Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Love to Remember ❯ Someone's Out to Get Me ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Love to Remember
Chapter 4- “Someone’s Out to Get Me”

No One’s P.O.V.

“Aw, man! Wonder what binky breath wants now?” Yusuke complained as they walked down a long hall lined with thick pillars on either side, on their way to Koenma’s office.

“Yeah, I feel pretty bad leaving Nariko all alone like that,” Kuwabara said. “Especially after what happened to her yesterday…”

Kurama steps out from beside a pillar and asks softly, “And may I ask, what exactly happened to our dear Nariko?”

Hiei looks at Yusuke sharply, “Yes, and why are her things in your room?”

“Huh?” Yusuke looks at Hiei blankly for a moment, then his face splits into a mischievous grin. “Why Hiei, I didn’t know you cared.”

Hiei turns his back on them and says sharply, “Just answer the question Detective.”

“Well, it’s like this. Last night, Urameshi runs into Nariko and she’s got these guys following her, see. So Urameshi and her totally kick their butts and one of them ‘fesses up! It turns out her boyfriend made them go after her to snuff her out. Isn’t that some crazy shit, or what?” Kuwabara explains.

“Yeah, and I couldn’t let her go back there or leave her to wander around in the streets could I? So I told her it would be ok for her to stay at my place,” Yusuke chimes in.

“Well, that seems to answer both our questions, doesn’t it Hiei?” Kurama says, turning his attention to the other yokai.

“That bastard!” Hiei growls, fists shaking in anger. He steps forward and seems to disappear.

“Well that was weird..” Yusuke says.

“What’s gotten into shorty?” Kuwabara asks Kurama.

“I’m not sure, he wont tell me. But I suspect that he may care for her more than he lets show. It’s strange.. I never would have thought he would concern himself over a ningen girl…” Kurama trails off thoughtfully.

They finally reached the end of the hallway several minutes later. They step into Koenma’s office, to find Koenma stamping papers and Hiei leaning against the far wall.
Koenma hopped up onto the desk, looking at them sternly. “It’s about time!”

“Yeah, yeah..” Yusuke waves him off. “What do you want binky breath?”

Koenma’s eye twitches, but he ignored him and turned to a large screen. “We found some more information on the demon we are after. As you already know, it’s a middle class demon that slipped into the Ningekai a few months back. Our informants tell us his next victim is a ningen currently attending the school you boys enrolled in.”

“We already knew that! Don’t tell us you made us come all this way to tell us what we already knew!” Yusuke interrupted.

“Quiet!” Koenma threw the large rubber stamp he was using earlier, hitting him square in the forehead. He straightens up, clears his throat, and continues, “Yes, well, as I was saying, intelligence managed to find more information on him. He plays games with his victims and manipulates other humans to do his dirty work for him, mostly through threats and torture. He likes to befriend his human victims, and when they come to depend on him, he forces other ningens to kill them. Recently, he has become a little more daring. He has gained control of a local gang of dangerous delinquents and has taken a human girlfriend, even having her living with him. It is our best educated guess that she may be his next intended victim and the same ningen student at your school we were looking for.”

“What the hell?! What kind of wacko is this guy anyway?” Kuwabara says, frustrated. “What’s he look like? Oh, lemme at him! I’ll make him cry home to his mommy!”

“He has the power to change his appearance at will. Currently, he is posing as a ningen male by the name of Keiji. We don’t know when he will assume a new identity, so I suggest you find him quickly! If his intended victim manages to elude his first attempts, he gets frustrated and goes after them himself in a violent rage! Believe me when I say, it‘s not pretty,” Koenma warns. “So get to it!”

“Wait, did you say Keiji??” Yusuke cried, absently trying to rub off the mark on his forehead.

“Urameshi, isn’t that the name of Nariko’s boyfriend?? Oh man, how fucked up is this?” Kuwabara says, alarmed.

“Cool it, Kuwabara. She’s safe. She’s at my house, remember?” Yusuke says.
“Who’s Nariko?” Koenma asks, puzzled.

“It seems that the ningen we were seeking to protect has been right under our noses.” Kurama explains. He gives a Koenma a brief summary of what Yusuke and Kuwabara told him.

“Hmm… well in that case, it is most likely that he has already moved his living quarters,” Koenma thinks aloud.

“I don’t think it’s wise to allow her to stay in one place. Especially since the ningens that were after her got a good look at Yusuke. My guess is that they’ll find out who he is and come looking for her at his house,” Hiei speaks up.

Koenma looks at him and nods thoughtfully. “You may be right Hiei.”

“Perhaps we should switch her living quarters periodically,” Hiei suggests.

“You mean like have her stay with each of us in turn?” Kurama asks.

Hiei nods.

“Hey shorty, are you volunteering?” Kuwabara looks at him oddly.

“If it comes to that, I suppose I have to,” Hiei answers, turning away and heading for the door.

“Well, that settles it!” Koenma claps his hands together. “I want that ningen girl safe and that demon taken care of!”