Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Naga Knight ❯ Chapter 22

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Sorry for the wait for so long. I have been sidetracked with a few personal things. Also the Sims2 kind of ate me up. >3>; I got addicted no thanks to a friend of mine. XD; I also might be working on an anniversary piece or something, so writing in general might be a bit slower.
Enjoy. <3
The hooves of the horses clopping against the soft earth, Thane escorted the brown and white steed back into the barn he had managed to get crafted for the Cormac sisters. The last of the creatures being guided in by Blythe, the knight placed his hands upon his hips. He appeared to be glad that was over with. “At least now they have some sort of shelter.”
Blythe nodded in agreement as she helped shut and latch the barn door shut. “To have it rebuilt from the ashes as if nothing ever happened truly is wonderful.” She swung her foot back and forth slightly with her hands behind her back, gazing down upon the ground seeing as she had a difficult time looking Thane directly in the eyes lately. “I am glad that you came to help us, Thane.”
“You've thanked me enough as it is,” Thane chuckled. He reached over to take Blythe's hand into his own when the young farm girl attempted to move her hands to her sides. Upon doing so, he was able to catch her eyes with his own. A tender smile graced his expression. “Now, I do believe we promised to have a fun time in the market, didn't we?”
Remembering her sister, Blythe turned back to the farm with a bit of a worried frown. “I just hope she meant it when she said she was going to come with us.” She raised a finger to Thane. “Wait here, and I will go check on her.” Picking up her dress slightly, Blythe hurried back towards the house. Opening the front door, she found Neda at the foot of the staircase in something other then her nightwear. “Oh, so you are up.”
Neda nodded, brushing the front of her cotton dress off with her hands. It was a white dress with blue trim. “Yes,” she answered quietly. “I don't feel like sitting in my bedroom today.” Neda walked towards the front door, touching the scale necklace she made that she had on today as well.
Following her sister outside, she realized in the warm clothing Neda wore, her sister looked extremely pale and skinny. Blythe felt more then worried for her sibling, as she helped her down the stairs, afraid her small legs would break from under her considering how tiny and frail they appeared. She waved down Thane, who was getting two horses together at the very most for their travel into town. “We're ready whenever you are, Thane.”
Thane kept the reins of the two horses held, making his way over to the two with a smile. “I will ride my own horse into town while you and Neda take this one.” He handed the leather reins over to Blythe, helping her mount up first knowing she was older and probably knew how to handle a horse better then Neda, though didn't want to say anything to insult the younger sister. When it was Neda's turn, Thane turned to her with his hand open. He could see the look of scorn still upon her face regarding the fact she believed he was trying to take her sister from her. “I'll help you up, Neda. I promise I won't hurt you.”
Sighing softly, Neda knew it wasn't the moment to delay time, given the bit of energy she was running on. Accepting Thane's offer, she helped herself upon the back of the horse her sister was upon. Her hands grabbed onto Blythe's sides to keep herself situated. Feeling a bit lethargic with just sitting down, she rested her cheek against Blythe's back.
Pulling upon the leather reins once he got upon his steed, Thane nodded off towards the dirt road, which would lead them into Eytheria Market Place. “Shall we?” The horse let out a mighty snort and shake of its head upon setting down the path.
The road to the market place was a quiet one minus a few breezes shaking the tree limbs and the sound of twittering birds. The clopping of the horses' hooves against the ground almost lulled Neda back to sleep until the sound of the drawbridge brought her back to her senses as well as the coming noise from beyond it. “Here so soon?” She asked aloud as the ride didn't appear that long at all.
“So soon?” Thane chuckled. “I guess being asleep through most of the ride is a plus.” He turned his head just in time to not see Neda roll her eyes at his comment.
The market was alive per usual given the positioning of the setting sun. Everyone needed to get their shopping done before all of the stores closed for the day, so it was a big rush around this time. Watching, as the road led them to the temple Neda had come to despise after her parent's death. The horses stopping right before the large, white doors of the temple, Thane dismounted first before wandering over towards Blythe and Neda to help them down one by one. Neda kept her eyes upon the large, white place of worship not budging from where she stood once her feet hit the ground.
Blythe was quiet remembering the times Neda said cold things about the Great Phoenix Goddess. She allowed her sister to stare in an almost trance like state before breaking her of it. “Neda,” she called with a snap of her fingers. “You feel comfortable with going inside, right?”
Neda knew, with being as young as she was, the market place was too big for her to wander alone by herself. Hesitantly, she nodded. “I'll be fine.”
