Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Naga Knight ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Smelling the smoke and fear rising up in the animals they were attacking, Dustin quickly rushed out from one of the stalls to see Jin staring at the spreading flames. Also spying that he had the farmer in his large reptilian body, Dustin growled at the young naga, “Jin, you big idiot! What have you done?”
Jin kept his focus upon the rising flames that were eating away at the wood and the corpse of the black stallion he recently took, in shock at the dancing fire.
“We have to get out of here!” Touya called over to Dustin and Jin who were still in the barn while Finlay and Aland were already making their escape.
Dustin grabbed onto Jin's upper arm to try and pull him away from the debris that was starting to fall now. “Look out!” He growled, throwing Jin out of the way of the blazing wood that was about to collapse upon the unsuspecting demon.
The pull from Damon's form allowing Jin's snake body to finally release him, causing the human male to take the brunt of the collapsing wood that now burned upon his form once he passed out from the force placed upon his skull.
Jin panicked at the scene, slithering up quickly towards the dying Damon, who was lying there unconscious with the spreading fire threatening to overtake his body soon enough.
When Dustin saw Jin's interest in saving the human, he grabbed onto Jin's wrist harshly to make the demon's blue eyes look into his. “Forget about him, and let's get out of here!”
Jin turned towards the exit of the barn to watch as Dustin finally left before turning back to the human before him. Hearing the human moan slightly caused Jin to raise a brow at the sound Damon emitted before getting up close to the man's mouth with his pointed ear to make sure he was okay before bothering to work away at the blazing, thick piece of wood that rested upon Damon's chest area.
Pearl could hear the commotion going on from her bedroom, causing her to shoot upright in bed thanks to the horses' neighing and carrying on as they tried to escape the barn that was slowly burning. Noticing that the trees on her side of the view were dancing with an orange and red light, Pearl knew something horrible had happened. The fear attacked her body as she got to her feet quickly and grabbed her only weapon of a bow and arrows.
Throwing open her door, she hurried down the stairs as fast as she could to find her two daughters watching in horror at the scene just outside their front door. “Neda, Blythe—get back inside and got to bed!”
“Mother,” Blythe began in horror, “father is still in there and those snake beasts just ran from the barn!”
“I know, I figured as much,” Pearl responded with a furious nod of her head. “Now go—get back to bed and let me take care of this.”
Neda and Blythe didn't want to leave but reluctantly departed quickly back for their bedroom to watch what was going on from their window.
Jin grunted and hissed in pain as he worked on pushing the plank off of Damon's body as the flames licked away at his crimson scales. Grabbing onto Damon's underarms, Jin pulled the body of the human gradually out from underneath the piece of lumber which was once used to keep the roof of the barn up. Throwing the piece off into the back of the barn with his strong serpent tail, Jin could only flinch upon using his tail seeing as his lower scales were now burned thanks to the flames eagerly eating away at them.
Damon could only open his eyes for a moment to see the demon's back facing him before witnessing the creature turning around to get up close to his face to see if he was okay.
Looking at the head of the human closely and carefully, Jin noticed he was hit rather hard and was bleeding really badly from the smell of it. Running his hand down to his chest and abdominal area where the wood piece had rested upon, he noticed Damon had some really bad burns thanks to it.
Releasing a gurgling moan, Damon closed his eyes as the demon's breath was there caressing his face whilst he feared the worse when it came to the monster being so close to him now, seeing as he was clueless to Jin saving him before.
Widening his eyes at the sudden gesture, Jin grabbed gently onto Damon's cheeks, “Hey, what are you doing? Don't die on me now!”
“Where is he?” Touya wondered to himself, keeping his piercing eyes upon the burning farm that was getting increasingly worse from just beyond the giant oak tree.
“If he wants to die, let him!” Finlay insisted before turning his back on the worrying Touya. “I am not going to stay by and get caught because of that idiot!”
