Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Naga Knight ❯ Chapter 15

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Lily had managed to gradually maker her way down the staircase by herself with the tray in her hands. She was relieved but still worried over Neda's condition as she placed the plate down near the sink she could feel with her hands. Placing the dishes there for the time being, she wiped her hands on her apron, hearing the stairs creaking behind her indicating the serpent demon. “How is she, Jin?” Lily asked, looking off to the right blindly.
Jin descended the human staircase to make his way over towards Lily. “She is okay. She didn't throw up anything, so that is a good sign, right?”
The blind woman could feel the serpent demon close to her face making her press a smile for the moment. “It is a start to say the least,” she sighed somberly, turning the water on to start running over the dishes. “I am just worried she is going to stop eating and starve herself to death. Her poor sister is trying everything she can to make things work and so is that knight, Thane.”
Hearing Thane's name, Jin couldn't help but freeze up a moment and rub his injured side. He wanted to get mad at the sound of his name, but he knew that knight was the only thing lessening his load at the farm.
“Jin?” Lily called, breaking the demon from his trail of thought. “You got awfully quiet. Is something the matter?” She could feel the demon breathing on her, prompting Lily to look over at where she could feel him clearly with her blank eyes.
Jin chuckled nervously, shaking his wild red hair. “No, I am fine. I just get nervous around the mention of knights is all.”
“I am sorry,” she began sympathetically. “I forget that you're injured and from one of those knights no less.” Lily reached behind her to feel of his injuries gently once more. “I promise I am not going to hurt you, I just want to see if they are bandaged well.” With the wind serpent demon slightly relaxed, Lily turned around to continue feeling the bandages and how tightly they were wrapped. “Did he put anything on them such as medicine?”
“I don't know,” Jin wheezed as she continued to touch his injuries. “I was out cold when he was bandaging me up.”
Lily was worried about the wounds the serpent demon had sustained. As far as demons go in general about Eytheria, they usually never bothered really taking good care of their injured ken. If anybody was ever hurt, they had to wait for them to either get better or to die. It was just how the demons were programmed as their society was primitive and not advanced in the ways of medicine. “Come over here to the sofa. I want to get a better look at it.”
Jin began to whine and grumble like a little child as he was guided over towards the couch. “Do you have to?” He groaned following behind her.
She couldn't help but chuckle against her hand at how childlike Jin sounded then, seeing fully what her father meant when he said the serpent demons were no different than humans. “I am sorry, but I don't want to worry about the possibility of you getting an infection or your body not healing right, so lie down.” Lily stepped to the side to allow Jin room to make it onto the sofa. Hearing the demon slide his way onto the furniture, she felt her way gently about his bandages to find a way to remove them.
Her fingers finally finding a way to pull them off, she began working away at the torn fabric to remove it from Jin's side first. Upon removing it, she heard Jin hiss in pain from the air attacking his opened wound. “Shhh,” she soothed, rubbing his stomach tenderly. “You'll be alright.” Her fingers touched the bandages to try and make sense of what had been soaked into them. The digits rubbing together to feel of what the liquid was to determine if it was sticky like blood or slick like medicine. When she couldn't decide what it was, Lily brought it to her nose to smell of it. “I can smell something that doesn't smell like blood. It must be medicine…!”
“Is that what it is?” Jin responded breathlessly as he fought back the pain. “Was it supposed to sting as it was?”
“Sometimes medicine does that,” Lily explained as she re-bandaged him. Her hand rested gently upon the wind serpent's chest. “Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?”
Jin's elfin ears perked slightly as he gazed down at the blind woman watching over him closely. A smile crept across his face as he reached down to grasp Lily's caring hands into his demonic. “I'll be alright, Lily. Thank you.” His serpent body starting to slide about the furniture item, Jin hefted himself up slowly from where he was lying down. “I have to get going. If I stay here during the night, Silver will be upset and the girls will not take kindly to a snake demon resting in their home.”
Feeling Jin's stomach rising upwards, Lily removed herself from his body. “Your bandages should be changed regularly, Jin,” the human warned as she stared blankly at the wall. “If they are not, you could get an infection, which could kill you.”
“I've been through worse situations,” Jin admitted with a toothy grin as his scales rubbed against one another upon the wooden floor. “I will be fine.”
“I really worry about you,” Lily expressed, bringing her fist towards her chest. “I understand that the serpent demons are primal in their medical and healing ways, but if you're going to take care of your responsibilities, you have to think of your health.”