The doors of the temple opening, Thane made his way inside with the two farm girls behind him. Not many people walked the halls of the Great Phoenix Goddess. Some were sitting upon the prayer benches lining the main hall. Making it to a certain spot, Blythe sat down comfortably upon the cushioned bench. Thane turned to Neda to allow her to sit next to her sister if she wished to, only to see the young girl stand there to stare around the inner halls nervously. “Neda,” he whispered to her, placing his hand upon her shoulder to snap her from her trance.
“I…I need some air…!” Neda insisted, pushing her way past the two and hurrying to another door, which she knew would lead her outside. The bright light of the sun overwhelming her at first, she brought her hands to her knees to try and regain her composure. Never had she felt so suffocated within the Great Phoenix's halls, but after the death of her parents, she just found the temple to be too much to be within. “I can't do this, I really can't,” she mumbled, making her way over to one of the nearby trees, which was neatly trimmed.
“You can't what?” Asked a familiar voice.
Neda snapped to attention, pulling her hands to her body as a reflex, her eyes shifting over to just beyond the tree she was against to see that same winter elf who helped her to the market several days ago. “You seem in quite distress.” The wind blew his long, white hair about as he planted a few things into the ground.
“I remember you…,” said Neda as she pushed from the tree to get a better look at the elf.
“Really now?” Chuckled the young elf as he moved from where he was standing in the garden to the cobblestone walkway. “Do you remember my name?” Seeing her shake her head, he smirked to himself knowing that young children had selective memories at best. “My name is Nash Darwin, and you are one of the Cormac sisters.”
“Neda,” she answered simply in case he forgot as well. “So what are you doing back in town?”
“I spent most of my time here and there,” answered Nash as he was working on a few flowers he had situated in his hands. “I help the priests here with the garden about the temple and look at some of the bounties on creatures for the sake of money. What about yourself?”
Neda watched closely as Nash paid little attention to what she was doing as he wandered about the garden still planting in the few bits of life he could. “My sister and her friend wanted to drag me here to praise the Goddess, but with everything that happened to my parents, I don't wish to speak to her at all.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I don't wish to ever come to terms with what she took from me.”
Nash hid his smirk with his back turned to her, as he messed with the dirt to plant one of the flowers in his hands in a nearby spot. “Seldrua la dra sedren,” he spoke foreignly.
“Excuse me?” Neda asked with a shake of her head.
“In my tongue it means `forgive and forget' in the human language.” Grunting, he shifted back to his feet, brushing off his baggy pants. He turned to Neda, knowing he probably said something she didn't want to even consider doing. “I know what happened to you was unjust and unfair, but the Gods have their ways.” He used the plural term seeing as he worshipped a different being and didn't want to single either one out. “To hold onto such a grudge isn't healthy for you.” Here he pointed at her. “You have lost a lot of weight from last I recall seeing you.”
Neda never paid much attention to how much on how big or small she was. She shrugged off the comment feeling as though it were nothing to worry about. “I haven't been out of my bedroom lately. This is the first time I have been outside for some time now.”
“Well, bless your heart,” said Nash as he finished the last bit on the garden. Brushing his hands off again after being in the dirt, he smiled to the young girl. “Well, first and foremost, I do believe you at least deserve a decent meal.” Nash wandered off towards the building for a moment to grab up his quiver and bow he left there for the time being. “If you don't mind me taking you into town for something to eat, that is.”
Neda knew she had to get away from the Goddess' Temple no matter what. She nodded upon Nash's request. “It would be nice to eat something aside from the daily farm food.”
Chuckling to himself, Nash headed out of the temple's gardens and back towards the front with the young farm girl behind him. “Well, I cannot say there is much variety about in Eytheria's Market Place, but I can see what we can find.” Placing his middle and index fingers into his mouth, he whistles hard for his stallion he usually rode upon. The horse galloping towards him, Nash greeted the beast with a gentle pet to the nose. “I usually cook things I hunt, but I don't know if you'd like exotic meats too much. Besides, best to not make you eat things you're not used to with the condition you're in.” He offered his hand to her to help Neda upon the tall stallion.
“I will be fine,” she insisted, taking his hand to get on the front of the horse. “I just don't eat as much as I used to.”
Grabbing onto the saddle, Nash hoisted himself onto the back of the horse, grabbing onto the reins to steer the creature into the busy stone streets. “Well, we'll see what we can possibly find that isn't too much like the food you're used to back at home. While I know that is a taste you are used to, maybe something more exotic will bring your appetite back.”
