Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Naga Knight ❯ Chapter 9

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Please forgive me for not working on this one in awhile. I was desperate to finish up my two year runner, The Worthless Humans. I finally got it wrapped up so I can try and pull out another story but right now—I need to concentrate on those that I have yet to work on.
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Jin had the unknown female snake demon by the wrist as they glided quickly across the floral ground to escape the stomping of hooves they could hear within the thick forest. The braying of stallions in armor frightened him as he tried to keep low to the ground with the female that was just as startled as the redhead. Looking at the area that passed them by swiftly, almost being nothing but a blur of greens and blue, he spotted a slight slope not too far away that looked almost like a miniature cave to his eyes resting at the foot of a small hill.
Touya followed behind the two demons in front of him as he looked over his shoulder to spy the shadows of the guards that were chasing after them on the nearby dirt road. It made him hiss in nervousness as he tried to catch up on the two that were ahead of him. “Jin, where are we going to hide?”
“Up ahead,” he answered quietly over the thundering hooves of the knight stallions. “Hurry and hide within the shadows that is located up ahead!”
Nobody objected as Jin led the way to the cave like area that was embedded within the towering hills that covered the creation in hanging moss and vines. Jin hurried the nameless serpent on in before him before he slid on inside after her with Touya taking up the rear. His pointed ears listened to the pounding that echoed throughout the land and the neighing of the horses that the men in iron rode around upon. The clanking of the stallions' armor rang within his sensitive hearing as he ducked down with an irritable hiss at the stench of blood stained iron being so close.
“Keep quiet,” Jin ordered silently as he pressed his finger to his lips with the woman shivering close to his broad figure.
The snake female had no objection as she nuzzled into his side. She could spy the shadows of the knights of Eytheria walking about and conversing with one another outside of the cave they had all gathered up within. “When are they going away?” She asked silently in a fear filled hiss.
“I am not sure,” Jin answered quietly in return as his large, blue eyes graced the only entrance and exit with fear at the horrible scent that wafted his senses. “What exactly did you do to them?”
The fair tresses of the snake woman shook about in the dark of their surroundings. “I didn't do anything! I got separated from my nest, and the men in iron caught me and tried to attack me with their weapons!”
Touya listened to the two behind him before shushing them himself. “Quiet or they might hear us.”
The knights could not find the traces of the snake demon they were hunting for. Their quest appearing to be at an end, they cursed their loss before mounting their steeds once more. The sound of the hooves beating within the earth once more rattled the snake demons' ears as they remained together within the darkness of the small cave like dwelling. The knights eventually made their way back towards one of the main dirt paths as they left behind the snake demons they had been tracking.
“Are they gone?” The nervous young snake female asked in a quiver tone. She kept a firm grip onto the redhead close to her.
“I am not sure,” Jin responded as he pulled from the frightened snake female. “Let me check. Everyone else stay here. We don't need a blood bath.”
Reluctantly, she released Jin so he could check on the situation. Fear embraced her still as she curled up within the back of the darkened cave. The cold of the rocks within the back embedded within her skin, she embraced herself to try and remain calm though it was difficult given the many knights that trailed after her.
Touya looked over at the frightened woman with concern. His scales rubbed against the pebbles and rocks beneath him as he looked at the deep, cloudy eyes of the serpent female. “What is your name?”
“Silver,” she answered simply in a submissive tenor. “Who are you two and where is your nest?”
“I am Touya and the big guy who is outside right now is Jin. We left our nest for a moment to find a better place for us to live,” Touya explained as he looked back at the entrance, wondering if Jin was okay.
Jin eventually poked his head back into the small cave resting within the rising hillside as he waved over to the two. “It is alright,” he hissed. “They are gone from here. Their scent is traveling to the east.” Moving slightly from the entrance, he allowed Touya to move out of the way to give way to Silver.
Silver eyed the sunlight with her cloudlike eyes from within the darkness. She feared surfacing with the faint smell of the knight's armor present. Her arms remaining about her shaky figure, she shook her head from side to side eagerly. “I can still smell them…”
“The knights can always be smelt where Touya and I come from,” Jin responded with bewilderment.
Silver looked between the two from within the shadows. “You—you smell those horrible men in iron all the time?” She asked softly as she gradually tried to surface from the darkness. “Where I come from, we never smell that awful odor their iron skin gives off.”