The health lecture was a new one for Jin, and he found it to be irritating slightly as he snorted through his nostrils with a shake of his head. “What do you I suggest I do then, Lily? I cannot stay here with you, or that knight is going to kill me.” Jin hissed once more when he breathed, grabbing onto his side, which would on occasion hurt. He was relieved then that Lily was blind as he didn't want her to witness his behavior.
Lily could sense it regardless given the years she had gotten used to living without her eyesight. “What is the matter? You're wheezing again, and you sound like you're in pain when you speak.” She reached her hand out to the darkness about her hoping to find the serpent demon only to have Jin pull away quickly with a loud hiss as he wanted Lily to stay back. “Jin, don't do that,” Lily begged as she continued to reach out for him still.
Jin continued to coil back, flexing his serpent half in an awkward position to try and escape Lily's oncoming hand. He didn't want to be bothered. His chest was hurting too much lately with where the arrow pierced his skin.
“Jin, stop it!” Lily demanded this time as she grabbed onto his wrist to hold him still. “There is something really wrong with you! I can sense it!” When she felt Jin stop struggling for a moment, she reached out her free hand to try and find the serpent's chest. “You were hit on the side, right?”
“Yes, but don't touch it!” Jin growled as he saw her hand going for his injury.
Lily pulled some of her curly hair behind her ears trying to prevent herself from doing what the serpent demon asked of her. “Does it sting there or is it just painful?”
“It is painful, so don't touch it!” The redhead reiterated. His scales rubbed over one another as he attempted to move his body out of Lily's way.
Lily couldn't help but suddenly feel panic grasp her form. “You might have really hurt something in your side, Jin.” She could sense the demon ignoring her prompting her to search for his face to make him look her way. “I need to take you into town or find somebody who can diagnose the problem.”
“Lily, you can't do that!” Jin insisted as he was afraid of being killed. Quickly the giant serpent demon hurried himself best he could under the nearest chair in the living room in attempts to hide. His serpent half was unable to successfully hide underneath the piece of furniture, making it simple for anybody to locate him with or without sight. “You're just making things worse! I cannot go into town!”
Hearing the chair rattle, Lily made her way over towards the frightened demon, nearly tripping over his scaly body as she did so. “Jin, nobody is going to kill you, okay? I may be blind, but I know the dispute between humans and demons,” Lily reassured him as she knelt down to the quivering wind demon. “There is a doctor in the Eytheria City market that has known my father and been friends with him for years. He was aware of my dad's work and what he did, so I doubt me giving him a snake demon to look at would come as a shock to him.”
Jin had covered his eyes with his tail, wanting to believe he was well hidden by doing so. When he heard Lily speak of a doctor in the market place who probably wouldn't care to see him, he removed the tip of his tail from where he had it rested.
Lily reached for Jin's hand she could feel just under his chest to try and pull him out of his ridiculous hiding spot. “He is not going to hurt you. It is not in a doctor's role to kill a patient that comes upon their doorstep.” She managed to get Jin to stand upright once again regardless of the pain he was in. “Now come on, I have to get you to the city…under some disguise where nobody will be able to tell you are a demon.” Pausing for a moment, Lily's white eyes darted about the room trying to think of a solution. “Tell me, is there a quilt somewhere around here?”
The serpent demon looked about the room to find a quilt, which was handcrafted by Pearl, resting over the sofa he was on not too long ago. “Is this what you what?”
Reaching out to find the fabric Jin was holding on to, Lily found it to be what she was hunting for. “Yes, that is what I am looking for. How long is it?” She let Jin keep a hold of it. “Put it about your head and let it slide down your back and tell me what it covers.”
Jin did as Lily asked, hooking the fabric over his head to let it roll down his scaly body. He looked over his shoulder to find it covering a good bit of him, but still some of his serpent half was visible. “Well, it covers a bit of me, but not all of me.”
“Hmm,” Lily hummed in thought, tapping her finger upon her cheek. “I am sure I can find more blankets and such to cover you. Wait for me outside, Jin. I am afraid if I start searching for more blankets, it will wake one of the girls.” Turning around, she made her way towards the staircase. “I sure don't need them finding you out right now.”
Jin folded up the quilt he had about his shoulders as he headed outside into the darkness to wait on Lily. Closing the door behind him, the redhead flinched at the pain in his side. “Damn Eytherian knights…this pain is unbearable!” He grumbled mostly to himself.
