Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Love to Remember ❯ Subcultural Girl ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I do not own YuYu Hakusho and its characters. I do own Nariko. Batmobile and The Chop Tops are actual bands. I don’t own them.

A/N: It’s always bugged me that everyone thinks Yusuke and Kuwabara put gel in their hair. It’s not gel! It’s GREASE. Yeah, that’s right, in case y’all haven’t noticed, Yusuke and Kuwabara are Japanese greasers. And seeing as how I’m a rockabilly gal myself, I was compelled to clarify this fact as you will all see. Y’all enjoy!

YuYu Hakusho
My Love to Remember
Chapter 3- “Subcultural Girl”

The Next Morning

“Ah! Urameshi! What the hell did you do to Nariko?! That’s it, you and me gotta duke it out right now! I’ve gotta defend her honor!”

I blinked sleepily and turned towards the door. Kuwabara was standing at the doorway, blushing furiously, flipping out. A pretty blue haired girl was looking over his shoulder, her pink eyes wide. “Perhaps this is a bad time. Come on Kuwabara, let’s go! Don‘t worry about us, we‘ll just leave you two alone!” She tugged at his sleeve, giggling nervously.

“No! Urameshi, get up! No doubt you tricked her into a false sense of security, then took advantage of her trust and swooped down at her and stole her virtue! What do you have to say for yourself?” Kuwabara ranted.

I looked at him like he just sprouted a second head. “Wha-?!”

“Kuwabara, what the hell are you babbling about?” Yusuke propped himself up on one elbow beside me, stifling a yawn and rubbing his eyes.

“Don’t play dumb with me! I’m not an idiot ya know! What are you and Nariko doing sleeping on the same bed??”

Something clicked in my mind and I was suddenly wide awake. “Wait, you think..?” I trailed off and glanced at Yusuke. He turned to me at the same time, apparently realizing what Kuwabara meant at the same moment I did. We exchanged glances briefly and burst out laughing.

“What the hell’s so funny?!”

“You idiot! It’s not like that!” Yusuke gasped.

“What’s all this yelling about?” a girl with short brown hair appeared beside the blue haired girl. The blue haired girl jumped and tried to block her view of the room. “Wait, Keiko! Why don’t we go see what we can get for breakfast??”

“Botan, what are you trying to hide? Yusuke, you lazy bum, are you still in bed?” Keiko pushed her way past Botan and into the room. She stopped abruptly and stared.

“Bwa!!! Keiko?! What are you doing here??!” Yusuke cried, his laughter cut short.
She turned and walked out of the room. Yusuke scrambled off the bed and stumbled after her. “Wait! Keiko, it’s not what you think!” He said something else, but the rest was muffled. There was a sharp slap and Keiko was ranting. Yusuke mumbled something and she quieted down.

I realized that I had been left alone with Kuwabara and the girl whose name was apparently Botan. They were both looking at me oddly. “What?” I asked nervously.

“Okay Nariko, if it’s not what we think, then what the hell are you doing in Yusuke’s bed?” Kuwabara asked suspiciously.

“Oh, well, it’s kind of a long story, haha!” I said, rubbing the back of my head.

Yusuke walked back into the room, a bright red hand print across his face, leading a fuming Keiko by the hand. “Nariko, we should explain everything so these guys wont get the wrong idea,” Yusuke looked at me pleadingly.

“It’s a little late Yusuke, we already got the ‘wrong idea,’” Keiko said haughtily.
‘Oops,’ I thought. I nodded at Yusuke. We both went over the events of last night, ending with how we had just dozed off after the movie, putting emphasis on the fact that Yusuke fell asleep first.

By the end of our explanation, Botan and Keiko were both looking at me worriedly. “You poor thing! How awful!” Botan fussed.

“You must be terrified! Having your own boyfriend wanting you dead!” Keiko exclaimed, tears glittering in her eyes.

“No really, I’m fine! Honest, I’ve had people out to get me before. I always seem to get mixed up with the wrong crowd!” I said hurriedly, trying to reassure them, hands raised in front of me. But my explanation seemed to make it worse. They fussed about how awful that was and ushered me into the kitchen to make me breakfast. I think they were trying to comfort me. I was a bit uncomfortable with their attention, but thought it would be rude to refuse, especially when Keiko seemed to have forgotten about earlier.

