Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Naga Knight ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Okay, this is going to be slightly different—I am going to be taking a regular, well known anime character from YYH and morph him a smidge outward wise. I was tired of the same old stuff I do so I came up with this story—different time, different scenario (though it may remind you of The Little Mermaid), and a character that's gone from a wind demon to a snake demon.
Yeah, you heard that right—I drew an image awhile ago on my DA account of Jin the Wind Master with a lower part of a snake and I decided to create a story after that. So just keep in mind that it's still Jin just—he's half snake now. XP if you want the better view, click here: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/27946181/ for that is the image I drew of Jin and the female OC.
Reviews: PLEASE read this link: http://www.webspace-invasion.com/pharaohsscrolls/Reviews.html. I am sick of people reviewing my stories in attempt at criticism that I don't approve of. If these criticisms get anymore vague or harsher, I will be packing up on MM.org. =/
Description: A snake demon (Jin the Wind Master) falls for a young farm girl in the medieval times. (JinXOC) (NC-17)
Disclaimer: Yu Yu Hakusho was created by Yoshihiro Togashi and NOT ME!! However, Neda and Blythe and any other creations they spawn (as in giving birth) are copywrite to me and I would love for it to stay that way. Any places or names created are made by me and to stay that way, as are any other minor or major unknown characters.
Musical Inspiration: “Poison” - Groove Coverage
“Epona (Lon Lon Ranch Theme)” - Koji Kondo
“Aquarius” - Within Temptation
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It was a new summer day as the rooster announced it early in the morning on the Cormac Farm. Hearing the sounds of the morning and smelling the breakfast her mother was making downstairs, little Blythe got up out of bed and hurried out her door to head down the steps and to the kitchen and eating area.
Hearing the patter of little, bare feet tapping against the woodened floor caused Pearl Cormac, Blythe's mother, to look over her shoulder from the stove to see her oldest daughter making it in time for breakfast. “Hi, Blythe,” she replied cheerfully being the early bird type. She was 5'8 at most in height and had wavy, shoulder length red hair with hazel eyes. Mrs. Cormac was a fairly strong woman since she had to help her husband around the farm when their daughters weren't old enough to do so. Bringing the milk and rest of the bacon to the table that already had everything else upon it for a morning meal she smiled to her daughter as she took her white apron off. “So, where is your sister? Is she still sleeping in?”
“I think so,” answered the fifteen year old girl. Tying back her mid-back reddish, brown hair, she grabbed onto her fork and started to dig into her breakfast.
“I swear, that girl,” Pearl muttered, placing her hands on her slender hips. “Eat your breakfast and I will go get her.” Placing her apron on her side of the circular table that had a square cloth hanging over it with a beautifully woven pattern within it consisting of golds, blues, browns, reds, and different types of greens, Pearl headed up the stairs calling out to her daughter. “Neda. Neda!”
Neda was attempting to stay asleep though the crowing of the rooster just outside of her window was really irritating her to the point of no return. Grabbing her pillow, she used it to cover up her light brown hair and her tanned ears hoping that the sounds would cease and she could get more sleep. But her wish was not to be granted as Pearl hurried into her ten year old daughter's room that she shared with sister to shake her awake.
“Wake up, Neda,” Pearl insisted as she pulled the pillow off of her daughter's head before working on the covers. “Get up and come downstairs to eat breakfast or you can starve the rest of the day.”
That was always her threat over her daughter whenever she wanted to sleep late and being Neda had a bottomless pit for a storm, she groaned and eventually hauled herself up and to her feet. “Okay, mama,” Neda yawned with a bit of a whine, her shoulder length light brown hair a complete mess from the night's rest.
“Come downstairs and eat,” Pearl insisted before heading back to the door. “It is getting cold and you'll need your strength to help your father and sister about the farm for a little while.”
Neda sat on her bedside for a moment, letting her mother leave her in peace a moment before sighing a bit to herself since she detested working. She enjoyed working on the horses but not milking the cows or tending to the chickens. Knowing that her mother hated to ask twice, Neda got to her feet and helped herself out in the small U shaped hallway upstairs before getting to the stairway and heading down into the kitchen. Making it to the table, Neda sat down and put what she wanted on her plate before her father came through the door.