Thirty minutes later, Lily was able to surface from the house with a few more blankets. “I found some more,” she whispered between the two of them. “Now, put these on over your body.” The blind woman helped Jin get littered in the blankets she found about the house by herself. “Are you going to be okay? We're going to have to walk a little bit to find somebody who can give us a lift to the market place.”
Jin's hand found Lily's. “I will be alright. I've come all the way from Kalrune Village, so I am sure I'll make it. Where do we need to go for a ride?” The serpent demon crept down the stairs of the porch, helping Lily down after him.
Lily carefully descended the staircase, following behind him to the dirt road. She looked about the area in front of her as if she could see though she was merely listening to the sounds coming from all about her. “Even at this time of night there are some men who travel to and from villages to drop off their goods to buyers they are contracted with. It is probably close to nine o'clock right now. Let me see…” Lily pointed to the right of the road, leading away from Eytheria. “We go this way.”
Jin offered a confused expression in the matter, twisting his mouth to the side with a raise of his brow. “Are you sure? You do know you're pointing away from the human city, right?”
“Yes, I am very sure.” The two starting in that direction, she continued. “There is a milk delivery woman from the Mallow Farm up at Lunar Lake. She always comes this way to make it to Eytheria Market. If we walk ahead of her, she'll never catch up to us, so we have to walk to her.”
Hearing of the Mallow family as well as Lunar Lake, Jin froze up a moment thinking back on Dustin and the others. His elfin ears faltered as he gazed up at the full mooned sky with a heavy sigh. I wonder how they are doing. It seems like forever since I have seen them.
The middle-aged woman could tell Jin stopped for a moment making her do the same. “Jin, is something the matter?” The serpent demon's eyes set upon Lily's. “I heard you sigh like you were upset. Are you feeling okay?”
Jin furrowed his brow, release a brief chuckle muffled by his throat. “Being blind you sure don't miss a lot as one would assume.” He managed a weak smile in the moonlight. “I was just thinking about my old nest. They migrated down there, but my friend, Touya, is trying to get them to move to the one behind Kalrune Village.”
“I am sure they are alright, Jin,” Lily assured, walking cautiously down the road. “You have too much on your mind. Demons your age are supposed to be carefree like human children.”
“And I used to be,” Jin admitted with a shrug, looking down at Lily. “But Dustin did always tell me I needed to grow up and be more responsible, so I guess I might as well do so and do him a favor.”
Lily tilted her head to the side, her blank eyes continuing to look ahead. “Who is Dustin?”
“He is our alpha,” Jin answered, sniffing the air when he suddenly caught a familiar scent in the air. His ears flying forwards, he continued inhaling the enticing smell consuming the area.
“What is it, Jin?” Lily asked hearing him sniffing about quickly with a flick of his tongue and flare of his nostrils. “What is it that you smell?”
Jin licked his lips as he got down on his stomach as well as his hands after releasing Lily's hand. “I smell food. A horse is somewhere about here.”
Hearing him say that, Lily panicked before reaching down to grab him by the wrist once more to pull him back up off of the ground. “No! No, you are not allowed to do that!” She scolded, shaking her finger in his face. “It could be the farm woman I am waiting for.”
The hooves of the beast Jin had smelt could be heard further up the road, trotting against the dirt path before him. With the horse soon coming into view, Lily kept Jin anchored, unaware that the serpent demon hadn't eaten yet, and she wasn't about to have him eat the horse they needed to take them both into town. The black stallion trotted up and over the hill to make the carriage he was pulling come into view with him. The nostrils of the beast flaring, he could pick up a demonic smell making him pause in his tracks and throw his head back with an irritable snort and loud neigh.
“Whoa, whoa,” the redheaded woman beckoned upon the wooden seat, pulling back on the reins to try and settle the horse. Upon halting the stallion, she looked over the horse to find Jin and Lily both standing there. “Can I help you?” The Mallow family member wondered with a raise of her brow.
Lily motioned for Jin to stay put where he was, not wanting him to make any sudden movements that might give away who and what he was. “Excuse me; I was wondering if you could give the both of us a lift to the Eytheria Market Place? My friend here is hurt badly, and I need to get him to a good doctor.”
The wavy haired redhead looked over at Jin who she could barely see under the blankets and such as well as the darkness consuming the Eytheria plain. “Alright, there is enough room in the back for you both. Just be careful of the milk jars.”
“Thank you,” Lily said softly with a bow, turning to Jin to guide him to the back of the carriage. “Come on, dear. We have a ride to the market place. Be quick now.”
