for about four years. I don’t remember much of anything before that. I was told I was found unconscious in the snow somewhere and no one could find out anything about me. I don’t even know exactly how old I am, except everyone assumed I was about 12 when they found me, so I guess now I’m about 16.

So I’m currently attending high school as a junior. I had to switch schools so the assholes at the orphanage couldn’t find me. I’ve made friends with lots of different people over the past few years, I suppose some would think they’re pretty shady. I guess I can’t really deny that they are, including my boyfriend, Keiji, who’s the leader of a local crew. But when I needed a place to go, I moved in with Keiji and the crew got me a job at an underground bar through some connections. So for now, I’m set.

By the time I finally made it to my first period class, I was about fifteen minutes late. I took a deep breath, braced myself for the worst, and walked into the room.

“-- and Tamayuki-san would be more than happy to give you a tour of the school,” Mr. Teriyaki was saying as I was making my way to my seat at the back of the class.

“Huh?” I whirled around and saw four boys standing at the front of the class by Mr. Teriyaki. How could I have missed them when I walked in? I hadn’t even heard anything the teacher was saying until he said my name. “ I would be more than happy to do what now?” I heard a few giggles from behind me, but I ignored them.

“Tamayuki, I want you to escort these gentlemen in a tour of the school. If you did not wish to do so, you should not have been late and called attention onto yourself,” Mr. Teriyaki said with a smug expression on his face.

‘What the fuck! Goddamn asshole! He knows I still get lost around here,’ I curse mentally. Out loud, I replied, “Sure thing Mr. T!” I smiled inwardly in satisfaction when his expression soured at my lack of anger.

“Nice to meetcha fellas! Follow me,” I say cheerfully and stride out of the room without waiting to see if the boys were following. I hear the door close behind me and I cursed loudly, “Fucking a!”

“Well now, no need for such language,” says a voice.

I turned to see one of the boys grinning at me. He had big dark brown eyes and black hair greased up into a pompadour. Something about him kind of reminded me of me. I couldn’t help but like him immediately. “The name’s Yusuke Urameshi,” he said with a huge grin.

Suddenly, Yusuke lunged forward and fell flat on his face as a tall, awkward looking boy with greased up curly red hair pushed past him to kneel in front of me and take hold of my hand. “I’m the great Kazuma Kuwabara, at your service, m’lady. I would be honored if you would be my girlfri--” His words were cut short by Yusuke’s fist appearing out of nowhere and catching him square in the jaw.

“OW! Urameshi! What was that for?!”

“You knocked me over, that’s what it was for!”

By then, I had already forgotten about being pissed off at Teriyaki and was contemplating on whether to just ditch them, when a soft voice said from beside me, “Don’t worry about those two, that’s normal for them.”

I turned to gaze directly into dazzling emerald green eyes. I blinked quickly when I realized I was staring and took in the rest of him. He had long, dark red hair and was actually very pretty, the only thing that kept him from looking girly was the fact that he was tall and had slightly broad shoulders, a sure sign of masculinity. He smiled warmly and introduced himself, “ Pleasure to make your acquaintance Tamayuki-san. My name is Suichi.”

“Call me Nariko,” I mumbled, blushing slightly at his formality. I slid my gaze over to the last boy. He was pretty short, only about two inches taller than myself. He was dressed in all black, with long, gravity-defying black hair, and a white headband tied across his forehead. My gaze settled onto his eyes and I felt my breath catch in my throat. I was looking directly into startling scarlet eyes. ‘He’s got beautiful eyes,‘ I thought. He seemed frozen in place, his eyes a little too wide, and his intent gaze was slightly unnerving. I forced my expression to go cold and I said gruffly, “Whatcha lookin’ at, hey? Take a picture, why don’t ya? Geez..”

Before I had even finished speaking, his expression had gotten blank and distant. If I hadn’t known any better, I would have thought he had heard what I was thinking… Nawwww.

“So what’s your name, huh?” I mumbled nervously, feeling a little shy all of a sudden. “What’s wrong with me? I’m never shy!’ I thought.

“Hmph,” ‘scarlet-eyes’ grunts, turns around, and wanders off.

“Aw, don’t worry about Hiei,” Yusuke says cheerfully.

“Hiei?” I ask.

“Yeah, shorty doesn’t say much of anything,” Kuwabara explains.

“Oh, well, ok. Whatever,” I muttered.

