Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Naga Knight ❯ Chapter 10

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Sorry for the delay but I was working on my one-shot for Halloween and I was working on my personal one-shot and college work so—a lot of working. I never turn from those little stories unless reviews call my attention so it is best to review and let me know people are at least enjoying what is being written. Reviews always grab my attention as do IMs and e-mails. So, either way, I am listening.
SEX SCENE WITHIN THIS CHAPTER! Please be wary of that those who are sensitive to such scenes.
The crescent moon remained high within the cloudy sky that growled heavy with thunder. Droplets of the rain that the darkened clouds held dripped from the sky, tapping upon the objects below contently before rapidly beating on the leaves of the trees within the coming moments. The pointed ears of the redheaded snake demon could hear the rain from within the small hut. Jin paid it no mind as he guided Silver over towards the bed of the abandoned human building with a few tender bites to her pallid flesh to show he was going to be dominate over her.
Silver listened to the serpent demon as she lowered her body a bit submissively. Her very soft blue scales shined within the moonlight as she slithered about on the bed that Jin was guiding her towards. Her heart was thumping against her chest harshly in apprehension and anticipation. She knew what was to come and wanted it but slightly feared it.
Jin's strong hands slipped into Silver's to hold onto her tenderly as his crimson and cherry underbelly scales intertwined with her soft blue and white. The male serpent hissed for a moment as he kept the female pinned beneath him, his face coming closer to hers within the darkness so he could place his mouth upon her own. His long, forked tongue glided gracefully within the female's mouth to taste of her warm breath and the saliva there that graced his wet muscle when he wrapped it about her own.
The flowing ashen hair of Silver cascaded over the sides of the bed to pool upon the floor as she moaned against the lips of Jin that danced across her own. Fires of excitement rushed through her body making her hands tighten into fists. Parting from the wind serpent's warm mouth, she arched her back slightly off of the dirty fabrics beneath her, Silver's serpent half squirming and withering about underneath the redheaded, foreign snake demon.
Feeling her movement, Jin tightened his serpent half to restrict her from wiggling anymore as he feared her trying to leave. Pulling back from the kiss he planted on her cheek that was slightly covered in scales itself; he slipped his forked tongue out at Silver, tickling the tip of her nose as he did so. “Now, now, don't move away from me,” Jin advised, his warm breath caressing her scaly skin.
“I—I won't,” Silver promised with a small shake of her head, her breath labored from the taste of the sexual experience. “I promise I won't.” Her slender, fingers graced the cheeks of the male serpent on top of her to show she didn't wish for him to leave her or for her to leave herself.
Jin's hands explored the natural body of the female demon beneath him, admiring her form as his fingers dipped in towards her abdomen, raising up to cup her breasts that had speckles of scales upon them. The soft hued scales shined majestically, setting off the innocent radiance that she carried. Moving down towards her medium sized bust that curved her small form perfectly, he rolled his fork tongue slowly over the right nipple, causing it to erect. Humming at the taste of her skin, he enclosed his mouth about the perk nub gently to push and pull against it with his tongue as his body continued to tighten and rub harshly against her scaly underbelly.
Silver's fair lips parted as she expressed a stronger cry of pleasure at having her body being touched in such a way. Her body tensed in growing ecstasy as she allowed the male to touch her scaly form in any way he wished to. “Ahh…Jin…!” She hissed, tightening her fists and shutting her eyes just as tightly.
The scaly sheath of the redheaded serpent concealed the organ of the male demon though slowly prompting it forth with every action he took upon Silver's warming form. Feeling her hidden slit reveal itself to him, Jin held firmly onto her hips to keep her steady. His slimy scales continuing to tighten about Silver's, he used the small spurs on either side of his cloaca to entice her further into opening up more for him. His warm breath caressing her fair skin, Jin bared his fangs to her as he released a potent pheromone within the air to ward off other males seeing as the smell was much too sensitive for males to handle of the naga kind.
Silver's nostrils getting a taste of the smell made her hiss in a loud pleasure filled sound, her folds throbbing in sexual hunger. Withering and thrashing about, she felt the sting of Jin's fangs embed within her shoulder to mark her body with an irritable hiss. It wasn't painful to her, and she was expecting it, seeing as snake demons are aggressive, especially during mating.
Not able to hold out any longer, Jin plunged within her slit quickly to feel of her warm walls. It was a feeling he hadn't felt in so long and missed, his eyes nearly rolling in the back of his head to indicate such. Moaning loudly, he moved within her warmth at a harsh and quick speed with his pointed ears moving slightly in sexual excitement.