Touya contorted his features into confusion at her response to the knights. “And where exactly is your nest located? There is hardly a piece of land within Eytheria's boarders that doesn't smell of their wretched steel.”
The soft hued scales of ice blue eventually appeared there within the hot sun that peeked through the canopy. Her white hair cascaded down her back this time to show the breasts that any male serpent was used to seeing concerning the fact that no snake demon wore any kind of fabric crafted by humans. She cared not that the two males could see her as she tried to erect herself upon her serpent half. “I…I live further within the woodlands around a village bipdals call Kalrune Village,” she responded while pointing to the left of her form. “There is a place made entirely of oddly shaped stones that have bipedal writing within them. They are all lined up one by one far back within the village's limits. People at the village fear ever going there and the men in iron do not dare set foot upon that land. It is my home.”
Jin followed the area she was pointing at before moving his elfin ears slightly at her words. “Do you need help finding your nest?” He inquired as he eyed the pale skinned, female.
Silver nodded quickly as she cupped her elbows that held scales upon them that traveled up the back of her arms and down her back to grace her serpent half. “I fear the path before me,” she whispered while shaking. “I do not want to be cut by their steel.”
Touya looked at Jin with a questionable look on his features. He crossed his arms across his bare, pale chest. “Jin, what about the reason we came here? I thought you came here for the farm!”
“We can do that later,” Jin expressed as he headed for the village Silver spoke of. “As you said, it appeared that they will do alright for the moon that should pass tonight. I think we can wait until later to check upon them. Dustin gave us three weeks or so anyways to hunt for a new place. Who knows—maybe this could be it.”
The bi-color haired demon could only shake his head with an irritable hiss as he followed after the two within the woods. He wasn't so sure about traveling to a new nest. Most snakes frown upon new faces, especially if they are of male gender. The males were always looked on as adversaries to the alpha and it would be a hard time for the two of them to be accepted at all if more males were to drift onto the scene.
The sun receded from the sky as the three snake demons stayed out of sight within the thick woods to try and make it to Kalrune Village by Silver's instructions. She was too terrified to take the lead considering the knights who attacked her and divided her from her nest. Jin was the one to be up front with Touya covering up the rear. They were interested to see this place she spoke of seeing as it caught their interest—Jin's more so than Touya as the icy beast was resistant to do so.
“It is getting darker the further we go,” Touya felt need to point out from the rear as he halted for a moment within the woodlands. “Don't you think it is wise we stop to rest?”
“No, no!” Silver insisted quickly as she spun around to look at the fair skinned male. “We cannot stop here! I do not trust it here! Please, I am sure we are almost there…do not let us stop here in the middle of nowhere!”
Jin could see that the young serpent female was desperate to get back to her nest. He felt bad for her being so young and separated from the others that probably looked over her. His ears wiggling slightly at the sounds about them, he quickly turned his head around to look at the area around them. The trees that were once so vibrant in color were now engulfed with a darkness that lightly spooked him. He had never been within this territory before and he wondered if they were truly lost as he sniffed the air for anything familiar. “I can smell embers,” he whispered as he lowered himself down to the ground.
“Man fire you mean,” Touya whispered as he slithered to the front to take a look at what was through the brush ahead of them. He was silent as he made his way over to the bushes to peek through the greenery to spy the foot of a village still alive with a bit of activity. The iron on the knights reflected off of the moonlight as his narrow eyes gazed at the scene placed before them. Turning around quickly, he slipped back into the darkness to rejoin the others. “There are knights around,” he responded with a slight hiss.
“Silver,” Jin said hastily as he looked down at the spooked woman, “is there a way to get to this place without having to go through the village?”
“Of course,” she answered shyly as she pointed to the left where the woods stretched on forever it seemed. “There is a back way that my people usually take through there. Just keep low to the ground and the men in iron shouldn't see us.”
The two demons did as Silver suggested and hurried through the forest that outlined the village nearby. The smell and sound of the knight's armor put Silver on edge as she followed behind the demon serpents that were kind enough to escort her back to her nest. It put her on edge as they hurried quickly to the back of the village to follow a faint dirt trial that was placed there.
Jin stopped when he noticed the track underneath them that was nearly covered in grass. Sniffing of the side of the road, he wiggled his ears slightly at very faint tracks of snakes. “What is this road? It looks like it was once used by humans before.”