Watching as the others retreated after Dustin, Touya shifted his attention back at the barn noticing that the elder female of the family was hurrying towards the barn and with a weapon. Inhaling sharply at this, he slithered quickly back towards the barn in fear, “Oh, no—Jin!”
“Damon!” Pearl called loudly over the blazing fire and the commotion the live cattle was causing. “Damon, where are you?!” Hurrying over to Stella and her baby's stall, she quickly flew open the door to allow them out hoping the mother could help out the child as she hunted for her husband while releasing the other animals that were alive.
Coughing at the horrible smoke that was starting to get to her, Pearl knelt down to her knees before noticing in the thick smoke that was filling up the barn that one of the snake demons was still there and pulling Damon's body gradually towards the exit. Trying to find what strength she had within her body, Pearl growled at what she assumed was a snake demon making off with his prize. Once to her feet and now holding just one of her arrows in her hand, Pearl hurried as quickly as she could at the back of the beast. “You monster!” She screamed with tears creeping from her eyes.
Looking over his shoulder at the oncoming woman with confusion written on his face, Jin took in a quick breath of shock before noticing another part of the ceiling was going to give away soon enough. “Watch out!” Jin called to her before throwing her back gently when his blistered tail whacked into her stomach.
More surprised at the beast being able to talk halted Pearl before she was thrown out of the way of the burning debris that could have caused her death. Flinching from the pain attacking her body thanks to the harsh push, Pearl looked over at the now trapped snake demon as the burning wreckage was now separating him from getting any closer to the exit.
Before she could hope to intervene, Touya quickly slipped into the barn to notice the predicament his partner was in. “Jin!” He called out to him over the raging fire, “We have to get out of here!”
“I know, I know,” Jin grunted, picking up Damon's body best he could within his arms. “Here, I want you to take him. I don't know if he's still alive or not, but I don't want him to die in here.”
Confused as to why he would want to do this, Touya said nothing as he grabbed onto the body of Damon to haul him over to his side before bothering to confront his friend, “But what about you? This place is going to collapse any minute now!”
“I will try to get out, just go!” Jin demanded, looking for a way to escape as he slithered back and forth judging the rubble that came up to his abdomen while the flames reached his chest. I could slip over it, but the burns I would receive…I don't know if I would survive that…
Before Jin could dwell on what to do any longer, the mate to the male he had saved started trying her best to pull at the burning planks no matter how much it hurt her hands to do so. Seeing that Stella dropped her blanket when hurrying to safety, Pearl grabbed onto it to try and beat away at the persistent flames to give Jin a way to escape.
Jin watched from where he stood, knowing one of them had to make it out okay. “Just go and take care of your mate,” Jin insisted watching as the flames wouldn't want to be put out no matter what.
“Shut up, and help me, demon!” Pearl demanded knowing what he did for Damon.
Hearing the creaking of the ceiling, Jin knew it was threatening to cave soon and he had better find a way to get them both out and to safety if possible. “Stand back—get out of the way!”
Pearl listened to him this round wondering what he was going to do this time as she hurried into the nearest stall.
Rearing back his snake tail, Jin used as much force as possible on the boards that dared block him from escaping causing them to scatter and give way for him to get out. Growling loudly in pain from the fire biting him once more, Jin grabbed onto his tail for a moment to see that the scales were threatening to give up if he continued to get burned. Gathering what breath he had after the pain overwhelmed him a moment, Jin grabbed onto Pearl's wrist as he hurried as fast as he could towards the exit of the barn.
Touya waited outside of the hangar with Damon's body close to his own, praying that the two would make it out just fine. “Come on, Jin,” Touya muttered to himself keeping his eyes set on the barn entrance.
Jin and Pearl were finally at the entrance of the burning farm that was finally caving in from the area in the middle where the fire had broken out. Before Jin could call out to Touya that everything would be okay, he halted in speaking as the creaking of the barn doorway was soon present and causing both Pearl and Jin to fear for their lives. “Come on—let's go!” Jin urged, hurrying quickly towards the doorway that was open for them.