His swollen member continued to egg on the female serpent beneath him, Jin continuing his actions for quite a long period of time to keep Silver his for awhile. The demon's organ aching to release quivered within the warmth it was enwrapped within before releasing his milky white deep within her body with a furious shake of his body. Biting his lower lip, he hissed as he ejaculated in bliss. “SILVER…!”
Silver's body rubbed against Jin's in return as she felt the powerful release within her body. Her nails embedded within the sheets beneath her, she torn the old fabric in two with a loud hiss in return. “J—JIN…!” She screamed in return, her voice mixing with his within the dark, decrepit hut.
Both breathing heavily, Jin lowered himself down on top of Silver for a moment to feel of her warm, sweating body. His cheek resting upon her chest, he rolled his hands up her body while remaining buried within her form. “It has been awhile since I have lain on top of a female before,” Jin chuckled within the back of his throat. “Being around men all day, you get deprived of that.”
“Did—you enjoy that?” Silver asked, wrinkling her brow in wonder.
“Of course I did,” Jin answered as he hefted himself up off of her. “The question is, did you?”
Silver offered a nervous smile to the wind serpent with a nod. “I did…I am just anxious about the thought of having babies.” Her gaze wandered about the dusty, manmade building about them, catching her breath all the while. “I have seen my sisters and brothers do it, but I can hardly picture myself doing so.” Silver's hand rested upon the warm cheek of Jin, her thumb scrubbing the scaly skin tenderly. “Did you have any children from the Lord Drake?”
Jin wrinkled his nose as he shrugged, “Well, I have never heard of it put that way, but yes, I have had kids.” His fingers rolling across Silver's long, flowing alabaster strands, he sighed slightly. “I had many children, but I never had a chance to spend time with them once they hatched. I did have many within my old nesting site, but I traveled a lot, so I hardly got to see them.”
“You were asked to have babies a lot?” Silver asked, tilting her head in wonder.
“Yes, because of my eye color that everyone liked,” Jin responded, pulling his spent member out of Silver. “I wouldn't worry about being a good or bad mother, Silver. I am sure you will do just fine.” Jin slithered off of the bed, taking his diary in his hands so he could head for the door. “I am sure we can both learn to be good parents together.”
Silver offered a smile within the faintly lit room, nodding at Jin as his hand graced the doorknob. “Where are you going now?”
“Silver, I want you to stay here for the remainder of the night. I need to be somewhere else right now, but I swear to you I will be back,” Jin promised, his scales rubbing against the dusty, creaky floorboards. “There were a few rabbits and bird eggs that I found and placed them within that wooden, human made object. I would eat them while they are fresh.”
Silver watched as Jin pointed towards the rickety, large wooden box near the foot of the bed she was within. Her scales dancing about in the playful moonlight, rubbing against one another as she shifted to the end of the bed to open up the dusty box to see the animals he caught. “Thank you, Jin,” she whispered softly in appreciation. “I hope the serpent Lord will watch over you as you travel, Jin, and bring you back to me.”
Jin wasn't sure what she meant as he scratched the back of his head, but he waved to her before departing from the hut. Shutting the door behind him silently, he released a rejuvenated sigh. “Now, to find Touya and head back to the farm.” His crimson scales wiggled about on the floor, heading towards the thick woodlands that encased the old human graveyard.
When the sun kissed the sky, the rooster within the Cormac Farm crowed loudly as he remained perched on the wooden roof that covered the porch. Puffing his chest out, he crowed several times to try and rouse those on the farm. The dew rolling off the tips of the grass blades, the farm animals listened to the morning call as they drank the droplets off of the pasture.
The water dripping down the window added more chill within the air inside of Neda's bedroom that she shared with her sister, Blythe. Feeling the cold envelop her, she roused steadily from her slumber to hear the crowing cock more clearly now. The room slightly blurry in sight thanks to sleep in her eyes, Neda rubbed her weary eyes to see better as she sat upright in bed. Sighing at another day being granted to her, Neda embraced her knees within the warmth of her covers, looking over at her sister's bed to find it empty.
“Blythe?” She wondered softly, pushing the covers off of her body to get to her small, chilly feet. Grabbing onto the blanket, which was folded up neatly on top of her wooden vanity, Neda wrapped her cold body within it, allowing the tassels of the woolen blanket to tap against her form as the woven coverlet steadily warmed her. Her hand gracing the doorknob of her bedroom, she opened it to allow herself outside to wander to the top of the stairs.