“Hi, Pearl,” Damon replied, kissing his wife on her cheek before saying hi to his two girls and then taking his seat at the table. He was a strong and taller male with dark brown hair that rested about his cheek at most. His eyes were the most enchanting green and it was that very feature that drew Pearl to Damon. “I took a look in the barn and Stella is about to give birth to her little baby.” He was referring to a white and brown spotted mare that was pregnant and had been nearing her time to give birth now.
“Is that so?” Pearl replied in a bit of joy before taking her own place at the table to eat. “Well, I am sure that will be a joy when she finally births.”
“Can I have her baby when it comes out?” Neda eventually chimed in to ask. She was the only one in the family that didn't have her own horse, but the reason for her not having one was always the same.
“Neda, you are too young to take care of one,” her father replied sternly though hating to break his daughter's heart.
Putting down her fork for a moment to pout, Neda looked at her father and mother knowing they were the only ones who felt this strongly against it. “But everyone else has a horse—I am ten years old, soon to be eleven in a couple of days so I don't see why I am too young.”
Pearl and Damon both put on their `stop that' look, not wishing for the conversation to escalate into a fight before the day had even begun. The look on their face said it all and Neda eventually looked back down at her plate without another word on the matter since she knew it would get her nowhere with how hardheaded the family was at times.
“I also took a look at our cows,” Damon continued, after drinking some of his milk. “And I saw that some are missing again. Those damn snake monsters have been sneaking into our barn again and eating our cows once more.”
“Watch your language,” Pearl hissed softly before working on finishing up her own breakfast. “I don't know how they keep getting in there when we continue to lock up the barn doors.”
“They are snake demons,” Damon laughed sourly before finishing his breakfast and wiping his mouth with his napkin. “They break down the stupid doors and the chains I put on them. I guess I need to put up traps of some kind around the barn from now on. The last thing I want is them killing off our only food supply.”
Damon was referring to the demons and creatures that lurked out beyond the territory of the castle market and around their barn area. It got worse around night fall and some times the meat eating demons would surface to raid their barn. Neda at times wished they lived in the market area that was surrounded by the large, cobble stoned walls since she feared being eaten alive by one of the monsters nearby, but her father and mother promised they would protect her and that notion settled her a little bit.
When Neda finished her chores after breakfast, she took her paper and writing utensil and headed a bit beyond the house to find a place to sit and draw. Making her way to a large oak tree that was quite comfortable to be near, Neda sat down before it to doodle upon the paper she brought with her as well as watch the passerby's that might happen by on the dirt road that wasn't too far away.
Neda never really thought herself as a wonderful artist and even her older sister told her she needed a bit more work just to tease her, but it bothered her little since her artwork helped her get her ideas and feelings out on paper. Shifting her eyes down to the east where the castle of Eytheria was, Neda sighed a bit since she still longed to live behind those walls where most people were. She always felt lonely with it just being her sister and her parents and she wished to be where most of the citizens were. Sighing a bit to herself, Neda looked back at the image she started sketching in front of her before continuing to work on it to try and make it look better.
The snake demons didn't care about being seen whether at night or during the day. Since it was traffic time for goods to be passed to and from land to land, they waited and slithered near the dirt roads that were surrounded by thick woods and not out in the grassy plane area around Eytheria since it was easier to catch the people off guard when hiding in the forest. A group of three of them slinked about the path beside them, causing not much of a sound except for the small talk that was passed from one to the other.
“These roads have been awfully quiet for awhile now,” a male snake remarked with scales of black, white, and gray. He had dark skin himself and black hair that was short and to his neck though his bangs up front that were to the side reached down to his chin. His slit pupils rested through his golden eyes as he looked over at the snake demon he saw as the leader.