“This was an old road that used to lead to my nest before bipdals grew too frightened to head back here,” Silver whispered in response over the hooting owls that littered the trees limbs. “My family took over this `yard', as the beasts named it, and not even the men in iron dare to come back within these limits. It has been abandoned for years.”
Touya and Jin took Silver's advice for it as they followed behind her this time once she grew comfortable within the trees that appeared to die the further they went. Crows replaced the owls and mist gathered at the base only to disperse as the trees eventually grew thin the further on they slithered to make way to a human's abandoned graveyard. An old fountain resided within the center of the old burial ground that could barley flow the dingy water, which had gathered within it thanks to the rain every now and then, properly as it was cracked in many places.
The once brilliant fence that used to enclose the area was destroyed and decrepit as spiders made their homes between some of the broken planks as did regular snakes known as cotton mouths within Eytheria. There was a shack or two nearby the place that remained erected but creaked ever so often to show their age.
Jin and the other continued on inward to look at the tombstones that had been withered away thanks to countless rainy days they obviously experienced. Some of the human writing was difficult to read for the redhead serpent as he looked over the oddly shaped stone from top to bottom. Placing the palm of his hand upon the marker before him, he tried to wipe away the dirt and moss that had gathered on it to read what was there.
A hiss echoed throughout the dark graveyard before being joined by several others. The scenery seemed to move and come to life. The shadows grew eyes as the hisses got louder the more Touya concentrated upon it seeing as Jin was oblivious to what was going on. “Jin,” he began nervously, “I think we should get out of here.”
Jin looked over his shoulder at the anxious Touya before being scared into his senses when a large, stringy coal black haired serpent hissed right within Jin's face from the other side of the tombstone he was looking at. He slunk backward as the dark skinned demon snake's large hands gripping tightly onto the stone beneath him as he rested upon the curved top on the lower part of his abdomen. His scales were pure black except for his underbelly that was a darker shade of gray. Part of his hair covered his face almost making his dark eyes invisible.
“What the hell do you want!” The male exclaimed in an anger filled hiss. “What are you outsiders doing in our nest!” His pure white teeth snapped inches from Jin's face as he continued to crawl steadily after the foreign male.
“Relax; we just came here to drop off this female named Silver!” Jin said aloud as he slunk away from the overbearing foreigner.
Touya made his way up to Jin as he placed his hand upon his friend's shoulder to point at the surrounding area. “We're out number…!”
Jin looked with his partner as their eyes could finally adjust to the darkness about them to show the nearly fifty snake demons that littered the cemetery. Some were coiled up around many of the tombstones while the others hung about the decrepit huts as well as the trees and fences nearby. Some were piled upon one another and so intertwined it was hard to tell how many there truly were. It startled Jin at how many there were around them as he backed up from the ones coming after them with an angry fork of their tongues.
Silver watched from the sidelines as her nesting sight grew restless. Her hands raised she screamed to those within her family, “Please stop!”
The snakes paused within their actions as they looked over at their missing member. One of the female serpents parted through the many that were within view. Her hair was tied back in a long braid and was a pale lavender color from the look of it. Her ears were pointed in tip like Jin's and she had the same eye color her daughter held. The scales of the woman were a dark lavender, while her underbelly was a lighter hue of her dark violet upper scales.
“Silver,” she praised before embracing the young female. “I was wondering what happened to you when the iron men attacked!”
“Mamma,” Silver responded as she tried to pull from the tight embrace her mother placed her within. “I am okay. These two demons were the ones to help me escape from their horrible steel. I am okay now; I promise!”
Silver's mother turned to the two foreign males before showing her respects to a serpent male regardless. “Thank you for returning my daughter safely to her nest. I never thought I would see her again. I am Mila of the Wind's Nest—mother to Silver and mate to Beldon, the alpha male of the Wind's Nest.”
Jin looked at Touya, who merely shrugged at the introduction the woman unleashed to them both. Looking to the mate of the alpha male of the nest she spoke of, Jin tilted his head slightly to the side with a twist of his mouth that expression confusion. “The Wind's Nest? Why is it called that?”
“Please, Mila,” one of the male serpents hissed nearly to cut off any words she dared present to the unknown serpent men. “Do not speak of anymore to these outsiders. They know nothing of us as it should be!”