The sound of utensils being moved about in the kitchen echoed up the steps, prompting Neda to walk cautiously down the stairs. Her hand holding onto the wooden railing, she headed down the bottom of the staircase to find the male knight, Thane, at the kitchen counter. The sight of the young knight made her slightly angered as she wished he would go back to the castle walls instead of bugging her and her sister. Keeping her attitude in check, she made her presence known with a simple clear of her throat.
Thane heard Neda behind him, making sure she was there, he looked over his shoulder. “Good morning, Neda,” the blond knight responded with a slight yawn. “It is good to see you are awake.”
“Where is Blythe?” Neda asked as she made her way over towards the dinner table to sit down.
“She is outside feeding the animals,” Thane responded as he worked away at the eggs he was cooking. “Since you were late in waking up, she went ahead and took care of the animals early.” Taking the spatula in his hand to mess with the eggs he was making, he looked back over at Neda for a moment before turning his focus back on making breakfast. “I thought I would go ahead and make breakfast after my guarding during the night in Kalrune.”
Neda crossed her arms on top of the wooden table, covered in the intricately designed cloth. Her hand cupping her forehead, she ran her fingers through her stringy, soft brown hair. “Can you cook?”
“I can cook a few things,” Thane answered as he placed the eggs on separate plates with some grits as well. “I have to take care of myself as well as my parents sometimes so I learned.” Fixing up the plate a bit more, Thane made his way over towards the table to place the plate filled with warm food in front of Neda with the bread basket and butter nearby. “I hear your birthday will be soon. How old will you be?” He asked, putting his own plate down on the cloth so he could begin eating.
“I will be eleven,” Neda responded, taking the silverware within her hands to start poking at her food as she always did. “I don't want to celebrate it though. There is no point in celebrating anything anymore.”
Thane knew she was still dwelling upon the death of her parents as he sipped the drink he poured himself earlier. He knew it would be difficult for her to get over it, so he said not a word about the subject matter fearing he would worsen it. “Do you feel comfortable with me being here, Neda?”
Feeling the question a bit random, Neda hesitated in answering. “No,” she lied with a hidden grumble, averting her gaze. “Blythe wants you here.”
“I know that, but what do you think?” Thane asked once more, looking at the young girl across the table.
Neda didn't really enjoy Thane's presence within or about the farm. For some reason it really irritated her. She wanted to be alone with her sister, but her sister was intent on seeing Thane a lot lately. Neda had already lost her parents and now she felt she was losing her sister to the handsome knight. “I just want everything to be as it once was…,” she mumbled sorrowfully.
Thane plucked a piece of bread from the bread platter to place upon his own breakfast plate. “Neda,” Thane began with a piteous sigh, “I wish none of this had happened, and I apologize that it did; however, I think it is best you try and make the most of what you have now. You still have your sister with you, and she is trying everything she can to make you happy.”
Neda felt her face burn in anger at Thane's words she found unsympathetic. Slamming her palms down on the table beneath her, she shook her head at him. “You have no idea how hard it is to lose someone, do you?” Neda asked, trying to keep her temper under control.
“Neda, calm down,” Thane insisted with a raise of his hand. “I didn't mean to offend you.” Getting up from his seat, Thane pushed his plate aside for the time being so he could reach out to the upset Neda. “I can understand your feelings towards losing someone special, Neda. Being a knight, I see many people pass on unfairly. It isn't just and I know how upsetting it feels even if I do not know them personally. But they are people I see everyday and to not see them the next—it hurts to know I didn't do my job.”
Neda shook her head at Thane still, turning her gaze from the knight that was within her house. “I need to go for a walk,” she almost whispered, nudging her way past Thane to head back up the stairs.
“I knew that wouldn't go well,” Thane sighed as he sat back down to finish his breakfast.
An hour or so later, Neda resurfaced in her farm boots and white ankle length gown with long sleeves that had an embroidered pattern of a vine with roses sprouted on them in purple at the base of the skirt line, traveling up towards the brown belt she looped around her waist. Stepping out onto the porch, she made her way down to the farmland that was filled with the sound of horses braying, cows mooing, and hammers wailing on top of nails still due to the barn still being incomplete. Wrapping her arms about her chest, she walked over towards the corral.
Neda folded her arms on top of the highest plank that kept the farm animals inside to watch the horses and cows move about within their confinement. A sigh passing through her nostrils, she watched as the horses parted to reveal the young baby of Stella she had named Black Rose. Lifting her head slightly off of her folded hands, Neda whistled over to the young horse.
“Black Rose,” she called, “come over here.” When the colt refused to budge, she picked up a bit of hay on the side to entice the small beast.