“`Dear'?” Jin wondered with a raise of his thin brow as he was guided behind the carriage. The term was unfamiliar to him. The only time it was used was to describe a wild animal usually seen about the open fields in the early morning. “I am not a dear.”
Lily pressed her finger to her lips to make Jin hush. “Quiet now,” she ordered, helping the injured serpent demon onboard. “If anybody hears you saying anything weird, they will wonder what is up with you. So do not say or do anything that could give away your origin.” Stepping up the steps with Jin's help, she made her way over to one of the seats in the back of the carriage. “Besides, it is just a name referring to a loved one.” Finding their seats, Lily called up to the Mallow farm girl. “We are ready.”
“Alright, we will be there soon enough,” the young farm girl assured them with a tap of the reins, prompting the confused stallion to continue onwards.
Jin made sure to slide his scales back under the blankets and the quilt, which covered his demon half and appendages, tilting his head to the side with a raise of his ears at Lily's comment. “You called me `dear', because I am a loved one to you?”
A soft smile appeared upon Lily's face as she hummed her response at first. She closed her eyes a moment to picture Jin there within her mind as a little human child not but probably five years old. “You're so inquisitive, just like a little boy.” Lily placed her hands within her lap, sighing to herself at the young demon's behavior, still finding it intriguing. “I would say you are a loved one, Jin. It is a shame that nobody else can get to know you, for I am sure they would feel the same way.”
The serpent demon merely beamed at Lily, a part of him wishing the human race could be as accepting as her.
It took awhile for the carriage to finally pull before the drawbridge of the Eytheria market walls. The jerk of the cart caused Jin to get alert prompting Lily to settle him with a slight movement of her hand. Up front, the Mallow family girl could be heard speaking with the guards who manned the drawbridge as she was trying to get them to lower it for her.
“What's going on?” Jin asked, grabbing the quilt and blankets to keep them firmly on his body, nervous at the smell of iron so close to him.
“Be still; she is asking the guards to let us in,” Lily informed quietly, raising her hand to keep Jin stationed knowing that the knights made him nervous.
“It is rather late for you to be going about serving your milk beverages, Mary,” one of the knights could be heard saying beyond the cart's wooden walls. The guard stepped slightly closer towards the stallion pulling the cart to find the shadow of Jin in the back where the milk was being kept. “Ah, I see you have passengers this time.”
“Yes, and one of them is in need of assistance,” Mary went on to explain. “He is injured and needs a doctor.”
The knights could see nothing abnormal about the situation prompting them to lower the bridge for Mary to cross over with the others. “You may pass,” one on the post said simply, standing aside upon the bridge being completely lowered.
Having sustained a painful injury from the knights, Jin couldn't help but close his eyes tightly and whimper mostly to himself. He didn't want to get found out within the `creatures' home. Jin didn't have the strength or the courage at that moment to even consider defending himself. Lily could sense the wind serpent's pain, reaching across from where she was sitting to touch her hand upon his.
“Be calm, Jin,” Lily advised once more. “I know you're scared, but you'll be alright.” Moving from where she was sitting, Lily made her way up to where Mary was. “The doctor I want him to see is located close to the castle to the north of the city. If you could get us to the gates leading into the palace, I can get us to the doctor's house from there.”
Mary nodded at Lily's directions as she guided the horse through the cobblestoned streets of the quiet market place. It was very quiet for a human city and only a few crickets could be heard as well as the tranquil splashing of the city's water fountain. Only a few lights could be seen within the windows of some of the houses, prompting only a little bit of light to illuminate the way. “I can do that for you. We will be there soon.”
Jin attempted to relax undercover in the human city. He would get rather calm under the rocking of the cart they were hitching a ride within only to smell the iron of the knights prompting him to widen his eyes and act nervous under his disguise. Lily could feel his anxious behavior from where she was sitting across from him. It made her a bit nervous as well though she tried to stay calm for the both of them when the cart finally came to a halt.
“We're at the castle's gate,” Mary responded over her shoulder. “Do you need anything else while I am here?”
Lily got to her feet, offering her hand to Jin to make her way out of the back of the cart with his help. “No, but thank you so much, Miss. Mallow. We really needed the lift.” She made sure that Jin made it cautiously down the wooden stairs onto the cold stone below. “If we can ever repay the favor, let us know.”
Mary merely nodded with a smile. “It was nothing. Both of you take care of yourself, and I wish your friend better health.”