“Do not say such things to those who are identical to us in every way!” Mila boldly scolded to the dark serpent that crept up on Jin earlier. “At least they are not creatures that walk on two legs! Do our laws not state that anything whispered is to remind between those who have but the glistening pedals of the serpent Lord?”
Everyone was quiet as they hissed whispers amongst themselves. It made Touya and Jin both nervous as they were not sure what was about to happen. They dared not be in the middle of a fight with so many demons nearby to tear them both apart without much effort. The two looked to themselves still as Jin remained up front, curious still about what was being said and done within the graveyard.
“You speak too boldly, Mila,” a deep voice responded in the crowd that seemed full of rules and regulations as well as honor and respect. Some of the serpents parted or merely turned back to better things as the short, albino haired male with yellow scales and fair white skin made his way through the crowd. It was an obvious albino naga to Jin and Touya who were nearby.
Hearing of the male that spoke, Mila merely bowed her head in respect as she folded her hands there in front of her. “I apologize, Beldon,” she responded remorsefully. “I merely wished to thank those two males who saved our daughter, Silver.”
Beldon looked to Jin and Touya with a bit of a growl within his throat. He wasn't too used to foreign males coming into his nest but it was his daughter out of the many he had. Looking over to Silver, the strict father shook his white hair at her with a groan. “Silver, I cannot believe you almost let those beasts get you. I told you to stay close to me!”
Silver could only lower her head respectfully to her father as she massaged her hands a bit.
Beldon didn't forget the two serpent males that saved his daughter as he turned to them with a sigh. “Forgive my daughter for troubling you. She is the youngest of her twenty siblings.” Reaching out his hand to Jin and Touya, he waved for them within the boundaries. “You can stay at my nest if you wish to.” He caught the hesitation within the two of them as he slithered over the dead areas of the ground that were once covered in grass to head to his nest. “Do not worry about anyone, you two. They will not harm you unless you give them reason to.”
Jin followed after Beldon after hesitation before being followed behind with Touya. “Can I ask what exactly is up with this place? I have never seen a place so isolated from the humans.”
Touya watched from behind his taller partner, Jin, as the snakes nearby watched the two of them closely. Their eyes were bright from the moonlight reflecting and shown brightly within the darkness around them. It put him on edge as he followed the family through the numerous tombstones to the very far east of the cemetery. There were several snake demons littering the vast area. Boulders that beleaguered the high rising hillside kept shade on them as well as a few of the trees that still looked quite alive. A few more markers of where humans died were nearby though some slightly destroyed and in ruin.
“We took over this part of land years ago,” Beldon explained as he headed for the center of the nest where he usually was curled up with his mate. “It used to be part of that village you saw earlier, I am sure, when you came here. When the demon snakes grew in population a few hundred years ago, the bipedal beasts refused to return here to bury their disease ridden kin.”
Silver was guided to her siblings soon enough that were older than her and had mates and children of their own. She looked fearful to leave though slightly relieved to be back at home.
“Even the men in iron refuse to come back here for they would be strangled and bitten to death by all of us,” Beldon continued as he watched Silver closely to make sure she made it over to her sisters alright. “No amount of them could take down our nests combined.”
“How many nests are there?” Touya felt need to ask as he made himself comfortable nearby seeing as they were an invited guest within the nesting site.
“There are at least six,” the alpha male responded as he coiled up to speak to the strangers. “There are six different nests that harbor the element that the great serpent Lord held in his six arms.”
Jin coiled up his ruby red scales that rubbed against one another as he did so to listen to Beldon's story. “What serpent lord?” He wondered in disbelief.
The snakes that herd Jin ask such a thing seemed to gawk and pause in shock. They had all come to know the lord they praised and assumed everyone else did as well that was of serpent decent. Beldon listened to the hiss of whispers that flew across his nest as he remained there trying to collect his thoughts within the time being.
“The Lord of the serpent kind,” Beldon explained with a motion of his hands, “Drake. He had many different forms but one thing was for sure and that was he had six arms that held six different elements of the earth. He held the main elements within his hands: earth, wind, water, fire, darkness, light, ice, and death. With these elements, he created the world that those two legged beasts walk upon.”