Pearl tried her hardest to keep up but the smoke was starting to really get to her as she collapsed on her front from exhaustion thanks to the poisonous gases she inhaled.
Feeling the woman collapse before they were even through, Jin bent down to drag Pearl the remainder of the way out of the barn best he could. Getting Pearl halfway through the doorway by pulling her underneath her arms, the building could no longer hold up any longer as it finally collapsed—part of the doorway, crushing Pearl's lower body.
NO!” Jin growled, releasing Pearl's underarms to try and get the wreckage off of her.
Releasing a rasping breath, Pearl looked through her hazy sight to see the demon finally getting her broken body free of the scorched rubble. Something damp touch her forehead, Pearl could tell that a thunderstorm was underway and was in a sense relieved knowing that the fire would not spread to the house once the rain started pouring down.
The rain soon soaking Jin's wild red hair and bare body, he turned his attention quickly to the human woman he tried to save for the girls' sake. Placing his hands on her damp cheeks, he looked into her hazel eyes with his demonic blue. Jin could tell she was hurt badly and all the smoke she inhaled must have attacked her respiratory system. Biting on his thumbnail, he shook his head slightly, “I am sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. It was an accident, I swear…”
Witnessing Jin bite on his thumbnail with a pitiful expression, Pearl couldn't help but attempt a weary yet painful smile whilst she closed her eyes for a moment. He was just like a little kid from the way he held himself, and she knew, if anything, it possibly was if he risked his life to save Damon and her-self. “It's okay…demon…,” she whispered before coughing. “I know you wouldn't do something such as that…and then try and save my husband and me…”
Jin's burned tail gradually slipped under Pearl's neck to help support it. Curling up his long python length body underneath her human form, he made sure the woman was at least comfortable when it came to her last moment there on Eytheria. Watching her shiver and try her hardest to breath, Jin furrowed his brow in sadness at her situation.
“Demon,” Pearl began softly once more, flinching at the pain in her lower body as well the disorientation she was feeling, “what is your name?”
“Jin,” he answered softly in return, coming in closer so Pearl could hear him. “My name is Jin.”
“Jin,” she replied with another weary smile before rolling her head to the side a moment. Not wishing to die just yet, Pearl forced herself back awake. “I am Pearl, Jin and I want…I want you to…please…do me a favor…and watch over my girls…”
Jin was a bit speechless at her request. He could only think to say he couldn't being he was a demon among other reasons but stopped himself realizing all he had taken that night by accident. “I—I promise I will,” the snake demon assured, nodding a bit allowing some of the rain droplets to shake from his hair.
Pearl opened her arms best she could for him with a horrible grunt, “Please, hold me…before I die…I didn't want to die alone…and Damon's…gone…”
Jin knew what she meant being it was everybody's fear. Hefting her body up slowly with his reptilian body which was supporting her, Jin reached for Pearl's body to hold it close to his own before slipping his hand into hers so she would at least feel comforted before her soul was taken from her.
Listening to the abnormal heartbeat of the demon she was resting against, Pearl could only attempt to hold back her sadness at parting from her family though she knew if anywhere she could watch them from above. Feeling the fingers of the demons slipping in-between hers, Pearl's sorrowful frown turned into a smile before switching into severe pain. Her hand clasping onto Jin's tightly whilst her body shook violently Pearl finally succumbed to the horrible smoke intake that contaminated her body and destroyed her.
Jin held onto her hand gently, allowing her to squeeze it as hard as she wanted before passing on. Pearl's hand now going limp within his, the crimson haired demon couldn't help but sigh forlornly to himself allowing her to rest there upon his serpent body.
Touya came slithering up close to his friend to witness the dead human now resting upon him before shrugging himself, “They are dead—they are both dead. What are we going to do now, Jin?”
Jin attempted to answer, but stopped when a small rock was thrown at his shoulder. Not bolting from the impact, Jin looked over at the house to see the youngest daughter of the two parents was standing there in the rain trying to make them leave.