“Be patient, Finlay,” the other snake male almost ordered as they continued down the outside of the dirt road before stopping a moment to wait under the canopy of the woods. This snake demon was a bit tanned skinned as his long, braided dark brown hair slipped down to his lower back. His scales complimented his skin tone as they consisted of browns of many different shades and a bit of black while his red eyes glared out beyond a bit of his unevenly cut side bangs that flowed a bit over his eyes. “It's only a little past the morning hours and one could be along soon enough. Just enjoy the sun for the time being.” Slithering towards a nearby bolder, the snake demon crossed his arms over the rock before resting his chin in the center of his overlapped arms to try and relax for a moment.
The albino male in their group eventually caught up to them as his scales were that of an albino python and his skin and neck length hair with bangs that raked over his forehead were those of an albino looking human. His eyes were the brightest, piercing of blue and he held two curved under horns that looked like that of a ram's spouting from his skull. “I sure hope you're right, Dustin, for I am hungry. Those cows hardly sufficed last night.”
“They would have, Aland,” Dustin growled through his clutched teeth, “if Jin didn't eat most of them.”
“Speaking of him—where is he?” Aland wondered aloud, looking for the fourth snake demon that was supposed to have accompanied them to find another was missing in action as well. “And where is Touya?”
Dustin turned from the rock he was leaning against to look for the other demons that were supposed to be with them, only to find none but the three there. Furrowing his brow into anger, Dustin couldn't help but be very vocal about the disobedient snake demon, “JIN!!”
The opened grassy planes that covered a good bit of Eytheria were a dangerous place for most demons to be seen around in the morning and afternoon due to knights sometimes passing by or any other human that wielded a weapon, but that didn't stop the childlike and rebellious snake demon known as Jin. Sliding his full grown, python length body that had dark red scales with a lighter, pink tinted underbody along the grassy surface, he kept a small book under his arm with a brown leather cover that had the word “Diary” imprinted on the front.
His partner kept up slightly beside him with the scales of dark sea blue and an under side of a lighter blue that looked almost white. His narrow eyes gazed about the land before them, seeing the walls of Eytheria far away, the wiser snake demon looked to his partner, “Are you sure we should be out here, Jin? Dustin will be furious with us again for sneaking off without his permission.”
“Forget about him, Touya,” Jin insisted as he found an area near a few stray trees to lie down and enjoy the sun for a moment before opening his diary to doodle and write within it. “All he does is lecture us. He's a big blow hard.”
Touya watched as Jin curled about his lower part of his snake body in attempts to relax for the day allow the sun above to warm him up a little. He preferred it out there in the plane where most of the freedom was compared to the dark woods where they usually stayed until nightfall to go out and sneak from the barn that was close to their wooded home. The redheaded snake demon carried that diary with him everywhere he went and didn't let anyone look into it, not even Touya, the demon he trusted far beyond that of any others he associated with.
Looking out beyond his four aqua colored bangs and the slightly raised hill they were resting on, the light blue haired snake demon, who was smaller than his partner, couldn't help but ponder on the castle that was in the distance. “What do you expect is beyond those walls?”
The indigo eyes of the red snake demon looked up beyond his equally fiery hair that dangled slightly within his face as Jin gazed at the large walls beyond them that was miles away. “I don't know,” he answered honestly though wondered the same thing. “I wish I did, but I don't.” Truth be known, every demon wondered what was beyond those walls and that was why some were accused by humans of attacking the wall and were killed by the guards at the drawbridge that lead into the market place if any miraculously got over. Jin would often at night get close enough to look up at the drawbridge that was raised to keep demons out when they prowled at night but he never thought of getting inside though there was a way about the drawbridge area for larger demons such as the snake demons.
Slithering his blue scales over Jin's red for a moment to get to the other side of him, Touya looked out at the dirt road that was just a ways away from them to see someone coming from the market area by horse. Even if it was just a female with a lighter tint of red hair compared to Jin's, he was still on edge and watching the woman closely since even some females were known to attack demons.
As Pearl passed by the two snake demons on her coal black stallion, she stared long and hard at them as if cursing them with her glance but not doing anything beyond that while heading back to the farm. Pearl knew better than to start something with two snake demons that were just relaxing from the look of it. If one was ever attacked and harmed, they would come back with an angry wrath and seek it on the attacker for taking out one of their own. But there were times demons weren't in the mood for a fight and were just lazing about and most times, people respected it and left them be, while others, like the Eytheria Knights, would attack to slay down one less monster in the world.