Neda watched as the citizens within the market place passed them by on feet while Nash rode slowly around them. He took them to the very northeaster part of the town where Neda had never been before. Most of it consisted of some rather interesting shops, though they appeared to have quite a few expensive, handcrafted items on display. Everything appeared to be quite high-class in appearance. “Where are we?” Neda wondered as the horse came to a stop at a descending, stone staircase.
Dismounting from his horse, Nash landed on his feet before turning around to help Neda down. He tried to be gentle with her knowing she could possibly bruise easily with how small she was. Helping her down the stairs, they made it to the local tavern in that area that was hidden almost out of sight. “This tavern manages to obtain more of the exotic types of food I spoke of earlier.” His soft blue cape flaring out behind him as he hastened towards the door, Nash grabbed onto the doorknob to open it. “After you,” he said quietly, taking his cloak to bring close to his chest to bow slightly.
Her eyes couldn't help but peek inside first before actually stepping foot into a new building all together. It was a very small, laidback looking scene. There was a bar up at the front with a few circular tables in the back of it with a curtain of red fabric cutting through another section of the tavern as if to hide another portion of the first room. Neda looked over her shoulder to find the elf walking behind her, making her relieved he didn't disappear and leave her all together. The chubby waiter behind the bar spotted the two coming in, greeting Nash with a smile and wave.
“I haven't seen you come in here for some time, Nash,” said the man. He had a rather thick, brown beard about his face. Neda couldn't help but stare at it from time to time. “And I see you brought a friend, eh?”
Nash smiled honestly in return. It was the first time she had actually seen him present himself in such a way since they met. “I was surprised I ran into company as well.” Here, he escorted Neda to one of the wooden seats in front of the bar. “I would like to have the usual, and I will let my friend try a bit herself if she desires it.”
With a nod, the waiter put down the glasses he was cleaning and headed into the back to make whatever it was Nash suggested. Neda waited until the man was out of sight before speaking to the winter elf. “Who is he?”
“His name is Darwin,” answered Nash as he folded his hands upon the bar's countertop. “He is an old friend of mine. I've known him for many years now, ever since he was a young thing.” The waitress stopping by, dropping the two a glass of water for starters, the elf nodded at the young woman with a shake of his white tresses before grabbing his cup.
“Ever since he was…young? But you look young as well,” Neda said rather bluntly. From the look of the elf, he looked to be in his twenties at most.
Nash couldn't help but laugh a bit loudly at her comment regarding his appearance. “Well, us elves are known to live for some time.” He winked at her, his fingers tapping upon the clear glass before him filled with water. “While I may look young to you humans, I am actually 520 years old.”
Neda was attempting to have a drink when he spilled this news to her. She nearly choked on her water, causing her to cough a few times. “How can you be that old! That isn't possible!” She exclaimed in wonder.
“Elves live longer then humans,” Nash explained, patting Neda on the back to help her get her coughing under control. “The oldest man in our village is almost 10,000 years old.” The door opening and Darwin coming up front from the back, Nash regained his composure a bit and accepted the large plate of food.
“Maybe this will put a bit more into ya!” Darwin insisted with a chuckle, giving the plate to Nash, so he could decide what to do with it.
Accepting the plate, Nash showed the exotic, white rice with a few steamed vegetables and seasoned meat lining the plate. “Now, let's see how you like some of this.” Giving her a fork, he pointed to the vegetables and rice. “I am not sure how you eat vegetables back on the farm, but they are steamed over a fire and seasoned. You might come to like them.”
“What about this?” Neda asked, pointing at the white rice. “I have never seen that before.”
“This is rice from the east,” explained Nash as he moved some over towards her. “It is a rare find and rather expensive at that.”
Neda took some of the pieces upon her fork to have a taste. Even if it was bland at first, she still took a liking to it. “That's not so bad, I suppose.”
Nash moved the nearest sauce towards her. “Try putting something on it. You may end up liking it more.” Pausing for a moment, his expression became serious as he turned his head to look over his shoulder as if something was there. His elfin ears twitched to the sound of Neda's name being called beyond the walls they were within.
Catching his actions, the young farm girl gazed up at Nash before trying to figure out what it was he was looking at. “What is wrong? You looked like something is the matter.”
“Someone is calling for you,” said the winter elf before turning to Neda to help her to her feet. “Did you come with someone this time? You did say you did earlier, yes?”