“Get out! Get away from them!” Neda ordered, gathering more rocks to throw at the two serpent demons. She was only able to witness so much from her bedroom window, and the young girl could only assume that it was the demon's fault that her parents were now motionless and dead.
Spying another rock heading in his direction, Jin opened his hand to catch it before tossing it to the side. Since Pearl was dead and he wanted to respect her body, he gently placed her back down on the muddy ground before hurrying over towards the brash child. Arching himself up as far as he could possibly go on his snake half, he startled the young girl best he could with his size so she would stop attacking him before he quickly got up into her face to look at her closer through the heavy downpour and dark night.
Neda couldn't handle the size of the beast and dropped the only weapon she had, attempting to bolt back towards her house if the shock of seeing a demon up close would subside and allow her to. The young farm girl backed up slightly with her wide-eyed expression placed upon Jin, only to be stopped by his tail pressing against her back. “No,” Neda begged, bringing her arms up over her face. “Don't hurt me!”
Jin continued to spy the young female up close, grabbing gently onto her wrists to pull her arms from her face so he could see her better. Looking over her tan features a moment Jin eventually shifted his attention over to Blythe who was emitting fear pheromones herself over the situation that Neda was in. Jin didn't want to cause a fuss with the two girls, but said nothing to clear his name either, knowing they were too young to understand as well as naïve. Slithering back over towards Touya, Jin whispered to his best friend, “Let's get out of here. They won't understand right now.”
Nodding in agreement, Touya quickly followed Jin out of the farm area and back to where the others had gone into the thick forest not too far away.
Neda attempted to catch her breath at the shock that overcame her before hurrying over to her parent's bodies, “Mother! Father!”
Blythe rushed after her younger sister to hold onto her tightly, knowing that their parents were gone from them and there was nothing left for the two. During the horrible downpour that night, the sisters cried on one another not sure what they were going to do now, unaware that the mother had begged the serpent demon to watch over them now.
Neda couldn't sleep the remainder of that night, but refused to get up when the cock crowed as depression overwhelmed her at the loss of her parents.
Blythe on the other hand got up as soon as the rooster announced the morning hour. The rain had obviously stopped and the sun was now steadily rising as the elder Cormac sister got to her feet and went over to her sister's bedside to shake her gently. “Neda…do you want to help me with mom and dad's body? I could really use some help in digging them a grave…”
Neda refused to answer as she lied there upon her side with her back facing her sibling.
Sighing softly at Neda's non-response, Blythe decided to take it upon herself as she excused herself from the bedroom. The Cormac daughter headed down the stairs in the kitchen and living room area before getting to the front door to open it and hunt down the bodies of their parents they wrapped and hid away in the wreckage of their barn so animals wouldn't feed off of the corpses. With Blythe and Neda being so young, it was hard for them to touch a dead body, let alone know one was in their own house even if it was their parents. Finding her way over to the destroyed barn, Blythe rummaged through the charred planks and straw for the blankets that held her mother and father.
After searching for a moment or two in the area she could have sworn she hid them in, Blythe began to get a bit worried realizing that the bodies were not there. “What—where did they go to?”
Just as she was about to hurry back to the house to alert Neda, Blythe stopped a moment spying something out of the corner of her eye. Shifting her attention towards the oak tree, she saw a memorial constructed of rocks of different size as well as some colorful flowers planted beside and in between the two different memorials.
Hurrying over to the rock formation that she had never seen there before, Blythe knelt down noticing that someone had already buried her parents as the names Damon and Pearl were etched in roughly into the largest rock that rested at the head of each disturbed ground where the bodies had been buried for her. Placing her fingers on the stones that held her parents name, Blythe gradually got to her feet confused. “Who buried them?”
The young farm girl consumed in bewilderment by who could have taken her parents and buried them for her, she didn't notice the redheaded snake demon leaving just down the dirt road after the deed he did for the deceased humans.