Touya and Jin looked at one another as they listened to the fairytale the snake alpha demon was spouting. “So, there are six nests here?” Touya felt need to ask while the tip of his tail flipped to and fro ideally.
Beldon nodded as he turned to his mate, “Please, go get me and our guests something to eat, Mila.” With a simple gesture of his hand, she did such without much thought on the situation. “There are six nests and each nest is governed by an alpha male that was said to have an ancestor chosen by Lord Drake himself. Each male picks a male from their children to take over their spot when they one day are to pass on either by wretched bipedal beasts or by natural causes.”
“It appears you have quite the family going on here,” Jin remarked as he looked at all the serpents that seemed to eye them in nervousness. “Our nest only has five members counting my friend and me.”
Beldon blinked in surprise at that number as he moved his serpent body slightly. “You must be cursed to have such a small family.”
“Dustin is our leader and he had a larger family only to be killed and disgraced by man,” Jin spoke up without much thought.
Touya looked quickly over at Jin to nudge his friend gently with his elbow wishing he hadn't told him such a secret. His eyes meeting with his friend's Touya shook his head discreetly. “Do not say such things,” he whispered. “That will only fuel their hate for humans, and it is best we don't start problems.”
Jin could only apologize with his sight as he rubbed his arm that had been nudged by the ice serpent.
Beldon said not a thing as he looked over between the two snake demons to gaze deep within their eyes. The bright blue eyes of the crimson scaled snake demon caught his attention as he shifted slightly from his posture. “You,” he responded simply as he pointed to Jin that was directly in front of him.
Jin and Touya both looked at Beldon until Jin noticed it was he that was being pointed at. “Who, me?”
“Yes, you,” Beldon responded as he waved the demon over with his fingers. “Come here-I wish to speak with you and you alone.”
Hearing such a thing, Jin paused as he looked back at his partner with a simple shift of his ears. Touya merely offered a shrug as he slunk slightly backwards. “It is okay, Jin. Go ahead and speak with him. I will just go look around this place a bit more.”
Beldon caught Touya's words on the wind as he smirked a bit at the strange demon. “It is best to be wise where you wander. These serpents are very territorial and won't hesitate to defend their nests.”
“I am sure I can handle it,” Touya responded with a nod. His eyes wandered over to Jin as he looked at him to send a few silent words of caution to him before parting from the nesting area.
Jin slithered closer to the alpha male of the Wind's Nest on his light crimson underbelly. Erecting himself up steadily to eye the stronger male, he tilted his head to the side confused. “What was it you wished to speak to me about?”
“You noticed my daughter,” Beldon remarked as he uncoiled his serpent half to head deeper within the dead woods about their section. “She is the only daughter of mine that has yet to find a mate or at least someone to give her the joy of womanhood.”
“Well, she is a young one though of age,” Jin responded as he followed behind Beldon.
“But she is of age,” the albino serpent felt need to point out as he made it to his destination. Another rickety looking building obviously was hidden within the large cemetery and where Beldon on occasion would stay to rest from time to time. “I noticed your eyes and your friend's. You are not from around Eytheria, are you?”
“No, we came from beyond Eytheria's boarders,” Jin explained as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Beldon grabbed onto Jin's chin so he could look at his eyes better with his own bright red. His fingers dug a bit within the demon's thick skin to keep him still so he could continue to do so. He could see the slight irritation on Jin's face with it being held the way it was but he ignored it for the moment. “Your eyes are a different blue from what I have seen. And there is something about them…something that they hold.”
Jin managed to pull his chin from Beldon's grasp as he wiggled his face a bit as if to get the stiffness out of it. “Well, I am different from the other snake demons around here seeing as I control the wind and my friend controls the ice that forms every winter.”
The albino alpha looked at Jin in disbelief as he chuckled within the depths of his throat. “I bet,” he scoffed.
Seeing and hearing that he didn't believe, Jin looked up at the sky a moment to feel the wind caress the back of his body to indicate what direction it was coming from. Raising his right hand up into the air, he waved it backward to beckon the air to blow quite harshly from the opposite direction.
Beldon felt the wind blowing now against his back as he looked behind him to feel the wind currents caressing him from a different direction so quickly. “The wind cannot change directions so fast without the Great Drake's say so.”