Neda blinked a few times confused, as she couldn't hear anything. “Yes, I did come with my older sister and Thane.” Having to even say his name made her heart twist a bit in pain, but she tried her best not to express it so quickly. Before anything else could be said, the tavern's door opened to reveal the young knight. Witnessing him there before her, Neda turned to look the other way, not wishing to stare at him completely.
“Neda, so this is where you ran off to,” said Thane as he made his way over towards her only to stop midway. He knew coming any closer might cause her to get angry at him, and Thane didn't wish to cause a scene. “Who are you?” He asked looking at the winter elf now.
Nash realized he was being spoken to, causing him to chuckle briefly. “Forgive me, my name is Nash Darwin.” He bowed slightly to show some respect to the fellow human knight, though he kept his distance just in case. Nash was aware not many knights were open-minded about foreign races within the walls of Eytheria. “I just happen to know who Neda was, and I ran into her outside of the temple. I didn't think it was any harm to take her about the market place.”
His eyes focused on Nash long and hard before turning his attention to the young Cormac girl. “Neda, your sister has been looking for you,” Thane explained, ignoring the winter elf for the time being. “She is right outside. Why don't you go and see her?”
Seeing the way the knight presented himself, Nash could tell that he was a bit nervous with the company nearby. He merely studied Thane from where he stood, as the man in iron refused to look at him. Catching the suggestion, however, he turned to Neda and gave her a friendly smile. “It is best to make sure your sibling isn't worrying too much over you.”
Neda was resistant to do so, but knew that Blythe was probably worried sick about her. Nodding to Nash, she waved goodbye to him as she sidestepped Thane and made her way outside to find her elder sibling.
With Neda no longer within the area, Nash turned back to Thane with a raise of his thin, white brow. “You appear rather shaken for a knight. What could possibly have someone like you worried?”
Thane knew all about the winter elf race, as every now and then they would come into town. They were rare to see, but he knew them from reading about their lore written within books. “It is nothing too important,” Thane lied as he made his way over to one of the tables to have a seat. Blythe had told him earlier she wanted to have a moment with her sister, so he found it the perfect time to sit and meet with the rest of his night crew friends, who were out and about at this point and time. “Just a lot of thoughts running through my mind,” he mostly mumbled, bringing his hands together upon the wooden table. “I guess I am having a hard time deciphering what I should be doing.”
Turning to the side, Nash unknowingly put his hand upon the small sword he kept on his right hip. “Sounds from the tone of your voice, it is rather personal.” The reverberation of iron getting louder from the outside, the elf knew that more of the man's friends were coming to join him. “If I were you, I'd watch what you say around some people,” Nash advised before heading out of the tavern himself.
Even though he wasn't too trusting of the stranger, he knew Nash was right. When the door opened, again he saw some of his fellow friends coming inside. They were chatting with one another and laughing a good bit about whatever it was they were conversing about, causing Thane to raise his hand and call them over to where he was sitting. “Kale, Esmond, Milton,” he said to each knight friend he knew, greeting them with a handshake. “It is good to see you all again.”
“Aye, it has been awhile,” said Kale as he sat next to Thane about the round, wooden table. “How have things been? Even being on the same nightshift as you, sometimes I rarely even come across you!”
“Yeah, I've had some things to take care of as well as think over,” Thane admitted with a soft chuckle, to hide the seriousness best he could.
“How have things been going with you and that demon serpent?” Esmond asked, seeing as he had heard the stories about the demon messing with the Cormac Farm.
The beers given to the young men, Thane took his and brought it close to him. He didn't bother with a drink like the others. The thoughts running in his mind were too overwhelming at that moment. “Things have been interesting, to say the least. I was told some odd information about him.”
“Information?” Kale wondered with a raise of his brow. “Exactly who would know information about those beasts?”
“I won't say names,” Thane insisted, not wishing to call Lily out on it. “But I will say that he seems…almost human.” His friends silent, he knew he was setting himself up for criticisms, as nobody was all too intent to feel demons had any human characteristics. “And I followed him to his nest one night, and I found thousands of them behind Kalrune Village…”
Everyone at the table looked at one another in silent shock. Hearing that there were thousands of these demons not too far from most of their post startled the knights. “You said `thousands'?” Milton pried, as he moved in closer to the conversation from where he was sitting across from Thane. “How could there possibly be that many so close to a village we all patrol?”
“Where were they located?” Kale demanded to know eagerly.
Thane shrugged slightly, thinking on the location through his racy thoughts. He saw no harm in telling his friends at that point in time. “I guess they were in the abandoned graveyard area of Kalrune. Nobody really goes back there, so no wonder nobody really noticed them or said anything about it.”