Yusuke wandered in several minutes later as I was shoveling down some of Keiko‘s French toast, his hair freshly greased and combed back. He had left his jeans, but changed into a clean white shirt, since the one he had yesterday had flecks of blood on it. I had dumped my coat somewhere on Yusuke’s floor last night and had left on my white wife beater that I had underneath. Kuwabara slumped into a chair beside me and Yusuke took the one across.

“Yusuke, you better hurry up and eat, you’ve got school today. My school is nearby, so I don’t have to worry, but I don’t want you getting into trouble,” Keiko said from the stove.

Yusuke gave a wide yawn and put his arms behind his head. ‘Aw, come on Keiko, it’s Friday. I don’t feel like going today.”

“Yusuke--” Keiko started.

“Aw, come on Keiko, give the boy some slack. He did play hero yesterday!” Botan cheerily interrupted.

“I don’t feel up to going today. And I wouldn’t want to stay all alone, either,” I added. I stuck out my bottom lip and gave her sad puppy-dog eyes. As I suspected, her sympathy for what happened yesterday kicked in and she hesitated.

“Well…. I guess just one day is okay…” she relented. I grinned and took a swig of orange juice. Keiko departed shortly afterwards, saying something about wanting to get there early for some student council meeting.

I heard a ringing noise, I turned to Botan questioningly. “Uh, Botan? Your pants are ringing…”

“Oh! Why, yes it is. Eheheh.. I’ll just go take this call somewhere else. Enjoy your breakfast everyone!” she gets up hastily and leaves the room. I finished my breakfast and turned to Yusuke. “You mind if I use your shower? I feel icky.”

“Yeah, sure, help yourself,” he says with his mouth full.

“Haha it’s probably from sleeping next to Urameshi,” Kuwabara laughs.
Yusuke gives him a death glare. “Shut up!”

I left the kitchen laughing to myself. I head for Yusuke’s bedroom to get some clean clothes out of my duffel bag.

“Yes sir, Koenma sir. Right away!” I hear Botan say.

“Uh… Botan, why are you talking to your compact?” She snaps it closed and whirls around, rubbing the back of her head. “Oh, ehehe.. No reason, really, I just like to give it a little… pep talk! Yeah!”

“Uhm… okay.. Whatever tickles your pickle,” I shrugged. I grabbed some clothes and headed for the bathroom. I emerged from my shower half an hour later, drying my hair with a towel. I didn’t bother putting on shoes and just slipped on a pair of jeans and was about to put on a tight fitting Batmobile shirt, I had cut off the collar years ago, because the necklines on t-shirts bugged me, so the collar was cut low around my shoulders. As I was drying off my hair first, a Batmobile song popped into my head. I sang out obnoxiously loud, “Having a real good party, music plays out loud. The neighbors didn’t like it, they banged the doors and shout. I told ‘em to get stuffed, don’t trouble me no more, but after half an hour, there was police at the door, police at the door! We’re all in the dance hall, the band just plays it hot. The whole joint started rockin‘, the place was torn apart. The room just didn’t hold it and fell onto the floor, I heard a siren coming, it’s police at the door, police at the door!”

The door banged open and Kuwabara burst in excitedly. “I love that song! Police at the door! Police at the door!” he sang.

“Kyaa! Kuwabara, get the fuck out!” I threw a shampoo bottle at him and it hit him on his face. He stumbled out clutching his nose, shouting an apology. I came out of the bathroom five minutes later, still a little miffed. I found the boys in Yusuke’s room, watching TV. I was ready to start yelling at Kuwabara, but one look at his face and I couldn’t help but grin at the bandage across his nose.

I glanced around the room and asked, “Hey, where’s Botan?” The guys looked up and Yusuke answered, “She had to go. She told me to tell you bye.” He patted the bed next to him and I sat down “So, Kuwabara tells me you were singing in the bathroom. I didn’t know you like psychobilly,” he grinned, his eyes lighting up.

“Hell yeah I do! What of it?” I asked.