Spying the hay within reach prompted the little colt to dash over towards Neda without hesitation to dig into the treat that was given to her. Her mouth wrapping about the hay, Rose ate at the feed with a content whinny.
“Hey, Black Rose,” Neda whispered with a sigh, “at least you are happy. I cannot imagine finding happiness again with my parents now gone.” Reaching her hand through the planks, she rubbed the growing filly's muzzle with her fingertips to try and find comfort within the feel of the colt's fur.
Pulling back from the time she was spending with the young horse, she walked back over towards the towering tree that she used to draw in front of and, now, held her parent's grave markers. Watching as they were outlined with the sunlight, Neda fought back the tears that dared spill forth as she clutched tightly onto her sleeves to keep herself from breaking down. Neda walked over towards the tree regardless to look out at the landscape of Eytheria that rested before her.
The vast plain set before her was lined with distant woodlands and mountaintops that were miles away from her house. She spied the dirt road that was just a few feet from her and seemed to beg her to walk out upon. Neda looked back over her shoulder to make sure everyone about the farm area was working and not watching her. She knew being so young, it was forbidden for her to walk out on the paths at all without an adult accompanying her, but Neda wanted to get away from the farm, even if for a little while.
Pulling out her sketch booklet she had hidden within her dress pocket, Neda walked on towards the rocky road to follow it towards the castle walls. She always wanted to go visit the castle of Eytheria and it would be a nice break from the farm. I am sorry, Blythe, Neda thought to herself as she headed onward without a word to her sister, but I cannot handle being here much longer.
It was nerve-wracking as Neda made her way away from her home. She was always taught never to do such a thing. As a young child, she was told horror stories about doing such a thing by herself, and they carried a fearful scar within her heart. “I can do this, I can do this,” Neda repeated to herself as she nervously made her way throughout the vast plain that made her feel vulnerable to attacks. Watching the scenery pass her by with the Eytherian castle walls resting way off within the distance, Neda stopped within the middle of the road with a nervous shiver.
“It'll take forever for me to get there on foot,” she sighed, looking back over her shoulder at the farm that she could just see within the distance. Taking in a deep breath, Neda shook her head, trying to rid herself of anymore doubt. “I cannot be scared of this road forever. I have to be strong…like mamma was when she went in after dad during the fire.”
Neda treaded through the plain without a worry on her mind throughout the coming hours. However, the sun began to recede from view, making the day get darker and less inviting for her as she continued to travel towards the castle. Stopping at a fork within the road she was on, she rested against the sign there that indicated what road went where.
“It is getting late and I will never make it there in time,” Neda sighed. “I can't go back now. It will be dark by the time I do, and all the demons come out at night.”
As the young farm girl rested against the sign wondering what to do in helplessness, the sound of hooves beating against the road could be heard against the ground. The sound getting louder by the minute, Neda felt her heart starting to escalate in rhythm. Not sure what or who was coming, she looked down all pathways to be ready for whoever was coming.
The beating hooves of the young stallion came to a quick halt when the rider on the back of the beast caught the young farm girl there near the sign, looking quite fearful. The gray tinted horse with black speckles on his coat reared back slightly at being ordered to stop so quickly. The young man on top looked like he came from a village judging by his attire. His hair was snow white that reached his mid-back and pulled into a low ponytail. He had sandals about his pallid feet with a few anklets that chimed together when he moved. He sported a vest that was open to reveal his well, toned chest. The brown vest had a design of a winged beast in white on the back. The russet colored pants he wore had several designs upon them in soft blue, red, and gold fabrics; they were held up by a black belt.
“Are you lost?” The young man asked with his narrow sky blue eyes gazing at her, appearing to be in his late twenties. “You don't appear to be around here.”
“Neither do you,” Neda responded in return, rubbing her arms to keep herself warm. “I was trying to get to the Eytherian Castle.”
“That is quite a ways from where you are standing,” he replied over the horse chomping on his bit. “I doubt a young woman like you would enjoy walking there alone. I can give you a ride on my horse if that is your desire.”
Neda didn't wish to walk any further on the road by herself. Accepting the man's offer, she opened her hand to his once he extended it and helped herself on board. “Thank you,” she whispered in relief, holding onto the young male's waist. “I didn't wish to travel much further all by myself. I am Neda Cormac from the Cormac Farm.”
“I know where that is,” the young man responded, nudging the stallion beneath him to get the horse going. “And to answer your first question, no, I am not from around here either. I am a winter elf, and I come from the winter hill tops of Eytheria. I came into town to obtain food.”