“Unless those who have seen it never lived to say anything,” Esmond mumbled before bringing his beer to his lips.
“Esmond,” Thane said in a stern tone, as if to silence his friend from continuing. He didn't want the knights to get any ideas about the situation, as he found it completely harmless for the time being. “I say if the serpent demons haven't attacked the village in their full numbers, they obviously mean no harm.” Thane was thinking about what Lily said regarding the serpent demon she had been speaking to.
Esmond shook his coal black hair with an irritable grunt. “I don't know when you became such a forgiving man to them considering all that they've done lately.”
“Esmond!” Kale scolded this time.
The knight turned a cold shoulder to Kale with a `humph'. “I say if one of those beasts comes within inches of that village, we kill and skin it.” His armored hand met hard with the table in the form of a fist, causing the table to tremble and the glasses clank. “If they want to bring more onto us, I don't care! I know we have enough to take them all on!”
Hearing Kale slightly agree and Milton strongly, Thane looked away, letting the knights cheer at this moment. If anything, he was beginning to see exactly what Lily meant when she said most of the human race was a bit on the narrow-minded side. He may have had distaste for serpent demons, but he knew it was unwise to go looking for trouble unless it came looking for you.
With the moon coming into view, Thane and the others returned back to the farm. Everyone was silent on the way back. The knight continued to think on what all happened back at the tavern. He didn't wish to say anything about it considering Neda's dislike for the serpent demons already for what they did to her parents. With the Cormac Farm coming into view, he got his horse to come to a halt before dismounting to help the others as he usually did.
“Come, Neda,' began Blythe, as she helped her sister to the front of the house. “We should get cleaned up before bed.” Upon making it to the beginning of the staircase, she stopped when she heard the rocking chair out front creek. Her eyes catching the sight of Lily sitting in the chair, it nearly startled her seeing as it was late and difficult for her to see at night. “My goodness!” Blythe gasped suddenly with her hand to her chest. “You frightened me, Miss. Lily!”
Lily kept her clouded eyes gazing out in front of her, though she smiled and nodded at hearing the others had returned. “I am sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.” She could hear the porch boards moan underneath the weight exerted upon them as Neda and Blythe both made their way up towards her. “I thought, after dinner, I would come outside and just listen to the sounds of night. They sometimes help me sleep.”
“You're not afraid something may come out of nowhere and eat you?” Thane remarked as he eventually made his way up the stairs too after putting the two horses in the barn.
“Not in the least,” she chuckled, continuing to rock contently back and forth. “Besides, I will take my chances.” With Blythe escorting Neda inside of the house, Thane remained where he stood with the wooden door closed in front of him. Lily could sense someone was still there, causing her to tilt her head slightly. “Something wrong, Thane? I can sense you still there because of the faint smell of iron that always surrounds you even when you're out of your armor.”
“I don't wish to think too much on it,” Thane admitted quietly between them. “Thanks for your concern though.” Sighing heavily, he went inside of the house to get ready for his night shift down at Kalrune Village, hoping the guys had forgotten about what he had said prior.
With the nightlife back to herself for the time being, before Thane was to leave, Lily relaxed in the wood, carved rocking chair. It wasn't until she could hear the nearby rustling of the bushes did she pause in her rocking to listen closely. “Is someone there?” She asked quietly, wondering what could possibly be causing the bushes to rattle so much. Lily knew it couldn't be the wind. She could hear whatever it was getting closer to the house, prompting her to get a bit on edge. Everything was quiet for just a moment, before a familiar voice spoke to her.
“Lily,” Touya whispered from just around the corner of the house. “It's me!”
“Touya?” Lily whispered in return, not sure if anyone inside of the house would be able to hear her. She didn't move from her rocking chair to make it obvious she was speaking to someone if Thane was to reemerge. “What are you doing back here? I thought Jin was forbidden from returning.”
Touya sighed with a roll of his eyes. “If only Jin were so easy to contain. But I am here to talk about Neda.” Here, he paused as his narrow eyes shifted about the porch. Smelling iron, he recoiled back. “That man is still here, isn't he?”
Lily nodded. “Thane is still here, so you have to wait until he leaves.” Hearing the sounds coming from inside of the house, she waved in the direction of the serpent demon. “Quickly, hide!”