Kuwabara leaned over Yusuke to look at me excitedly, “Hey we listen to psychobilly too! Do ya dig rockabilly?”

“Yeah, ‘course I do. And yeah, I already figured as much when I first met ya,” I replied.

“Wait, how’d you know?” Yusuke asks, surprised.

“Aw, come on! Yours and Kuwabara’s hair gave it away. I mean, it just screams ‘greaser!’” I said, rolling my eyes. “Only a complete dumbass wouldn’t see it.”

Kuwabara grinned. “That’s right, we’re both just a couple of rockabilly rebels, aren’t we Urameshi? Delinquent is my middle name!”

Yusuke laughs. “Fuck yeah! But ya know, Nari-chan, most people don’t even know what the hell rockabilly is, let alone recognize us for what we are.”

“Well that’s because most people are morons who don’t know shit about subcultures and their music roots,” I retorted.

The boys laughed and agreed. I mentioned I had my CD case in my bag and they jumped at the chance to check it out. They both dove into my duffel bag, searching for the CD case. “Hey, what’s this?” Kuwabara held up a thin silver chain. It had three completely round jewels, they kind of looked like pearls, but I was positive they weren’t. The one in the middle was swirled with black and white, and there was a pure white one and a pitch black one on either side of it.

“Hey isn’t that a Hiruiseki Stone?!” Yusuke asked incredulously, pointing at the white stone. I looked at him blankly. “A what stone? Fuck if I know. I’ve had it for as long as I can remember. Remember I told you I don’t remember anything from before the orphanage? Well this is the only thing I’ve got from my past. Even though I don’t remember where I got this, I have a feeling that it’s very important to me.”

Yusuke and Kuwabara exchanged glances I didn’t understand. “What?” I asked suspiciously.

“Naw, it’s nothing!” Yusuke said, raising a hand and scratching his cheek with one finger. “Ooooh! Is that a Chop Tops CD??” he snatched a CD Kuwabara was holding up.
“If it’s so important to you, you should wear it,” Kuwabara said, inspecting the necklace. Yeah, why not? Don’t think I’ll lose it here. I nodded and he helped me clasp it in the back. We spent the majority of the day playing music, discussing the different genres in my collection, and I raided Yusuke’s CD collection. Then we all filed into the living room and played Donkey Kong Country on Yusuke’s Super Nintendo. Yusuke beat us obviously, since it’s his game, but I, of course, beat more levels than Kuwabara.

Late in the afternoon, the three of us had moved on to a racing game on Yusuke’s PS2. “Move it, you idiot! Come on! Bring it!” I yelled at the TV screen, maneuvering around a sharp turn.

“I got you beat! Just give up Nariko!” Kuwabara said smugly.

“Never!!!!” I cried. At the last minute, I smacked him upside the head with my controller and made him crash into a wall, letting me cross the finish line first. “I win!!”
“Hey, you cheated!!” Kuwabara complained, rubbing his head while Yusuke rolled on the floor laughing.

“Hmph, if you idiots are quite done, then perhaps we can get down to business. I’ve been standing here for awhile,” said a voice from behind us. We all jumped and whirled around. Hiei was leaning against the far wall, arms crossed over his chest.

“Oh shit, how long have you been there?” I asked, surprised.

“Hmph,” he ignored me and turned to the boys. “The reason I’m here is because I was sent to get you two bakas. The fox is already waiting.”

“The who? Where? Wha?” I looked back and forth between them, confused. They all ignored my questions and the boys got up and went to put on some shoes. “Will somebody tell me what the hell is going on??” I demanded, frustrated.

“Sorry Nari-chan, we gotta go. We’ll be back soon. Remember, mi casa es tu casa!” Yusuke said, the three of them heading for the door.

“Wait, Yusuke! Where are you guys going? What if your mom comes home?! I haven’t even met the woman! What the hell am I supposed to tell her??” I whined, padding after them.

“Oh, don’t worry about her. Just tell her I said it was ok for you to stay with us. My ma wont mind, besides, I think she’ll like ya!” They left and I was stuck by myself. “Well this sucks,” I said aloud to no one in particular. I raided his fridge and plopped down on the couch to watch TV.