“Thank you,” Jin responded as the carriage was turned back down the road to head to the stores Mary had to deliver her milk to before they closed. As he stood there not too far from the guards, he got edgy once more and slinked back behind Lily with a low growling sound.
“Jin, don't do that,” Lily begged as she looked over her left and right as where the sound was coming from kept moving with the serpent demon. Turning around, she searched frantically for the demon to pull him back up to her level with her blank eyes gazing past him. “Come with me; the doctor who was a friend to my father is down this way.”
The blind woman made it through the winding back alleyways no problem. Her fingers soon graced the stone walls to try and make out the designs and textures in attempts to come to a familiar trinket she recalled when she was younger. Jin merely followed behind her carefully, low to the ground as it was a habit when smelling so much danger in one place. Her fingers coming across a knocker modeled in that of a phoenix, Lily smiled widely recognizing it. “Here we are!” She exclaimed in a high whisper. Her hand gripping onto the silver knocker, she tapped it against the wooden door to try and get the doctor's attention.
Nothing within the house stirred until a minute or so later when candlelight soon could be seen peeking through the curtains before the windows. “I'm coming; I'm coming,” a male responded behind the door. The door creaked on its hinges as the doctor, somewhere in his late 50s made himself known to whoever it was that was desperate for his attention so late. He had a beard, very white in color about his face that nearly covered his mouth. He wore glasses, which fit perfectly about his old, tired face. “Hmm? Lily? What are you doing here?”
“Doctor, I have come with a special patient, who I need you to look at,” Lily insists. “May we come inside?”
The doctor looked over at the covered male he could barely see in the darkness and his poor eyesight wasn't helping either. He could tell from the shivering that the person was frightened for whatever reason. With a wrinkle of his nose, not wanting to be up that late, he stepped to the side with the candle in his hand. “Come on in. I can have a look at your friend tonight.”
Lily ushered Jin inside of the house quickly before coming in behind him. The door closed behind them, Jin felt safe once more to an extent though he was still unaware how this human would act in seeing he was actually a serpent demon. “Thank you for this, Dr. Willard,” Lily praised stepping in between the two. “I am sorry about coming in so late, but it was an emergency. I fear for this man's well being.”
“So who is your friend?” Dr. Willard asked, trying to make out the male under the quilt and blankets. “Why is it that he won't show himself to me?”
“Well, he is a bit…shy…and scared,” Lily admitted, making her way over to Jin to touch his scaly cheeks. “Jin, it is okay. Dr. Willard isn't going to hurt you.” Her fingers massaging his hard skin, she tried to coax the frightened demon out from hiding.
Jin's elfin ears faltered as he thought about it for a moment. Looking about the room to check his surroundings, he finally grabbed a hold of the quilt about his head to move it from his body to show off his demonic half. He stood there, erected on his serpent half with his ears turned forwards to hear what the human doctor might have to say.
Dr. Willard jumped back realizing what the creature was. “Holy hell, Lily, that thing is huge! Don't tell me you're going to do this to me again!” He exclaimed, jumping back.
“Doctor, please!” Lily begged reaching for the man she heard just yelp in shock. “He is only a baby, and he needs your help!”
The startled doctor watched as Jin curled himself up in a defensive position, not wanting to get hurt by any human hands as he was in enough pain already. His crimson scales were something to behold there in the candlelight. It was like a trail of shimmering blood moving about seamlessly upon his floor. The length of the serpent demon's body was outstanding and far bigger than anything he had ever seen before when it came to serpent demons. “How can something that big be just a baby?” He wondered in amazement.
Jin twisted his mouth to the side as he pouted at the doctor and Lily's choice of words. Coiling his body up in front of him, he overlapped his arms upon his scales to rest his head there for the moment.”I am not a baby,” he griped mostly to himself.
“He's just-he's not from around here and that is probably why he's so big for his age,” Lily explained with a shrug of her shoulders. “He made a promise to the Cormac woman that he would protect her daughters, who are now orphans. Jin got badly injured by the knights when trying to feed a female serpent tonight, and I am worried it might be life threatening for him.” She brought her fist up to her chest, pleading with her blank eyes. “Please, Dr. Willard, please…he's not an evil demon, and I don't want to hear he is dead from something that could have been prevented with your help.”
Dr. Willard fixed his glasses, which were sliding down his nose, trying to make a decision on the matter. He released a sigh of defeat, shaking his head. “Alright, I will take a look at him.” The doctor walked over to the patient table in the back right section of his bedroom. The wooden table was resting up against the wall near a few pictures and old memos posted and penned to the wooden wall and was hidden by a curtain stationed about it. “Come here, demon,” the doctor called as he waved towards the table, “so that I may have a look at you.”