“Do you feel it blowing in two different directions?” Jin asked before opening the palm of his hand that he held up in the air. “The wind does what I tell it to and it has ever since my birth.” The currents quickly gathered up on the serpent's hand to wrap around his skin like a white ribbon. “It has been my only friend until I came across Touya.”
“You must speak on behalf of Lord Drake!” Beldon exclaimed as he grabbed onto his wrist for a moment to get his attention. “What was your name again?”
“Jin,” he answered simply.
“Jin, I want of you to please take my Silver and give her the joy of womanhood as well as give her children your powers—and your eyes,” Beldon insisted eagerly.
The crimson tip of the serpent's tail tapped upon the ground in thought as he recollected the image of Silver in his mind. It had been awhile since he had lain with any woman whatsoever and he was beginning to miss it. “If that is your desire, I will do it. It would be my pleasure to do so.”
“Just wait for her,” Beldon said as he pointed back to the nesting area that came from. “Her mother and sisters will get her ready for you to have her.”
The redhead knew that it took some time to get the females ready to mate. It wasn't a simple process when it came to a male guiding a female into womanhood. The young female always had to be properly groomed before being handed over to the male. After the seed of the male was planted, the male fed the female as if she were pregnant instantly. It was a task Jin was used to and didn't mind doing until he was to leave to check on the girls back at the Cormac Farm.
Beldon headed back into the dead woodlands to get back to the cemetery where the rest of the serpent demons were. Jin followed after him knowing that it was pointless to remain out in the middle of an area he was unfamiliar with. The nests obviously stretched for miles and he wasn't above getting lost within their territory.
It was a little deeper within the night that Silver was soon presentable. The nine other sisters she had guided her to where Beldon had Jin waiting. Each sister had a candle lit that they sheltered from the nightly breeze with their hands cupped about the flickering flames. It was always a test of the wind to see if it felt the union was acceptable towards it. If one of the flames were to fizzle out thanks to the howling wind, the two possible pairs could not have children.
Jin was unfamiliar with their certain customs but he put up with them while waiting for Silver to appear before him. He could see that her hair was groomed and washed and pulled back into a braid much like her mother's to leave way to the necklace that graced her soft, pallid neck. The diamonds that the serpents often came across glistened from the moonlight as he watched the timid, young, Silver finally there before him standing just at his chest.
“All of the candles are still lit,” Beldon explained as he pointed to another human shack that Jin and the others stood before. “I pray this ceremony will be the one to make me proud out of all the others that my children have performed.”
The deep, playful blue eyes of the wind serpent looked to Silver as he reached for her dainty hand to bring into his to try and settle her fears when her family departed from the scene. “It will be okay, Silver. I won't hurt you. I promise you that.”
Silver looked up at Jin with a mere nod as she tightened her grip on his hand tightly. “I know…I am just nervous with all things told to me…”
“It will be okay,” he whispered once more before sliding into the old hut that hadn't been used in years. The inside was filled with spiders and regular snakes as well as a desk and two beds that met end to end close to the wall. Dust and cobwebs covered both areas as he made his way on inside with the diary he kept close to him. Seeing as he couldn't have it on him during the ceremony, Jin placed it on the dusty table to let it rest.
“You keep a bipedal's trinket?” Silver asked as she looked at the item he put down.
“It is called a diary,” Jin answered as he nudged her face away from the item she was looking at with his nose placed upon her cheek. “Humans write it in whenever they need to express themselves and I do it often myself.”
“Hu—hue—mans,” Silver broke down as she looked back with the playful eyes of the serpent next to her. “I have never heard that word before. We call them many things but not that.”
“What do you call the knights then?” Jin wondered with a shift of his ears.
“Men in iron,” she answered simply. “Or killers, beasts, tainted blood—they have many names, but I am not allowed to repeat them. It is forbidden to speak of them unless to warn others.”
He placed his hand upon Silver's bare shoulder gently with a nod to her. “Let's not worry about that anymore. Obviously they are far from here and would dare not endanger their lives within these woods.” Jin's mouth touched of Silver's gently to taste of the female granted to him. He cupped the back of her head to keep her relaxed as his fingers explored her pulled back tresses as if to massage her skull. Pulling back from her lips to allow her to breath, he nudged her pallid cheek once more with his nose gently to feel of her soft skin. “Don't be so frightened,” he encouraged in a hoarse whisper. “The more frightened, the more it will hurt.”