Ducking back into the bushes, Touya's eyes glistened off of the moonlight making them glow a bright, white color. Even though the smell of the iron irritated him to the point of wanting to hiss in defense, he tried to hold his tongue. He could hear as the knight spared a few words to Lily before heading out to his post in Kalrune. Touya listened carefully to the sound of the hooves of the horse trotting quickly down the dirt road behind the house. “Is he gone?” He asked, peeking out from around the house slightly.
“Yes, he is gone,” said Lily as she let the snake demon come to where she was sitting. “Now, what is this about Jin and Neda?” She could hear him slithering closer to her with how his scaly body weighed down the wooden boards. She knew he was near soon enough, causing her to reach out her hand as if to find his. When she struggled to find it, she felt Touya's cold hands grace her soon enough.
“Seeing as Jin is forbidden from returning here, he wanted me to bring Neda back to the nest with him for the night while she sleeps,” said Touya. He could catch the slight panic in Lily's blind eyes when he spoke of such a thing. “I know. It is very dangerous.”
“If he's not careful, she could really be killed!” Lily insisted in a high whisper. “I understand Jin's desire to withhold his promise to the lady of this house, but it is unwise to take such a step. I doubt the naga race is accepting of humans, and they probably won't hesitate to kill one.” Believing such a thing could happen made her tighten her grip within Touya's hands. “And I know Jin will probably be punished for such an act as well.”
Even though she couldn't see him, Touya nodded at her comment. “They don't take too kindly to our kind talking to humans. If he is caught, he will be punished for it—meaning, he could either be killed or exiled.”
“His kindness blinds him to what may happen to him and those around him,” said Lily simply as she brought her hand to her chin to think on a solution. “Is there any way this can be done safely?”
“Possibly,” Touya said after a period of silence to think on the question. “Where is she right now? I can put her to sleep myself if need be and carefully take her there.”
Lily pointed to the left where she knew the door was. “She is inside, but I think she is getting ready for bed right now.” Getting to her feet, she made her way over towards the font door with her hands stumbling upon the doorknob. “If you want, come with me but try to keep it quiet. The last thing we need is for you to be seen.”
Cautiously, Touya snuck inside of the dark living and kitchen room. Only the moonlight lit up the slightly spacious area, causing his eyes to shine in the darkness, as he sniffed around to find his way about the objects. His sky-blue scales rubbed against the floorboards, causing them to moan underneath his bodyweight as he did so. “Human houses still put me on edge,” he couldn't help but mumble honestly between them.
Getting to the staircase, he allowed Lily to go up first before following slowly behind her. Making it to the top of the stairs, the blind woman reached out to place her hand perfectly atop the wooden banister. She knew the girls' room was to the left of the stairs, making her tiptoe in that direction. Her hand upon the door, she turned to where Touya was with a finger to her lips. “Do not make a sound. I will let you know if they are both asleep. They just went to bed a few minutes ago, so I am not sure.”
“I will wait here,” said Touya with a nod, slinking back into the darkness of the house. He merely peaked around the corner to check inside of the room for a second just to see what was in there, as it smelled of humans, and his curiosity enticed him to do so.
Lily quietly made her way inside of the bedroom to listen to everything going on around her. She could hear that Blythe was quietly asleep for the time being—it could also be caught that the young farm girl was facing towards the wall while sleeping, as the breathing sound was a bit muffled. Finding her way to Neda's bedside, she placed her hand upon her shoulder just to see if Neda would wake in the least.
Feeling the hand upon her shoulder, the young farm girl didn't move at all. She was too tired from her lack of energy and actually spending some of it out on the town. Relieved that Neda didn't move, Lily picked her up into her arms, making sure at least the blanket was about her, before stepping out into the hallway where Touya was waiting for them both.
“She is still asleep, but be cautious when you take her back.” Lily knelt down to be within range of the serpent demon, so he could take Neda from her. “You may need to make sure she remains asleep. She won't take too kindly to being taken away by your kind.”
Touya took the young female into his arms to hold her close to his bare chest. “I will make sure of it,” said the ice serpent as he thought upon his poison nails, which could numb her body back into sleep.
Lily made her way back down the stairs, opening the door to allow the snake demon outside into the darkness. “Just please be careful,” she repeated nervously, her hands folded close to her chest with her blank eyes gazing out at nothing in particular. “I don't want anything to happen to anybody.” She sighed to herself, looking away. “I just have this bad feeling…the tension in the air is strangulating…”
“I will do my best.” Seeing as his hands were full, Touya used his tail to wrap it gently about Lily's wrist to squeeze it lightly for reassurance. “Take care of yourself. I will return with her in the morning before she wakes.” With that said, he quickly slithered back towards the nest where Jin was located.