Jin was hesitant at first as he looked over at Lily with a raise of his elfin ears. He was like a human child going to the doctor for the first time. The blind woman could sense Jin staring at her, making her slightly gaze over in his direction. “Go on,” she encouraged softly with a wave of her hand. “I'll make sure nothing goes wrong.”
His ears faltering, Jin turned his attention back over to the doctor before making his way slowly over towards the table the human man was pointing at. Jin's scaly belly rubbed against the floor as he made his way over towards the stand covered in a white cloth. He looked about the interesting object wondering what he was supposed to do.
“Get up on top. Can you do that?” The doctor asked. He showed he wanted to help but was too nervous to touch the demon.
Jin raised up on his serpent half to tower over the table, lying out on top of it only to find himself unable to stay completely on top of the small piece of furniture prompting him to coil up his serpent half about the stand. From having to move about on such a small area, it prompted the redhead to wheeze a few times at the pain attacking his chest area from where he was injured. The doctor could hear the horrible sound he was creating, making him concerned.
“I see you had a bad run in with knights here,” Dr. Willard said, reaching for the bandages about Jin's side to pull them away to see the puncture wound, which could only be caused by an arrow head. The air touching the open injury caused the serpent demon to hiss and coil back. Dr. Willard jumped back slightly only to see that Jin was just unhappy with the pain. “Whoa, whoa, it's okay; it's okay. Just relax.” He was quiet a moment, trying to examine the injury with a fix of his glasses, which saw fit to slide down the slope of his nose again. “I hear you're in pain when you move. Is it from this injury or the other one?”
“It is on my side. Right here,” Jin answered, pointing to his ribcage.
The doctor was surprised hearing the demon speak so well in the English language. “Heh, apparently it speaks too.” When he saw the redhead shoot him an irritable look, he coughed against his hand nervously. “I am just saying I have never heard a demon speak in our tongue before.”
Jin watched closely as the human doctor reached for his side. “We mostly speak demonic, but that is only so humans don't go crazy over the thought we understand them. For some reason, it is too much for them to comprehend that we know their language.”
Dr. Willard began to gently touch the area. Jin closed his eyes tightly and growled in pain with his nails digging into the table beneath him. “Well, I don't feel that anything is broken and there isn't a bruise on the skin. When does it hurt?”
“When you touch it, that's for damn sure!” Jin snarled through his clinched teeth. “Also, whenever I move a bit it does.” The table beneath him began to groan upon his serpent half starting to wrap about the legs of the piece of furniture. He was tightening his grip upon the wood to release the pain he was enduring.
The doctor kept the bandage removed as he headed over to his cabinets lined with different kinds of medicine and such to pull out what he needed as well as other wraps he could use to re-bandage Jin. “I think you bruised a bone, demon. When that arrow tried to strike you, it could only go so far with how thick your demonic skin is, so it just tapped one of your rib bones.” He closed the wooden cabinet, heading back over towards the redhead with the items he needed in his hands. “You're lucky. If a human had been struck like that, their ribs might have been damaged or their lungs pierced.”
Jin continued to move his serpent half about, unable to keep still. Most of his body was scrunched up about the corner of the room upon the table. “So what does that mean for me?”
Dr. Willard sat down upon the wicker stool to tend to Jin's side once more regardless of the irritable hissing sounds he made upon him doing so. He was starting to get a little bit braver in this process. Pouring the liquid medicine onto a clean towel, he dabbed the wound carefully. “It means you cannot do any activity that will strain your ribs, so when it comes to a serpent demon like you that means no fighting, less walking, and no sexual activity.”
The redheaded demon sighed. “Well that makes things less enjoyable.”
“Maybe next time you'll reconsider doing something foolish if that is how you feel,” Dr. Willard expressed as he looked up at Jin through his glasses seriously. Taking the bandages in his possession, he began to wrap the wind serpent tightly about the chest. “Now, let me see your arm.”
Jin hesitantly held out his injured arm to have the doctor look at it as he was feeling a bit irritable at his words. “I have to get back to my nest soon,” he hissed having the other wound exposed to the air. “A young demon I have been assigned to needs me there.”
“Well, I am sure the young demon can wait a moment.” Dr. Willard cleaned out the puncture wound as he did the last one. “I'll have you up and on your way in no time. You just have to be careful with yourself from now on.”