“A winter elf?” Neda wondered aloud as she held onto the male. “I thought winter elves were barbaric, loners and ate the snow creatures that lived about that mountain's.”
“We're not barbaric,” the elf responded, looking over his shoulder at the young girl briefly. “Just because we kill creatures and eat meat, doesn't make us any less barbaric than humans are.” Throwing his hair over his shoulder, he showed the pointed ears he had that were concealed by his long locks. “My name is Nash Darwin, by the way, of the Qu'lyn Clan.”
Neda wasn't sure what to say towards that seeing as she knew very little of the winter elves that lived in the snow capped mountains. All she knew was they were hunters, rarely seen by Eytherian humans seeing as they mostly enjoyed their solitude, and they were so used to the cold that they could walk around it in their bare feet and not feel a thing. To them, the winter was like summer to normal creatures. Some even said their blood was made of ice. Not saying anything towards the matter, she held onto the snow elf regardless as he helped her towards the castle gates.
The bushes parted late within the coming evening as Jin moved the berry bush leaves out of his way to see what was going on at the Cormac Farm since his leave of the place. His elfin ears wiggling slightly, he took in the sights and smells to see what he could find. Touya was right behind him, lowered to the ground, wishing not to be pelted with another rock again by the angered young girls.
“How does it look?” Touya asked from where he was hiding behind the towering demonic serpent.
“Everything is the same,” Jin answered as he continued to look about the farm cautiously from where he was hiding. “I don't know for sure though. I haven't caught the sight of the youngest sister yet.” Twisting his mouth to the side in thought, he slipped further down the edge of the forest to get closer to the farm house. “I need to look through the window or go inside of the house to know for certain.”
“Are you crazy!” Touya exclaimed in wonder as he hurried after his friend. “Jin, you cannot go in there without that knight killing you!”
“Touya, I don't smell any knight iron,” Jin chuckled, continuing onward towards the house regardless. “I am sure he is not here.”
Grabbing onto Jin's tail that was within reach, the ice serpent tried to stop Jin from continuing onward. “You don't know that for sure!”
Jerking his tail back out of Touya's grip, he held it within his own hands with an irritable snort at his worrying partner. “I promise I will be careful. I swear, you worry way too much.” The crimson scaled snake demon slithered up to the side of the house where he knew he would be less likely to be spotted. His fingers gripped onto the windowsill that allowed him to view the kitchen area best. Cautiously watching the scene from the corner of the window, he listened in on the conversation that was being held within the house.
“She said she was going for a walk?” Blythe asked Thane at the table with nervousness in her tone.
“That is what she told me,” Thane sighed, shaking his golden hair about. “I am sorry that this happened. I didn't mean to tread on such deep water with her.”
“It is not your fault, Thane,” Blythe whimpered as she sat down, shaking nervously. “Oh I pray to the heavens she is alright…”
Jin pulled himself from sight of the window, coiling downward to think on the conversation he heard. “It sounds like one of the Cormac sisters has gone missing. These young girls are such trouble.” Scratching the side of his head in thought, he took in the vaguely familiar scent that the youngest sister held; he started to follow it behind the house where the road rested.
“Jin, what about the snake clans back at that old cemetery behind that village, and what about Dustin? You have made way too many commitments,” Touya pointed out eagerly as he slithered after his friend. “You need to take on one or two, but not all three!”
Sighing through his nostrils, the redheaded demon stopped in his tracks to look at Touya with a shake of his head. “I can take on all three, and I will show you so! You and the others think I am irresponsible, but I am not.” Cupping his chin, Jin's eyes grazed the ground beneath him in wonder at what to do. Snapping his fingers, he pointed at the ice serpent in front of him. “I want you to go back to Dustin and the others and tell them about the serpent clans in that cemetery. I know he might not like the idea, but I know we can make this work.”
“How?” Touya asked sarcastically.
“I don't know, Touya, but we will find a way. Just go and tell him, please—for me?” Jin begged, showing as much innocents as he could within his baby blue eyes.
Touya puffed up like a blowfish before releasing his anger in a sigh, shaking his head in disapproval. “Alright, fine,” he grumbled, throwing his hands up in surrender. “I will go and tell Dustin about what is going on, but you owe me, Jin for picking up your slack.”
Jin waved Touya away eagerly with several nods, “I know, Touya, I know. I have to hunt down that girl now. I hope she isn't hurt.” Turning around quickly, the redhead hurried at great speed down the dirt road before him to hunt for the missing Cormac sister.