“Well that was a deadly glare,” Touya retorted once the stallion was further away from them so the woman wouldn't hear. Looking back at his writing friend who caught it as well, he contorted his face slightly, “I wonder what for.”
“I guess from the cows we ate last night,” Jin answered, looking up at the blue scaled snake demon. “She works at that farm we raid every night.”
“It's the only thing close by so we don't starve,” Touya said in their defense though to the wrong person.
Jin could only offer a shrug as he continued writing away in his diary though his pointed ears could hear his friend's retort. “Sadly, she doesn't know that and probably thinks of us as monsters.”
Before another word could be shared between the two, Dustin showed up with Aland and Finlay following up behind him. “There you two are!”
Touya looked over at the oncoming snake demons, not saying a word while Jin slightly sighed in disappointment at being found by Dustin, though he knew it wouldn't be difficult concerning the area he was in. Turning over onto his side for a moment to look at them, Jin saw the lead snake demon was none too pleased with them.
“What do you think you are doing out here in the open like this?” Dustin demanded to know, hissing on every word that escaped his mouth since he was furious at the two disobeying him for the Lord only knows what time. “You could both be easily killed if you're not careful!” Dustin was by standards the guardian of his group and was more like the overprotective father that children could never understand. While he occasionally got onto Touya and Jin about little things that seemed petty, he also got onto them about other things that worried him when it came to the careless duo that wondered into his group without a place to stay beyond one another's side.
Closing his diary, Jin eventually erected himself on his snake body so that the two were standing eye to eye. “I was just enjoying the sun for a moment is all, Dustin. Nothing happened. Not even that farm woman did anything to me when she passed just a moment ago.”
“Be damn grateful then,” the semi-dark skinned snake demon hissed. “Now come on. We have other things to do for what is left of the morning.”
Looking over at Touya with a shrug, Jin followed after them back towards the woods which was at least awhile or so away from them.
Neda still had her back to the oak tree she sat before late that afternoon as she continued to doodle and write until her father's voice beckoned to her from not too far away. “Neda, come here quickly!”
He seemed to sound a bit winded and yet excited at the same time, prompting Neda to close her sketch book and get to her feet. Appearing beside the tree she was in front of, Neda called back to her father, “What is it, dad?”
“It's Stella,” Damon announced, waving her over from where he stood near the barn doors. “Come quickly are you may miss it!”
Neda had seen many creatures in their barn give birth so this wasn't anything new to her as she hurried to her father's side to witness the mare giving birth to her baby. Managing to get to her father's side in time, Neda hurried into the stable with him to watch at a respectable distance of the mare giving birth for the first time in awhile.
In the end, the baby came out with a black body with white socks and white mane and tail that looked a bit gray at the moment. Neda and the others watched as the new mare could barely stand on her wobbly legs at first as the mother worked on cleaning her off.
Blythe squatted above the straw in the stall they all watched from as she eyed the little mare that was a new addition to their family with a smile. “What should we call her?” Blythe asked her father.
“I don't know,” Damon admitted as he looked at the new addition as well from a distance that would be okay for the mother. “We'll just have to think on it until the morning, eh? It is getting late and I want you two in the house.”
“But—,” Neda began in protest since she wanted to stay a bit to take care of the new mare that was to be raised in their barn.
“No,” growled the father sternly concerning the hour. “It is late and I don't want you two out at this time of night. Now go inside where it is safe.” Around seven o'clock it was always considered late and the hour where demons would arise to cause havoc wherever they could. The last thing Damon wanted was one of his daughter's to get caught in such a thing. “I will be here tending to the baby and the mother for awhile, so tell your mother that when you go inside.”
“Yes, papa,” Blythe replied on both their behalf since Neda was too pouty to bother. Pressing her hand to her younger sister's back, Blythe guided her out of the barn and towards the house for the night.