“SO! How ‘bout that tour, eh?” Yusuke says exuberantly, putting one arm around my shoulders. Strangely enough, it didn’t bother me. If it was anyone else, I would have smacked them, but with Yusuke, it was pretty friendly, as in a big-brother / making-the-chick-feel-welcome-around-the-guys kind of way. It was actually kind of nice, and I continued to walk that way with the three boys, Yusuke on my left and Suichi at my right, Kuwabara at Yusuke’s other side.

A couple minutes later, we were climbing the last few steps on the staircase. I paused in front of the door at the top, turned to face them, and announced, “I saved the best for last!” and pushed open the door.

“Uhm, Nariko? This is the roof..” Suichi says hesitantly.

“Yeah, I know,” I say brightly.

“Heyyyy… you only showed us the bathrooms and the cafeteria!” Yusuke complains.

“Uhm, yeah, about that… That’s because I don’t really know where anything is… This is kinda my second week of school here, ehehe…” I said sheepishly, rubbing the back of my head. I could practically see the boys sweat drop.

Suichi was the first one to recover, “If you’re new here too, then why did the teacher make you give us the tour?”

“Because he’s an ass!” I answered promptly. “And besides, Teriyaki hates me. He’d do anything to fuck me over.”

“BWAHAHA! TERIYAKI?!” Yusuke bursts out.


I couldn’t help but start cracking up, and seeing Suichi trying not to laugh at the teacher by raising a hand to his mouth and biting down on his thumb, but failing miserably made me laugh even harder. I left the boys guffawing over the teacher’s ridiculous name and made my way over to sit against the wall near the door to the stairs. I closed my eyes, raised my arms behind my head, and walked slowly, letting the breeze ruffle my hair.

//Watch your step, woman.//

“Huh?” I opened my eyes and found myself staring directly at…. Nothing! “Kyaa!” I stumbled back and realized that I had almost walked off the edge of the roof. ‘Geez! What’s the matter with me today?! Stupid dumbass!’ I cursed myself mentally.

//Hmph. I’ll say//

“Wha-?” I blinked several times and shook my head.

“Hey, you alright over there Nariko?“ Yusuke called. I turned to face the boys and spotted Hiei standing above the door we had first come through, hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face.

“Oh, there you are Hiei. I was beginning to wonder when we would be seeing you again,” Suichi says, craning his neck back to look at Hiei as he spoke.

“Hmph, there wouldn’t be any point in leaving now,” Hiei answers, his eyes flicking over to me and looking away. It happened so quickly that I wondered if I imagined it. He hopped down from above the doorway, landing lightly on his feet. Distantly, I heard the bell ring for second period down below.

“Nariko, I think we should go back down for class,” Suichi said softly from beside me. I sighed loudly and groaned, but nodded.

It turned out that first period wasn’t the only class I had with the four boys. I had Suichi in my second period, Yusuke and Kuwabara in third, and Hiei in fourth. Suichi of course, cheated and used his dazzling smile and charm on the teacher, who was defenseless against such a relentless attack, so Suichi ended up sitting next to me. I suspected Yusuke had secretly bribed the teacher to let him and Kuwabara pick their seats, but maybe I’m being too harsh on him…. Naww. Hiei had been asked to sit in the front, but I rescued him and told the teacher I had been charged with showing him the ropes around here, so he was allowed to sit by me in the back. It was a lie of course, but Hiei seemed perfectly willing to play along. Or maybe he just didn’t want to be sitting next to that weird kid with the cross eyes. I dunno. Once he joined me though, he didn’t say much, but I wasn’t offended, Yusuke had already warned me and I took the opportunity to chatter away.

After what felt like an eternity later, I was weaving my way through the crowd of students to where I normally sat during lunch, under a large oak tree not too far from the rest of the lunch tables. Hiei had disappeared after I turned my back on him to put my doodles back in my book bag when the bell rang for lunch. I figured I’d run into him sooner or later. I was ignoring the lunch lines and vaguely noticed that most of the students in my path were scurrying aside to let me pass. It didn’t make much sense to me why, I mean, physically I wasn’t very imposing. Although I hated to admit it, everyone else towered over me.

But I hadn’t been very successful in making new friends. I was pretty outgoing and talkative, but it seems that most people find me a little intimidating. Then again, it might have had something to do with the fact that I had broken some kid’s nose on my first day when he tried to hit on me and was being a little too pushy. What can I say? News spreads.