Since it was the night hour and it was swiftly approaching time for dinner, the five snake demons slithered silently about the farm area, watching as the girls headed for the house. “Good,” Finlay replied silently as the rising moon outlined his body, “the humans are going to bed.”
“Wait,” Dustin ordered with a slight raise of his hand from where he was peeking out just beyond the large tree Neda was at earlier. “Wait until the candles in the windowsills are blown out, and then we charge in.”
It was a known fact that once the candles they had lit in the windowsills blew off either on their own or by the humans themselves and weren't relit for a moment or so, they had all gone to sleep. So this left the snake demons to wait and watch the windows for awhile until some of the candles were blown out on the west side of the house where they waited.
Neda brushed her hair for the night before putting her brush away and looking out the window she slept by to sneak a peek at the barn. “I wish I could get my own horse,” she pouted mostly to herself though her sister couldn't help but overhear.
“Mom and dad already told you why you cannot have one,” Blythe reminded her sister while she read from the book she bought from the market place. She always read when there was nothing else to do with the day coming to a close or she spoke to her sister if there was much to talk about but there never was. “Why don't you just wait till later? The horses will always be here.”
Sighing forlornly, Neda eventually nodded though it wasn't the answer she was looking for. Grabbing the candle that was her responsibility, she took it from where it rested on the windowsill and blew it out for the night.
When Pearl eventually blew out the ones downstairs so she could head to bed, the snakes looked at Dustin to hear him whisper moments later, “Let's go!”
The five snakes split up quickly and headed for the barn area that had the cows and horses kept inside. Aland took the doors while the others waited since he was the best at getting them taken care of. Though, this time, he was surprised to see that they were unlocked. Cocking a thin white brow at his group, he could only question why it would be so with his expressions.
“Forget about it,” Finlay begged quietly, edging him onward with the tip of his tail embedding gently into Aland's back. “Let's go and get what we need. I am starving!”
With the barn doors soon opened, the five snake demons slithered inside quietly and quickly to look for the creature that could serve as their dinner whether it was a horse or a cow being either one sated them. Of course, the creatures in the barn could hear them slipping across the straw and see them in the moonlight, causing the horses to spook easily and create a bit of a fuss.
Hearing the black stallion that belonged to Pearl and was Stella's mate causing a big commotion over his arrival, Jin bared his sharp demonic fangs and attacked the horse's neck before using his python like body to embrace the beast and make it hold still since he himself was hungry as well and didn't want to wait.
Hearing the stallion's awkward sounds from the stall he was within, Damon quickly got to his feet with a pitchfork in one hand and a lantern in the other since that was all he had at the moment. He didn't see the other snakes that were further in the back attacking some more of their cows though he could hear the stallion that was putting up a fight against the crimson haired snake demon which brought him to the horse's stall. Witnessing Jin attempting to suffocate the horse and break its bones with a tight squeeze of its reptilian body, Damon growled at the creature he viewed as a beast. “You damn, monster!” Rearing back the pitchfork he held, Damon embedded it into Jin's back since it was the thing visible to him at the moment.
Feeling the horrific pain jab into his lower back, Jin threw back his head and cried out in sudden pain before turning his attention quickly to the male that dared assault him. Unlatching his serpent body from the in pain black stallion, he used it to get rid of the weapon the farmer used before embracing the human's body with his own. “Don't move, for I promise I am not here to hurt you,” Jin replied as calmly as possible with his tail wrapped about the mouth of the man so he couldn't call for help while the rest of him kept Damon's arms and legs in check. He didn't squeeze tight enough to kill the man for Jin knew his own strength in his serpent half and handled it well. “I am just here for something to eat and I will leave!”
Damon couldn't help but retaliate as he jerked about a bit in attempts to get free from the snake demon that bonded him well with his demonic body. But as he tried, Damon accidentally dropped the lantern he held since he needed both his hands to get free, which caused the glass to break and the fire of the candle to attack the straw quickly that was beneath the two.
Seeing the flames suddenly shoot up caused Jin to widen his eyes and bring up his hands to block the intense blaze before staring at the spreading fire in worry, “Oh, no!”