I turned to where the voice came from and saw Yusuke waving frantically from the lunch line, a tray in one hand overflowing with food. Kuwabara was right behind him with a similar tray, already stuffing his face. I grinned and waved back, pausing to let them catch up.

“Where you headed little lady?” Yusuke grinned. I let the “little” comment slide. I was starting to suspect that Yusuke was going to be able to get away with a lot of things with me. Damn.

I jabbed a thumb in the direction of the tree.

“Ok, lead the way!”

I stared.

Yusuke’s grin faltered. “Unless you don’t want us along…”

“No! ‘Course I don’t mind,” I smiled. “But you sure you wanna kick it with me? If you haven’t noticed, I ain’t all that popular.” I waved a hand vaguely at the rest of the students. A quick glance told me that there was now a wide empty space around us, the wave of students parting to walk around us, like we were some huge rock in the middle of a stream.

Yusuke gave a long whistle. Kuwabara leaned over his shoulder and asked in a low voice, “Damn, what’d you do? Kill a teacher? Everyone seems pretty uneasy, and I’m pretty sure it’s not because of Urameshi and me. We haven’t done anything yet and I’m almost positive no one around here knows our reputation.”

I cringed slightly, positive that they would decide not to sit with me after all, but figured they’ll hear it eventually. “Some guy was hitting on me on my first day and wouldn’t leave me alone, so I sorta… broke his nose…” I closed my eyes and held my breath, but their reaction made my eyes snap open.

Yusuke and Kuwabara were holding their sides, laughing. “Damn! Urameshi, she‘s definitely one of us!” Kuwabara gasped in between bouts of laughter. “No kidding! Way to go kiddo!” Yusuke chokes out and flings an arm over my shoulder and ruffles my hair.

“Hey! Leggo!” I manage to wriggle away from him, half laughing too. “Watch the ‘do!”

We all finally reach the tree and collapse under the shade, joking and punching each other boisterously. The guys seemed tentative to treat me so roughly at first, but once I planted one on Kuwabara hard enough to bruise, they seemed reassured that I wouldn’t break down and start bawling.

“Hey Kurama! Over here!” Yusuke calls out.

I wondered who he was talking to, but I spotted Suichi making his way towards us. I turned to Yusuke with a puzzled look. “Why’d you call him Kurama?”

“Oh, ehehe.. Did I say that?” Yusuke says nervously, raising a hand and scratching his cheek with one finger. “Well, uh… It’s just that.. Uh..”

“Suichi’s my real name, but Kurama is kind of a… nickname.” I turned to see Suichi smiling, standing in front of us.

“Hmm… Kurama huh..” I said to myself thoughtfully. I looked up at him again and grinned. “I like it.”

Something small and hard hit me on the top of the head, bounced off, and landed in my lap. “Ow!” I rubbed my head and saw that it was an apple. I looked up to see where it came from, wondering if I was going to need to take cover, and saw Hiei sitting on a tree branch above my head, leaning against the trunk, arms behind his head, with his eyes closed.

“Hiei?” I asked uncertainly.

“I noticed you didn’t have a lunch,” he said, not bothering to open his eyes.

I blinked stupidly. Then it dawned on me. This was his way of being nice!

“Thanks!” I grinned happily at him and munched on the apple enthusiastically, the juice dribbling down my chin. Someone shoved a napkin in front of my face. I turned to see who it was and was shocked to see Hiei kneeling beside me, holding out the napkin, not looking at me. When I didn’t react right away, he sighed and wiped my face himself.
‘How’d he get down so fast??’


‘There it goes again! What the fuck.’ I closed my eyes and shook my head. When I looked back, he was gone. A slight rustle made me look up, and there was Hiei, as if he hadn’t even moved.

‘Shit. I’m losing it…..well… damn…’ I thought darkly.

A low chuckle made me look up. “What’s so funny?” I demanded.

Hiei ignored me and closed his eyes again.

‘Whatever dude,’ I thought, turning my attention back to the boys. Kurama was watching Yusuke and Kuwabara have a meatloaf eating contest with a bemused expression. It looked like Yusuke was winning. Ew. Meatloaf.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, except for the fact that I had at least one of the boys in every period. I was stuck alone with Kuwabara in fifth. Argh. Gag me with a spoon. Sixth period was great, I had Kurama and Hiei together. Seems like Hiei has the most respect for Kurama. Kurama even got him to join in the conversation… sorta.